blob: a197316ec71860570f33629e53aa77763d736c20 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script may or may not come with a suffix.
# If this script is installed with emerge, the suffix has been removed.
# If this script is installed with scp, there still exists the suffix.
# Try to remove the suffix any way.
PROG="$(basename $0 .sh)"
# A local die function to print the message and then exit
die() {
echo -e "$@"
exit 1
# Read command flags
. /usr/share/misc/shflags
DEFINE_boolean kill false 'kill the existing webplot process' 'k'
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
set -e
get_webplot_process_status() {
echo $(ps a | egrep "python\s.+${PROG}" | grep -v grep)
if [ "$FLAGS_kill" = "$FLAGS_TRUE" ]; then
if [ -z "$process" ]; then
echo 'No existing webplot process.'
for p in "$process"; do
echo killing $p
kill $(echo $p | awk '{print $1}')
exit 0
# Search the webplot directory.
# Stop at the first found webplot directory. Priority is given to /usr/lib*.
DIRS="/usr/lib* /usr/local/lib*"
for d in $DIRS; do
PROG_DIR="$(find $d -name $PROG -type d -print -quit)"
if [ -n "$PROG_DIR" ]; then
echo "Found webplot path in $PROG_DIR"
if [ -z "$PROG_DIR" ]; then
die "Fail to find the path of $PROG."
# Start webplot if not yet.
if [ -n "$(get_webplot_process_status)" ]; then
echo "$PROG server has been started."
# Must run webplot as root as it needs to access system device nodes.
if [ $USER != root ]; then
die "Please run $PROG as root."
echo "Start $PROG server..."
python "${PROG_DIR}"/"${PROG}".py &
# Wait a while for the webplot server to get ready before launching
# a chrome tab to connect to it.
sleep 1
# Tell the user to type URL in chrome as there is no reliable way to
# launch a chrome tab from command line in chrome os.
echo "Please type \"localhost\" in the browser."