blob: e42ea9b78423e961f3bfea3d7d39a26d94298e20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package stackdriver contains the OpenCensus exporters for
// Stackdriver Monitoring and Stackdriver Tracing.
// This exporter can be used to send metrics to Stackdriver Monitoring and traces
// to Stackdriver trace.
// The package uses Application Default Credentials to authenticate by default.
// See:
// Alternatively, pass the authentication options in both the MonitoringClientOptions
// and the TraceClientOptions fields of Options.
// Stackdriver Monitoring
// This exporter support exporting OpenCensus views to Stackdriver Monitoring.
// Each registered view becomes a metric in Stackdriver Monitoring, with the
// tags becoming labels.
// The aggregation function determines the metric kind: LastValue aggregations
// generate Gauge metrics and all other aggregations generate Cumulative metrics.
// In order to be able to push your stats to Stackdriver Monitoring, you must:
// 1. Create a Cloud project:
// 2. Enable billing:
// 3. Enable the Stackdriver Monitoring API:
// These steps enable the API but don't require that your app is hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
// Stackdriver Trace
// This exporter supports exporting Trace Spans to Stackdriver Trace. It also
// supports the Google "Cloud Trace" propagation format header.
package stackdriver // import ""
import (
metadataapi ""
traceapi ""
monitoredrespb ""
commonpb ""
metricspb ""
resourcepb ""
// Options contains options for configuring the exporter.
type Options struct {
// ProjectID is the identifier of the Stackdriver
// project the user is uploading the stats data to.
// If not set, this will default to your "Application Default Credentials".
// For details see:
// It will be used in the project_id label of a Stackdriver monitored
// resource if the resource does not inherently belong to a specific
// project, e.g. on-premise resource like k8s_container or generic_task.
ProjectID string
// Location is the identifier of the GCP or AWS cloud region/zone in which
// the data for a resource is stored.
// If not set, it will default to the location provided by the metadata server.
// It will be used in the location label of a Stackdriver monitored resource
// if the resource does not inherently belong to a specific project, e.g.
// on-premise resource like k8s_container or generic_task.
Location string
// OnError is the hook to be called when there is
// an error uploading the stats or tracing data.
// If no custom hook is set, errors are logged.
// Optional.
OnError func(err error)
// MonitoringClientOptions are additional options to be passed
// to the underlying Stackdriver Monitoring API client.
// Optional.
MonitoringClientOptions []option.ClientOption
// TraceClientOptions are additional options to be passed
// to the underlying Stackdriver Trace API client.
// Optional.
TraceClientOptions []option.ClientOption
// BundleDelayThreshold determines the max amount of time
// the exporter can wait before uploading view data or trace spans to
// the backend.
// Optional.
BundleDelayThreshold time.Duration
// BundleCountThreshold determines how many view data events or trace spans
// can be buffered before batch uploading them to the backend.
// Optional.
BundleCountThreshold int
// TraceSpansBufferMaxBytes is the maximum size (in bytes) of spans that
// will be buffered in memory before being dropped.
// If unset, a default of 8MB will be used.
TraceSpansBufferMaxBytes int
// Resource sets the MonitoredResource against which all views will be
// recorded by this exporter.
// All Stackdriver metrics created by this exporter are custom metrics,
// so only a limited number of MonitoredResource types are supported, see:
// An important consideration when setting the Resource here is that
// Stackdriver Monitoring only allows a single writer per
// TimeSeries, see:
// A TimeSeries is uniquely defined by the metric type name
// (constructed from the view name and the MetricPrefix), the Resource field,
// and the set of label key/value pairs (in OpenCensus terminology: tag).
// If no custom Resource is set, a default MonitoredResource
// with type global and no resource labels will be used. If you explicitly
// set this field, you may also want to set custom DefaultMonitoringLabels.
// Deprecated: Use MonitoredResource instead.
Resource *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource
// MonitoredResource sets the MonitoredResource against which all views will be
// recorded by this exporter.
