blob: 9095bc9deeae2f1509407b6b90ef1b2060877ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
# This script is used to generate the list of fixed bugs that
# appears in the release notes files, with HTML formatting.
# Note: This script could take a while until all details have
# been fetched from bugzilla.
# Usage examples:
# $ bin/ mesa-9.0.2..mesa-9.0.3
# $ bin/ mesa-9.0.2..mesa-9.0.3 > bugfixes
# $ bin/ mesa-9.0.2..mesa-9.0.3 | tee bugfixes
# regex pattern: trim before bug number
# regex pattern: reconstruct the url
echo "<ul>"
echo ""
# extract fdo urls from commit log
git log --pretty=medium $* | grep '' | sed -e $trim_before | sort -n -u | sed -e $use_after |\
while read url
id=$(echo $url | cut -d'=' -f2)
summary=$(wget --quiet -O - $url | grep -e '<title>.*</title>' | sed -e 's/ *<title>[0-9]\+ &ndash; \(.*\)<\/title>/\1/')
echo "<li><a href=\"$url\">Bug $id</a> - $summary</li>"
echo ""
echo "</ul>"