blob: f1d8c2bcad17d2d57ff057742d7365bcafb22e4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ProgramVk.cpp:
// Implements the class methods for ProgramVk.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/ProgramVk.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/ProgramLinkedResources.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/renderer_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/BufferVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/TextureVk.h"
namespace rx
// Identical to Std140 encoder in all aspects, except it ignores opaque uniform types.
class VulkanDefaultBlockEncoder : public sh::Std140BlockEncoder
void advanceOffset(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int arrayStride,
int matrixStride) override
if (gl::IsOpaqueType(type))
sh::Std140BlockEncoder::advanceOffset(type, arraySizes, isRowMajorMatrix, arrayStride,
class Std140BlockLayoutEncoderFactory : public gl::CustomBlockLayoutEncoderFactory
sh::BlockLayoutEncoder *makeEncoder() override { return new sh::Std140BlockEncoder(); }
class LinkTaskVk final : public vk::Context, public LinkTask
LinkTaskVk(RendererVk *renderer,
PipelineLayoutCache &pipelineLayoutCache,
DescriptorSetLayoutCache &descriptorSetLayoutCache,
const gl::ProgramState &state,
bool isGLES1,
vk::PipelineRobustness pipelineRobustness,
vk::PipelineProtectedAccess pipelineProtectedAccess)
: vk::Context(renderer),
~LinkTaskVk() override = default;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LinkSubTask>> link(const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources,
const gl::ProgramMergedVaryings &mergedVaryings,
bool *areSubTasksOptionalOut) override
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LinkSubTask>> subTasks;
angle::Result result = linkImpl(resources, mergedVaryings, &subTasks);
ASSERT((result == angle::Result::Continue) == (mErrorCode == VK_SUCCESS));
// In the Vulkan backend, the only subtasks are pipeline warm up, which is not required for
// link. Setting this flag allows the expensive warm up to be run in a thread without
// holding up the link results.
*areSubTasksOptionalOut = true;
return subTasks;
void handleError(VkResult result,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override
mErrorCode = result;
mErrorFile = file;
mErrorFunction = function;
mErrorLine = line;
angle::Result getResult(const gl::Context *context, gl::InfoLog &infoLog) override
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
ProgramExecutableVk *executableVk = vk::GetImpl(mExecutable);
// If the program uses framebuffer fetch and this is the first time this happens, switch the
// context to "framebuffer fetch mode". In this mode, all render passes assume framebuffer
// fetch may be used, so they are prepared to accept a program that uses input attachments.
// This is done only when a program with framebuffer fetch is created to avoid potential
// performance impact on applications that don't use this extension. If other contexts in
// the share group use this program, they will lazily switch to this mode.
// This is purely an optimization (to avoid creating and later releasing) non-framebuffer
// fetch render passes.
if (contextVk->getFeatures().permanentlySwitchToFramebufferFetchMode.enabled &&
// Update the relevant perf counters
angle::VulkanPerfCounters &from = contextVk->getPerfCounters();
angle::VulkanPerfCounters &to = getPerfCounters();
to.pipelineCreationCacheHits += from.pipelineCreationCacheHits;
to.pipelineCreationCacheMisses += from.pipelineCreationCacheMisses;
to.pipelineCreationTotalCacheHitsDurationNs +=
to.pipelineCreationTotalCacheMissesDurationNs +=
// Forward any errors
if (mErrorCode != VK_SUCCESS)
contextVk->handleError(mErrorCode, mErrorFile, mErrorFunction, mErrorLine);
return angle::Result::Stop;
return angle::Result::Continue;
angle::Result linkImpl(const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources,
const gl::ProgramMergedVaryings &mergedVaryings,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LinkSubTask>> *subTasksOut);
void linkResources(const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources);
angle::Result initDefaultUniformBlocks();
void generateUniformLayoutMapping(gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockLayoutMap> *layoutMapOut,
gl::ShaderMap<size_t> *requiredBufferSizeOut);
void initDefaultUniformLayoutMapping(gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockLayoutMap> *layoutMapOut);
// The front-end ensures that the program is not accessed while linking, so it is safe to
// direclty access the state from a potentially parallel job.