// All Stackdriver metrics created by this exporter are custom metrics,
// so only a limited number of MonitoredResource types are supported, see:
// An important consideration when setting the MonitoredResource here is that
// Stackdriver Monitoring only allows a single writer per
// TimeSeries, see:
// A TimeSeries is uniquely defined by the metric type name
// (constructed from the view name and the MetricPrefix), the MonitoredResource field,
// and the set of label key/value pairs (in OpenCensus terminology: tag).
// If no custom MonitoredResource is set AND if Resource is also not set then
// a default MonitoredResource with type global and no resource labels will be used.
// If you explicitly set this field, you may also want to set custom DefaultMonitoringLabels.
// This field replaces Resource field. If this is set then it will override the
// Resource field.
// Optional, but encouraged.
MonitoredResource monitoredresource.Interface
// ResourceDetector provides a hook to discover arbitrary resource information.
// The translation function provided in MapResource must be able to conver the
// the resource information to a Stackdriver monitored resource.
// If this field is unset, resource type and tags will automatically be discovered through
// the OC_RESOURCE_TYPE and OC_RESOURCE_LABELS environment variables.
ResourceDetector resource.Detector
// MapResource converts a OpenCensus resource to a Stackdriver monitored resource.
// If this field is unset, DefaultMapResource will be used which encodes a set of default
// conversions from auto-detected resources to well-known Stackdriver monitored resources.
MapResource func(*resource.Resource) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource
// MetricPrefix overrides the prefix of a Stackdriver metric display names.
// Optional. If unset defaults to "OpenCensus/".
// Deprecated: Provide GetMetricDisplayName to change the display name of
// the metric.
// If GetMetricDisplayName is non-nil, this option is ignored.
MetricPrefix string
// GetMetricDisplayName allows customizing the display name for the metric
// associated with the given view. By default it will be:
// MetricPrefix + view.Name
GetMetricDisplayName func(view *view.View) string
// GetMetricType allows customizing the metric type for the given view.
// By default, it will be:
// "" + view.Name
// See:
GetMetricType func(view *view.View) string
// DefaultTraceAttributes will be appended to every span that is exported to
// Stackdriver Trace.
DefaultTraceAttributes map[string]interface{}
// DefaultMonitoringLabels are labels added to every metric created by this
// exporter in Stackdriver Monitoring.
// If unset, this defaults to a single label with key "opencensus_task" and
// value "go-<pid>@<hostname>". This default ensures that the set of labels
// together with the default Resource (global) are unique to this
// process, as required by Stackdriver Monitoring.
// If you set DefaultMonitoringLabels, make sure that the Resource field
// together with these labels is unique to the
// current process. This is to ensure that there is only a single writer to
// each TimeSeries in Stackdriver.
// Set this to &Labels{} (a pointer to an empty Labels) to avoid getting the
// default "opencensus_task" label. You should only do this if you know that
// the Resource you set uniquely identifies this Go process.
DefaultMonitoringLabels *Labels
// Context allows you to provide a custom context for API calls.
// This context will be used several times: first, to create Stackdriver
// trace and metric clients, and then every time a new batch of traces or
// stats needs to be uploaded.
// Do not set a timeout on this context. Instead, set the Timeout option.
// If unset, context.Background() will be used.
Context context.Context
// Timeout for all API calls. If not set, defaults to 5 seconds.
Timeout time.Duration
// GetMonitoredResource may be provided to supply the details of the
// monitored resource dynamically based on the tags associated with each
// data point. Most users will not need to set this, but should instead
// set the MonitoredResource field.
// GetMonitoredResource may add or remove tags by returning a new set of
// tags. It is safe for the function to mutate its argument and return it.
// See the documentation on the MonitoredResource field for guidance on the
// interaction between monitored resources and labels.
// The MonitoredResource field is ignored if this field is set to a non-nil
// value.
GetMonitoredResource func(*view.View, []tag.Tag) ([]tag.Tag, monitoredresource.Interface)
const defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second
// Exporter is a stats and trace exporter that uploads data to Stackdriver.
