blob: 88e60cb4d5234bacbbc810962546ac342c47b50b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package common;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
message Validation {
enum FieldType {
// No validation is to be performed.
// When applied to a `string` field, implies that the field value cannot be
// empty. This is implied for any field that has a non-empty external
// reference (i.e. `ref != ""`), or the validation type is
// [LABEL](#Validation.FieldType.LABEL), [FQDN](#Validation.FieldType.FQDN)
// or [ORGLABEL](#Validation.FieldType.ORGLABEL).
// When applied to a `repeated` field, implies that there must be at least
// one instance of the field.
// When applied to `oneof` implies that at least one of the alternatives
// must be specified.
// When applied to a `map` implies that there should be at least one
// mapping.
// E.g.: Declare the `h` field of Foo message to be required:
// ``` proto
// message Foo {
// string h = 1 [(v).type=REQUIRED]
// }
// ```
// The field value cannot be empty and must match the `<label>` production
// in [RFC 1035][]. This validation type is applied by default for for any
// field named 'name'.
// [RFC 1035]:
LABEL = 2;
// The field value cannot be empty, and must match the `<subdomains>`
// production in [RFC 1035][]. Can only be applied to `string` fields.
FQDN = 3;
// A label with an optional org component. These look like:
// ``. Cannot be empty.
// This is an output field and is not expected to be populated in a asset
// manifest input. The field will be populated during the deployment
// process and made available to downstream consumers of the manifest.
// This is a runtime field. It's value is only available *after* the
// corresponding asset has been deployed and running. Runtime values can be
// looked up via RuntimeConfiguration service from within the lab.
// Unlike [OUTPUT](#Validation.FieldType.OUTPUT) fields,
// [RUNTIME](#Validation.FieldType.RUNTIME) fields can only be defined on
// top-level assets. In other words, they can only appear if the asset in
// question is a direct child of the HostEnvironment or AssetManifest
// messages.
// This is a top-level field. This type is applicable only to fields that
// constititue top level collections. Any element in a top level collection
// that doesn't have a rooted reference will be removed during the pruning
// phase.
// See description of pruning in
FieldType type = 1;
// The foreign key. If non-empty, designates that this string field is a
// reference to a collection designated by `ref`.
// E.g.: Declare `network` to be a field that refers to an `` by
// name.
// ``` proto
// message Foo {
// string network = 1 [(v).ref=""]
// }
// ```
// The annotated field must be a string.
string ref = 2;
// Indicates that the value is optional. By default adding an annotation to a
// field marks it as a required field. Setting `optional` to true negates
// that.
oneof optional_flag { bool optional = 3; }
// Field options. These are used to annotate fields in asset and host messages
// to indicate foreign keys, and additional validation requirements.
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// See Validation above.
// Use as:
// ``` proto
// message Foo {
// string my_field = 1 [(v).type=<type>];
// }
// ```
// Or more commonly:
// ``` proto
// message Foo {
// string my_field = 1 [(common.v).type=<type>];
// }
// ```
// Or:
// ``` proto
// message Foo {
// string my_field = 1 [(common.v)={type:<type>, ref:"<key>"}];
// }
// ```
Validation v = 50000;