blob: 8a0490880be308c5f2c73f6e6ed7297f7250b4ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "wimax_manager/network.h"
#include "wimax_manager/network_dbus_adaptor.h"
using std::string;
namespace wimax_manager {
Network::Network(Identifier identifier, const string &name, NetworkType type,
int cinr, int rssi)
: identifier_(identifier), name_(name), type_(type),
cinr_(cinr), rssi_(rssi) {
Network::~Network() {
void Network::UpdateFrom(const Network &network) {
identifier_ = network.identifier_;
name_ = network.name_;
type_ = network.type_;
cinr_ = network.cinr_;
rssi_ = network.rssi_;
if (dbus_adaptor())
int Network::GetSignalStrength() const {
// According to IEEE 802.16, RSSI should be ranging from -123 to -40 dBm
// with 1 dBm increment.
int rssi = rssi_;
if (rssi < kMinRSSI)
rssi = kMinRSSI;
if (rssi > kMaxRSSI)
rssi = kMaxRSSI;
// Mapping from [-123, -40] to [0, 100] using integer divison.
int range_size = kMaxRSSI - kMinRSSI;
int half_range_size = range_size / 2;
int offset = rssi - kMinRSSI;
return (offset * 100 + half_range_size) / range_size;
} // namespace wimax_manager