// You can create a single Exporter and register it as both a trace exporter
// (to export to Stackdriver Trace) and a stats exporter (to integrate with
// Stackdriver Monitoring).
type Exporter struct {
traceExporter *traceExporter
statsExporter *statsExporter
// NewExporter creates a new Exporter that implements both stats.Exporter and
// trace.Exporter.
func NewExporter(o Options) (*Exporter, error) {
if o.ProjectID == "" {
ctx := o.Context
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
creds, err := google.FindDefaultCredentials(ctx, traceapi.DefaultAuthScopes()...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("stackdriver: %v", err)
if creds.ProjectID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("stackdriver: no project found with application default credentials")
o.ProjectID = creds.ProjectID
if o.Location == "" {
ctx := o.Context
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
zone, err := metadataapi.Zone()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Setting Stackdriver default location failed: %s", err)
} else {
log.Printf("Setting Stackdriver default location to %q", zone)
o.Location = zone
if o.MonitoredResource != nil {
o.Resource = convertMonitoredResourceToPB(o.MonitoredResource)
if o.MapResource == nil {
o.MapResource = DefaultMapResource
if o.ResourceDetector != nil {
// For backwards-compatibility we still respect the deprecated resource field.
if o.Resource != nil {
return nil, errors.New("stackdriver: ResourceDetector must not be used in combination with deprecated resource fields")
res, err := o.ResourceDetector(o.Context)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("stackdriver: detect resource: %s", err)
// Populate internal resource labels for defaulting project_id, location, and
// generic resource labels of applicable monitored resources.
res.Labels[stackdriverProjectID] = o.ProjectID
res.Labels[stackdriverLocation] = o.Location
res.Labels[stackdriverGenericTaskNamespace] = "default"
res.Labels[stackdriverGenericTaskJob] = path.Base(os.Args[0])
res.Labels[stackdriverGenericTaskID] = getTaskValue()
o.Resource = o.MapResource(res)
se, err := newStatsExporter(o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
te, err := newTraceExporter(o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Exporter{
statsExporter: se,
traceExporter: te,
}, nil
// ExportView exports to the Stackdriver Monitoring if view data
// has one or more rows.
func (e *Exporter) ExportView(vd *view.Data) {
// ExportMetricsProto exports OpenCensus Metrics Proto to Stackdriver Monitoring.
func (e *Exporter) ExportMetricsProto(ctx context.Context, node *commonpb.Node, rsc *resourcepb.Resource, metrics []*metricspb.Metric) error {
return e.statsExporter.ExportMetricsProto(ctx, node, rsc, metrics)
// ExportSpan exports a SpanData to Stackdriver Trace.
func (e *Exporter) ExportSpan(sd *trace.SpanData) {
if len(e.traceExporter.o.DefaultTraceAttributes) > 0 {
sd = e.sdWithDefaultTraceAttributes(sd)
func (e *Exporter) sdWithDefaultTraceAttributes(sd *trace.SpanData) *trace.SpanData {
newSD := *sd
newSD.Attributes = make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range e.traceExporter.o.DefaultTraceAttributes {
newSD.Attributes[k] = v
for k, v := range sd.Attributes {
newSD.Attributes[k] = v
return &newSD
// Flush waits for exported data to be uploaded.
// This is useful if your program is ending and you do not
// want to lose recent stats or spans.
func (e *Exporter) Flush() {
func (o Options) handleError(err error) {
if o.OnError != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to export to Stackdriver: %v", err)
func (o Options) newContextWithTimeout() (context.Context, func()) {
ctx := o.Context
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
timeout := o.Timeout
if timeout <= 0 {
timeout = defaultTimeout
return context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
// convertMonitoredResourceToPB converts MonitoredResource data in to
// protocol buffer.
func convertMonitoredResourceToPB(mr monitoredresource.Interface) *monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource {
mrpb := new(monitoredrespb.MonitoredResource)
var labels map[string]string
mrpb.Type, labels = mr.MonitoredResource()
mrpb.Labels = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range labels {
mrpb.Labels[k] = v
return mrpb