blob: 8095555da4ee1a3c7a2a8beeca13e6d9203657c5 [file] [log] [blame]
runtime: go
api_version: go1
service: default
instance_class: F4_1G
# For static resources such as css and js files.
- url: /static
secure: always
static_dir: static
# For sideloading data for testing and development.
- url: /_ah/remote_api
script: _go_app
# For admin resources or endpoints meant to be hit by a cron job.
- url: /admin/.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
login: admin
# Pubsub Handler. This is strictly necessary because the default module
# contains a /.* routing rule, so if it was targetted directly, we still want
# login:admin to apply.
- url: /_ah/push-handlers/.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
login: admin
# Everything goes here.
- url: /.*
script: _go_app
secure: always
- remote_api: on
- ./static/include.yaml
- warmup