blob: 199d8914a55dd7d7db647e73e8929ce6445b397d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script to test servoflex cables attached to Servo V2 rev1|rev0.
See usage ( -h ) for more details
import logging
import optparse
import os
import select
import subprocess
import sys
import string
import time
# Import ftdi_common from the parent directory to get the Servo PID's.
import ftdi_common
# Servo V2 PID
V2_PID = ftdi_common.SERVO_PID_DEFAULTS['servo_v2'][0]
# Servo V3 PID
V3_PID = ftdi_common.SERVO_PID_DEFAULTS['servo_v3'][0]
def do_cmd(cmd, timeout, plist=None, flist=None):
"""Executes a shell command
Method uses subprocess.Popen and select to provide a capture of stdout &
stderr and non-blocking parsing of it for <timeout> seconds. If <plist> or
<flist> strings are seen command is deemed as passed or failed respectively.
cmd: string, command to execute
timeout: float, time in seconds until command assumed to have timed out.
plist: list of strings, If one of these strings is found while parsing
stdout | stderr, command deemed to have passed.
flist: list of strings, If one of these strings is found while parsing
stdout | stderr, command deemed to have failed.
Returns, 3 item tuple:
retval: None|False|True, whether command passed, failed or wasn't
obj: subprocess instance create by calling Popen. This provides
capabilities to keep daemons (servod, openocd) for more interaction
str: string, of stdout + stderr which is determined by presence of
absence of plist & flist.
retval = None
logging.debug("cmd = %s", cmd)
if type(cmd) is str:
cmd = cmd.split()
cmd_obj = subprocess.Popen(cmd, 0, None, None,
subprocess.PIPE, subprocess.PIPE)
assert cmd_obj.stderr and cmd_obj.stdout, 'Failed to get stdout & stderr'
start_time = time.time()
all_str = ''
while (time.time() - start_time) < timeout:
if plist or flist:
(rfds, _, _) =[cmd_obj.stdout,
cmd_obj.stderr], [], [], 0.01)
if len(rfds) > 0:
log_str = rfds[0].readline().rstrip()
all_str = all_str + log_str + '\n'
if len(log_str) > 0:
logging.debug("CMD_LOG: = %s", log_str)
if flist:
for fail_str in flist:
if fail_str in log_str:
logging.error("FOUND: %s in %s", fail_str, log_str)
retval = False
if plist:
for pass_str in plist:
if pass_str in log_str:
logging.debug("FOUND: %s in %s", pass_str,
retval = True
if flist and retval is None:
retval = True
return (retval, cmd_obj, all_str)
def launch_servod(options):
"""Launches servod.
options: options from optparse
retval: None|False|True, see do_cmd's retval.
pid: PID of servo process running.
cmd = 'sudo pkill servod', shell=True)
xml_files = '-c servoflex_test_v2.xml '
if options.pins == 50:
xml_files += '-c servoflex_v2_r0_p50.xml '
if options.legacy:
xml_files = '-c servoflex_test_v1.xml -c servoflex_v1.xml'
if options.v3:
pid = V3_PID
pid = V2_PID
cmd = 'sudo servod -p 0x%x %s' % (pid, xml_files)
(retval, servod, _) = do_cmd(cmd, 5, plist=['Listening'],
flist=['Errno'])"launch servod via %s", cmd)
return (retval, servod)
def set_ctrls(controls, timeout=0.2):
"""Set various servod controls.
