blob: 3ee9004569bccdf471a469a1f0bb13f531381337 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package stackdriver
The code in this file is responsible for converting OpenCensus Proto metrics
directly to Stackdriver Metrics.
import (
distributionpb ""
labelpb ""
googlemetricpb ""
monitoredrespb ""
monitoringpb ""
commonpb ""
metricspb ""
resourcepb ""
var errNilMetric = errors.New("expecting a non-nil metric")
var errNilMetricDescriptor = errors.New("expecting a non-nil metric descriptor")
type metricProtoPayload struct {
node *commonpb.Node
resource *resourcepb.Resource
metric *metricspb.Metric
// ExportMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring.
func (se *statsExporter) ExportMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) error {
if len(metrics) == 0 {
return errNilMetric
for _, metric := range metrics {
payload := &metricProtoPayload{
metric: metric,
resource: rsc,
node: node,
se.protoMetricsBundler.Add(payload, 1)
return nil
func (se *statsExporter) handleMetricsProtoUpload(payloads []*metricProtoPayload) error {
ctx, cancel := se.o.newContextWithTimeout()
defer cancel()
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(
defer span.End()
for _, payload := range payloads {
// Now create the metric descriptor remotely.
if err := se.createMetricDescriptor(ctx, payload.metric); err != nil {
span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: 2, Message: err.Error()})
return err
var allTimeSeries []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries
for _, payload := range payloads {
tsl, err := se.protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx, payload.node, payload.resource, payload.metric)
if err != nil {
span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: 2, Message: err.Error()})
return err
allTimeSeries = append(allTimeSeries, tsl...)
// Now batch timeseries up and then export.
for start, end := 0, 0; start < len(allTimeSeries); start = end {
end = start + maxTimeSeriesPerUpload
if end > len(allTimeSeries) {
end = len(allTimeSeries)
batch := allTimeSeries[start:end]
ctsreql := se.combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(batch)
for _, ctsreq := range ctsreql {
if err := createTimeSeries(ctx, se.c, ctsreq); err != nil {
span.SetStatus(trace.Status{Code: trace.StatusCodeUnknown, Message: err.Error()})
// TODO(@odeke-em): Don't fail fast here, perhaps batch errors?
// return err
return nil
func (se *statsExporter) combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(ts []*monitoringpb.TimeSeries) (ctsreql []*monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest) {
if len(ts) == 0 {
return nil
// Since there are scenarios in which Metrics with the same Type
// can be bunched in the same TimeSeries, we have to ensure that
// we create a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest with entirely unique Metrics
// per TimeSeries, lest we'll encounter:
// err: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = One or more TimeSeries could not be written:
// Field timeSeries[2] had an invalid value: Duplicate TimeSeries encountered.
// Only one point can be written per TimeSeries per request.: timeSeries[2]
// This scenario happens when we are using the OpenCensus Agent in which multiple metrics
// are streamed by various client applications.
// See
uniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts))
nonUniqueTimeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(ts))
seenMetrics := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, tti := range ts {
signature := tti.Metric.GetType()
if _, alreadySeen := seenMetrics[signature]; !alreadySeen {
uniqueTimeSeries = append(uniqueTimeSeries, tti)
seenMetrics[signature] = struct{}{}
} else {
nonUniqueTimeSeries = append(nonUniqueTimeSeries, tti)
// UniqueTimeSeries can be bunched up together
// While for each nonUniqueTimeSeries, we have
// to make a unique CreateTimeSeriesRequest.
ctsreql = append(ctsreql, &monitoringpb.CreateTimeSeriesRequest{
Name: monitoring.MetricProjectPath(se.o.ProjectID),
TimeSeries: uniqueTimeSeries,
// Now recursively also combine the non-unique TimeSeries
// that were singly added to nonUniqueTimeSeries.
// The reason is that we need optimal combinations
// for optimal combinations because:
// * "a/b/c"
// * "a/b/c"
// * "x/y/z"
// * "a/b/c"
// * "x/y/z"
// * "p/y/z"
// * "d/y/z"
// should produce:
// CreateTimeSeries(uniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z", "p/y/z", "d/y/z"]
// CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c"]
// CreateTimeSeries(nonUniqueTimeSeries) :: ["a/b/c", "x/y/z"]
nonUniqueRequests := se.combineTimeSeriesToCreateTimeSeriesRequest(nonUniqueTimeSeries)
ctsreql = append(ctsreql, nonUniqueRequests...)
return ctsreql
// protoMetricToTimeSeries converts a metric into a Stackdriver Monitoring v3 API CreateTimeSeriesRequest
// but it doesn't invoke any remote API.
func (se *statsExporter) protoMetricToTimeSeries(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metric *metricspb.Metric) ([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, error) {
if metric == nil {
return nil, errNilMetric
var resource = rsc
if metric.Resource != nil {
resource = metric.Resource
metricName, _, _, err := metricProseFromProto(metric)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName)
metricLabelKeys := metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetLabelKeys()
metricKind, _ := protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric)
timeSeries := make([]*monitoringpb.TimeSeries, 0, len(metric.Timeseries))
for _, protoTimeSeries := range metric.Timeseries {
sdPoints, err := se.protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(protoTimeSeries, metricKind)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Each TimeSeries has labelValues which MUST be correlated
// with that from the MetricDescriptor
labels, err := labelsPerTimeSeries(se.defaultLabels, metricLabelKeys, protoTimeSeries.GetLabelValues())
if err != nil {
// TODO: (@odeke-em) perhaps log this error from labels extraction, if non-nil.
