blob: 3540cc9ad48ebd1bc979a11fdbef21204431a931 [file] [log] [blame]
// GTMGeometryUtils.h
// Utilities for geometrical utilities such as conversions
// between different types.
// Copyright 2006-2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GTMDefines.h"
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#endif // GTM_IPHONE_SDK
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
enum {
GTMScaleProportionally = 0, // Fit proportionally
GTMScaleToFit, // Forced fit (distort if necessary)
GTMScaleNone, // Don't scale (clip)
GTMScaleToFillProportionally = 101 // Scale proportionally to fill area
typedef NSUInteger GTMScaling;
enum {
GTMRectAlignCenter = 0,
typedef NSUInteger GTMRectAlignment;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CG - Point On Rect
/// Return middle of min X side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of min X side of rect
GTM_INLINE CGPoint GTMCGMidMinX(CGRect rect) {
return CGPointMake(CGRectGetMinX(rect), CGRectGetMidY(rect));
/// Return middle of max X side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of max X side of rect
GTM_INLINE CGPoint GTMCGMidMaxX(CGRect rect) {
return CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(rect), CGRectGetMidY(rect));
/// Return middle of max Y side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of max Y side of rect
GTM_INLINE CGPoint GTMCGMidMaxY(CGRect rect) {
return CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMaxY(rect));
/// Return middle of min Y side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of min Y side of rect
GTM_INLINE CGPoint GTMCGMidMinY(CGRect rect) {
return CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect));
/// Return center of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the center of rect
GTM_INLINE CGPoint GTMCGCenter(CGRect rect) {
return CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(rect), CGRectGetMidY(rect));
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CG - Rect-Size Conversion
/// Return size of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// size of rectangle
GTM_INLINE CGSize GTMCGRectSize(CGRect rect) {
return CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(rect), CGRectGetHeight(rect));
/// Return rectangle of size
// Args:
// size - size
// Returns:
// rectangle of size (origin 0,0)
GTM_INLINE CGRect GTMCGRectOfSize(CGSize size) {
return CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CG - Rect Scaling and Alignment
/// Scales an CGRect
// Args:
// inRect: Rect to scale
// xScale: fraction to scale (1.0 is 100%)
// yScale: fraction to scale (1.0 is 100%)
// Returns:
// Converted Rect
GTM_INLINE CGRect GTMCGRectScale(CGRect inRect, CGFloat xScale, CGFloat yScale) {
return CGRectMake(inRect.origin.x, inRect.origin.y,
inRect.size.width * xScale, inRect.size.height * yScale);
/// Align rectangles
// Args:
// alignee - rect to be aligned
// aligner - rect to be aligned from
// alignment - way to align the rectangles
CGRect GTMCGAlignRectangles(CGRect alignee, CGRect aligner,
GTMRectAlignment alignment);
/// Scale rectangle
// Args:
// scalee - rect to be scaled
// size - size to scale to
// scaling - way to scale the rectangle
CGRect GTMCGScaleRectangleToSize(CGRect scalee, CGSize size,
GTMScaling scaling);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CG - Miscellaneous
/// Calculate the distance between two points.
// Args:
// pt1 first point
// pt2 second point
// Returns:
// Distance
GTM_INLINE CGFloat GTMCGDistanceBetweenPoints(CGPoint pt1, CGPoint pt2) {
CGFloat dX = pt1.x - pt2.x;
CGFloat dY = pt1.y - pt2.y;
return sqrt(dX * dX + dY * dY);
return sqrtf(dX * dX + dY * dY);
// iPhone does not have NSTypes defined, only CGTypes. So no NSRect, NSPoint etc.
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS <-> CG Rect Conversion
/// Convert from a NSRect to a CGRect.
/// NSRect are relative to 0,0 in lower left;
/// CGRect are relative to 0,0 in lower left
// Args:
// inRect: NSRect to convert
// Returns:
// Converted CGRect
GTM_INLINE CGRect GTMNSRectToCGRect(NSRect inRect) {
CGRect cg = {
.origin = {.x = inRect.origin.x, .y = inRect.origin.y},
.size = {.width = inRect.size.width, .height = inRect.size.height}
return cg;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS <-> CG Size Conversion
/// Convert from a NSSize to a CGSize.