Returns retval output from do_cmd
cmd = 'dut-control %s' % controls
(retval, _, _) = do_cmd(cmd, timeout, flist=['Errno', '- ERROR -'])
return retval
def get_ctrls(controls, timeout=10):
"""Get various servod controls."""
get_dict = {}
cmd = 'dut-control %s' % controls
(retval, _, out) = do_cmd(cmd, timeout, flist=['Errno', '- ERROR -'])
if retval:
for ctrl_line in out.split('\n'):
ctrl_line = ctrl_line.strip()
if len(ctrl_line):
logging.debug('ctrl_line=%s', ctrl_line)
(name, value) = ctrl_line.strip().split(':')
get_dict[name] = value
except ValueError:
logging.debug("Unable to parse ctrl %s", ctrl_line)
return (True, get_dict)
return (False, get_dict)
# write the openocd cfg file
OPENOCD_PASS = ['tap/device found: 0xd5044093']
OPENOCD_FAIL = ['Error:']
telnet_port 4444
interface ft2232
ft2232_layout jtagkey
ft2232_vid_pid 0x18d1 0x%x
jtag_khz 1000
# Xilinx XCF01S. Note MSB nibble (0xd) is device revision and can change.
jtag newtap auto0 tap -irlen 16 -expected-id 0xd5044093
# TODO(tbroch) Must sudo USE=ftdi emerge openocd
def test_jtag(options):
""" Test JTAG interface.
options: options from optparse
Returns True if passes, Fail otherwise
errors = 0
ctrls = ['jtag_buf_en:{val}']
if options.legacy:
ctrls.extend(['bios_en:{val}', 'jtag_vref_sel1:{pwr}',
# warm_reset/pch_disable used to save a buffer on test pcb alternate
# between access to SPI vs JTAG
ctrls.extend(['warm_reset:off', 'pch_disable:on'])
ctrls.extend(['spi2_vref:{pwr}', 'jtag_buf_on_flex_en:{val}'])
if options.v3:
openocd = OPENOCD_CFG % V3_PID
openocd = OPENOCD_CFG % V2_PID
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(pwr='pp3300', val='on')):
logging.error('Enabling access to JTAG')
set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(pwr='off', val='off'))
return False
# Due to slowness on the beaglebone wait a bit before continuing.
fname = '/tmp/servoflex_test_openocd.cfg'
fd =, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT)
os.write(fd, openocd)
cmd = 'sudo openocd -f %s' % fname
(retval, openocd, _) = do_cmd(cmd, 10, plist=OPENOCD_PASS,
if not retval:
logging.error('Testing JTAG')
errors += 1
cmd = 'sudo kill %d' %, shell=True)
# TODO(tbroch) should we stress jtag here? Currently only get TAP's IDCODE
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(pwr='off', val='off')):
logging.error('Disabling access to JTAG')
errors += 1
return (errors == 0)
FLASHROM_PASS = ['probe_spi_rems: id1 0xbf, id2 0x48',
'Found Generic flash chip']
def test_spi(dev_id, options):
""" Test SPI interface.
TODO(tbroch) actual part is SST25VF512A. See about adding it
officially to flashrom so we can do more than probe for it below
dev_id: integer, number corresponding to servod controls that operate this
SPI interface. Should be 0 | 1 | 2.
options: options from optparse
Returns True if passes, Fail otherwise
assert dev_id >= 0 and dev_id <= 2, 'SPI dev_id should be 0 | 1 | 2'
id_str = "%d" % dev_id
errors = 0
ctrls = []
if options.v3:
cmd = 'sudo flashrom -V -p linux_spi'
cmd = 'sudo flashrom -V -p ft2232_spi:spi_mhz=1,type=servo-v2'
if options.legacy:
cmd += '-legacy'
ctrls.extend(['jtag_vref_sel1:{pwr}', 'jtag_vref_sel0:{pwr}',
'jtag_buf_en:{val}', 'bios_en:{val}'])
# warm_reset/pch_disable used to save a buffer on test pcb alternate
# between access to SPI vs JTAG
ctrls.extend(['warm_reset:on', 'pch_disable:off'])
ctrls.extend(['spi{id}_vref:{pwr}', 'spi{id}_buf_en:{val}',
'spi{id}_buf_on_flex_en:{val}', 'spi_hold:off'])
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(id=id_str, pwr='pp3300',
logging.error('enabling access to spi %s', id_str)
return False
# TODO(tbroch) Determine why this 'settling' time is needed. Without it,
# the flashrom command below is less stable.
if not options.v3:
if dev_id == 1:
cmd += ',port=b'
cmd += ' -c SST25VF040'
(retval, flash, _) = do_cmd(cmd, 5, plist=FLASHROM_PASS,
if not retval:
logging.error('reading eeprom for spi %s', id_str)
errors += 1
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(id=id_str, pwr='off',
logging.error("disabling access to spi %s", id_str)
errors += 1
return (errors == 0)
def test_uart(dev_id, options):
""" Test UART interface.
