blob: 318a347c450d9557318ff7fa328145031f46c66c [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for the jinja filters.
:copyright: (c) 2017 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import pytest
from jinja2 import Markup, Environment
from jinja2._compat import text_type, implements_to_string
class TestFilter(object):
def test_filter_calling(self, env):
rv = env.call_filter('sum', [1, 2, 3])
assert rv == 6
def test_capitalize(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo bar"|capitalize }}')
assert tmpl.render() == 'Foo bar'
def test_center(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo"|center(9) }}')
assert tmpl.render() == ' foo '
def test_default(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
"{{ missing|default('no') }}|{{ false|default('no') }}|"
"{{ false|default('no', true) }}|{{ given|default('no') }}"
assert tmpl.render(given='yes') == 'no|False|no|yes'
def test_dictsort(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ foo|dictsort }}|'
'{{ foo|dictsort(true) }}|'
'{{ foo|dictsort(false, "value") }}'
out = tmpl.render(foo={"aa": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2, "AB": 3})
assert out == ("[('aa', 0), ('AB', 3), ('b', 1), ('c', 2)]|"
"[('AB', 3), ('aa', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2)]|"
"[('aa', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2), ('AB', 3)]")
def test_batch(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string("{{ foo|batch(3)|list }}|"
"{{ foo|batch(3, 'X')|list }}")
out = tmpl.render(foo=list(range(10)))
assert out == ("[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]]|"
"[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 'X', 'X']]")
def test_slice(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ foo|slice(3)|list }}|'
'{{ foo|slice(3, "X")|list }}')
out = tmpl.render(foo=list(range(10)))
assert out == ("[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]|"
"[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 'X'], [7, 8, 9, 'X']]")
def test_escape(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ '<">&'|escape }}''')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == '&lt;&#34;&gt;&amp;'
def test_striptags(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ foo|striptags }}''')
out = tmpl.render(foo=' <p>just a small \n <a href="#">'
'example</a> link</p>\n<p>to a webpage</p> '
'<!-- <p>and some commented stuff</p> -->')
assert out == 'just a small example link to a webpage'
def test_filesizeformat(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ 100|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 1000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 1000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 1000000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 1000000000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 100|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 1000|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 1000000|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 1000000000|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 1000000000000|filesizeformat(true) }}'
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == (
'100 Bytes|1.0 kB|1.0 MB|1.0 GB|1.0 TB|100 Bytes|'
'1000 Bytes|976.6 KiB|953.7 MiB|931.3 GiB'
def test_filesizeformat_issue59(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ 300|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 3000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 3000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 3000000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 3000000000000|filesizeformat }}|'
'{{ 300|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 3000|filesizeformat(true) }}|'
'{{ 3000000|filesizeformat(true) }}'
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == (
'300 Bytes|3.0 kB|3.0 MB|3.0 GB|3.0 TB|300 Bytes|'
'2.9 KiB|2.9 MiB'
def test_first(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ foo|first }}')
out = tmpl.render(foo=list(range(10)))
assert out == '0'
def test_float(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "42"|float }}|'
'{{ "ajsghasjgd"|float }}|'
'{{ "32.32"|float }}')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == '42.0|0.0|32.32'
def test_format(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "%s|%s"|format("a", "b") }}''')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == 'a|b'
def test_indent(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ foo|indent(2) }}|{{ foo|indent(2, true) }}')
text = '\n'.join([' '.join(['foo', 'bar'] * 2)] * 2)
out = tmpl.render(foo=text)
assert out == ('foo bar foo bar\n foo bar foo bar| '
'foo bar foo bar\n foo bar foo bar')
def test_int(self, env):
class IntIsh(object):
def __int__(self):
return 42
