blob: 35d9ad9e10c7b0a7c01b098c3eb15e765fb87efd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "video_device.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/usb/video.h>
#include <linux/uvcvideo.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include "utilities.h"
const char kDefaultVideoDeviceMountPoint[] = "/sys/class/video4linux";
constexpr unsigned int kLogiDeviceVersionDataSize = 4;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiCameraVersionSelector = 1;
constexpr unsigned int kLogiVideoImageVersionMaxSize = 32;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiVideoAitInitiateSetMMPData = 1;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiVideoAitFinalizeSetMMPData = 1;
constexpr unsigned int kDefaultUvcGetLenQueryControlSize =
2; // 2 byte for get len query
constexpr unsigned int kLogiVideoAitSendImageInitialOffset = 0;
constexpr unsigned int kLogiDefaultAitSleepIntervalMs = 2000;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsGetMmpResult = 0x05;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsSetMmp = 0x04;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsSetFwData = 0x03;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiUvcXuAitCustomReboot = 0x11;
constexpr unsigned int kLogiDefaultAitFinalizeMaxPollingDurationMs =
120000; // when finalize Ait, max polling duration is 120s
constexpr unsigned int kLogiDefaultAitFirstPassSleepIntervalMs = 8000;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiDefaultAitSuccessValue = 0x00;
constexpr unsigned char kLogiDefaultAitFailureValue = 0x82;
constexpr unsigned int kLogiDefaultImageBlockSize =
32; // 32 byte size for updating each trunk
VideoDevice::VideoDevice(std::string pid) : USBDevice(pid, kLogiDeviceVideo) {}
VideoDevice::VideoDevice(std::string pid, int type) : USBDevice(pid, type) {}
VideoDevice::~VideoDevice() {
std::vector<std::string> VideoDevice::findDevices() {
std::vector<std::string> devicePaths;
if (usbPid.empty())
return devicePaths;
std::vector<std::string> contents;
bool getOk = GetDirectoryContents(kDefaultVideoDeviceMountPoint, &contents);
if (!getOk)
return devicePaths; // failed to get contents of mount point
for (auto const& content : contents) {
if (".") == 0 ||"..") == 0)
continue; // ignore . and .. directory
std::string videoDir =
std::string(kDefaultVideoDeviceMountPoint) + "/" + content;
// read mount point device vid & pid here
std::string productIdPath = videoDir + "/device/../idProduct";
std::string vendorIdPath = videoDir + "/device/../idVendor";
std::string vendorID;
std::string productID;
if (!ReadFileContent(vendorIdPath, &vendorID))
continue; // failed to read vendor ID
if (!IsLogitechVendorID(vendorID))
continue; // not Logitech device
if (!ReadFileContent(productIdPath, &productID))
continue; // failed to read product ID
int pidNum = 0;
if (!ConvertHexStringToInt(productID, &pidNum))
continue; // failed to convert product ID to int
int usbPidNum = 0;
if (!ConvertHexStringToInt(usbPid, &usbPidNum))
if (pidNum == usbPidNum) {
// found device, add it to the device paths
std::string devPath = "/dev/" + content;
return devicePaths;
int VideoDevice::openDevice() {
if (usbPid.empty())
return kLogiErrorUsbPidNotFound;
std::vector<std::string> devPaths = findDevices();
if (devPaths.size() == 0)
return kLogiErrorUsbPidNotFound;
if (devPaths.size() > 1)
return kLogiErrorMultipleDevicesFound;
const char* devPath =;
int fd = open(devPath, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
if (fd == -1) // open() return -1 if failed....
return kLogiErrorOpenDeviceFailed;
// everything is ok
isOpen = true;
fileDescriptor = fd;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
void VideoDevice::closeDevice() {
if (fileDescriptor >= 0)
fileDescriptor = -1;
isOpen = false;
int VideoDevice::getDeviceName(std::string* deviceName) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
// get device name here
struct v4l2_capability videoCap;
int error = ioctl(fileDescriptor, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &videoCap);
if (error < 0)
return kLogiErrorIOControlOperationFailed;
std::string str(
videoCap.card + sizeof(videoCap.card) / sizeof(videoCap.card[0]));
*deviceName = str;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::readDeviceVersion(std::string* deviceVersion) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
std::vector<unsigned char> outputData;
int unitId = GetUnitID(kLogiGuidDeviceInfo);
int error = getXuControl(unitId, kLogiCameraVersionSelector, &outputData);
if (error)
return error;
if (outputData.size() < kLogiDeviceVersionDataSize)
return kLogiErrorInvalidDeviceVersionDataSize;
// little-endian data
int major = (int)outputData[1];
int minor = (int)outputData[0];
int build = (int)((outputData[3] << 8) | outputData[2]);
*deviceVersion = GetDeviceStringVersion(major, minor, build);
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::getImageVersion(std::vector<char> buffer,
std::string* imageVersion) {
if (buffer.empty())
return kLogiErrorImageBufferReadFailed;
// Find the start of the version string.