dev_id: integer, number corresponding to servod controls that operate this
UART interface. Should be 1 | 2 | 3
options: options from optparse
Returns True if passes, Fail otherwise
errors = 0
assert dev_id >= 1 and dev_id <= 3, 'UART dev_id should be 1 | 2 | 3'
id_str = '%d' % dev_id
ctrls = ['uart{id}_en:{val}']
if options.legacy:
ctrls.extend(['spi1_vref:{pwr}', 'rx_en:{val}', 'tx_en:{val}'])
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(id=id_str, pwr='pp3300',
logging.error('Enabling access to UART %s', id_str)
return False
(retval, get_dict) = get_ctrls("uart%s_pty" % (id_str))
if not retval:
logging.error('Retrieving pty to UART %s', id_str)
errors += 1
if not errors:
fd =['uart%s_pty' % id_str], os.O_RDWR)
send_str = 'hello %s' % id_str
os.write(fd, send_str)
(rfds, _, _) =[fd], [], [], 1)
rsp_str = ''
reread_count = 0
while len(rfds) > 0 and reread_count < 1000:
rsp_str +=, len(send_str))
(rfds, _, _) =[fd], [], [], 1)
reread_count += 1
rsp_str = ''.join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, rsp_str))
if rsp_str != send_str:
logging.error('Sent(%s) != Rcv(%s) for UART %s', send_str,
rsp_str, id_str)
errors += 1
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(ctrls).format(id=id_str, pwr='off', val='off')):
logging.error("Disabling access to UART %s", id_str)
errors += 1
return (errors == 0)
GPIO_MAPS = {'off': 'on', 'on': 'off', 'press': 'release',
'release': 'press', 'yes': 'no', 'no': 'yes',
'ERR': 'error on initial read'}
KBD_MUX_COL_IDX = ['kbd_m2_a', 'kbd_m1_a']
def test_kbd_gpios():
"""Test keyboard row & column GPIOs.
Note, test only necessary on 50pin -> 50pin flex
These must be tested differently than average GPIOs as the servo side logic,
a 4to1 mux, is responsible for shorting colX to rowY where X == 1|2 and Y
= 1|2|3. To test the flex traces I'll set the row to both high and low
and examine that the corresponding column gets shorted correctly.
errors: integer, number of errors encountered while testing
errors = 0
# disable everything initially
kbd_off_cmd = 'kbd_m1_a0:1 kbd_m1_a1:1 kbd_m2_a0:1 kbd_m2_a1:1 kbd_en:off'
for col_idx in xrange(2):
if not set_ctrls(kbd_off_cmd):
logging.error('Disabling all keyboard rows/cols')
errors += 1
mux_ctrl = KBD_MUX_COL_IDX[col_idx]
kbd_col = 'kbd_col%d' % (col_idx + 1)
for row_idx in xrange(3):
kbd_row = 'kbd_row%d' % (row_idx + 1)
cmd = '%s1:%d %s0:%d ' % (mux_ctrl, row_idx>>1, mux_ctrl,
row_idx & 0x1)
cmd += 'kbd_en:on %s' % (kbd_col)
(retval, ctrls) = get_ctrls(cmd, timeout=30)
if not retval:
logging.error('ctrls = %s', ctrls)
errors += 1
for set_val in [GPIO_MAPS[ctrls[kbd_col]], ctrls[kbd_col]]:
cmd = '%s:%s sleep:0.2 %s' % (kbd_row, set_val, kbd_col)
(retval, ctrls) = get_ctrls(cmd)
if not retval:
logging.error('ctrls = %s', ctrls)
errors += 1
if ctrls[kbd_col] != set_val:
logging.error('After setting %s, %s != %s', kbd_row,
kbd_col, set_val)
errors += 1
return errors
V3_KBD_CONTROLS = ['bb_kbd_m2_c%d_r%d', 'bb_kbd_m1_c%d_r%d']
def test_v3_kbd_gpios():
"""Test keyboard row & column GPIOs.
