blob: 3c080e3a67250a6e36426ad17815006af3617a74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "core/internal/endpoint_manager.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "core/internal/endpoint_channel.h"
#include "core/internal/offline_frames.h"
#include "platform/base/exception.h"
#include "platform/public/count_down_latch.h"
#include "platform/public/logging.h"
#include "proto/connections_enums.pb.h"
namespace location {
namespace nearby {
namespace connections {
using ::location::nearby::proto::connections::Medium;
constexpr absl::Duration EndpointManager::kKeepAliveWriteInterval;
constexpr absl::Duration EndpointManager::kKeepAliveReadTimeout;
constexpr absl::Duration EndpointManager::kProcessEndpointDisconnectionTimeout;
constexpr absl::Time EndpointManager::kInvalidTimestamp;
// A Runnable that continuously grabs the most recent EndpointChannel available
// for an endpoint.
// handler - Called whenever an EndpointChannel is available for endpointId.
// Implementations are expected to read/write freely to the
// EndpointChannel until an Exception::IO is thrown. Once an
// Exception::IO occurs, a check will be performed to see if another
// EndpointChannel is available for the given endpoint and, if so,
// handler(EndpointChannel) will be called again. Return false to exit
// the loop.
void EndpointManager::EndpointChannelLoopRunnable(
const std::string& runnable_name, ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id, CountDownLatch* barrier,
std::function<ExceptionOr<bool>(EndpointChannel*)> handler) {
// EndpointChannelManager will not let multiple channels exist simultaneously
// for the same endpoint_id; it will be closing "old" channels as new ones
// come. (There will be a short overlap).
// Closed channel will return Exception::kIo for any Read, and loop (below)
// will retry and attempt to pick another channel.
// If channel is deleted (no mapping), or it is still the same channel
// (same Medium) on which we got the Exception::kIo, we terminate the loop.
Medium last_failed_medium = Medium::UNKNOWN_MEDIUM;
while (true) {
// It's important to keep re-fetching the EndpointChannel for an endpoint
// because it can be changed out from under us (for example, when we
// upgrade from Bluetooth to Wifi).
std::shared_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel =
if (channel == nullptr) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Endpoint channel is nullptr, bail out.");
// If we're looping back around after a failure, and there's not a new
// EndpointChannel for this endpoint, there's nothing more to do here.
if ((last_failed_medium != Medium::UNKNOWN_MEDIUM) &&
(channel->GetMedium() == last_failed_medium)) {
INFO, "No new endpoint channel is found after a failure, exit loop.");
ExceptionOr<bool> keep_using_channel = handler(channel.get());
if (!keep_using_channel.ok()) {
Exception exception = keep_using_channel.GetException();
if (exception.Raised(Exception::kIo)) {
last_failed_medium = channel->GetMedium();
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Endpoint channel IO exception; last_failed_medium=%d",
if (exception.Raised(Exception::kInterrupted)) {
if (!keep_using_channel.result()) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Dropping current channel: last medium=%d",
// Indicate we're out of the loop and it is ok to schedule another instance
// if needed.
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Worker going down; name=%s; id=%s", runnable_name.c_str(),
// Always clear out all state related to this endpoint before terminating
// this thread.
DiscardEndpoint(client, endpoint_id);
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Worker done; name=%s; id=%s", runnable_name.c_str(),
ExceptionOr<bool> EndpointManager::HandleData(
const std::string& endpoint_id, ClientProxy* client,
EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel) {
// Read as much as we can from the healthy EndpointChannel - when it is no
// longer in good shape (i.e. our read from it throws an Exception), our
// super class will loop back around and try our luck in case there's been
// a replacement for this endpoint since we last checked with the
// EndpointChannelManager.
while (true) {
ExceptionOr<ByteArray> bytes = endpoint_channel->Read();
if (!bytes.ok()) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Stop reading on read-time exception: %d",
return ExceptionOr<bool>(bytes.exception());
ExceptionOr<OfflineFrame> wrapped_frame = parser::FromBytes(bytes.result());
if (!wrapped_frame.ok()) {
if (wrapped_frame.GetException().Raised(
Exception::kInvalidProtocolBuffer)) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Failed to decode; endpoint=%s; channel=%s; skip",
endpoint_id.c_str(), endpoint_channel->GetType().c_str());
} else {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Stop reading on parse-time exception: %d",
return ExceptionOr<bool>(wrapped_frame.exception());
OfflineFrame& frame = wrapped_frame.result();
// Route the incoming offlineFrame to its registered processor.
