blob: 5baf2dd8b6684687ef126f1cf957832ad597ecdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* Toad Utility -- The USB micro dev companion.
* If you just want an EC or AP serial console, you do not need this tool.
* The ftdi_sio module will expose the serial device which you can use normally.
* Press the button on the device to switch between EC and AP consoles.
* This utility lets you control the additional capabilites of Toad.
* You can:
* > Switch the console endpoint (EC or AP) via software and/or monitor it
* > Enable the EC boot mode and upload code (unless the RO screw is present)
* > Toggle the VBUS to the DUT to simulate connect/disconnect
* > Initialize Toad when it's fresh out of the factory
* Building is easy, just run "make", and optionally "sudo make install".
* i386, x86_64, and 32-bit ARM architectures should all work with this tool.
static const char *USAGE =
"command [options]\n"
" -s SN - Specifies the Toad you want to communicate with, by\n"
" --serialname=SN serial. If unspecified, the tool will use the first\n"
" Toad found. If SN is left empty (long form only) or\n"
" set to \"all\", all connected Toads will be used in\n"
" batch operations.\n"
" -f - Forces a command. Specify multiple times to apply\n"
" more force. Currently only used with initialize.\n"
" list - Prints out the serial.\n"
" initialize - Initializes the Toad EEPROM.\n"
" Use -f to re-program programmed Toad devices.\n"
" Use -f twice to re-program devices that are not\n"
" recognized as a Toad. (Use with -s; dangerous.)\n"
" status - Prints the full state: VBUS, EC/AP, boot states.\n"
" setvbus STATE - Sets or toggles VBUS, where STATE can be one of\n"
" on, off, or toggle.\n"
" setecap STATE - Sets the EC/AP target mode, where STATE can be one\n"
" of ec, ap, or toggle.\n"
" setboot STATE - Sets the boot override mode, where STATE can be one\n"
" of on, off, or toggle.\n"
" getmode - Gets the current effective mode: off, ec, ap, boot.\n"
" setmode MODE - Sets the effective mode, where MODE can be one of\n"
" off, ec, ap, or boot.\n"
" boot [FILE] - Boots the EC using the specified binary.\n"
" Uses stdin if FILE is left unspecified.\n";
static const char *CONSOLE =
" console - Opens a console to the DUT without switching modes.\n"
" ec - Switches to EC mode and opens a console.\n"
" ap - Switches to AP mode and opens a console.\n";
static const char *ESCAPES =
"Console escapes: prefix with ^X (Ctrl-X)\n"
" h, H, ^H (Ctrl-H) - Print out supported escapes (this message).\n"
" ^X (Ctrl-X) - Send a literal ^X\n"
" ^C (Ctrl-C) - Close the console. Returns a failure exit code.\n"
" ^D (Ctrl-D) - Close the console.\n"
" ^Z (Ctrl-Z) - Suspend the console into the background.\n"
" e, E, ^E (Ctrl-E) - Switch to monitoring the EC output.\n"
" a, A, ^A (Ctrl-A) - Switch to monitoring the AP output.\n"
" p, P, ^P (Ctrl-P) - Switch to monitoring the AP output.\n";
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "toad.h"
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
# include <libusb.h>
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/* Options for passing into getopt_long */
static const char *SHORT_OPTS = "s:f";
static const struct option LONG_OPTS[] = {
{ "serialname", required_argument, NULL, 's' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } // end-of-list sentinel
/* Commands and their dispatch functions */
static const struct cmd COMMAND_LIST[] = {
{ "list", cmdList },
{ "init", cmdInitialize },
{ "initialize", cmdInitialize },
{ "st", cmdStatus },
{ "status", cmdStatus },
{ "vbus", cmdSetVbus },
{ "setvbus", cmdSetVbus },
{ "ecap", cmdSetEcAp },
{ "setecap", cmdSetEcAp },
{ "setboot", cmdSetBoot },
{ "getmode", cmdGetMode },
{ "setmode", cmdSetMode },
{ "mode", cmdMode },
{ "boot", cmdBoot },
{ "console", cmdConsole },
{ "ec", cmdEc },
{ "ap", cmdAp },
{ NULL, NULL } // end-of-list sentinel
/* Config data at start of FT230X EEPROM for programming */
static const unsigned char TOAD_EEPROM_00[] = {
/* 00 */ 0x00, 0x00, // First two bytes must be zero
/* 02 */ TOAD_VID & 0xFF, TOAD_VID >> 8,
/* 04 */ TOAD_PID & 0xFF, TOAD_PID >> 8,
/* 06 */ 0x00, 0x10, // bcdDevice
/* 08 */ 0x80, // bus powered