// The version information is located at an arbitrary position coded in the
// following format: VERSIONMAGIC<x.y.z> As a sanity check the length of the
// version "x.y.z" string may not exceed 32 characters.
std::vector<uint8_t> versionMagic = {
'V', 'E', 'R', 'S', 'I', 'O', 'N', 'M', 'A', 'G', 'I', 'C', '<'};
auto iter = std::search(std::begin(buffer),
if (iter == std::end(buffer))
return kLogiErrorImageVersionNotFound;
// Copy all characters until the closing '>' marker.
std::string version;
std::advance(iter, versionMagic.size());
while (iter != std::end(buffer) && *iter != '>') {
if (version.size() > kLogiVideoImageVersionMaxSize)
return kLogiErrorImageVersionExceededMaxSize;
*imageVersion = version;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::verifyImage(std::vector<char> buffer) {
if (buffer.empty())
return kLogiErrorImageBufferReadFailed;
std::vector<char> signature = {'A', 'I', 'T', '8', '4', '2'};
if (buffer.size() < signature.size())
return kLogiErrorImageVerificationFailed;
auto iter = std::search(std::begin(buffer),
std::begin(buffer) + signature.size(),
if (iter != std::begin(buffer))
return kLogiErrorImageVerificationFailed;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::aitInitiateUpdate() {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
// Disclaimer: Any magic numbers come directly from the FlashGordon code.
// set the MMP
std::vector<unsigned char> mmpSetData = {kLogiAitSetMmpCmdFwBurning,
return aitInitiateUpdateWithData(mmpSetData);
int VideoDevice::aitSendImage(std::vector<char> buffer) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
if (buffer.empty())
return kLogiErrorImageBufferReadFailed;
return aitSendImageWithOffset(buffer, kLogiVideoAitSendImageInitialOffset);
int VideoDevice::aitFinalizeUpdate() {
// Disclaimer: any magic numbers and sleeps originate in the FlashGordon code.
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
// set MMP
std::vector<unsigned char> setData = {kLogiAitSetMmpCmdFwBurning,
0}; // always 8 bytes
return aitFinalizeUpdateWithData(setData);
int VideoDevice::rebootDevice() {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
int unitId = GetUnitID(kLogiGuidPeripheralControl);
std::vector<unsigned char> data = {1};
return setXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomReboot, data);
int VideoDevice::aitInitiateUpdateWithData(std::vector<unsigned char> mmpData) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
// Disclaimer: Any magic numbers come directly from the FlashGordon code.
// set the MMP
int unitId = GetUnitID(kLogiGuidAITCustom);
int error = setXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsSetMmp, mmpData);
if (error)
return error;
// get the MMP
std::vector<unsigned char> mmpGetData;
error = getXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsGetMmpResult, &mmpGetData);
if (error)
return error;
if (mmpGetData.empty() || mmpGetData[0] != 0)
return kLogiErrorVideoDeviceAitInitiateGetDataFailed;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::aitSendImageWithOffset(std::vector<char> buffer,
unsigned int offset) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
if (buffer.empty())
return kLogiErrorImageBufferReadFailed;
int unitId = GetUnitID(kLogiGuidAITCustom);
unsigned int remainingSize = buffer.size() - offset;
while (remainingSize > 0) {
// get the blockSize
unsigned int blockSize =
std::min<unsigned int>(remainingSize, kLogiDefaultImageBlockSize);
// prepare the blockData
std::vector<unsigned char> data(kLogiDefaultImageBlockSize);
std::fill(std::begin(data), std::end(data), 0);
std::copy(buffer.cbegin() + offset,
buffer.cbegin() + offset + blockSize,
int error = setXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsSetFwData, data);
if (error)
return error;
offset += blockSize;
remainingSize -= blockSize;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::aitFinalizeUpdateWithData(std::vector<unsigned char> mmpData) {
// Disclaimer: any magic numbers and sleeps originate in the FlashGordon code.
