blob: 70f70bcf35db38bc2fbdf2885a4e36afd4e86dbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Sometimes it is necessary to allocate a large number of small
// objects. Doing this the usual way (malloc, new) is slow,
// especially for multithreaded programs. A BaseArena provides a
// mark/release method of memory management: it asks for a large chunk
// from the operating system and doles it out bit by bit as required.
// Then you free all the memory at once by calling BaseArena::Reset().
// --Example Uses Of UnsafeArena
// This is the simplest way. Just create an arena, and whenever you
// need a block of memory to put something in, call BaseArena::Alloc(). eg
// s = arena.Alloc(100);
// snprintf(s, 100, "%s:%d", host, port);
// arena.Shrink(strlen(s)+1); // optional; see below for use
// You'll probably use the convenience routines more often:
// s = arena.Strdup(host); // a copy of host lives in the arena
// s = arena.Strndup(host, 100); // we guarantee to NUL-terminate!
// s = arena.Memdup(protobuf, sizeof(protobuf);
// If you go the Alloc() route, you'll probably allocate too-much-space.
// You can reclaim the extra space by calling Shrink() before the next
// Alloc() (or Strdup(), or whatever), with the #bytes you actually used.
// If you use this method, memory management is easy: just call Alloc()
// and friends a lot, and call Reset() when you're done with the data.
// FOR STRINGS: --Uses UnsafeArena
// This is a special case of STL (below), but is simpler. Use an
// astring, which acts like a string but allocates from the passed-in
// arena:
// astring s(arena); // or "sastring" to use a SafeArena
// s.assign(host);
// astring s2(host, hostlen, arena);
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
#include "utils/base/integral_types.h"
#include "utils/base/logging.h"
namespace libtextclassifier3 {
// This class is "thread-compatible": different threads can access the
// arena at the same time without locking, as long as they use only
// const methods.
class BaseArena {
protected: // You can't make an arena directly; only a subclass of one
BaseArena(char* first_block, const size_t block_size, bool align_to_page);
virtual ~BaseArena();
virtual void Reset();
// they're "slow" only 'cause they're virtual (subclasses define "fast" ones)
virtual char* SlowAlloc(size_t size) = 0;
virtual void SlowFree(void* memory, size_t size) = 0;
virtual char* SlowRealloc(char* memory, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) = 0;
class Status {
friend class BaseArena;
size_t bytes_allocated_;
Status() : bytes_allocated_(0) {}
size_t bytes_allocated() const { return bytes_allocated_; }
// Accessors and stats counters
// This accessor isn't so useful here, but is included so we can be
// type-compatible with ArenaAllocator (in arena_allocator.h). That is,
// we define arena() because ArenaAllocator does, and that way you
// can template on either of these and know it's safe to call arena().
virtual BaseArena* arena() { return this; }
size_t block_size() const { return block_size_; }
int block_count() const;
bool is_empty() const {
// must check block count in case we allocated a block larger than blksize
return freestart_ == freestart_when_empty_ && 1 == block_count();
// The alignment that ArenaAllocator uses except for 1-byte objects.
static constexpr int kDefaultAlignment = 8;
bool SatisfyAlignment(const size_t alignment);
void MakeNewBlock(const uint32 alignment);
void* GetMemoryFallback(const size_t size, const int align);
void* GetMemory(const size_t size, const int align) {
assert(remaining_ <= block_size_); // an invariant
if (size > 0 && size <= remaining_ && align == 1) { // common case
last_alloc_ = freestart_;
freestart_ += size;
remaining_ -= size;
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(last_alloc_);
return GetMemoryFallback(size, align);
// This doesn't actually free any memory except for the last piece allocated
void ReturnMemory(void* memory, const size_t size) {
if (memory == last_alloc_ &&
size == static_cast<size_t>(freestart_ - last_alloc_)) {
remaining_ += size;
freestart_ = last_alloc_;
// This is used by Realloc() -- usually we Realloc just by copying to a
// bigger space, but for the last alloc we can realloc by growing the region.
bool AdjustLastAlloc(void* last_alloc, const size_t newsize);
Status status_;
size_t remaining_;
struct AllocatedBlock {
char* mem;
size_t size;
size_t alignment;
// Allocate new new block of at least block_size, with the specified
// alignment.
// The returned AllocatedBlock* is valid until the next call to AllocNewBlock
// or Reset (i.e. anything that might affect overflow_blocks_).