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "42"|int }}|{{ "ajsghasjgd"|int }}|'
'{{ "32.32"|int }}|{{ "0x4d32"|int(0, 16) }}|'
'{{ "011"|int(0, 8)}}|{{ "0x33FU"|int(0, 16) }}|'
'{{ obj|int }}')
out = tmpl.render(obj=IntIsh())
assert out == '42|0|32|19762|9|0|42'
def test_join(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [1, 2, 3]|join("|") }}')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == '1|2|3'
env2 = Environment(autoescape=True)
tmpl = env2.from_string(
'{{ ["<foo>", "<span>foo</span>"|safe]|join }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '&lt;foo&gt;<span>foo</span>'
def test_join_attribute(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, username):
self.username = username
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ users|join(', ', 'username') }}''')
assert tmpl.render(users=map(User, ['foo', 'bar'])) == 'foo, bar'
def test_last(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ foo|last }}''')
out = tmpl.render(foo=list(range(10)))
assert out == '9'
def test_length(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "hello world"|length }}''')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == '11'
def test_lower(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "FOO"|lower }}''')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == 'foo'
def test_pprint(self, env):
from pprint import pformat
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ data|pprint }}''')
data = list(range(1000))
assert tmpl.render(data=data) == pformat(data)
def test_random(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ seq|random }}''')
seq = list(range(100))
for _ in range(10):
assert int(tmpl.render(seq=seq)) in seq
def test_reverse(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foobar"|reverse|join }}|'
'{{ [1, 2, 3]|reverse|list }}')
assert tmpl.render() == 'raboof|[3, 2, 1]'
def test_string(self, env):
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ obj|string }}''')
assert tmpl.render(obj=x) == text_type(x)
def test_title(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo bar"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo Bar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo's bar"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo's Bar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo bar"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo Bar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "f bar f"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "F Bar F"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo-bar"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo-Bar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo\tbar"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo\tBar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "FOO\tBAR"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo\tBar"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo (bar)"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo (Bar)"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo {bar}"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo {Bar}"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo [bar]"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo [Bar]"
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ "foo <bar>"|title }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "Foo <Bar>"
class Foo:
def __str__(self):
return 'foo-bar'
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ data|title }}''')
out = tmpl.render(data=Foo())
assert out == 'Foo-Bar'
def test_truncate(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ data|truncate(15, true, ">>>") }}|'
'{{ data|truncate(15, false, ">>>") }}|'
'{{ smalldata|truncate(15) }}'
out = tmpl.render(data='foobar baz bar' * 1000,
smalldata='foobar baz bar')
msg = 'Current output: %s' % out
assert out == 'foobar baz b>>>|foobar baz>>>|foobar baz bar', msg
def test_truncate_very_short(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ "foo bar baz"|truncate(9) }}|'
'{{ "foo bar baz"|truncate(9, true) }}'
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == 'foo bar baz|foo bar baz', out
def test_truncate_end_length(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "Joel is a slug"|truncate(7, true) }}')
out = tmpl.render()
assert out == 'Joel...', 'Current output: %s' % out
def test_upper(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo"|upper }}')
assert tmpl.render() == 'FOO'
def test_urlize(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ "foo bar"|urlize }}')
assert tmpl.render() == (
'foo <a href="" rel="noopener">'
'</a> bar'
def test_urlize_rel_policy(self):
env = Environment()
env.policies['urlize.rel'] = None
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ "foo bar"|urlize }}')
