blob: cc32e397d313bf262e20b04fce87a257b3ad2a62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// KeyBindings
// The KeyBindings class supports installing named actions and keyboard
// combos that trigger an installed action.
// A named action can have begin, repeat, and end callbacks associated with it
// which correspond to key down, key repeat, and key release respectively.
// Any of these callbacks may be NULL. Any number of KeyCombo's can be bound
// to a given action. A KeyCombo is a keysym and modifier combination such as
// (XK_Tab, kAltMask). For example, to install a "switch-window" action with
// the alt-tab key combo and have SwitchWindowCallback called on combo press:
// KeyBindings bindings;
// bindings.AddAction("switch-window",
// NewPermanentCallback(SwitchWindowCallback),
// NULL, // No repeat callback
// NULL); // No end callback
// bindings.AddBinding(
// KeyBindings::KeyCombo(XK_Tab, kAltMask), "switch-window");
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "window_manager/callback.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
struct Action;
class XConnection;
class KeyBindings {
// Set of possible modifer mask bits. OR these together to create a KeyCombo
// modifiers value.
static const uint32_t kShiftMask;
static const uint32_t kCapsLockMask;
static const uint32_t kControlMask;
static const uint32_t kAltMask;
static const uint32_t kNumLockMask;
// A key and modifier combination, such as (XK_Tab, kAltMask) for alt-tab.
struct KeyCombo {
// We lowercase keysyms (the uppercase distinction when Shift is down
// or Caps Lock is on isn't useful for us) and mask kCapsLockMask and
// kNumLockMask out of the modifier (so that bindings will still be
// recognized if Caps Lock or Num Lock are enabled).
explicit KeyCombo(KeySym keysym_param, uint32_t modifiers_param);
bool operator<(const KeyCombo& o) const;
KeySym keysym;
uint32_t modifiers;
explicit KeyBindings(XConnection* xconn);
XTime current_event_time() const { return current_event_time_; }
const KeyCombo& current_key_combo() const { return current_key_combo_; }
// Add a new action. This will fail if the action already exists.
// NOTE: The KeyBindings class will take ownership of passed-in
// callbacks, any of which may be NULL.
bool AddAction(const std::string& action_name,
Closure* begin_closure, // On combo press
Closure* repeat_closure, // On combo auto-repeat
Closure* end_closure); // On combo release
// Removes an action. Any key bindings to this action will also be removed.
bool RemoveAction(const std::string& action_name);
// Add a binding from the given KeyCombo to the action. KeyCombo's must be
// unique, but it is fine to have more than one combo map to a given action.
bool AddBinding(const KeyCombo& combo,
const std::string& action_name);
// Remove the KeyCombo. This may fail if the action to which the combo was
// bound has been removed, in which case the combo was already cleaned up.
bool RemoveBinding(const KeyCombo& combo);
// Called after the X server's keymap changes to regrab updated keycodes
// if needed.
void RefreshKeyMappings();
// These should be called by the window manager when keys are pressed or
// released. These methods return true if an action is invoked and false
// otherwise.
bool HandleKeyPress(KeyCode keycode, uint32_t modifiers, XTime event_time);
bool HandleKeyRelease(KeyCode keycode, uint32_t modifiers, XTime event_time);
// Grab or ungrab a combination of a key and some modifiers. We also
// install grabs for the combination plus Caps Lock and Num Lock.
void GrabKey(KeyCode keycode, uint32_t modifiers);
void UngrabKey(KeyCode keycode, uint32_t modifiers);
XConnection* xconn_; // not owned
// Non-zero when we are within a call to HandleKeyPress or
// HandleKeyRelease. This allows the action closures to access the event
// time if they need it.
XTime current_event_time_;
// The latest key combo associated with an action that we received.
// When |current_event_time_| is non-zero, this contains the combo
// corresponding to the action that is currently being executed.
KeyCombo current_key_combo_;
typedef std::map<std::string, Action*> ActionMap;
ActionMap actions_;
typedef std::map<KeyCombo, std::string> BindingsMap;
BindingsMap bindings_;
// Map from a keysym to the names of all of the actions that use it as
// their non-modifier key and the number of combos triggering them (e.g.
// if Alt-Tab and Ctrl-Tab both trigger "cycle-window", then the map will
// contain { XK_Tab: { "cycle-window": 2 } }.
typedef std::map<KeySym, std::map<std::string, int> > KeySymMap;
KeySymMap action_names_by_keysym_;
// Map from keysyms that we need to watch for to the corresponding
// keycodes that we've grabbed (note that the keycodes can be out-of-date
// if the X server's keymap has changed; HandleKeyMapChange() will
// rectify this).
std::map<KeySym, KeyCode> keysyms_to_grabbed_keycodes_;
// This RAII class can be used to track key binding actions. When the
// class is destroyed, all of the actions that were registered through it
// are removed.
class KeyBindingsActionRegistrar {
explicit KeyBindingsActionRegistrar(KeyBindings* bindings)
: bindings_(bindings) {}
// Register an action. See KeyBindings::AddAction().
bool AddAction(const std::string& action_name,
Closure* begin_closure,
Closure* repeat_closure,
Closure* end_closure);
KeyBindings* bindings_; // not owned
// Names of actions that have been registered.
std::set<std::string> action_names_;
// This helper class can be used to easily enable or disable a group of key
// bindings.
class KeyBindingsGroup {
// The group is initially enabled.
explicit KeyBindingsGroup(KeyBindings* bindings);
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
// Add a binding to the group.
void AddBinding(const KeyBindings::KeyCombo& combo,
const std::string& action_name);
// Enable or disable all bindings in this group.
void Enable();
void Disable();
KeyBindings* bindings_; // not owned
// Are this group's bindings active?
bool enabled_;
// Bindings under this group's control.
std::map<KeyBindings::KeyCombo, std::string> combos_to_action_names_;
} // namespace window_manager