V3 specific version of the test as the keyboard controls are now different
Note, test only necessary on 50pin -> 50pin flex
These must be tested differently than average GPIOs as the servo side logic,
a 4to1 mux, is responsible for shorting colX to rowY where X == 1|2 and Y
= 1|2|3. To test the flex traces I'll set the row to both high and low
and examine that the corresponding column gets shorted correctly.
errors: integer, number of errors encountered while testing
errors = 0
# disable everything initially
kbd_off_cmd = ('bb_kbd_m1_c2_r1:0 bb_kbd_m1_c2_r2:0 bb_kbd_m1_c2_r3:0 '
'bb_kbd_m2_c1_r1:0 bb_kbd_m2_c1_r2:0 bb_kbd_m2_c1_r3:0')
for col_idx in xrange(2):
if not set_ctrls(kbd_off_cmd):
logging.error('Disabling all keyboard rows/cols')
errors += 1
mux_ctrl = V3_KBD_CONTROLS[col_idx]
kbd_col = 'kbd_col%d' % (col_idx + 1)
for row_idx in xrange(3):
kbd_row = 'kbd_row%d' % (row_idx + 1)
kbd_cntl = mux_ctrl % (col_idx+1, row_idx+1)
cmd = '%s:1 %s' % (kbd_cntl, kbd_col)
(retval, ctrls) = get_ctrls(cmd, timeout=30)
if not retval:
logging.error('ctrls = %s', ctrls)
errors += 1
for set_val in [GPIO_MAPS[ctrls[kbd_col]], ctrls[kbd_col]]:
cmd = '%s:%s sleep:0.2 %s' % (kbd_row, set_val, kbd_col)
(retval, ctrls) = get_ctrls(cmd)
if not retval:
logging.error('ctrls = %s', ctrls)
errors += 1
if ctrls[kbd_col] != set_val:
logging.error('After setting %s, %s != %s', kbd_row,
kbd_col, set_val)
errors += 1
# Clear the keyboard key set.
cmd = '%s:0' % kbd_cntl
(retval, ctrls) = get_ctrls(cmd, timeout=30)
return errors
def test_gpios(options):
"""Test GPIO's across the servoflex connector.
The GPIO's are routed from the servo through the servoflex to the test
fixture which has its own GPIOE expander to sense the values. Test trys
both the assertion and de-assertion of the GPIO
1. GPIO's pch_disable, lid_open, dev_mode kbd ctrls can only be tested
if/when a test fixture w/ 50p connector is built.
2. Testing sd_detect requires sd_vref_sel:pp3300 sd_en:on
3. Testing mfg_mode requires spi2_vref:pp3300 fw_wp_en:on
4. The GPIOE on test fixture has built-in pull-ups to correctly provide
emulation of OD style GPIO's.
