blob: c6a2f7304601c4eefda14b85959842abe71271a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TracePerf:
// Performance test for ANGLE replaying traces.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
#include "common/system_utils.h"
#include "tests/perf_tests/ANGLEPerfTest.h"
#include "tests/perf_tests/DrawCallPerfParams.h"
#include "util/egl_loader_autogen.h"
#include "util/frame_capture_test_utils.h"
#include "util/png_utils.h"
#include "restricted_traces/restricted_traces_autogen.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
using namespace angle;
using namespace egl_platform;
struct TracePerfParams final : public RenderTestParams
// Common default options
majorVersion = 3;
minorVersion = 0;
trackGpuTime = true;
// Display the frame after every drawBenchmark invocation
iterationsPerStep = 1;
std::string story() const override
std::stringstream strstr;
strstr << RenderTestParams::story() << "_" << GetTraceInfo(testID).name;
return strstr.str();
RestrictedTraceID testID;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TracePerfParams &params)
os << params.backendAndStory().substr(1);
return os;
class TracePerfTest : public ANGLERenderTest, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<TracePerfParams>
void initializeBenchmark() override;
void destroyBenchmark() override;
void drawBenchmark() override;
void onReplayFramebufferChange(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer);
uint32_t mStartFrame;
uint32_t mEndFrame;
double getHostTimeFromGLTime(GLint64 glTime);
struct QueryInfo
GLuint beginTimestampQuery;
GLuint endTimestampQuery;
GLuint framebuffer;
struct TimeSample
GLint64 glTime;
double hostTime;
void sampleTime();
void saveScreenshot(const std::string &screenshotName) override;
// For tracking RenderPass/FBO change timing.
QueryInfo mCurrentQuery = {};
std::vector<QueryInfo> mRunningQueries;
std::vector<TimeSample> mTimeline;
std::string mStartingDirectory;
: ANGLERenderTest("TracePerf", GetParam()), mStartFrame(0), mEndFrame(0)
const TracePerfParams &param = GetParam();
// TODO: This fails after the upgrade to the driver.
if (IsWindows() && IsIntel() && param.getRenderer() == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_VULKAN_ANGLE &&
param.testID == RestrictedTraceID::manhattan_10)
mSkipTest = true;
// TODO: Fails on older Intel drivers. Passes in newer.
if (IsWindows() && IsIntel() && param.driver != GLESDriverType::AngleEGL &&
param.testID == RestrictedTraceID::angry_birds_2_1500)
mSkipTest = true;
// We already swap in TracePerfTest::drawBenchmark, no need to swap again in the harness.
void TracePerfTest::initializeBenchmark()
const auto &params = GetParam();
mStartingDirectory = angle::GetCWD().value();
// To load the trace data path correctly we set the CWD to the executable dir.
if (!IsAndroid())
std::string exeDir = angle::GetExecutableDirectory();
const TraceInfo &traceInfo = GetTraceInfo(params.testID);
mStartFrame = traceInfo.startFrame;
mEndFrame = traceInfo.endFrame;
SetBinaryDataDecompressCallback(params.testID, DecompressBinaryData);
std::stringstream testDataDirStr;
testDataDirStr << ANGLE_TRACE_DATA_DIR << "/" <<;
std::string testDataDir = testDataDirStr.str();
SetBinaryDataDir(params.testID, testDataDir.c_str());
if (IsAndroid())
// On Android, set the orientation used by the app, based on width/height
getWindow()->setOrientation(mTestParams.windowWidth, mTestParams.windowHeight);
// Potentially slow. Can load a lot of resources.
ASSERT_TRUE(mEndFrame > mStartFrame);
void TracePerfTest::destroyBenchmark()
// In order for the next test to load, restore the working directory
void TracePerfTest::sampleTime()
if (mIsTimestampQueryAvailable)
GLint64 glTime;
// glGetInteger64vEXT is exported by newer versions of the timer query extensions.
// Unfortunately only the core EP is exposed by some desktop drivers (e.g. NVIDIA).
if (glGetInteger64vEXT)
glGetInteger64vEXT(GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT, &glTime);
glGetInteger64v(GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT, &glTime);
mTimeline.push_back({glTime, angle::GetHostTimeSeconds()});
void TracePerfTest::drawBenchmark()
// Add a time sample from GL and the host.
for (uint32_t frame = mStartFrame; frame <= mEndFrame; ++frame)
char frameName[32];
sprintf(frameName, "Frame %u", frame);
ReplayFrame(GetParam().testID, frame);
// Process any running queries once per iteration.
for (size_t queryIndex = 0; queryIndex < mRunningQueries.size();)
const QueryInfo &query = mRunningQueries[queryIndex];
GLuint endResultAvailable = 0;
glGetQueryObjectuivEXT(query.endTimestampQuery, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE,
if (endResultAvailable == GL_TRUE)
char fboName[32];
sprintf(fboName, "FBO %u", query.framebuffer);
GLint64 beginTimestamp = 0;
glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(query.beginTimestampQuery, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &beginTimestamp);
glDeleteQueriesEXT(1, &query.beginTimestampQuery);
double beginHostTime = getHostTimeFromGLTime(beginTimestamp);
beginGLTraceEvent(fboName, beginHostTime);
GLint64 endTimestamp = 0;
glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(query.endTimestampQuery, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &endTimestamp);
glDeleteQueriesEXT(1, &query.endTimestampQuery);
double endHostTime = getHostTimeFromGLTime(endTimestamp);
endGLTraceEvent(fboName, endHostTime);
mRunningQueries.erase(mRunningQueries.begin() + queryIndex);
// Converts a GL timestamp into a host-side CPU time aligned with "GetHostTimeSeconds".