const gl::ProgramState &mState;
const gl::ProgramExecutable *mExecutable;
const bool mIsGLES1;
const vk::PipelineRobustness mPipelineRobustness;
const vk::PipelineProtectedAccess mPipelineProtectedAccess;
// Helpers that are interally thread-safe
PipelineLayoutCache &mPipelineLayoutCache;
DescriptorSetLayoutCache &mDescriptorSetLayoutCache;
// Error handling
VkResult mErrorCode = VK_SUCCESS;
const char *mErrorFile = nullptr;
const char *mErrorFunction = nullptr;
unsigned int mErrorLine = 0;
class WarmUpTask : public vk::Context, public LinkSubTask
WarmUpTask(RendererVk *renderer,
ProgramExecutableVk *executableVk,
vk::PipelineRobustness pipelineRobustness,
vk::PipelineProtectedAccess pipelineProtectedAccess)
: vk::Context(renderer),
~WarmUpTask() override = default;
void handleError(VkResult result,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override
mErrorCode = result;
mErrorFile = file;
mErrorFunction = function;
mErrorLine = line;
angle::Result getResult(const gl::Context *context, gl::InfoLog &infoLog) override
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// Clean up garbage first, it's done no matter what may fail below.
// Forward any errors
if (mErrorCode != VK_SUCCESS)
contextVk->handleError(mErrorCode, mErrorFile, mErrorFunction, mErrorLine);
return angle::Result::Stop;
return angle::Result::Continue;
void operator()() override
angle::Result result = mExecutableVk->warmUpPipelineCache(
this, mPipelineRobustness, mPipelineProtectedAccess, &mCompatibleRenderPass);
ASSERT((result == angle::Result::Continue) == (mErrorCode == VK_SUCCESS));
// The front-end ensures that the program is not modified while the subtask is running, so it is
// safe to directly access the executable from this parallel job. Note that this is the reason
// why the front-end does not let the parallel job continue when a relink happens or the first
// draw with this program.
ProgramExecutableVk *mExecutableVk;
const vk::PipelineRobustness mPipelineRobustness;
const vk::PipelineProtectedAccess mPipelineProtectedAccess;
// Temporary objects to clean up at the end
vk::RenderPass mCompatibleRenderPass;
// Error handling
VkResult mErrorCode = VK_SUCCESS;
const char *mErrorFile = nullptr;
const char *mErrorFunction = nullptr;
unsigned int mErrorLine = 0;
angle::Result LinkTaskVk::linkImpl(const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources,
const gl::ProgramMergedVaryings &mergedVaryings,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LinkSubTask>> *subTasksOut)
ANGLE_TRACE_EVENT0("gpu.angle", "LinkTaskVk::linkImpl");
ProgramExecutableVk *executableVk = vk::GetImpl(mExecutable);
// Link resources before calling GetShaderSource to make sure they are ready for the set/binding
// assignment done in that function.
// Gather variable info and compiled SPIR-V binaries.
executableVk->assignAllSpvLocations(this, mState, resources);
gl::ShaderMap<const angle::spirv::Blob *> spirvBlobs;
SpvGetShaderSpirvCode(mState, &spirvBlobs);
if (getFeatures().varyingsRequireMatchingPrecisionInSpirv.enabled &&
// Compile the shaders.
ANGLE_TRY(executableVk->initShaders(this, mExecutable->getLinkedShaderStages(), spirvBlobs,
ANGLE_TRY(executableVk->createPipelineLayout(this, &mPipelineLayoutCache,
&mDescriptorSetLayoutCache, nullptr));
// Warm up the pipeline cache by creating a few placeholder pipelines. This is not done for
// separable programs, and is deferred to when the program pipeline is finalized.
// The cache warm up is skipped for GLES1 for two reasons:
// - Since GLES1 shaders are limited, the individual programs don't necessarily add new
// pipelines, but rather it's draw time state that controls that. Since the programs are
// generated at draw time, it's just as well to let the pipelines be created using the
// renderer's shared cache.
// - Individual GLES1 tests are long, and this adds a considerable overhead to those tests
if (!mState.isSeparable() && !mIsGLES1 && getFeatures().warmUpPipelineCacheAtLink.enabled)
mRenderer, executableVk, mPipelineRobustness, mPipelineProtectedAccess));
return angle::Result::Continue;
void LinkTaskVk::linkResources(const gl::ProgramLinkedResources &resources)
Std140BlockLayoutEncoderFactory std140EncoderFactory;
gl::ProgramLinkedResourcesLinker linker(&std140EncoderFactory);
linker.linkResources(mState, resources);
angle::Result LinkTaskVk::initDefaultUniformBlocks()
ProgramExecutableVk *executableVk = vk::GetImpl(mExecutable);
// Process vertex and fragment uniforms into std140 packing.
gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockLayoutMap> layoutMap;
gl::ShaderMap<size_t> requiredBufferSize;
generateUniformLayoutMapping(&layoutMap, &requiredBufferSize);
// All uniform initializations are complete, now resize the buffers accordingly and return
return executableVk->resizeUniformBlockMemory(this, requiredBufferSize);
void InitDefaultUniformBlock(const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &uniforms,
sh::BlockLayoutMap *blockLayoutMapOut,
size_t *blockSizeOut)
if (uniforms.empty())
*blockSizeOut = 0;
VulkanDefaultBlockEncoder blockEncoder;
sh::GetActiveUniformBlockInfo(uniforms, "", &blockEncoder, blockLayoutMapOut);
size_t blockSize = blockEncoder.getCurrentOffset();
// TODO(jmadill): I think we still need a valid block for the pipeline even if zero sized.
if (blockSize == 0)
*blockSizeOut = 0;
*blockSizeOut = blockSize;
void LinkTaskVk::generateUniformLayoutMapping(gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockLayoutMap> *layoutMapOut,
gl::ShaderMap<size_t> *requiredBufferSizeOut)
for (const gl::ShaderType shaderType : mExecutable->getLinkedShaderStages())
const gl::SharedCompiledShaderState &shader = mState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (shader)
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &uniforms = shader->uniforms;
InitDefaultUniformBlock(uniforms, &(*layoutMapOut)[shaderType],
void LinkTaskVk::initDefaultUniformLayoutMapping(gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockLayoutMap> *layoutMapOut)
// Init the default block layout info.
ProgramExecutableVk *executableVk = vk::GetImpl(mExecutable);
const auto &uniforms = mExecutable->getUniforms();
for (const gl::VariableLocation &location : mExecutable->getUniformLocations())
gl::ShaderMap<sh::BlockMemberInfo> layoutInfo;
if (location.used() && !location.ignored)
const auto &uniform = uniforms[location.index];
if (uniform.isInDefaultBlock() && !uniform.isSampler() && !uniform.isImage() &&
std::string uniformName = mExecutable->getUniformNameByIndex(location.index);
if (uniform.isArray())
// Gets the uniform name without the [0] at the end.
uniformName = gl::StripLastArrayIndex(uniformName);
ASSERT(uniformName.size() !=
bool found = false;
for (const gl::ShaderType shaderType : mExecutable->getLinkedShaderStages())
auto it = (*layoutMapOut)[shaderType].find(uniformName);
if (it != (*layoutMapOut)[shaderType].end())
found = true;
layoutInfo[shaderType] = it->second;
for (const gl::ShaderType shaderType : mExecutable->getLinkedShaderStages())
} // anonymous namespace
// ProgramVk implementation.
ProgramVk::ProgramVk(const gl::ProgramState &state) : ProgramImpl(state) {}
ProgramVk::~ProgramVk() = default;
void ProgramVk::destroy(const gl::Context *context)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
angle::Result ProgramVk::load(const gl::Context *context,
gl::BinaryInputStream *stream,
std::shared_ptr<LinkTask> *loadTaskOut,
egl::CacheGetResult *resultOut)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
// TODO: parallelize program load.
*loadTaskOut = {};
return getExecutable()->load(contextVk, mState.isSeparable(), stream, resultOut);
void ProgramVk::save(const gl::Context *context, gl::BinaryOutputStream *stream)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
getExecutable()->save(contextVk, mState.isSeparable(), stream);
void ProgramVk::setBinaryRetrievableHint(bool retrievable)
// Nothing to do here yet.
void ProgramVk::setSeparable(bool separable)
// Nothing to do here yet.
angle::Result ProgramVk::link(const gl::Context *context, std::shared_ptr<LinkTask> *linkTaskOut)
ContextVk *contextVk = vk::GetImpl(context);
*linkTaskOut = std::shared_ptr<LinkTask>(new LinkTaskVk(
contextVk->getRenderer(), contextVk->getPipelineLayoutCache(),
contextVk->getDescriptorSetLayoutCache(), mState, context->getState().isGLES1(),
contextVk->pipelineRobustness(), contextVk->pipelineProtectedAccess()));
return angle::Result::Continue;
GLboolean ProgramVk::validate(const gl::Caps &caps)
// No-op. The spec is very vague about the behavior of validation.
return GL_TRUE;
} // namespace rx