assert tmpl.render() == (
'foo <a href="">'
'</a> bar'
def test_urlize_target_parameter(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ "foo bar"|urlize(target="_blank") }}'
assert tmpl.render() \
== 'foo <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">'\
'</a> bar'
def test_wordcount(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "foo bar baz"|wordcount }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '3'
def test_block(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{% filter lower|escape %}<HEHE>{% endfilter %}'
assert tmpl.render() == '&lt;hehe&gt;'
def test_chaining(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'''{{ ['<foo>', '<bar>']|first|upper|escape }}'''
assert tmpl.render() == '&lt;FOO&gt;'
def test_sum(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]|sum }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == '21'
def test_sum_attributes(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ values|sum('value') }}''')
assert tmpl.render(values=[
{'value': 23},
{'value': 1},
{'value': 18},
]) == '42'
def test_sum_attributes_nested(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ values|sum('real.value') }}''')
assert tmpl.render(values=[
{'real': {'value': 23}},
{'real': {'value': 1}},
{'real': {'value': 18}},
]) == '42'
def test_sum_attributes_tuple(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ values.items()|sum('1') }}''')
assert tmpl.render(values={
'foo': 23,
'bar': 1,
'baz': 18,
}) == '42'
def test_abs(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ -1|abs }}|{{ 1|abs }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == '1|1', tmpl.render()
def test_round_positive(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ 2.7|round }}|{{ 2.1|round }}|'
"{{ 2.1234|round(3, 'floor') }}|"
"{{ 2.1|round(0, 'ceil') }}")
assert tmpl.render() == '3.0|2.0|2.123|3.0', tmpl.render()
def test_round_negative(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ 21.3|round(-1)}}|'
"{{ 21.3|round(-1, 'ceil')}}|"
"{{ 21.3|round(-1, 'floor')}}")
assert tmpl.render() == '20.0|30.0|20.0', tmpl.render()
def test_xmlattr(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
"{{ {'foo': 42, 'bar': 23, 'fish': none, "
"'spam': missing, 'blub:blub': '<?>'}|xmlattr }}")
out = tmpl.render().split()
assert len(out) == 3
assert 'foo="42"' in out
assert 'bar="23"' in out
assert 'blub:blub="&lt;?&gt;"' in out
def test_sort1(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ [2, 3, 1]|sort }}|{{ [2, 3, 1]|sort(true) }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '[1, 2, 3]|[3, 2, 1]'
def test_sort2(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "".join(["c", "A", "b", "D"]|sort) }}')
assert tmpl.render() == 'AbcD'
def test_sort3(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ ['foo', 'Bar', 'blah']|sort }}''')
assert tmpl.render() == "['Bar', 'blah', 'foo']"
def test_sort4(self, env):
class Magic(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return text_type(self.value)
tmpl = env.from_string('''{{ items|sort(attribute='value')|join }}''')
assert tmpl.render(items=map(Magic, [3, 2, 4, 1])) == '1234'
def test_groupby(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''
{%- for grouper, list in [{'foo': 1, 'bar': 2},
{'foo': 2, 'bar': 3},
{'foo': 1, 'bar': 1},
{'foo': 3, 'bar': 4}]|groupby('foo') -%}
{{ grouper }}{% for x in list %}: {{ }}, {{ }}{% endfor %}|
{%- endfor %}''')
assert tmpl.render().split('|') == [
"1: 1, 2: 1, 1",
"2: 2, 3",
"3: 3, 4",
def test_groupby_tuple_index(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('''
{%- for grouper, list in [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 1)]|groupby(0) -%}
{{ grouper }}{% for x in list %}:{{ x.1 }}{% endfor %}|
{%- endfor %}''')
assert tmpl.render() == 'a:1:2|b:1|'
def test_groupby_multidot(self, env):
class Date(object):
def __init__(self, day, month, year): = day
self.month = month
self.year = year
class Article(object):
def __init__(self, title, *date): = Date(*date)
self.title = title
articles = [
Article('aha', 1, 1, 1970),
Article('interesting', 2, 1, 1970),
Article('really?', 3, 1, 1970),
Article('totally not', 1, 1, 1971)
tmpl = env.from_string('''
{%- for year, list in articles|groupby('date.year') -%}
{{ year }}{% for x in list %}[{{ x.title }}]{% endfor %}|
{%- endfor %}''')
assert tmpl.render(articles=articles).split('|') == [
'1971[totally not]',
def test_filtertag(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string("{% filter upper|replace('FOO', 'foo') %}"
"foobar{% endfilter %}")
assert tmpl.render() == 'fooBAR'
def test_replace(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ string|replace("o", 42) }}')
assert tmpl.render(string='<foo>') == '<f4242>'
env = Environment(autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ string|replace("o", 42) }}')
