| # We have upper bounds on our transitive dependencies here |
| # To avoid new releases unexpectedly breaking our build. |
| # This file can be updated on an ad-hoc basis, |
| # though it will probably have to be updated |
| # whenever Doc/requirements.txt is updated. |
| |
| # Direct dependencies of Sphinx |
| babel<3 |
| colorama<0.5 |
| imagesize<2 |
| Jinja2<4 |
| packaging<25 |
| Pygments<3 |
| requests<3 |
| snowballstemmer<3 |
| # keep lower-bounds until Sphinx 8.1 is released |
| # https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/12756 |
| sphinxcontrib-applehelp>=1.0.7,<3 |
| sphinxcontrib-devhelp>=1.0.6,<3 |
| sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp>=2.0.6,<3 |
| sphinxcontrib-jsmath>=1.0.1,<2 |
| sphinxcontrib-qthelp>=1.0.6,<3 |
| sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml>=1.1.9,<3 |
| |
| # Direct dependencies of Jinja2 (Jinja is a dependency of Sphinx, see above) |
| MarkupSafe<3 |