timeSeries = append(timeSeries, &monitoringpb.TimeSeries{
Metric: &googlemetricpb.Metric{
Type: metricType,
Labels: labels,
Resource: protoResourceToMonitoredResource(resource),
Points: sdPoints,
return timeSeries, nil
func labelsPerTimeSeries(defaults map[string]labelValue, labelKeys []*metricspb.LabelKey, labelValues []*metricspb.LabelValue) (map[string]string, error) {
labels := make(map[string]string)
// Fill in the defaults firstly, irrespective of if the labelKeys and labelValues are mismatched.
for key, label := range defaults {
labels[sanitize(key)] = label.val
// Perform this sanity check now.
if len(labelKeys) != len(labelValues) {
return labels, fmt.Errorf("Length mismatch: len(labelKeys)=%d len(labelValues)=%d", len(labelKeys), len(labelValues))
for i, labelKey := range labelKeys {
labelValue := labelValues[i]
labels[sanitize(labelKey.GetKey())] = labelValue.GetValue()
return labels, nil
func (se *statsExporter) protoMetricDescriptorToCreateMetricDescriptorRequest(ctx context.Context, metric *metricspb.Metric) (*monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest, error) {
// Otherwise, we encountered a cache-miss and
// should create the metric descriptor remotely.
inMD, err := se.protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", se.o.ProjectID),
MetricDescriptor: inMD,
return cmrdesc, nil
// createMetricDescriptor creates a metric descriptor from the OpenCensus proto metric
// and then creates it remotely using Stackdriver's API.
func (se *statsExporter) createMetricDescriptor(ctx context.Context, metric *metricspb.Metric) error {
defer se.protoMu.Unlock()
name := metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetName()
if _, created := se.protoMetricDescriptors[name]; created {
return nil
// Otherwise, we encountered a cache-miss and
// should create the metric descriptor remotely.
inMD, err := se.protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric)
if err != nil {
return err
var md *googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor
if builtinMetric(inMD.Type) {
gmrdesc := &monitoringpb.GetMetricDescriptorRequest{
Name: inMD.Name,
md, err = getMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, gmrdesc)
} else {
cmrdesc := &monitoringpb.CreateMetricDescriptorRequest{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s", se.o.ProjectID),
MetricDescriptor: inMD,
md, err = createMetricDescriptor(ctx, se.c, cmrdesc)
if err == nil {
// Now record the metric as having been created.
se.protoMetricDescriptors[name] = md
return err
func (se *statsExporter) protoTimeSeriesToMonitoringPoints(ts *metricspb.TimeSeries, metricKind googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_MetricKind) (sptl []*monitoringpb.Point, err error) {
for _, pt := range ts.Points {
// If we have a last value aggregation point i.e. MetricDescriptor_GAUGE
// StartTime should be nil.
startTime := ts.StartTimestamp
if metricKind == googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE {
startTime = nil
spt, err := fromProtoPoint(startTime, pt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sptl = append(sptl, spt)
return sptl, nil
func (se *statsExporter) protoToMonitoringMetricDescriptor(metric *metricspb.Metric) (*googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor, error) {
if metric == nil {
return nil, errNilMetric
metricName, description, unit, err := metricProseFromProto(metric)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metricType, _ := se.metricTypeFromProto(metricName)
displayName := se.displayName(metricName)
metricKind, valueType := protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(metric)
sdm := &googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/metricDescriptors/%s", se.o.ProjectID, metricType),
DisplayName: displayName,
Description: description,
Unit: unit,
Type: metricType,
MetricKind: metricKind,
ValueType: valueType,
Labels: labelDescriptorsFromProto(se.defaultLabels, metric.GetMetricDescriptor().GetLabelKeys()),
return sdm, nil
func labelDescriptorsFromProto(defaults map[string]labelValue, protoLabelKeys []*metricspb.LabelKey) []*labelpb.LabelDescriptor {
labelDescriptors := make([]*labelpb.LabelDescriptor, 0, len(defaults)+len(protoLabelKeys))
// Fill in the defaults first.
for key, lbl := range defaults {
labelDescriptors = append(labelDescriptors, &labelpb.LabelDescriptor{
Key: sanitize(key),
Description: lbl.desc,
ValueType: labelpb.LabelDescriptor_STRING,
// Now fill in those from the metric.