assert tmpl.render(string='<foo>') == '&lt;f4242&gt;'
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ string|replace("<", 42) }}')
assert tmpl.render(string='<foo>') == '42foo&gt;'
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ string|replace("o", ">x<") }}')
assert tmpl.render(string=Markup('foo')) == 'f&gt;x&lt;&gt;x&lt;'
def test_forceescape(self, env):
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ x|forceescape }}')
assert tmpl.render(x=Markup('<div />')) == u'&lt;div /&gt;'
def test_safe(self, env):
env = Environment(autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "<div>foo</div>"|safe }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '<div>foo</div>'
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "<div>foo</div>" }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '&lt;div&gt;foo&lt;/div&gt;'
def test_urlencode(self, env):
env = Environment(autoescape=True)
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ "Hello, world!"|urlencode }}')
assert tmpl.render() == 'Hello%2C%20world%21'
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ o|urlencode }}')
assert tmpl.render(o=u"Hello, world\u203d") \
== "Hello%2C%20world%E2%80%BD"
assert tmpl.render(o=(("f", 1),)) == "f=1"
assert tmpl.render(o=(('f', 1), ("z", 2))) == "f=1&amp;z=2"
assert tmpl.render(o=((u"\u203d", 1),)) == "%E2%80%BD=1"
assert tmpl.render(o={u"\u203d": 1}) == "%E2%80%BD=1"
assert tmpl.render(o={0: 1}) == "0=1"
def test_simple_map(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ ["1", "2", "3"]|map("int")|sum }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '6'
def test_attribute_map(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
env = Environment()
users = [
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ users|map(attribute="name")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render(users=users) == 'john|jane|mike'
def test_empty_map(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ none|map("upper")|list }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '[]'
def test_simple_select(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|select("odd")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '1|3|5'
def test_bool_select(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ [none, false, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|select|join("|") }}'
assert tmpl.render() == '1|2|3|4|5'
def test_simple_reject(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|reject("odd")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render() == '2|4'
def test_bool_reject(self, env):
env = Environment()
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ [none, false, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|reject|join("|") }}'
assert tmpl.render() == 'None|False|0'
def test_simple_select_attr(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, name, is_active): = name
self.is_active = is_active
env = Environment()
users = [
User('john', True),
User('jane', True),
User('mike', False),
tmpl = env.from_string(
'{{ users|selectattr("is_active")|'
'map(attribute="name")|join("|") }}'
assert tmpl.render(users=users) == 'john|jane'
def test_simple_reject_attr(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, name, is_active): = name
self.is_active = is_active
env = Environment()
users = [
User('john', True),
User('jane', True),
User('mike', False),
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ users|rejectattr("is_active")|'
'map(attribute="name")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render(users=users) == 'mike'
def test_func_select_attr(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, id, name): = id = name
env = Environment()
users = [
User(1, 'john'),
User(2, 'jane'),
User(3, 'mike'),
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ users|selectattr("id", "odd")|'
'map(attribute="name")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render(users=users) == 'john|mike'
def test_func_reject_attr(self, env):
class User(object):
def __init__(self, id, name): = id = name
env = Environment()
users = [
User(1, 'john'),
User(2, 'jane'),
User(3, 'mike'),
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ users|rejectattr("id", "odd")|'
'map(attribute="name")|join("|") }}')
assert tmpl.render(users=users) == 'jane'
def test_json_dump(self):
env = Environment(autoescape=True)
t = env.from_string('{{ x|tojson }}')
assert t.render(x={'foo': 'bar'}) == '{&#34;foo&#34;: &#34;bar&#34;}'
assert t.render(x='"bar\'') == r'&#34;\&#34;bar\u0027&#34;'
def my_dumps(value, **options):
assert options == {'foo': 'bar'}
return '42'
env.policies['json.dumps_function'] = my_dumps
env.policies['json.dumps_kwargs'] = {'foo': 'bar'}
assert t.render(x=23) == '42'