blob: 85b7933f86420967ed1faf83e6ae28b0c646701b [file] [log] [blame]
// GTMNSFileHandle+UniqueName.h
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "GTMDefines.h"
@interface NSFileHandle (GTMFileHandleUniqueNameAdditions)
// Creates a read/write temporary file in NSTemporaryDirectory with mode 0600.
// The template should be similar to the template passed to mkstemp.
// If there is an extension on the nameTemplate it will remain. An example
// template is "MyAppXXXXXX.txt".
// If |path| is not nil, it will contain the derived path for the file.
// The file descriptor wrapped by the NSFileHandle will be closed on dealloc.
+ (id)gtm_fileHandleForTemporaryFileBasedOn:(NSString *)nameTemplate
finalPath:(NSString **)path;
// Return an opened read/write file handle with mode 0600 based on a template.
// The template should be similar to the template passed to mkstemp.
// If there is an extension on the pathTemplate it will remain. An example
// template is "/Applications/MyAppXXXXXX.txt".
// If |path| is not nil, it will contain the derived path for the file.
// The file descriptor wrapped by the NSFileHandle will be closed on dealloc.
+ (id)gtm_fileHandleWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)pathTemplate
finalPath:(NSString **)path;
// Same as fileHandleWithUniqueNameBasedOn:finalName: but splits up the
// template from the directory.
+ (id)gtm_fileHandleWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)nameTemplate
inDirectory:(NSString *)directory
finalPath:(NSString **)path;
// Same as fileHandleWithUniqueNameBasedOn:inDirectory:finalName: but finds
// the directory using the |directory| and |mask| arguments.
+ (id)gtm_fileHandleWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)nameTemplate
finalPath:(NSString **)path;
@interface NSFileManager (GTMFileManagerUniqueNameAdditions)
// Creates a new directory in NSTemporaryDirectory with mode 0700.
// The template should be similar to the template passed to mkdtemp.
- (NSString *)gtm_createTemporaryDirectoryBasedOn:(NSString *)nameTemplate;
// Return the path to a directory with mode 0700 based on a template.
// The template should be similar to the template passed to mkdtemp.
- (NSString *)gtm_createDirectoryWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)nameTemplate;
// Same as createDirectoryWithUniqueNameBasedOn: but splits up the
// template from the directory.
- (NSString *)gtm_createDirectoryWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)pathTemplate
inDirectory:(NSString *)directory;
// Same as createDirectoryWithUniqueNameBasedOn:inDirectory: but finds
// the directory using the |directory| and |mask| arguments.
- (NSString *)gtm_createDirectoryWithUniqueNameBasedOn:(NSString *)pathTemplate