// This check is necessary to line up sampled trace events in a consistent timeline.
// Uses a linear interpolation from a series of samples. We do a blocking call to sample
// both host and GL time once per swap. We then find the two closest GL timestamps and
// interpolate the host times between them to compute our result. If we are past the last
// GL timestamp we sample a new data point pair.
double TracePerfTest::getHostTimeFromGLTime(GLint64 glTime)
// Find two samples to do a lerp.
size_t firstSampleIndex = mTimeline.size() - 1;
while (firstSampleIndex > 0)
if (mTimeline[firstSampleIndex].glTime < glTime)
// Add an extra sample if we're missing an ending sample.
if (firstSampleIndex == mTimeline.size() - 1)
const TimeSample &start = mTimeline[firstSampleIndex];
const TimeSample &end = mTimeline[firstSampleIndex + 1];
// Note: we have observed in some odd cases later timestamps producing values that are
// smaller than preceding timestamps. This bears further investigation.
// Compute the scaling factor for the lerp.
double glDelta = static_cast<double>(glTime - start.glTime);
double glRange = static_cast<double>(end.glTime - start.glTime);
double t = glDelta / glRange;
// Lerp(t1, t2, t)
double hostRange = end.hostTime - start.hostTime;
return mTimeline[firstSampleIndex].hostTime + hostRange * t;
// Triggered when the replay calls glBindFramebuffer.
void TracePerfTest::onReplayFramebufferChange(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer)
if (!mIsTimestampQueryAvailable)
if (target != GL_FRAMEBUFFER && target != GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER)
// We have at most one active timestamp query at a time. This code will end the current
// query and immediately start a new one.
if (mCurrentQuery.beginTimestampQuery != 0)
glGenQueriesEXT(1, &mCurrentQuery.endTimestampQuery);
glQueryCounterEXT(mCurrentQuery.endTimestampQuery, GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT);
mCurrentQuery = {};
ASSERT(mCurrentQuery.beginTimestampQuery == 0);
glGenQueriesEXT(1, &mCurrentQuery.beginTimestampQuery);
glQueryCounterEXT(mCurrentQuery.beginTimestampQuery, GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT);
mCurrentQuery.framebuffer = framebuffer;
void TracePerfTest::saveScreenshot(const std::string &screenshotName)
// Render a single frame.
RestrictedTraceID testID = GetParam().testID;
const TraceInfo &traceInfo = GetTraceInfo(testID);
ReplayFrame(testID, traceInfo.startFrame);
// RGBA 4-byte data.
uint32_t pixelCount = mTestParams.windowWidth * mTestParams.windowHeight;
std::vector<uint8_t> pixelData(pixelCount * 4);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glReadPixels(0, 0, mTestParams.windowWidth, mTestParams.windowHeight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,;
// Convert to RGB and flip y.
std::vector<uint8_t> rgbData(pixelCount * 3);
for (EGLint y = 0; y < mTestParams.windowHeight; ++y)
for (EGLint x = 0; x < mTestParams.windowWidth; ++x)
EGLint srcPixel = x + y * mTestParams.windowWidth;
EGLint dstPixel = x + (mTestParams.windowHeight - y - 1) * mTestParams.windowWidth;
memcpy(&rgbData[dstPixel * 3], &pixelData[srcPixel * 4], 3);
angle::SavePNGRGB(screenshotName.c_str(), "ANGLE Screenshot", mTestParams.windowWidth,
mTestParams.windowHeight, rgbData);
// Finish the frame loop.
for (uint32_t nextFrame = traceInfo.startFrame + 1; nextFrame < traceInfo.endFrame; ++nextFrame)
ReplayFrame(testID, nextFrame);
TEST_P(TracePerfTest, Run)
TracePerfParams CombineTestID(const TracePerfParams &in, RestrictedTraceID id)
const TraceInfo &traceInfo = GetTraceInfo(id);
TracePerfParams out = in;
out.testID = id;
out.windowWidth = traceInfo.drawSurfaceWidth;
out.windowHeight = traceInfo.drawSurfaceHeight;
return out;
using namespace params;
using P = TracePerfParams;
std::vector<P> gTestsWithID =
CombineWithValues({P()}, AllEnums<RestrictedTraceID>(), CombineTestID);
std::vector<P> gTestsWithRenderer = CombineWithFuncs(gTestsWithID, {Vulkan<P>, Native<P>});
ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_ARRAY(TracePerfTest, gTestsWithRenderer);
} // anonymous namespace