blob: 2360863e7352003bd316f48c90734ce46e30f0ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Utility functions for pre-processing, creating and testing context free
// grammars.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "utils/grammar/types.h"
#include "utils/grammar/utils/ir.h"
namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar {
// Special nonterminals.
constexpr const char* kFiller = "<filler>";
// All rules for a grammar will be collected in a rules object.
// Rules r;
// CallbackId date_output_callback = 1;
// CallbackId day_filter_callback = 2; r.DefineFilter(day_filter_callback);
// CallbackId year_filter_callback = 3; r.DefineFilter(year_filter_callback);
// r.Add("<date>", {"<monthname>", "<day>", <year>"},
// date_output_callback);
// r.Add("<monthname>", {"January"});
// ...
// r.Add("<monthname>", {"December"});
// r.Add("<day>", {"<string_of_digits>"}, day_filter_callback);
// r.Add("<year>", {"<string_of_digits>"}, year_filter_callback);
// The Add() method adds a rule with a given lhs, rhs, and (optionally)
// callback. The rhs is just a list of terminals and nonterminals. Anything
// surrounded in angle brackets is considered a nonterminal. A "?" can follow
// any element of the RHS, like this:
// r.Add("<date>", {"<monthname>", "<day>?", ",?", "<year>"});
// This indicates that the <day> and "," parts of the rhs are optional.
// (This is just notational shorthand for adding a bunch of rules.)
// Once you're done adding rules and callbacks to the Rules object,
// call r.Finalize() on it. This lowers the rule set into an internal
// representation.
class Rules {
explicit Rules(const int num_shards = 1) : num_shards_(num_shards) {}
// Represents one item in a right-hand side, a single terminal or nonterminal.
struct RhsElement {
RhsElement() {}
explicit RhsElement(const std::string& terminal, const bool is_optional)
: is_terminal(true),
is_constituent(false) {}
explicit RhsElement(const int nonterminal, const bool is_optional,
const bool is_constituent = true)
: is_terminal(false),
is_constituent(is_constituent) {}
bool is_terminal;
std::string terminal;
int nonterminal;
bool is_optional;
// Whether the element is a constituent of a rule - these are the explicit
// nonterminals, but not terminals or implicitly added anchors.
bool is_constituent;
// Represents the right-hand side, and possibly callback, of one rule.
struct Rule {
std::vector<RhsElement> rhs;
CallbackId callback = kNoCallback;
int64 callback_param = 0;
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1;
bool case_sensitive = false;
int shard = 0;
struct NontermInfo {
// The name of the non-terminal, if defined.
std::string name;
// Whether the nonterminal is provided via an annotation.
bool from_annotation = false;
// Rules that have this non-terminal as the lhs.
std::vector<int> rules;
// Regex rules that have this non-terminal as the lhs.
std::vector<int> regex_rules;
// Adds a rule `lhs ::= rhs` with the given callback id and parameter.
// Note: Nonterminal names are in angle brackets and cannot contain
// whitespace. The `rhs` is a list of components, each of which is either:
// * A nonterminal name (in angle brackets)
// * A terminal
// optionally followed by a `?` which indicates that the component is
// optional. The `rhs` must contain at least one non-optional component.
void Add(const std::string& lhs, const std::vector<std::string>& rhs,
const CallbackId callback = kNoCallback,
const int64 callback_param = 0, int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
// Adds a rule `lhs ::= rhs` with the given callback id and parameter.
// The `rhs` must contain at least one non-optional component.
void Add(int lhs, const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs,
CallbackId callback = kNoCallback, int64 callback_param = 0,
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1, bool case_sensitive = false,
int shard = 0);
// Adds a rule `lhs ::= rhs` with exclusion.
// The rule only matches, if `excluded_nonterminal` doesn't match the same
// span.
void AddWithExclusion(const std::string& lhs,
const std::vector<std::string>& rhs,
const std::string& excluded_nonterminal,
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
// Adds an assertion callback.
void AddAssertion(const std::string& lhs, const std::vector<std::string>& rhs,
bool negative = true, int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
// Adds a mapping callback.
void AddValueMapping(const std::string& lhs,
const std::vector<std::string>& rhs, int64 value,
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
void AddValueMapping(int lhs, const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs, int64 value,
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
// Adds a regex rule.
void AddRegex(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& regex_pattern);
void AddRegex(int lhs, const std::string& regex_pattern);
// Creates a nonterminal with the given name, if one doesn't already exist.
int AddNonterminal(const std::string& nonterminal_name);
// Creates a new nonterminal.
int AddNewNonterminal();
// Defines a nonterminal for an externally provided annotation.
int AddAnnotation(const std::string& annotation_name);
// Defines a nonterminal for an externally provided annotation.
void BindAnnotation(const std::string& nonterminal_name,
const std::string& annotation_name);
// Adds an alias for a nonterminal. This is a separate name for the same
// nonterminal.
void AddAlias(const std::string& nonterminal_name, const std::string& alias);
// Defines a new filter id.
void DefineFilter(const CallbackId filter_id) { filters_.insert(filter_id); }
// Lowers the rule set into the intermediate representation.
// Treats nonterminals given by the argument `predefined_nonterminals` as
// defined externally. This allows to define rules that are dependent on
// non-terminals produced by e.g. existing text annotations and that will be
// fed to the matcher by the lexer.
Ir Finalize(const std::set<std::string>& predefined_nonterminals = {}) const;
const std::vector<NontermInfo>& nonterminals() const { return nonterminals_; }
const std::vector<Rule>& rules() const { return rules_; }
void ExpandOptionals(
int lhs, const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs, CallbackId callback,
int64 callback_param, int8 max_whitespace_gap, bool case_sensitive,
int shard, std::vector<int>::const_iterator optional_element_indices,
std::vector<int>::const_iterator optional_element_indices_end,
std::vector<bool>* omit_these);
// Applies optimizations to the right hand side of a rule.
std::vector<RhsElement> OptimizeRhs(const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs);
// Removes start and end anchors in case they are followed (respectively
// preceded) by unbounded filler.
std::vector<RhsElement> ResolveAnchors(
const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs) const;
// Rewrites fillers in a rule.
// Fillers in a rule such as `lhs ::= <a> <filler> <b>` could be lowered as
// <tokens> ::= <token>
// <tokens> ::= <tokens> <token>
// This has the disadvantage that it will produce a match for each possible
// span in the text, which is quadratic in the number of tokens.
// It can be more efficiently written as:
// `lhs ::= <a_with_tokens> <b>` with
// `<a_with_tokens> ::= <a>`
// `<a_with_tokens> ::= <a_with_tokens> <token>`
// In this each occurrence of `<a>` can start a sequence of tokens.
std::vector<RhsElement> ResolveFillers(const std::vector<RhsElement>& rhs);
// Checks whether an element denotes a specific nonterminal.
bool IsNonterminalOfName(const RhsElement& element,
const std::string& nonterminal) const;
// Checks whether the fillers are used in any active rule.
bool UsesFillers() const;
const int num_shards_;
// Non-terminal to id map.
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> nonterminal_names_;
std::vector<NontermInfo> nonterminals_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> nonterminal_alias_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> annotation_nonterminals_;
// Rules.
std::vector<Rule> rules_;
std::vector<std::string> regex_rules_;
// Ids of callbacks that should be treated as filters.
std::unordered_set<CallbackId> filters_;
} // namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar