blob: 5d8cbef38f991b2964d15d36ce6f6e3b45133072 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from grit.format.policy_templates.writers import xml_formatted_writer
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.sax import saxutils as xml_escape
def GetWriter(config):
'''Factory method for creating AndroidPolicyWriter objects.
See the constructor of TemplateWriter for description of
return AndroidPolicyWriter(['android'], config)
def _EscapeResource(resource):
'''Escape the resource for usage in an Android resource XML file.
This includes standard XML escaping as well as those specific to Android.
if type(resource) == int:
return str(resource)
return xml_escape.escape(resource, {"'": "\\'", '"': '\\"', '\\': '\\\\'})
class AndroidPolicyWriter(xml_formatted_writer.XMLFormattedWriter):
'''Outputs localized Android Resource XML files.
The policy strings are localized and exposed as string resources for
consumption through Android's App restriction Schema.
# DOM root node of the generated XML document.
_doc = None
# The resources node contains all resource 'string' and 'string-array'
# elements.
_resources = None
def AddStringResource(self, name, string):
'''Add a string resource of the given name.
string_node = self._doc.createElement('string')
string_node.setAttribute('name', name)
def AddStringArrayResource(self, name, string_items):
'''Add a string-array resource of the given name and
elements from string_items.
string_array_node = self._doc.createElement('string-array')
string_array_node.setAttribute('name', name)
for item in string_items:
string_node = self._doc.createElement('item')
def PreprocessPolicies(self, policy_list):
return self.FlattenGroupsAndSortPolicies(policy_list)
def CanBeRecommended(self, policy):
return False
def IsDeprecatedPolicySupported(self, policy):
return True
def IsFuturePolicySupported(self, policy):
return True
def WritePolicy(self, policy):
name = policy['name']
self.AddStringResource(name + 'Title', policy['caption'])
# Get the first line of the policy description.
description = policy['desc'].split('\n', 1)[0]
self.AddStringResource(name + 'Desc', description)
items = policy.get('items')
if items is not None:
entries = [ item['caption'] for item in items ]
values = [ item['value'] for item in items ]
self.AddStringArrayResource(name + 'Entries', entries)
self.AddStringArrayResource(name + 'Values', values)
def BeginTemplate(self):
comment_text = 'DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY!\n' \
'IT IS GENERATED FROM policy_templates.json.'
comment_node = self._doc.createComment(comment_text)
self._doc.insertBefore(comment_node, self._resources)
def Init(self):
impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
self._doc = impl.createDocument(None, 'resources', None)
self._resources = self._doc.documentElement
def GetTemplateText(self):
return self.ToPrettyXml(self._doc)