for _, protoKey := range protoLabelKeys {
labelDescriptors = append(labelDescriptors, &labelpb.LabelDescriptor{
Key: sanitize(protoKey.GetKey()),
Description: protoKey.GetDescription(),
ValueType: labelpb.LabelDescriptor_STRING, // We only use string tags
return labelDescriptors
func metricProseFromProto(metric *metricspb.Metric) (name, description, unit string, err error) {
md := metric.GetMetricDescriptor()
if md == nil {
return "", "", "", errNilMetricDescriptor
name = md.GetName()
unit = md.GetUnit()
description = md.GetDescription()
if md.Type == metricspb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_INT64 {
// If the aggregation type is count, which counts the number of recorded measurements, the unit must be "1",
// because this view does not apply to the recorded values.
unit = stats.UnitDimensionless
return name, description, unit, nil
func (se *statsExporter) metricTypeFromProto(name string) (string, bool) {
// TODO: (@odeke-em) support non-"" metrics names.
name = path.Join("", "opencensus", name)
return name, true
func fromProtoPoint(startTime *timestamp.Timestamp, pt *metricspb.Point) (*monitoringpb.Point, error) {
if pt == nil {
return nil, nil
mptv, err := protoToMetricPoint(pt.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mpt := &monitoringpb.Point{
Value: mptv,
Interval: &monitoringpb.TimeInterval{
StartTime: startTime,
EndTime: pt.Timestamp,
return mpt, nil
func protoToMetricPoint(value interface{}) (*monitoringpb.TypedValue, error) {
if value == nil {
return nil, nil
var err error
var tval *monitoringpb.TypedValue
switch v := value.(type) {
// All the other types are not yet handled.
// TODO: (@odeke-em, @songy23) talk to the Stackdriver team to determine
// the use cases for:
// *TypedValue_BoolValue
// *TypedValue_StringValue
// and then file feature requests on OpenCensus-Specs and then OpenCensus-Proto,
// lest we shall error here.
// TODO: Add conversion from SummaryValue when
// has been figured out.
err = fmt.Errorf("protoToMetricPoint: unknown Data type: %T", value)
case *metricspb.Point_Int64Value:
tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{
Value: &monitoringpb.TypedValue_Int64Value{
Int64Value: v.Int64Value,
case *metricspb.Point_DoubleValue:
tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{
Value: &monitoringpb.TypedValue_DoubleValue{
DoubleValue: v.DoubleValue,
case *metricspb.Point_DistributionValue:
dv := v.DistributionValue
var mv *monitoringpb.TypedValue_DistributionValue
if dv != nil {
var mean float64
if dv.Count > 0 {
mean = float64(dv.Sum) / float64(dv.Count)
mv = &monitoringpb.TypedValue_DistributionValue{
DistributionValue: &distributionpb.Distribution{
Count: dv.Count,
Mean: mean,
SumOfSquaredDeviation: dv.SumOfSquaredDeviation,
insertZeroBound := false
if bopts := dv.BucketOptions; bopts != nil && bopts.Type != nil {
bexp, ok := bopts.Type.(*metricspb.DistributionValue_BucketOptions_Explicit_)
if ok && bexp != nil && bexp.Explicit != nil {
insertZeroBound = shouldInsertZeroBound(bexp.Explicit.Bounds...)
mv.DistributionValue.BucketOptions = &distributionpb.Distribution_BucketOptions{
Options: &distributionpb.Distribution_BucketOptions_ExplicitBuckets{
ExplicitBuckets: &distributionpb.Distribution_BucketOptions_Explicit{
// The first bucket bound should be 0.0 because the Metrics first bucket is
// [0, first_bound) but Stackdriver monitoring bucket bounds begin with -infinity
// (first bucket is (-infinity, 0))
Bounds: addZeroBoundOnCondition(insertZeroBound, bexp.Explicit.Bounds...),
mv.DistributionValue.BucketCounts = addZeroBucketCountOnCondition(insertZeroBound, bucketCounts(dv.Buckets)...)
tval = &monitoringpb.TypedValue{Value: mv}
return tval, err
func bucketCounts(buckets []*metricspb.DistributionValue_Bucket) []int64 {
bucketCounts := make([]int64, len(buckets))
for i, bucket := range buckets {
if bucket != nil {
bucketCounts[i] = bucket.Count
return bucketCounts
func protoMetricDescriptorTypeToMetricKind(m *metricspb.Metric) (googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_MetricKind, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_ValueType) {
dt := m.GetMetricDescriptor()
if dt == nil {
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
switch dt.Type {
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_INT64:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_INT64
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_DOUBLE:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_DOUBLE
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE_DISTRIBUTION:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_CUMULATIVE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_DISTRIBUTION
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_DOUBLE:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_DOUBLE
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_INT64:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_INT64
case metricspb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE_DISTRIBUTION:
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_GAUGE, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_DISTRIBUTION
return googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_METRIC_KIND_UNSPECIFIED, googlemetricpb.MetricDescriptor_VALUE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
func protoResourceToMonitoredResource(rsp *resourcepb.Resource) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource {
if rsp == nil {
return &monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource{
Type: "global",
typ := rsp.Type
if typ == "" {
typ = "global"
mrsp := &monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource{
Type: typ,
if rsp.Labels != nil {
mrsp.Labels = make(map[string]string, len(rsp.Labels))
for k, v := range rsp.Labels {
mrsp.Labels[k] = v
return mrsp