V1Frame::FrameType frame_type = parser::GetFrameType(frame);
EndpointManager::FrameProcessor* frame_processor =
if (frame_processor == nullptr) {
// report messages without handlers, except KEEP_ALIVE, which has
// no explicit handler.
if (frame_type == V1Frame::KEEP_ALIVE) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "KeepAlive message for: id=%s", endpoint_id.c_str());
} else if (frame_type == V1Frame::DISCONNECTION) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Disconnect message for: id=%s", endpoint_id.c_str());
} else {
NEARBY_LOG(ERROR, "Unhandled message: id=%s, type=%d",
endpoint_id.c_str(), frame_type);
frame_processor->OnIncomingFrame(frame, endpoint_id, client,
ExceptionOr<bool> EndpointManager::HandleKeepAlive(
EndpointChannel* endpoint_channel) {
// Check if it has been too long since we received a frame from our
// endpoint.
auto last_read_time = endpoint_channel->GetLastReadTimestamp();
if (last_read_time != kInvalidTimestamp &&
SystemClock::ElapsedRealtime() >
(last_read_time + EndpointManager::kKeepAliveReadTimeout)) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Receive timeout expired; aborting KeepAlive worker.");
return ExceptionOr<bool>(false);
// Attempt to send the KeepAlive frame over the endpoint channel - if the
// write fails, our super class will loop back around and try our luck again
// in case there's been a replacement for this endpoint.
Exception write_exception = endpoint_channel->Write(parser::ForKeepAlive());
if (!write_exception.Ok()) {
return ExceptionOr<bool>(write_exception);
// We sleep as the very last step because we want to minimize the caching of
// the EndpointChannel. If we do hold on to the EndpointChannel, and it's
// switched out from under us in BandwidthUpgradeManager, our write will
// trigger an erroneous write to the encryption context that will cascade
// into all our remote endpoint's future reads failing.
Exception sleep_exception =
if (!sleep_exception.Ok()) {
return ExceptionOr<bool>(sleep_exception);
return ExceptionOr<bool>(true);
bool operator==(const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& lhs,
const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& rhs) {
// We're comparing addresses because these objects are callbacks which need to
// be matched by exact instances.
return &lhs == &rhs;
bool operator<(const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& lhs,
const EndpointManager::FrameProcessor& rhs) {
// We're comparing addresses because these objects are callbacks which need to
// be matched by exact instances.
return &lhs < &rhs;
EndpointManager::EndpointManager(EndpointChannelManager* manager)
: channel_manager_(manager) {}
EndpointManager::~EndpointManager() {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "EndpointManager going down");
CountDownLatch latch(1);
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, &latch]() {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Bringing down endpoints");
for (auto& item : endpoints_) {
const std::string& endpoint_id = item.first;
EndpointState& state = item.second;
// This will close the channel; all workers will sense that and
// terminate.
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Bringing down worker threads");
// Stop all the ongoing Runnables (as gracefully as possible).
// Order matters: bring worker pools down first; serial_executor_ thread
// should go last, since workers schedule jobs there even during shutdown.
