blob: 0288067a1690c45d7e8ad013be71c5ad6597e511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "video_device.h"
// structure represents S19 binary format
struct S19Block {
// header block. Header block has address and data
std::pair<uint16_t, std::vector<uint8_t>> Header;
// data blocks. Each data block has the address and data
std::vector<std::pair<uint16_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>> Data;
* Logitech eeprom device class to handle eeprom firmware update.
class EepromDevice : public VideoDevice {
* @brief Constructor with product id
* @param pid Product id string
EepromDevice(std::string pid);
virtual ~EepromDevice();
* @brief Reads the device version.
* @param deviceVersion Output device version string.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if read ok, error code otherwise.
virtual int readDeviceVersion(std::string* deviceVersion);
* @brief Gets the binary image version.
* @param buffer The image buffer to read from
* @param imageVersion Output device version string.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if succeeded, error code otherwise.
virtual int getImageVersion(std::vector<char> buffer,
std::string* imageVersion);
* @brief Verifies the image to make sure it's secure.
* @param buffer The image buffer to verify.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if verified ok, error code otherwise.
virtual int verifyImage(std::vector<char> buffer);
* @brief Performs firmware update.
* @param buffer Firmware image buffer.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if updated ok, error code otherwise.
virtual int performUpdate(std::vector<char> buffer);
* @brief Parses S19 binary file.
* @param buffer The binary buffer.
* @param imageBlocks Parsed image block.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if parsed ok, error code otherwise.
int parseS19(std::vector<char> buffer, std::vector<S19Block>* imageBlocks);
* @brief Sends image blocks to eeprom device.
* @param imageBlocks Parsed image block.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if sent ok, error code otherwise.
int sendImage(std::vector<S19Block> imageBlocks);
* @brief Splits the S19 binary file into lines.
* @param buffer The binary buffer.
* @return vector containing one string for each line.
std::vector<std::string> splitBinaryIntoLines(std::vector<char> buffer);
* @brief Reads the image byte at address.
* @param imageBlocks The parsed S19 image blocks.
* @param address Address to read from.
* @param value Output value.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if read ok, error code otherwise.
int readImageByte(std::vector<S19Block> imageBlocks,
uint16_t address,
uint8_t* value);
* @brief Counts the image bytes.
* @param imageBlocks The parsed S19 image blocks.
* @return image blocks size or 0 if error.
int countImageBytes(std::vector<S19Block> imageBlocks);
* @brief Writes eeprom byte to the device.
* @param address Address to write to.
* @param byte Byte to write.
* @return kLogiErrorNoError if succeeded, error code otherwise.
int writeEepromByte(uint16_t address, uint8_t byte);
#endif /* SRC_EEPROM_DEVICE_H_ */