/* 09 */ 0xFA, // 500 mA (2mA increments)
/* 0A */ 0x08, // Max packet size
/* 0B */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // bDeviceClass/bDeviceSubClass/bDeviceProtocol
/* 10 */ TOAD_EEPROM_DESC_START, sizeof(TOAD_DESC) * 2,
/* 12 */ TOAD_EEPROM_SERIAL_START, 0, // we don't know the size yet
/* 14 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // AC are normal skew, no schmitt, 4mA drive
/* 17 */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // AD are normal skew, no schmitt, 4mA drive
/* 27 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, // Do not invert TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS
/* 2B */ 0, 0, 0, 0, // Do not invert DTR, DSR, DCD, RI
/* 2F */ 0, 0, 0, // No battery charge detect, disable BCD pin, keep awake
/* 32 */ 0, 0, 0, // No I2C address, no device ID, no schmitt trigger
/* 35 */ 0, 0, 0, // Not an FT1248 (clock polarity, data endianness, flow)
/* 38 */ 0, 0, 0, // No RS485 echo suppression, no power save, D2XX driver
/* Entry-point.
* Processes global options, determines the command, and hands off to the
* command dispatcher (runCmd).
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
const char *device = NULL, *command = NULL, *option = NULL;
const struct cmd *curCmd = NULL;
int force = 0;
int c;
if (argc == 1) {
// Print usage and quit if there are no arguments.
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s%s\n%s",
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s", argv[0], USAGE);
return 1;
while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, SHORT_OPTS, LONG_OPTS, NULL)) != -1) {
if (c == 's') {
if (device) {
ERR(1, "Only one serial may be specified at a time.");
// "all" is equivalent to an empty string.
device = strcmp("all", optarg) ? optarg : "";
} else if (c == 'f') {
} else {
return 1;
// Grab command
if (optind < argc) {
command = argv[optind++];
} else {
ERR(1, "Please specify a command.");
// Grab option
if (optind < argc) {
option = argv[optind++];
if (optind < argc) {
ERR(1, "Too many parameters.");
// Hand off to the proper function.
for (curCmd = COMMAND_LIST; curCmd->name; ++curCmd) {
if (!strcmp(command, curCmd->name)) {
return runCmd(curCmd->func, device, option, force);
ERR(1, "Unrecognized command.");
/* Switches the TTY into raw mode and back (if it's a TTY)
* In raw mode, characters are passed through as they are typed (instead of
* line-based editing), and are not automatically echoed back out on the TTY.
* enable: non-zero to enable, zero to disable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error, or if stdin is not a TTY.
int ttyRawMode(int enable) {
static int rawmode = 0;
static struct termios orig;
if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
return -1;
if (enable == rawmode) {
return 0;
if (enable) {
struct termios raw;
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &orig) < 0) {
return -1;
raw = orig;
raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw) < 0) {
return -1;
} else {
if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &orig) < 0) {
return -1;
// Ensure that the cursor is at a new line.
fputc('\n', stderr);
rawmode = enable;
return 0;
/* Configures UART settings, using the constants specified above.
* returns: zero on success; non-zero on error. */
int ftdiConfigure(struct ftdi_context *ftdi) {
unsigned char latency;
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_baudrate(ftdi, TOAD_BAUD));
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_line_property(ftdi, TOAD_LINE_PROPERTY));
FTORDIE(ftdi_setflowctrl(ftdi, TOAD_FLOW_CONTROL));
/* HACK: After the FTDI chip comes out of reset, ftdi_read_pins doesn't
* return sensible results until ftdi_set_bitmode has been called to set the
* mode to bit-bang. Since we don't want to wipe the boot/vbus state every
* time we run the tool, we store some state on the FT230X to see if we've
* initialized it or not. Unfortunately, the only volatile state accessible
* is the latency timer, which is initially 16ms. Thus we check the latency
* timer and call ftdi_set_bitmode if it is not our custom value. The custom
* value can be anything (we don't care too much about the buffer timeout
* latency), as long as it's not 16.
