blob: c8c2c9e49b7cbe7cd238bd5a932bfacf5f0c2174 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License:
# For details:
"""Tests of miscellaneous stuff."""
import pytest
from coverage.misc import contract, dummy_decorator_with_args, file_be_gone
from coverage.misc import format_lines, Hasher, one_of, substitute_variables
from coverage.misc import CoverageException
from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest
class HasherTest(CoverageTest):
"""Test our wrapper of md5 hashing."""
run_in_temp_dir = False
def test_string_hashing(self):
h1 = Hasher()
h1.update("Hello, world!")
h2 = Hasher()
h3 = Hasher()
h3.update("Hello, world!")
self.assertNotEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h2.hexdigest())
self.assertEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h3.hexdigest())
def test_bytes_hashing(self):
h1 = Hasher()
h1.update(b"Hello, world!")
h2 = Hasher()
self.assertNotEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h2.hexdigest())
def test_unicode_hashing(self):
h1 = Hasher()
h1.update(u"Hello, world! \N{SNOWMAN}")
h2 = Hasher()
self.assertNotEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h2.hexdigest())
def test_dict_hashing(self):
h1 = Hasher()
h1.update({'a': 17, 'b': 23})
h2 = Hasher()
h2.update({'b': 23, 'a': 17})
self.assertEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h2.hexdigest())
def test_dict_collision(self):
h1 = Hasher()
h1.update({'a': 17, 'b': {'c': 1, 'd': 2}})
h2 = Hasher()
h2.update({'a': 17, 'b': {'c': 1}, 'd': 2})
self.assertNotEqual(h1.hexdigest(), h2.hexdigest())
class RemoveFileTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of misc.file_be_gone."""
def test_remove_nonexistent_file(self):
# It's OK to try to remove a file that doesn't exist.
def test_remove_actual_file(self):
# It really does remove a file that does exist.
self.make_file("here.txt", "We are here, we are here, we are here!")
def test_actual_errors(self):
# Errors can still happen.
# ". is a directory" on Unix, or "Access denied" on Windows
with self.assertRaises(OSError):
class ContractTest(CoverageTest):
"""Tests of our contract decorators."""
run_in_temp_dir = False
def test_bytes(self):
def need_bytes(text=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return text
assert need_bytes(b"Hey") == b"Hey"
assert need_bytes() is None
with pytest.raises(Exception):
def test_unicode(self):
def need_unicode(text=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return text
assert need_unicode(u"Hey") == u"Hey"
assert need_unicode() is None
with pytest.raises(Exception):
def test_one_of(self):
@one_of("a, b, c")
def give_me_one(a=None, b=None, c=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return (a, b, c)
assert give_me_one(a=17) == (17, None, None)
assert give_me_one(b=set()) == (None, set(), None)
assert give_me_one(c=17) == (None, None, 17)
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
give_me_one(a=17, b=set())
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def test_dummy_decorator_with_args(self):
@dummy_decorator_with_args("anything", this=17, that="is fine")
def undecorated(a=None, b=None): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return (a, b)
assert undecorated() == (None, None)
assert undecorated(17) == (17, None)
assert undecorated(b=23) == (None, 23)
assert undecorated(b=42, a=3) == (3, 42)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("statements, lines, result", [
(set([1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14]), set([1,2,5,10,11,13,14]), "1-2, 5-11, 13-14"),
([1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14,98,99], [1,2,5,10,11,13,14,99], "1-2, 5-11, 13-14, 99"),
([1,2,3,4,98,99,100,101,102,103,104], [1,2,99,102,103,104], "1-2, 99, 102-104"),
([17], [17], "17"),
([90,91,92,93,94,95], [90,91,92,93,94,95], "90-95"),
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [], ""),
([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [4], "4"),
def test_format_lines(statements, lines, result):
assert format_lines(statements, lines) == result
VARS = {
'FOO': 'fooey',
'BAR': 'xyzzy',
@pytest.mark.parametrize("before, after", [
("Nothing to do", "Nothing to do"),
("Dollar: $$", "Dollar: $"),
("Simple: $FOO is fooey", "Simple: fooey is fooey"),
("Braced: X${FOO}X.", "Braced: XfooeyX."),
("Missing: x${NOTHING}y is xy", "Missing: xy is xy"),
("Multiple: $$ $FOO $BAR ${FOO}", "Multiple: $ fooey xyzzy fooey"),
("Ill-formed: ${%5} ${{HI}} ${", "Ill-formed: ${%5} ${{HI}} ${"),
("Strict: ${FOO?} is there", "Strict: fooey is there"),
("Defaulted: ${WUT-missing}!", "Defaulted: missing!"),
def test_substitute_variables(before, after):
assert substitute_variables(before, VARS) == after
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", [
"Strict: ${NOTHING?} is an error",
def test_substitute_variables_errors(text):
with pytest.raises(CoverageException) as exc_info:
substitute_variables(text, VARS)
assert text in str(exc_info.value)
assert "Variable NOTHING is undefined" in str(exc_info.value)