AllocatedBlock* AllocNewBlock(const size_t block_size,
const uint32 alignment);
const AllocatedBlock* IndexToBlock(int index) const;
const size_t block_size_;
char* freestart_; // beginning of the free space in most recent block
char* freestart_when_empty_; // beginning of the free space when we're empty
char* last_alloc_; // used to make sure ReturnBytes() is safe
// if the first_blocks_ aren't enough, expand into overflow_blocks_.
std::vector<AllocatedBlock>* overflow_blocks_;
// STL vector isn't as efficient as it could be, so we use an array at first
const bool first_block_externally_owned_; // true if they pass in 1st block
const bool page_aligned_; // when true, all blocks need to be page aligned
int8_t blocks_alloced_; // how many of the first_blocks_ have been allocated
AllocatedBlock first_blocks_[16]; // the length of this array is arbitrary
void FreeBlocks(); // Frees all except first block
BaseArena(const BaseArena&) = delete;
BaseArena& operator=(const BaseArena&) = delete;
class UnsafeArena : public BaseArena {
// Allocates a thread-compatible arena with the specified block size.
explicit UnsafeArena(const size_t block_size)
: BaseArena(nullptr, block_size, false) {}
UnsafeArena(const size_t block_size, bool align)
: BaseArena(nullptr, block_size, align) {}
// Allocates a thread-compatible arena with the specified block
// size. "first_block" must have size "block_size". Memory is
// allocated from "first_block" until it is exhausted; after that
// memory is allocated by allocating new blocks from the heap.
UnsafeArena(char* first_block, const size_t block_size)
: BaseArena(first_block, block_size, false) {}
UnsafeArena(char* first_block, const size_t block_size, bool align)
: BaseArena(first_block, block_size, align) {}
char* Alloc(const size_t size) {
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(GetMemory(size, 1));
void* AllocAligned(const size_t size, const int align) {
return GetMemory(size, align);
// Allocates and initializes an object on the arena.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T* AllocAndInit(Args&&... args) {
return new (reinterpret_cast<T*>(AllocAligned(sizeof(T), alignof(T))))
char* Calloc(const size_t size) {
void* return_value = Alloc(size);
memset(return_value, 0, size);
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(return_value);
void* CallocAligned(const size_t size, const int align) {
void* return_value = AllocAligned(size, align);
memset(return_value, 0, size);
return return_value;
// Free does nothing except for the last piece allocated.
void Free(void* memory, size_t size) { ReturnMemory(memory, size); }
char* SlowAlloc(size_t size) override { // "slow" 'cause it's virtual
return Alloc(size);
void SlowFree(void* memory,
size_t size) override { // "slow" 'cause it's virt
Free(memory, size);
char* SlowRealloc(char* memory, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) override {
return Realloc(memory, old_size, new_size);
char* Memdup(const char* s, size_t bytes) {
char* newstr = Alloc(bytes);
memcpy(newstr, s, bytes);
return newstr;
char* MemdupPlusNUL(const char* s, size_t bytes) { // like "string(s, len)"
char* newstr = Alloc(bytes + 1);
memcpy(newstr, s, bytes);
newstr[bytes] = '\0';
return newstr;
char* Strdup(const char* s) { return Memdup(s, strlen(s) + 1); }
// Unlike libc's strncpy, I always NUL-terminate. libc's semantics are dumb.
// This will allocate at most n+1 bytes (+1 is for the nul terminator).
char* Strndup(const char* s, size_t n) {
// Use memchr so we don't walk past n.
// We can't use the one in //strings since this is the base library,
// so we have to reinterpret_cast from the libc void*.
const char* eos = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(memchr(s, '\0', n));
// if no null terminator found, use full n
const size_t bytes = (eos == nullptr) ? n : eos - s;
return MemdupPlusNUL(s, bytes);
// You can realloc a previously-allocated string either bigger or smaller.
// We can be more efficient if you realloc a string right after you allocate
// it (eg allocate way-too-much space, fill it, realloc to just-big-enough)
char* Realloc(char* original, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
// If you know the new size is smaller (or equal), you don't need to know
// oldsize. We don't check that newsize is smaller, so you'd better be sure!
char* Shrink(char* s, size_t newsize) {
AdjustLastAlloc(s, newsize); // reclaim space if we can
return s; // never need to move if we go smaller
// We make a copy so you can keep track of status at a given point in time
Status status() const { return status_; }
// Number of bytes remaining before the arena has to allocate another block.
size_t bytes_until_next_allocation() const { return remaining_; }
UnsafeArena(const UnsafeArena&) = delete;
UnsafeArena& operator=(const UnsafeArena&) = delete;
virtual void UnusedKeyMethod(); // Dummy key method to avoid weak vtable.
} // namespace libtextclassifier3