FTORDIE(ftdi_get_latency_timer(ftdi, &latency));
if (latency != TOAD_LATENCY_TIMER) {
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_bitmode(ftdi, 0x00, BITMODE_CBUS));
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_latency_timer(ftdi, TOAD_LATENCY_TIMER));
return 0;
/* Opens FT230X devices and runs the specified command.
* If no device is specified, opens the first device with the correct
* description; this is either the generic FT230X description (in the case of
* the initialize command), or Toad's unique description.
* If device is specified but blank, operates on all devices that match the
* appropriate description.
* If device is specified and non-empty, opens the first device with the
* matching serial.
* cmd: the function to call on each device opened.
* device: the device specified as a command line flag, or NULL if --device was
* not provided.
* option: an additional parameter if provided by the user.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int runCmd(cmd_func cmd, const char *device, const char *option, int force) {
int ret = 0;
struct ftdi_context *ftdi = ftdi_new();
const char *desc = TOAD_DESC;
struct ftdi_device_list *list, *cur;
unsigned int i, count, num_valid = 0, num_failed_to_open = 0;
int all = 0, check_desc = 1;
// If we're initializing (and there's no force), look for generic parts.
// If we are 2x forcing, don't even bother checking desc.
if (cmd == cmdInitialize) {
if (!force) {
desc = FTDI_DESC;
} else if (force >= 2) {
check_desc = 0;
// If device is provided but blank, process all devices.
if (device && !*device) {
all = 1;
// Get the list of devices
FTORDIE(count = ftdi_usb_find_all(ftdi, &list, TOAD_VID, TOAD_PID));
// Go through each one and operate on them individually.
for (i = 0, cur = list; i < count && cur; ++i, cur = cur->next) {
char cur_desc[64], cur_serial[64];
int result;
// If we've specified a device, make sure it matches that.
// If the device doesn't match and we're operating on all, explain why.
if (ftdi_usb_get_strings(ftdi, cur->dev, NULL, 0,
cur_desc, sizeof(cur_desc),
cur_serial, sizeof(cur_serial)) < 0) {
if (all) {
prn_error("%u: unable to query device.", i);
} else if (check_desc && strcmp(cur_desc, desc)) {
if (all) {
if (!strcmp(cur_desc, FTDI_DESC)) {
prn_error("%u (%s): unprogrammed, or generic part.",
i, cur_serial);
} else if (!strcmp(cur_desc, TOAD_DESC)) {
prn_error("%u (%s): already programmed.", i, cur_serial);
} else {
prn_error("%u: incorrect description (\"%s\").",
i, cur_desc);
} else if (!all && device && strcmp(cur_serial, device)) {
// Didn't match the specified device serial.
} else if ((result = ftdi_usb_open_dev(ftdi, cur->dev)) < 0) {
if (all) {
prn_error("%u (%s): %s",
i, cur_serial, ftdi_get_error_string(ftdi));
} else {
// Matched! Do the proccessing.
if (all) {
prn_info("%u (%s): processing...", i, cur_serial);
result = ftdiConfigure(ftdi);
if (!result) result = (*cmd)(ftdi, option, force);
if (all && !result) {
prn_info("%u (%s): success.", i, cur_serial);
} else if (!ret) {
ret = result;
if (!all) {
// Clean up, and notify the user if there were no devices
if (!num_valid) {
if (!ret) ret = 2;
if (num_failed_to_open) {
prn_error("Failed to open %u devices.", num_failed_to_open);
} else {
prn_error("No valid devices found.");
} else if (all) {
prn_info("Processed %u devices.", num_valid);
return ret;
/* Sets the CBUS pins to the specified values, keeping others the same.
* For boot_mode and vbus_en, the special value SET_CBUS_KEEP can be specified
* to keep the value at the same state that it presently is.
