blob: af1b6b6b0663bb426416107c8c08b20ce69d3936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "window_manager/wm_ipc.h" // for WmIpc::Message
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
class DestroyedWindow;
class Window;
// This is an interface for things that want to receive X events from the
// WindowManager class.
// Except where noted otherwise, consumers express interest in a particular
// window's events by calling
// WindowManager::RegisterEventConsumerForWindowEvents(). When the window
// manager receives an event concerning the window, all interested
// consumers' handlers will be invoked in an arbitrary order. Note that
// consumers may also need to select some event types on windows using
// XConnection::SelectInputOnWindow() in order for the X server to report
// those events to the window manager.
// The common case is:
// - A client creates a window and WindowManager begins tracking it.
// - The client tries to map the window. WindowManager starts invoking
// consumers' HandleWindowMapRequest() methods until one of them returns true.
// - After the map request has been sent (and typically before the map
// notify has actually been received -- override-redirect windows are an
// exception), WindowManager invokes all consumers' HandleWindowMap()
// methods. The consumer that will be handling the window (typically the
// one that handled the map request) registers interest in the window's
// events by calling RegisterEventConsumerForWindowEvents() with the
// window's ID.
// - Stuff happens and the interested consumer is notified about the window's
// events.
// - The client unmaps the window. WindowManager invokes all consumers'
// HandleWindowUnmap() methods. The consumer that's handling the window
// deletes any internal state about it and unregisters interest in the
// window's events.
// - The client destroys the window and WindowManager stops tracking it.
class EventConsumer {
EventConsumer() {}
virtual ~EventConsumer() {}
// Is the passed-in window an input window owned by this consumer?
virtual bool IsInputWindow(XWindow xid) = 0;
// Handle the screen being resized.
// This method is invoked for all consumers.
virtual void HandleScreenResize() = 0;
// Handle Chrome notifying us that the user is either logged in or
// logged out. This method is invoked for all consumers.
virtual void HandleLoggedInStateChange() = 0;
// Handle a window's request to be mapped. This is invoked to give
// consumers a chance to change a window's position, size, or stacking
// before it gets mapped. If a consumer wants the window to be mapped, it
// should do any desired setup of the window (but *not* map the window itself)
// and then return true.
// WindowManager attempts to invoke this method for all consumers. Once a
// consumer returns true, the window will be mapped and the event won't be
// passed to any other consumers.
virtual bool HandleWindowMapRequest(Window* win) = 0;
// Handle a window being mapped. Invoked for all consumers.
virtual void HandleWindowMap(Window* win) = 0;
// Handle a window being unmapped. Invoked for all consumers.
virtual void HandleWindowUnmap(Window* win) = 0;
// Handle a mapped window's initial contents having been fetched (meaning
// that the window can be drawn onscreen). Note that this is only
// invoked if it happens separately from the window getting mapped;
// Window::has_initial_pixmap() can be used to check whether we fetched
// the pixmap in response to the window getting mapped.
virtual void HandleWindowInitialPixmap(Window* win) = 0;
// Handle a mapped window's request to be configured (unmapped windows'
// requests are applied automatically). If the consumer wants to
// configure the window (possibly with different parameters than the
// requested ones), it should call Window::MoveClient() and
// ResizeClient(). Otherwise, if the consumer is managing the window but
// chooses not to make any changes to it in response to the request, it
// should call Window::SendSyntheticConfigureNotify().
virtual void HandleWindowConfigureRequest(Window* win,
int req_x, int req_y,
int req_width, int req_height) = 0;
// Handle a button press or release on a window. The first position is
// relative to the upper-left corner of the window, while the second is
// absolute.
virtual void HandleButtonPress(XWindow xid,
int x, int y,
int x_root, int y_root,
int button,
XTime timestamp) = 0;
virtual void HandleButtonRelease(XWindow xid,
int x, int y,
int x_root, int y_root,
int button,
XTime timestamp) = 0;
// Handle the pointer entering, leaving, or moving within an input window.
virtual void HandlePointerEnter(XWindow xid,
int x, int y,
int x_root, int y_root,
XTime timestamp) = 0;
virtual void HandlePointerLeave(XWindow xid,
int x, int y,
int x_root, int y_root,
XTime timestamp) = 0;
virtual void HandlePointerMotion(XWindow xid,
int x, int y,
int x_root, int y_root,
XTime timestamp) = 0;
// Handle a Chrome-specific message sent by a client app. Messages are
// sent to consumers that have expressed interest in the messages' types
// with WindowManager::RegisterEventConsumerForChromeMessages().
virtual void HandleChromeMessage(const WmIpc::Message& msg) = 0;
// Handle a regular X ClientMessage event from a client app.
// These events are sent to consumers that have expressed interest in
// events on the window referenced in the event's |window| field.
virtual void HandleClientMessage(XWindow xid,
XAtom message_type,
const long data[5]) = 0;
// Handle a property change. These changes are sent to consumers that
// have expressed interest in the (xid, xatom) pair with
// WindowManager::RegisterEventConsumerForPropertyChanges().
virtual void HandleWindowPropertyChange(XWindow xid, XAtom xatom) = 0;
// Take ownership of a DestroyedWindow object after the underlying X
// window has been destroyed. Use
// WindowManager::RegisterEventConsumerForDestroyedWindow() to register
// interest in owning a not-yet-destroyed window (but see also
// EventConsumerRegistrar::RegisterForDestroyedWindow()).
// |xid| shouldn't be used for anything other than passing to
// EventConsumerRegistrar::HandleDestroyedWindow(), since it refers to a
// window that no longer exists (and the ID may soon be recycled for a
// new window).
virtual void OwnDestroyedWindow(DestroyedWindow* destroyed_win,
XWindow xid) = 0;
} // namespace window_manager