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Bringing down control thread");
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "EndpointManager is down");
EndpointManager::FrameProcessor::Handle EndpointManager::RegisterFrameProcessor(
V1Frame::FrameType frame_type, EndpointManager::FrameProcessor* processor) {
const FrameProcessor::Handle handle = processor;
CountDownLatch latch(1);
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, frame_type, &latch, processor]() {
auto it = frame_processors_.find(frame_type);
if (it != frame_processors_.end()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Frame processor found: updated; type=" << frame_type
<< "; processor=" << processor << "; self=" << this;
it->second = processor;
} else {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Frame processor added; type=" << frame_type
<< "; processor=" << processor << "; self=" << this;
frame_processors_.emplace(frame_type, processor);
return handle;
void EndpointManager::UnregisterFrameProcessor(V1Frame::FrameType frame_type,
const void* handle, bool sync) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "UnregisterFrameProcessor [enter]: handle=" << handle;
if (handle == nullptr) return;
CountDownLatch latch(1);
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, frame_type, handle, &latch, sync]() {
auto it = frame_processors_.find(frame_type);
if (it == frame_processors_.end()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "UnregisterFrameProcessor [not found]: handle="
<< handle;
if (sync) latch.CountDown();
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "UnregisterFrameProcessor [found]: handle=" << handle;
if (it->second == handle) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Unregistered: type=" << frame_type
<< "; processor=" << handle << "; self=" << this;
} else {
"Failed to unregister: type=%d; handle mismatch: passed=%p, "
frame_type, handle, it->second);
if (sync) latch.CountDown();
if (sync) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Unregistered [sync done]: type=" << frame_type
<< "; processor=" << handle << "; self=" << this;
EndpointManager::FrameProcessor* EndpointManager::GetFrameProcessor(
V1Frame::FrameType frame_type) {
EndpointManager::FrameProcessor* processor = nullptr;
CountDownLatch latch(1);
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, frame_type, &processor, &latch]() {
auto it = frame_processors_.find(frame_type);
if (it != frame_processors_.end()) {
processor = it->second;
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "GetFrameProcessor: type=%d; processor=%p", frame_type,
return processor;
void EndpointManager::EnsureWorkersTerminated(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
auto item = endpoints_.find(endpoint_id);
if (item != endpoints_.end()) {
// If another instance of data and keep-alive handlers is running, it will
// terminate soon; we should block until it happens.
EndpointState& endpoint_state = item->second;
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Waiting for workers to terminate for id: "
<< endpoint_id;
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Workers terminated for id: " << endpoint_id;
} else {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "EndpointState not found for id: " << endpoint_id;
void EndpointManager::RegisterEndpoint(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
const ConnectionResponseInfo& info,
const ConnectionOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel,
const ConnectionListener& listener) {
CountDownLatch latch(1);
// NOTE (unique_ptr<> capture):
// std::unique_ptr<> is not copyable, so we can not pass it to
// lambda capture, because lambda eventually is converted to std::function<>.
// Instead, we release() a pointer, and pass a raw pointer, which is copyalbe.
// We ignore the risk of job not scheduled (and an associated risk of memory
// leak), because this may only happen during service shutdown.
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, client, channel = channel.release(),
&endpoint_id, &info, &options, &listener,
&latch]() {
// Pass ownership of channel to EndpointChannelManager
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Registering endpoint with channel manager: id=%s",
client, endpoint_id, std::unique_ptr<EndpointChannel>(channel));
EndpointState& endpoint_state =
endpoints_.emplace(endpoint_id, EndpointState()).first->second;
endpoint_state.client = client;
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Starting workers: id=%s", endpoint_id.c_str());
// For every endpoint, there's normally only one Read handler instance
// running on the handlers_executor_ pool. This instance reads data from the
// endpoint and delegates incoming frames to various FrameProcessors.
// Once the frame has been properly handled, it starts reading again for
// the next frame. If the handler fails its read and no other
// EndpointChannels are available for this endpoint, a disconnection
// will be initiated.
[this, client, endpoint_id, barrier = &endpoint_state.barrier]() {
"Read", client, endpoint_id, barrier,
[this, client, endpoint_id](EndpointChannel* channel) {
return HandleData(endpoint_id, client, channel);
// For every endpoint, there's only one KeepAliveManager instance
// running on the keep_alive_executor_ pool. This instance will
// periodically send out a ping* to the endpoint while listening for an
// incoming pong**. If it fails to send the ping, or if no pong is heard
// within kKeepAliveReadTimeoutMillis milliseconds, it initiates a
// disconnection.
// (*) Bluetooth requires a constant outgoing stream of messages. If
// there's silence, Android will break the socket. This is why we ping.
// (**) Wifi Hotspots can fail to notice a connection has been lost, and
// they will happily keep writing to /dev/null. This is why we listen
// for the pong.
