blob: c93b7cd4111db96134cf0425d95127bfeef65843 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Calculates statistics for lists of data and pretty print them."""
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import time
import numpy
import stats_manager
TIME_KEY = 'time'
TLINE_KEY = 'timeline'
class TimelinedStatsManager(stats_manager.StatsManager):
"""StatsManager extension that automatically keeps a timeline.
Timestamp gets recorded when the data is added.
When calculating stats a timeline is also generated that starts at t=0
_tkey: key used for the timestamps column
_tlkey: key used for the timeline column
# pylint: disable=W0102
def __init__(self, title='', smid='', hide_domains=[], order=[],
time_key=TIME_KEY, timeline_key=TLINE_KEY):
"""Initialize by setting time key and setting it to hide in summaries.
Note: for title, smid, hide_domains, and order see for
details on usage.
title: string used as title banner for formatted summary
smid: StatsManager id used to prepend to output files to ensure uniqueness
hide_domains: list of domains to hide on formatted summary
order: domain order for formatted summary
time_key: key used for timestamp column
timeline_key: key used for relative timeline column (starts at 0)
self._tkey = time_key
self._tlkey = timeline_key
super(TimelinedStatsManager, self).__init__(title=title,
def CalculateStats(self):
"""Generate relative timeline before calling StatsManager CalculateStats."""
timeline = self._data[self._tkey]
timeline = [entry - timeline[0] for entry in timeline]
self._data[self._tlkey] = timeline
super(TimelinedStatsManager, self).CalculateStats()
def AddSample(self, domain, sample):
# pylint: disable=C6113
In order to preserve the balanced timeline adding invidual samples is
discouraged as it might result in uninteded behavior. If you find yourself
in need of this function, please implement it/raise a bug.
raise stats_manager.StatsManagerError('TimelinedStatsManager does not '
'support AddSample. Use AddSamples.')
def AddSamples(self, samples):
"""Record a list of domains and samples.
Record each (domain, sample) pair and the timestamp when the
pairs were recorded.
To avoid timeline discrepancies, this method ensures that each domain in
|_data| is of equal size. This is accomplished by adding NaN values
whenever there is no data-point for a domain at a given timestamp.
samples: a list of (domain, sample) tuples
samples.append((self._tkey, time.time()))
domains_so_far = set(self._data.keys())
domains_incoming = set([entry[0] for entry in samples])
if len(domains_incoming) != len(samples):
raise stats_manager.StatsManagerError('Domain appears multiple times.')
# Add a NaN for each previous time-stamp for new domains
new_domains = domains_incoming - domains_so_far
nan_col = [float('NaN')] * len(self._data[self._tkey])
for domain in new_domains:
self._data[domain] = copy.copy(nan_col)
# Add a NaN for each known domain that has no sample in |samples|
known_domains_missing = domains_so_far - domains_incoming
known_domains_missing_nans = [(domain, float('NaN')) for domain in
for domain, sample in samples:
super(TimelinedStatsManager, self).AddSample(domain, sample)
def TrimSamples(self, tstart=None, tend=None, padding=0):
"""Trim raw data to [tstart + padding, tend + padding].
tstart: first timestamp to include. Seconds since epoch
tend: last timestamp to include. Seconds since epoch
padding: add padding to tstart and tend to manipulate which data points to
trim and which to keep. Seconds since epoch
if tstart is None and tend is None:
# Avoid doing any work if there will be no trimming.
timeline = numpy.array(self._data[self._tkey])
if tstart is None:
tstart = timeline[0]
tstart += padding
if tend is None:
tend = timeline[-1]
tend += padding
# pylint: disable=W0212
for domain, samples in self._data.iteritems():
sample_arr = numpy.array(samples)
trimmed_samples = sample_arr[numpy.bitwise_and(tstart <= timeline,
timeline <= tend)]
self._data[domain] = trimmed_samples.tolist()