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
// set MMP
int unitId = GetUnitID(kLogiGuidAITCustom);
int error = setXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsSetMmp, mmpData);
if (error)
return error;
// get MMP data
// Poll until the device returns either success or failure.
auto durationMs = 0;
const auto doSleep = [&](int ms) {
durationMs += ms;
// This is the way AIT chipset is finalized (based on AIT finalizing method).
// Try to poll for burning fw result or return failure if hit max polling
// duration.
for (int pass = 0;; pass++) {
std::vector<unsigned char> data;
int attempts = 3;
// Sometimes on a very fast cpu, AIT chip returns error when querying
// extension control unit on first time. If fails, attempt to retry for 3
// times before returning error.
do {
error = getXuControl(unitId, kLogiUvcXuAitCustomCsGetMmpResult, &data);
if (error)
} while (attempts > 0 && !error);
if (error || data.empty())
return kLogiErrorImageBurningFinalizeFailed;
// process the response
if (data.size() > 0) {
if (data[0] == kLogiDefaultAitSuccessValue) {
// If there is not positive response from the device that the flash was
// written estimate the time needed plus a time buffer to determine
// when the flash write process has completed. In this case, time
// buffer is about 8s for the flash write operation to complete This is
// done using both device spec. and stress testings.
if (pass == 0)
} else if (data[0] == kLogiDefaultAitFailureValue)
return kLogiErrorImageBurningFinalizeFailed; // Failed to finalize the
// image burning.
if (durationMs > kLogiDefaultAitFinalizeMaxPollingDurationMs) {
// In case device never returns 0x82 or 0x00, bail out.
return kLogiErrorImageBurningFinalizeFailed;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::performUpdate(std::vector<char> buffer) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
std::string deviceVersion;
std::string imageVersion;
int error = getDeviceVersion(&deviceVersion);
if (error)
return error;
error = verifyImage(buffer);
if (error)
return error;
error = getImageVersion(buffer, &imageVersion);
if (error)
return error;
// check if update available
int compareVersion = CompareVersions(deviceVersion, imageVersion);
if (compareVersion < 0) {
// initiate AIT update
error = aitInitiateUpdate();
if (error)
return error;
// send image
error = aitSendImage(buffer);
if (error)
return error;
// finalize AIT update
error = aitFinalizeUpdate();
return error;
int VideoDevice::setXuControl(unsigned char unitId,
unsigned char controlSelector,
std::vector<unsigned char> data) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
if (unitId < 0)
return kLogiErrorXuUnitIdInvalid;
struct uvc_xu_control_query controlQuery;
controlQuery.unit = static_cast<uint8_t>(unitId);
controlQuery.selector = static_cast<uint8_t>(controlSelector);
controlQuery.query = UVC_SET_CUR;
controlQuery.size = data.size(); =;
// A few ioctl requests use return value as an output parameter
// and return a nonnegative value on success, so should check
// for real error before returning.
int error = ioctl(fileDescriptor, UVCIOC_CTRL_QUERY, &controlQuery);
if (error < 0)
return kLogiErrorIOControlOperationFailed;
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::getXuControl(unsigned char unitId,
unsigned char controlSelector,
std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
if (unitId < 0)
return kLogiErrorXuUnitIdInvalid;
int dataLen;
int error = queryDataSize(unitId, controlSelector, &dataLen);
if (error)
return error;
uint8_t queryData[dataLen];
memset(queryData, '\0', sizeof(queryData));
struct uvc_xu_control_query controlQuery;
controlQuery.unit = unitId;
controlQuery.selector = controlSelector;
controlQuery.query = UVC_GET_CUR;
controlQuery.size = dataLen; = queryData;
error = ioctl(fileDescriptor, UVCIOC_CTRL_QUERY, &controlQuery);
if (error < 0)
return kLogiErrorIOControlOperationFailed;
for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) {
return kLogiErrorNoError;
int VideoDevice::queryDataSize(unsigned char unitId,
unsigned char controlSelector,
int* dataSize) {
if (!isOpen)
return kLogiErrorDeviceNotOpen;
uint8_t sizeData[kDefaultUvcGetLenQueryControlSize];
struct uvc_xu_control_query sizeQuery;
sizeQuery.unit = unitId;
sizeQuery.selector = controlSelector;
sizeQuery.query = UVC_GET_LEN;
sizeQuery.size = kDefaultUvcGetLenQueryControlSize; = sizeData;
int error = ioctl(fileDescriptor, UVCIOC_CTRL_QUERY, &sizeQuery);
if (error < 0)
return kLogiErrorIOControlOperationFailed;
// convert the data byte to int
int size = (sizeData[1] << 8) | (sizeData[0]);
*dataSize = size;
return kLogiErrorNoError;