* WARNING: passing SET_CBUS_KEEP to mode_sw is unsafe (since the user may be
* pressing the button), so this is not allowed.
* boot_mode: set to 1 to enable EC boot mode. This has higher precedence than
* EC/AP mode, but lower precedence than disabling VBUS.
* vbus_en: set to 1 to enable VBUS to the DUT. If VBUS is disabled, all modes
* are overridden with "off".
* mode_sw: set to 1 to assert the mode switch button, toggling the EC/AP mode.
* This is the same line that the user uses (via a physical button), so
* be sure to de-assert it once the mode switches.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int setCbus(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, int boot_mode,
int vbus_en, int mode_sw) {
unsigned char mode, mask;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
if (vbus_en == SET_CBUS_KEEP) {
vbus_en = ((mode & BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK) != 0);
if (boot_mode == SET_CBUS_KEEP) {
boot_mode = !(mode & BIT_BOOT_MODE_L_MASK);
if (mode_sw == SET_CBUS_KEEP) {
ERR(254, "mode_sw should never be set to SET_CBUS_KEEP in setCbus");
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_bitmode(ftdi, mask, BITMODE_CBUS));
return 0;
/* Sets the ec/ap mode by pressing the button and checking the result.
* Does not affect boot or vbus states.
* ec: set to 1 to change to EC mode, 0 to change to AP mode, or
* SET_EC_AP_TOGGLE to toggle the current mode.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int setEcAp(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, int ec) {
int ret;
unsigned char mode;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
// Check if the button is held down. If so, make sure we're not the ones
// holding it down, then alert the user and wait for it to be released.
if (!(mode & BIT_MODE_SW_L_MASK)) {
ret = setCbus(ftdi, SET_CBUS_KEEP, SET_CBUS_KEEP, 0);
if (ret) return ret;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
if (!(mode & BIT_MODE_SW_L_MASK)) {
prn_warn("The mode button is pressed. Please release it.");
while (!(mode & BIT_MODE_SW_L_MASK)) {
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
prn_info("The mode button has been released. Thank you.");
// If we requested a toggle, update ec to our target value.
if (ec == SET_EC_AP_TOGGLE) {
ec = ((mode & BIT_AP_MODE_EC_MODE_L_MASK) != 0);
// See if the mode even needs to be toggled.
if (!!(mode & BIT_AP_MODE_EC_MODE_L_MASK) == ec) {
// Press the button and wait for the mode to switch.
ret = setCbus(ftdi, SET_CBUS_KEEP, SET_CBUS_KEEP, 1);
if (ret) return ret;
// Wait for mode to change.
while (!!(mode & BIT_AP_MODE_EC_MODE_L_MASK) == ec) {
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
// Release the button. All done!
return setCbus(ftdi, SET_CBUS_KEEP, SET_CBUS_KEEP, 0);
} else {
// We're already in the right state.
return 0;
/* Rewrites the EEPROM of the FT230X with the settings for Toad.
* option: no options allowed.
* force: the user-specified force; non-zero forces operation by ignoring some
* sanity checks. >=1 allows rewriting an already-programmed Toad, and
* >=2 allows rewriting something totally unrecognized.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdInitialize(struct ftdi_context *ftdi UNUSED_ON_OLD_LIBFTDI,
const char *option UNUSED_ON_OLD_LIBFTDI,
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
int detected;
unsigned char serial[16];
int serial_size;
unsigned char data[TOAD_EEPROM_SIZE];
size_t i;
uint16_t checksum;
// Determine device type; assume the device doesn't match
detected = 2;
libusb_get_device(ftdi->usb_dev), &desc));
if (desc.idVendor == TOAD_VID && desc.idProduct == TOAD_PID) {
unsigned char product[64];
ftdi->usb_dev, desc.iProduct, product, sizeof(product)));
if (!strcmp((char*)product, FTDI_DESC)) {
detected = 0;
} else if (!strcmp((char*)product, TOAD_DESC)) {
detected = 1;
// Stop if we have insufficient force.
if (detected > force) {
if (detected == 1) {
ERR(2, "Avoiding re-programming part; specify -f to force.");
} else {
ERR(2, "Avoiding programming random device; specify -ff to force.");
// Get serial and print it out
FTORDIE(serial_size = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(
ftdi->usb_dev, desc.iSerialNumber, serial, sizeof(serial)));
// Make sure that our serial_size counts the null byte, like sizeof
if (serial[serial_size - 1])
// Update the manufacturer ID
serial[0] = TOAD_MANUFACTURER_ID[0];
serial[1] = TOAD_MANUFACTURER_ID[1];
prn_info("Initializing device %s", serial);
// Initialize the EEPROM part of libftdi. We don't actually use the stuff it
// initializes, but without this initialization, ftdi_eeprom_write will not
// function.
FTORDIE(ftdi_eeprom_initdefaults(ftdi, NULL, NULL, NULL));
// Grab the EEPROM data
FTORDIE(ftdi_get_eeprom_buf(ftdi, data, sizeof(data)));
// Overwrite the header information
memcpy(data, TOAD_EEPROM_00, sizeof(TOAD_EEPROM_00));
// Fix up the serial size
data[TOAD_EEPROM_00_SERIAL_SIZE_OFFSET] = serial_size * 2;
// Rewrite the manufacturer descriptor
for (i = 1; i < sizeof(TOAD_MANUFACTURER); ++i) {
// Rewrite the description descriptor
data[TOAD_EEPROM_DESC_START + 0] = sizeof(TOAD_DESC) * 2;
for (i = 1; i < sizeof(TOAD_DESC); ++i) {
data[TOAD_EEPROM_DESC_START + i*2 + 0] = TOAD_DESC[i-1];
data[TOAD_EEPROM_DESC_START + i*2 + 1] = 0;
// Rewrite the serial descriptor
data[TOAD_EEPROM_SERIAL_START + 0] = serial_size * 2;
for (i = 1; i < (size_t)serial_size; ++i) {
data[TOAD_EEPROM_SERIAL_START + i*2 + 0] = serial[i-1];
data[TOAD_EEPROM_SERIAL_START + i*2 + 1] = 0;
// Zero out everything afterwards
i = TOAD_EEPROM_SERIAL_START + serial_size * 2;
memset(&data[i], 0, sizeof(data) - i);
// Calculate and fill in the checksum (algorithm from libftdi's ftdi.c)
for (i = 0; i < TOAD_EEPROM_CHECKSUM_OFFSET; i+=2) {
checksum = (data[i] | (data[i+1] << 8)) ^ checksum;
checksum = (checksum << 1) | (checksum >> 15);
data[TOAD_EEPROM_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + 0] = checksum & 0xFF;
data[TOAD_EEPROM_CHECKSUM_OFFSET + 1] = checksum >> 8;
// Write back to the device
FTORDIE(ftdi_set_eeprom_buf(ftdi, data, sizeof(data)));
// Reset the port to reload the configuration
return 0;
#else // if NEW_LIBFTDI
ERR(1, "initialize command is not supported with libftdi 0.x");
#endif // if NEW_LIBFTDI
/* Prints out the serial on stdout, in a format compatible with "eval".
* option: no options allowed.
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdList(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force UNUSED) {
unsigned char serial[16];
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
libusb_get_device(ftdi->usb_dev), &desc));
ftdi->usb_dev, desc.iSerialNumber, serial, sizeof(serial)));
fprintf(stdout, "serial='%s'\n", serial);
return 0;
/* Prints full device state, in a format compatible with "eval".
* option: no options allowed.
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
* */
int cmdStatus(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force UNUSED) {
unsigned char mode;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
fprintf(stdout, "vbus='%s'\necap='%s'\nboot='%s'\nmodesw='%s'\n",
(mode & BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK) ? "on" : "off",
(mode & BIT_AP_MODE_EC_MODE_L_MASK) ? "ap" : "ec",
(mode & BIT_BOOT_MODE_L_MASK) ? "off" : "on",
(mode & BIT_MODE_SW_L_MASK) ? "off" : "pushed");
return 0;
/* Processes option parameter string for "on"/"off"/"toggle".
* Returns whether the new state should be asserted or deasserted.
* Properly handles inversion of the active-low inputs in toggle mode.
* option: the user-supplied option string, either "on", "off", or "toggle".
* mask: a single BIT_*_MASK value that denotes the option to be set.
* enable: returns the new value for the output.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int parseOnOffToggle(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
unsigned char mask, int *enable) {
if (!strcmp(option, "on")) {
*enable = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(option, "off")) {
*enable = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(option, "toggle")) {
unsigned char mode;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
*enable = !(mode & mask);
// The other masks are active low, so invert.
if (mask != BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK) {
*enable = !*enable;
} else {
ERR(1, "Unrecognized option.");
return 0;
/* Sets or toggles vbus.
* option: the user-supplied option string, either "on", "off", or "toggle".
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdSetVbus(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
int enable;
int ret = parseOnOffToggle(ftdi, option, BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK, &enable);
return ret ? ret : setCbus(ftdi, SET_CBUS_KEEP, enable, 0);
/* Sets or toggles the ec/ap mode.
* option: the user-supplied option string, either "ec", "ap", or "toggle".
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdSetEcAp(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
if (!strcmp(option, "ec")) {
return setEcAp(ftdi, 1);
} else if (!strcmp(option, "ap")) {
return setEcAp(ftdi, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(option, "toggle")) {
return setEcAp(ftdi, SET_EC_AP_TOGGLE);
} else {
ERR(1, "Unrecognized option.");
/* Sets or toggles boot mode.
* option: the user-supplied option string, either "on", "off", or "toggle".
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdSetBoot(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
int enable;
int ret = parseOnOffToggle(ftdi, option, BIT_BOOT_MODE_L_MASK, &enable);
return ret ? ret : setCbus(ftdi, enable, SET_CBUS_KEEP, 0);
/* Sets or gets the effective mode.
* option: if empty, outputs the current mode on stdout. Otherwise, it is the
* mode to change to; see cmdSetMode.
* force: passed to cmdSetMode/cmdGetMode.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdMode(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force) {
if (option && *option) {
return cmdSetMode(ftdi, option, force);
} else {
return cmdGetMode(ftdi, option, force);
/* Prints the effective mode to stdout, in a format compatible with "eval".
* option: no options allowed.
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdGetMode(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
unsigned char mode;
const char *name;
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
if (!(mode & BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK)) {
name = "off";
} else if (!(mode & BIT_BOOT_MODE_L_MASK)) {
name = "boot";
} else if (!(mode & BIT_AP_MODE_EC_MODE_L_MASK)) {
name = "ec";
} else {
name = "ap";
fprintf(stdout, "mode='%s'\n", name);
return 0;
/* Sets the effective mode explicitly.
* Changes VBUS_EN, BOOT_MODE, and toggles the MODE_SW as appropriate.
* option: the user-supplied option string, either "off", "boot", "ec", or "ap".
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdSetMode(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
if (!strcmp(option, "off")) {
return setCbus(ftdi, SET_CBUS_KEEP, 0, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(option, "boot")) {
return setCbus(ftdi, 1, 1, 0);
} else if (!strcmp(option, "ec")) {
int ret = setCbus(ftdi, 0, 1, 0);
return ret ? ret : setEcAp(ftdi, 1);
} else if (!strcmp(option, "ap")) {
int ret = setCbus(ftdi, 0, 1, 0);
return ret ? ret : setEcAp(ftdi, 0);
} else {
ERR(1, "Unrecognized option.");
/* Grabs all available input from FTDI and outputs on stdout without blocking.
* We start a one-byte asynchronous transfer. libftdi's chunking system will
* make this efficient. If data's already there, completed will be set to 1, and
* we can immediately print it out and loop. Otherwise, it will start an
* asynchronous request that we can then wait on using poll elsewhere, or
* revisit when we want to.
* read_tc: a state pointer that gets updated with the current read transaction.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int printAvailableFtdiOutput(struct ftdi_context *ftdi,
struct ftdi_transfer_control **read_tc) {
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
struct timeval zero = { 0, 0 };
int written = 0;
// Make sure libusb has a chance to process events
libusb_handle_events_timeout(ftdi->usb_ctx, &zero);
// Loop until there's no data available and we've initiated a read
while (!*read_tc || (*read_tc)->completed) {
// There's data available if we've looped and there's a read
if (*read_tc) {
// Grab the buffer pointer, since ftdi_transfer_data_done frees
// the structure
buffer = (*read_tc)->buf;
if (ftdi_transfer_data_done(*read_tc) > 0) {
// Output our byte
if (fputc(*buffer, stdout) == EOF) {
ERR(2, "Failed write to stdout");
*read_tc = NULL;
// We don't have to free buffer since we can immediately reuse it.