options: options from optparse
Returns, True if passes, Fail otherwise
pins = options.pins
assert (pins == 50) or (pins == 42), 'Pins must be 42 | 50'
gpio_prefix = ['test_']
if (pins == 50):
errors = 0
cmd = ['spi2_vref:{pwr}', 'sd_vref_sel:{pwr}', 'sd_en:{val}',
'fw_wp_en:{val}', 'jtag_vref_sel1:{pwr}', 'jtag_vref_sel0:{pwr}']
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(cmd).format(pwr="pp3300", val="on")):
logging.error('Steering i2c mux to remote')
return False
(retval, all_ctrls) = get_ctrls('', timeout=2)
if not retval:
logging.error('Getting all ctrls')
return False
gpios_to_test = {}
for ctrl_name in all_ctrls:
for prefix in gpio_prefix:
if ctrl_name.startswith(prefix):
(_, real_gpio) = ctrl_name.split(prefix)
gpios_to_test[real_gpio] = ctrl_name
for _ in xrange(2):
for set_name, get_name in gpios_to_test.iteritems():
set_val = GPIO_MAPS[all_ctrls[set_name]]
logging.debug("Trying %s %s -> %s", set_name,
all_ctrls[set_name], set_val)
(retval, ctrl) = get_ctrls('%s:%s %s' % (set_name, set_val,
if not retval:
logging.error('Getting GPIO %s', get_name)
errors += 1
if ctrl[get_name] != set_val:
logging.error('GPIO %s from %s -> %s', set_name,
all_ctrls[set_name], set_val)
errors += 1
logging.debug('Done GPIO %s from %s -> %s', set_name,
all_ctrls[set_name], set_val)
all_ctrls[set_name] = set_val
if pins == 50 or options.legacy:
if options.v3:
errors += test_v3_kbd_gpios()
errors += test_kbd_gpios()
if not set_ctrls(' '.join(cmd).format(pwr="pp3300", val="on")):
logging.error('Disabling i2c mux to remote')
errors += 1
return (errors == 0)
# TODO(tbroch) determine version string methodology.
VERSION = "0.0.1"
def parse_args():
description = ('')
examples = (
'\nScript to test servoflex cables attached to Servo V2 rev1|rev0.\n'
'\n\tCan be used to test:\n'
'\t\t50 -> 42 pin servoflex V2 cables (connector:DUT_CONN_V2) via:\n'
'\t\t50 -> 50 pin servoflex V2 cables (connector:DUT_CONN_V2) via:\n'
'\t\t\ -p 50\n'
'\t\t40 -> 40 pin servoflex V1 cables (connector:DUT_CONN_V1) via:\n'
'\t\t\ --legacy\n'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog "+VERSION)
parser.description = description
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False,
help="enable debug messages")
parser.add_option("-p", "--pins", type=int, default=42,
help="Pin width of flex on DUT side. Either 42 | 50")
parser.add_option("-l", "--legacy", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Test legacy 40pin connector")
parser.add_option("-t", "--tests", type=str, default=None,
help="Tests to run. Default is all")
parser.add_option("-b", "--v3", action="store_true", default=False,
help="use beaglebone + servo v3 settings.")
parser.set_usage(parser.get_usage() + examples)
return parser.parse_args()
V2_TESTS = ['jtag(', 'uart(1,', 'uart(2,', 'spi(1,', 'spi(2,', 'gpios(']
LEGACY_TESTS = ['jtag(', 'uart(3,', 'spi(0,', 'gpios(']
# For V3 on the Legacy Flex just worry about gpios.
V3_LEGACY_TESTS = ['gpios(']
def main():
errors = 0
(options, _) = parse_args()
loglevel = logging.INFO
log_format = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s'
if options.debug:
loglevel = logging.DEBUG
log_format += " - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d:%(funcName)s"
log_format += " - %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format=log_format)
(success, servod) = launch_servod(options)
if success:'Started servod')
# steer i2c mux to remote for any IC's on flex or test fixture
if not set_ctrls('i2c_mux_en:on i2c_mux:rem'):
logging.error('Enabling i2c mux to remote')
return -1
if options.tests is None:
tests = V2_TESTS
if options.legacy:
if options.v3:
tests = options.tests.split()
for test in tests:
test_fn = 'test_%soptions)' % test"<------ START :: %s ------>", test_fn)
retval = eval(test_fn)
if not retval:
logging.error('%s FAILED', test_fn)
errors += 1"<------ FINISH :: %s ------>", test_fn)
logging.error('Servod launch failed')
errors += 1
cmd = 'sudo kill %d' %, shell=True)
return (errors == 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not main():
except KeyboardInterrupt: