blob: 87b3ed8af9ae72673a1800dc48285f3643f85322 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO (sbasi) - Implement BBgpio.
class BBgpioError(Exception):
"""Class for exceptions of Bgpio."""
def __init__(self, msg, value=0):
"""BBgpioError constructor.
msg: string, message describing error in detail
value: integer, value of error when non-zero status returned. Default=0
super(BBgpioError, self).__init__(msg, value)
self.msg = msg
self.value = value
class BBgpio(object):
"""Provides interface to a beaglebone's GPIO."""
def open(self):
"""Opens access to Beaglebone interface as a GPIO (bitbang).
BBgpioError: If open fails
def close(self):
"""Close access to beaglebone interface as a GPIO (bitbang).
BBgpioError: If close fails
def wr_rd(self, offset, width, dir_val=None, wr_val=None):
"""Write and/or read GPIO bit.
offset : bit offset of the gpio to read or write
width : integer, number of contiguous bits in gpio to read or write
dir_val : direction value of the gpio. dir_val is interpretted as:
None : read the pins via libftdi's ftdi_read_pins
0 : configure as input
1 : configure as output
wr_val : value to write to the GPIO. Note wr_val is irrelevant if
dir_val = 0
integer value from reading the gpio value ( masked & aligned )