// If we didn't just finish a read, then we won't have a buffer.
// This will only happen once per ftdi_transfer_control* variable.
if (!buffer) {
buffer = malloc(1);
// Initialize the read
if (!(*read_tc = ftdi_read_data_submit(ftdi, buffer, 1))) {
ERR(2, "Failed to communicate with Toad");
if (written) {
return 0;
#else // NEW_LIBFTDI
/* We can't check how much data is available on the old libftdi, so no-op.
int printAvailableFtdiOutput(struct ftdi_context *ftdi,
struct ftdi_transfer_control **read_tc) {
if (ftdi || read_tc) {}
return 0;
#endif // NEW_LIBFTDI
/* Writes the buffer to the FTDI, receiving FTDI output at each step.
* buffer: data to write to the FTDI.
* length: length of the data pointed to by buffer.
* read_tc: a state pointer that gets updated with the current read transaction.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int ftdiWrite(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
struct ftdi_transfer_control **read_tc) {
while (length) {
int written = ftdi_write_data(ftdi, buffer, length);
if (written < 0) {
ERR(2, "Failed writing to Toad\n");
buffer += written;
length -= written;
if (printAvailableFtdiOutput(ftdi, read_tc)) {
return 2;
return 0;
/* Sets the system to boot mode, dumps code, and resets the mode.
* Will also print any messages that appear over UART out to stdout.
* option: if NULL, reads from stdin. Otherwise, a path to the file to write.
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdBoot(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force UNUSED) {
struct ftdi_transfer_control *read_tc = NULL;
unsigned char mode;
FILE *file;
int ret;
unsigned char buffer[1024];
size_t received;
// Save the VBUS state
FTORDIE(ftdi_read_pins(ftdi, &mode));
// Open the file
file = option ? fopen(option, "rb") : stdin;
if (!file) {
ERR(2, "Unable to open file for reading.");
// Set boot mode
ret = setCbus(ftdi, 1, 1, 0);
// Wait a second for EC to be ready
if (!ret) sleep(1);
// Dump the file
while (!ret) {
received = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file);
if (!received) break;
ret = ftdiWrite(ftdi, buffer, received, &read_tc);
// Return to non-boot mode
if (!ret) ret = setCbus(ftdi, 0, (mode & BIT_VBUS_EN_MASK) != 0, 0);
// Close the file.
if (option) fclose(file);
return ret;
/* Processes stdin input for console mode. Assumes there is input available.
* escaped: state variable for escapes, both read and written.
* Set to NULL if escapes are disabled (e.g. not a TTY).
* returns: zero if the user quit, 1 upon EOF, and anything else on error.
int processConsoleInput(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, int *escaped,
struct ftdi_transfer_control **read_tc) {
// stdin input is available. Grab what's there
unsigned char buffer[1024];
size_t available = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
size_t start = 0, current;
if (available == 0) {
// EOF
return 1;
} else if (escaped != NULL) {
// Search for and process escape characters.
for (current = 0; current < available; ++current) {
if (*escaped) {
*escaped = 0;
start = current + 1;
switch (buffer[current]) {
// Print out console help.
fputs(ESCAPES, stderr);
// Send the escape character.
start = current;
// Exit out, return failure.
return 2;
// Exit out, return success.
return 1;
// Suspend by calling SIGTSTP on ourselves.
kill(0, SIGTSTP);
// Switch to EC console
if (cmdSetMode(ftdi, "ec", 0) == 0) {
puts("*** Switched to EC console ***");
} else {
puts("*** FAILED to switch to EC console ***");
// Switch to AP console
if (cmdSetMode(ftdi, "ap", 0) == 0) {
puts("*** Switched to AP console ***");
} else {
puts("*** FAILED to switch to AP console ***");
// Consume it
} else if (buffer[current] == TOAD_CONSOLE_ESCAPE) {
*escaped = 1;
// Print out what we have so far
if (start < current) {
int ret = ftdiWrite(ftdi, &buffer[start], current - start,
if (ret) return ret;
// Don't spit out this and the next character
start = current + 2;
} else {
// Request to out everything
current = available;
// Print out what we have left
if (start < current) {
int ret = ftdiWrite(ftdi, &buffer[start], current - start, read_tc);
if (ret) return ret;
return 0;
/* Monitors the current UART console.
