blob: ae813ce9bfb183b605995e253bd62ae17a976eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h" // for FRIEND_TEST
class ScopedTempDir;
// Generic code to manage setting up and stopping a set of layered
// tunnel services. This object contains the code to manage a single
// layer. Services are meant to be started from outermost to innermost.
// Services are meant to be stopped from the innermost out. To
// stop the entire set of services, call Stop on the innermost.
// Services go from not-yet-started to started to in_running to
// was_stopped.
class ServiceManager {
ServiceManager(const std::string& service_name);
virtual ~ServiceManager();
// Initialize directories used by services. |scoped_temp_dir| will
// be set to manage an appropriate temp directory. This function
// uses a reference to |scoped_temp_dir| and so its lifetime must be
// equal to that of all objects derived from ServiceManager.
static void InitializeDirectories(ScopedTempDir* scoped_temp_path);
// Call to initiate this service. If starting fails immediately this
// returns false. If something fails after this returns, OnStopped
// will be called. Code outside of the service manager stack
// must only call Start on the outermost function.
virtual bool Start() = 0;
// Callback when this service has successfully started.
virtual void OnStarted();
// Call to stop this service. Must not be called on a separate
// thread from Start(). Code outside of the service manager stack
// must only call Stop on the innermost service. It is ok to
// stop an already stopped service.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Returns the maximum amount of time to wait before this call should be
// called again in milliseconds.
virtual int Poll() = 0;
// Process output from child process.
virtual void ProcessOutput() = 0;
// Returns if |pid| is a child process of this service.
virtual bool IsChild(pid_t pid) = 0;
// Callback when this service has stopped after having started
// successfully. |was_error| indicates if an error occurred.
virtual void OnStopped(bool was_error);
// Queries if this service is currently running.
bool is_running() {
return is_running_;
// Queries if this service was once running and is now stopped.
bool was_stopped() {
return was_stopped_;
// Set up layering between two service managers |outer| and |inner|.
// This function may be called multiple times to chain servics together,
// for instance:
// ServiceManager::SetLayerOrder(&turkey, &duck);
// ServiceManager::SetLayerOrder(&duck, &chicken);
static void SetLayerOrder(ServiceManager* outer,
ServiceManager* inner) {
outer->inner_service_ = inner;
inner->outer_service_ = outer;
const std::string& service_name() {
return service_name_;
// Repeat data from the given |fd| which is assumed to be ready and
// send it out to syslog, placing |prefix| before each line of
// output. Function will block reading fd so it assumes fd is
// ready. It will also only read a fixed size per call. Any
// partial line read is stored into |partial_line|. This variable
// is used on each call to prefix any newly read data.
static void WriteFdToSyslog(int fd, const std::string& prefix,
std::string* partial_line);
// Resolve given |name| into an IP address |socket_address| or return
// false if an error occurs.
static bool ResolveNameToSockAddr(const std::string& name,
struct sockaddr* socket_address);
// Convert given |address| into a string representation |address_text|.
static bool ConvertSockAddrToIPString(const struct sockaddr& address,
std::string* address_text);
// Convert given |address_text| in string representaton to |address|
// or return false if unable.
static bool ConvertIPStringToSockAddr(const std::string& address_text,
struct sockaddr* address);
// Find the |local_address| when making a connection to the given
// |remote_address| or return false on error.
static bool GetLocalAddressFromRemote(const struct sockaddr& remote_address,
struct sockaddr* local_address);
friend class IpsecManagerTest;
friend class L2tpManagerTest;
friend class ServiceManagerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(L2tpManagerTest, PollNothingIfRunning);
FRIEND_TEST(IpsecManagerTest, PollNothingIfRunning);
FRIEND_TEST(ServiceManagerTest, InitializeDirectories);
FRIEND_TEST(ServiceManagerTest, OnStoppedFromFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(ServiceManagerTest, OnStoppedFromSuccess);
ServiceManager* inner_service() { return inner_service_; }
ServiceManager* outer_service() { return outer_service_; }
static const FilePath* temp_path() { return temp_path_; }
// Indicates if this service is currently running.
bool is_running_;
// Indicates if this service was running and is now stopped.
bool was_stopped_;
// Pointer to the next layer or NULL if innermost.
ServiceManager* inner_service_;
// Pointer to the outer layer or NULL if outermost.
ServiceManager* outer_service_;
// Name of this service.
std::string service_name_;
// Path to temporary directory on cryptohome.
static const FilePath* temp_path_;
// Path to base directory of temporary directory on cryptohome.
static const char* temp_base_path_;