blob: 86af7e4bfb413b848f31c27b08544570df4e5689 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
const char kLogiGuidDeviceInfo[] = "69678ee4-410f-40db-a850-7420d7d8240e";
const char kLogiGuidAITCustom[] = "23e49ed0-1178-4f31-ae52-d2fb8a8d3b48";
const char kLogiGuidTestDebug[] = "1f5d4ca9-de11-4487-840d-50933c8ec8d1";
const char kLogiGuidPeripheralControl[] =
* @brief Gets contents of the directory.
* @param directory The directory path to get contents.
* @param contents Ouput vector of the content paths.
* @return true if succeeded, false otherwise.
bool GetDirectoryContents(std::string directory,
std::vector<std::string>* contents);
* @brief Checks if VendorID belongs to Logitech.
* @param vendorID The vendorID string to check against.
* @return true if it's Logitech, false otherwise.
bool IsLogitechVendorID(std::string vendorID);
* @brief Reads file contents.
* @param filepath The file path to read.
* @param output Output string from reading.
* @return true if read ok, false otherwise.
bool ReadFileContent(std::string filepath, std::string* output);
* @brief Converts hex string to int.
* @param hexString The input hex string.
* @param outputValue The output int value.
* @return false if convert failed, true otherwise.
bool ConvertHexStringToInt(std::string hexString, int* outputValue);
* @brief Converts hex char to unsigned int.
* @param c The hex char to be converted.
* @param outputValue Output unsigned int value.
* @return false if convert failed, true otherwise.
bool ConvertHexCharToUnsignedInt(const char c, uint8_t* outputValue);
* @brief Gets the device string version.
* @param major major version number.
* @param minor minor version number.
* @param build build version number.
* @reutrn std::string device version number.
std::string GetDeviceStringVersion(int major, int minor, int build);
* @brief Gets the device string version
* @param major major version number.
* @param minor minor version number.
* @reutrn std::string device version number.
std::string GetDeviceStringVersion(int major, int minor);
* @brief Reads binary file content to buffer.
* @param filepath Path to the binary file.
* @return buffer from reading. Buffer is empty if read failed.
std::vector<char> ReadBinaryFileContent(std::string filepath);
* @brief Compares 2 version strings in format or major.minor.
* @param version1 The version string 1.
* @param version2 The version string 2.
* @return 0 equal, -1 if version1 < version2 or 1 if version1 > version2.
int CompareVersions(std::string version1, std::string version2);
* @brief Splits the string with delimiter into vector.
* @param string String to be split.
* @param delimiters The delimiter characters.
* @return split string vector.
std::vector<std::string> SplitString(std::string string,
std::string delimiters);
* @brief Gets the unit id from guid.
* @param guid GUID string.
* @return unit id or -1 if cannot find.
int GetUnitID(std::string guid);
#endif /* SRC_UTILITIES_H_ */