blob: c0689b9914b02c0428800904d33d618933f42056 [file] [log] [blame]
Meson build system
glmark2 uses the meson build system for the most common build flavors (X11,
Wayland, DRM).
To configure glmark2 use:
$ meson setup build -Dflavors=drm-gl,drm-glesv2,wayland-gl,wayland-glesv2,x11-gl,x11-glesv2 [-Ddata-path=DATA_PATH --prefix=PREFIX]
To build use:
$ ninja -C build
To install use:
$ [DESTDIR=<destdir>] ninja -C build install
WAF build system
glmark2 previously used the WAF build system, and the builds for some flavors
(dispmanx, win32, mir) have not been ported to the meson build system. For such
cases follow the instructions below.
To configure glmark2 use:
$ ./waf configure --with-flavors=dispmanx-glesv2,win32-gl,win32-glesv2,mir-gl,mir-glesv2... [--data-path=DATA_PATH --prefix=PREFIX]
To build use:
$ ./waf
To install use:
$ ./waf install --destdir=DESTDIR