StartEndpointKeepAliveManager([this, client, endpoint_id,
barrier = &endpoint_state.barrier]() {
EndpointChannelLoopRunnable("KeepAliveManager", client, endpoint_id,
barrier, [this](EndpointChannel* channel) {
return HandleKeepAlive(channel);
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Workers started, notifying client; id=%s",
// It's now time to let the client know of this new connection so that
// they can accept or reject it.
client->OnConnectionInitiated(endpoint_id, info, options, listener);
void EndpointManager::UnregisterEndpoint(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id) {
CountDownLatch latch(1);
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, client, endpoint_id, &latch]() {
RemoveEndpoint(client, endpoint_id,
int EndpointManager::GetMaxTransmitPacketSize(const std::string& endpoint_id) {
std::shared_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel =
if (channel == nullptr) {
return 0;
return channel->GetMaxTransmitPacketSize();
std::vector<std::string> EndpointManager::SendPayloadChunk(
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadHeader& payload_header,
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadChunk& payload_chunk,
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids) {
ByteArray bytes =
parser::ForDataPayloadTransfer(payload_header, payload_chunk);
return SendTransferFrameBytes(endpoint_ids, bytes,,
// Designed to run asynchronously. It is called from IO thread pools, and
// jobs in these pools may be waited for from the EndpointManager thread. If we
// allow synchronous behavior here it will cause a live lock.
void EndpointManager::DiscardEndpoint(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id) {
RunOnEndpointManagerThread([this, client, endpoint_id]() {
RemoveEndpoint(client, endpoint_id,
std::vector<std::string> EndpointManager::SendControlMessage(
const PayloadTransferFrame::PayloadHeader& header,
const PayloadTransferFrame::ControlMessage& control,
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids) {
ByteArray bytes = parser::ForControlPayloadTransfer(header, control);
return SendTransferFrameBytes(endpoint_ids, bytes,,
// @EndpointManagerThread
void EndpointManager::RemoveEndpoint(ClientProxy* client,
const std::string& endpoint_id,
bool notify) {
// Unregistering from channel_manager_ will also serve to terminate
// the dedicated handler and KeepAlive threads we started when we registered
// this endpoint.
if (channel_manager_->UnregisterChannelForEndpoint(endpoint_id)) {
// Notify all frame processors of the disconnection immediately and wait
// for them to clean up state. Only once all processors are done cleaning
// up, we can remove the endpoint from ClientProxy after which there
// should be no further interactions with the endpoint.
// (See b/37352254 for history)
WaitForEndpointDisconnectionProcessing(client, endpoint_id);
client->OnDisconnected(endpoint_id, notify);
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Removed endpoint; id=%s", endpoint_id.c_str());
// @EndpointManagerThread
void EndpointManager::WaitForEndpointDisconnectionProcessing(
ClientProxy* client, const std::string& endpoint_id) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Wait: client=" << client << "; id=" << endpoint_id;
auto total_size = frame_processors_.size();
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Total frame processors: " << total_size;
if (!total_size) return;
CountDownLatch barrier(total_size);
int valid = 0;
for (auto& item : frame_processors_) {
auto* processor = item.second;
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "processor=" << processor << "; type=" << item.first;
if (processor) {
processor->OnEndpointDisconnect(client, endpoint_id, barrier);
} else {
if (!valid) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "No valid frame processors.";
} else {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Valid frame processors: " << valid;
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Waiting for " << valid
<< " frame processors to disconnect from: " << endpoint_id;
if (!barrier.Await(kProcessEndpointDisconnectionTimeout).result()) {
NEARBY_LOGS(INFO) << "Failed to disconnect frame processors from: "
<< endpoint_id;
} else {
<< "Finished waiting for frame processors to disconnect from: "
<< endpoint_id;
std::vector<std::string> EndpointManager::SendTransferFrameBytes(
const std::vector<std::string>& endpoint_ids, const ByteArray& bytes,
std::int64_t payload_id, std::int64_t offset,
const std::string& packet_type) {
std::vector<std::string> failed_endpoint_ids;
for (const std::string& endpoint_id : endpoint_ids) {
std::shared_ptr<EndpointChannel> channel =
if (channel == nullptr) {
// We no longer know about this endpoint (it was either explicitly
// unregistered, or a read/write error made us unregister it internally).
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Channel not available; id=%s", endpoint_id.c_str());
Exception write_exception = channel->Write(bytes);
if (!write_exception.Ok()) {
NEARBY_LOG(INFO, "Failed to send packet; endpoint_id=%s",
return failed_endpoint_ids;
void EndpointManager::StartEndpointReader(Runnable runnable) {
void EndpointManager::StartEndpointKeepAliveManager(Runnable runnable) {
void EndpointManager::RunOnEndpointManagerThread(Runnable runnable) {
} // namespace connections
} // namespace nearby
} // namespace location