// Args:
// inSize: NSSize to convert
// Returns:
// Converted CGSize
GTM_INLINE CGSize GTMNSSizeToCGSize(NSSize inSize) {
CGSize cg = {.width = inSize.width, .height = inSize.height};
return cg;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS - Point On Rect
/// Return middle of min X side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of min X side of rect
GTM_INLINE NSPoint GTMNSMidMinX(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakePoint(NSMinX(rect), NSMidY(rect));
/// Return middle of max X side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of max X side of rect
GTM_INLINE NSPoint GTMNSMidMaxX(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(rect), NSMidY(rect));
/// Return middle of max Y side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of max Y side of rect
GTM_INLINE NSPoint GTMNSMidMaxY(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakePoint(NSMidX(rect), NSMaxY(rect));
/// Return middle of min Y side of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the middle of min Y side of rect
GTM_INLINE NSPoint GTMNSMidMinY(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakePoint(NSMidX(rect), NSMinY(rect));
/// Return center of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// point located in the center of rect
GTM_INLINE NSPoint GTMNSCenter(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakePoint(NSMidX(rect), NSMidY(rect));
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS - Rect-Size Conversion
/// Return size of rectangle
// Args:
// rect - rectangle
// Returns:
// size of rectangle
GTM_INLINE NSSize GTMNSRectSize(NSRect rect) {
return NSMakeSize(NSWidth(rect), NSHeight(rect));
/// Return rectangle of size
// Args:
// size - size
// Returns:
// rectangle of size (origin 0,0)
GTM_INLINE NSRect GTMNSRectOfSize(NSSize size) {
return NSMakeRect(0.0f, 0.0f, size.width, size.height);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS - Rect Scaling and Alignment
/// Scales an NSRect
// Args:
// inRect: Rect to scale
// xScale: fraction to scale (1.0 is 100%)
// yScale: fraction to scale (1.0 is 100%)
// Returns:
// Converted Rect
GTM_INLINE NSRect GTMNSRectScale(NSRect inRect, CGFloat xScale, CGFloat yScale) {
return NSMakeRect(inRect.origin.x, inRect.origin.y,
inRect.size.width * xScale, inRect.size.height * yScale);
/// Align rectangles
// Args:
// alignee - rect to be aligned
// aligner - rect to be aligned from
GTM_INLINE NSRect GTMNSAlignRectangles(NSRect alignee, NSRect aligner,
GTMRectAlignment alignment) {
return NSRectFromCGRect(GTMCGAlignRectangles(GTMNSRectToCGRect(alignee),
/// Align a rectangle to another
// Args:
// scalee - rect to be scaled
// scaler - rect to scale to
// scaling - way to scale the rectangle
// alignment - way to align the scaled rectangle
GTM_INLINE NSRect GTMNSScaleRectToRect(NSRect scalee,
NSRect scaler,
GTMScaling scaling,
GTMRectAlignment alignment) {
return NSRectFromCGRect(
/// Scale rectangle
// Args:
// scalee - rect to be scaled
// size - size to scale to
// scaling - way to scale the rectangle
GTM_INLINE NSRect GTMNSScaleRectangleToSize(NSRect scalee, NSSize size,
GTMScaling scaling) {
return NSRectFromCGRect(GTMCGScaleRectangleToSize(GTMNSRectToCGRect(scalee),
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark NS - Miscellaneous
/// Calculate the distance between two points.
// Args:
// pt1 first point
// pt2 second point
// Returns:
// Distance
GTM_INLINE CGFloat GTMNSDistanceBetweenPoints(NSPoint pt1, NSPoint pt2) {
CGPoint cgpt1 = {.x = pt1.x, .y = pt1.y};
CGPoint cgpt2 = {.x = pt2.x, .y = pt2.y};
return GTMCGDistanceBetweenPoints(cgpt1, cgpt2);
#endif // !GTM_IPHONE_SDK
#ifdef __cplusplus