* If stdin is a TTY, changes it to raw mode and provides an interactive
* console with escapes.
* option: no options allowed.
* force: not applicable.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdConsole(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option,
int force UNUSED) {
int escaped = 0;
int *pescaped = NULL;
// Monitor for STDIN input and USB events
int ret = 0;
const char *poll_err = NULL;
struct pollfd *fds = NULL;
nfds_t num_fds = 0;
struct ftdi_transfer_control *read_tc = NULL;
struct timeval tv;
// Switch to raw mode, and set pescaped if we should handle escapes
if (!ttyRawMode(1)) {
pescaped = &escaped;
// Main IO loop
while (1) {
const struct libusb_pollfd** libusb_fds;
nfds_t cur_fds, i;
// Print any available FTDI output, and start input monitoring.
// NOTE: calls libusb_handle_events_timout for async stuff.
if ((ret = printAvailableFtdiOutput(ftdi, &read_tc)))
// Prepare the poll; lock libusb events
// Make sure a transfer completion didn't sneak in on us
if (read_tc && read_tc->completed) {
// Whoops! Loop around so that the events are handled.
// Make a list of all the fds we should poll on
if (!(libusb_fds = libusb_get_pollfds(ftdi->usb_ctx))) {
poll_err = "Unable to query libusb file descriptors.";
// Count the libusb fds
for (cur_fds = 0; libusb_fds[cur_fds]; ++cur_fds) {
// Add one for stdin
cur_fds += 1;
// Make sure our structure is big enough for all the fds
if (cur_fds > num_fds) {
num_fds = cur_fds;
if (!(fds = realloc(fds, sizeof(struct pollfd) * num_fds))) {
poll_err = "Realloc failed when polling file descriptors.";
// Fill the structure with fds, starting with stdin
fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
fds[0].events = POLLIN;
// Poll all of the libusb fds
for (i = 1; i < cur_fds; ++i) {
fds[i].fd = libusb_fds[i-1]->fd;
fds[i].events = libusb_fds[i-1]->events;
// We're done with the list
// libusb might want a timeout, so query it
if (!libusb_get_next_timeout(ftdi->usb_ctx, &tv)) {
// No timeouts. Specifying a negative timeout waits forever.
tv.tv_sec = -1;
// Poll
ret = poll(fds, cur_fds, tv.tv_usec / 1000 + tv.tv_sec * 1000);
if (ret < 0 && errno != EINTR) {
poll_err = "Call to poll() failed.";
// Allow for other threads to do event handling
// Handle user input if there is some available
if (fds[0].revents) {
if ((ret = processConsoleInput(ftdi, pescaped, &read_tc))) {
// ret == 1 means EOF, which is not an error.
if (ret == 1)
ret = 0;
// Clean up
// Print poll-related error messages AFTER ttyRawMode has been deactivated.
if (poll_err) {
ret = 2;
prn_error("%s", poll_err);
return ret;
#endif // if ENABLE_CONSOLE
/* Sets EC mode and monitors the UART console.
* option: no options allowed.
* force: passed to cmdSetMode and cmdConsole.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdEc(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force) {
int ret = cmdSetMode(ftdi, "ec", force);
return ret ? ret : cmdConsole(ftdi, option, force);
#endif // if ENABLE_CONSOLE
/* Sets AP mode and monitors the UART console
* option: no options allowed.
* force: passed to cmdSetMode and cmdConsole.
* returns: zero on success, non-zero on error.
int cmdAp(struct ftdi_context *ftdi, const char *option, int force) {
int ret = cmdSetMode(ftdi, "ap", force);
return ret ? ret : cmdConsole(ftdi, option, force);
#endif // if ENABLE_CONSOLE