Re-add action origin filed to feed_action. This field is meant to help analyze how many actions are coming from the client side action cache versus from the active session. This will also help debug how the clients are generating duplicate actions.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 319061509
Change-Id: I31da37eed03b1e8b6036b12bb4000fa7e0768455
diff --git a/src/main/proto/search/now/wire/feed/feed_action.proto b/src/main/proto/search/now/wire/feed/feed_action.proto
index c9fbcd0..7b33ae7 100644
--- a/src/main/proto/search/now/wire/feed/feed_action.proto
+++ b/src/main/proto/search/now/wire/feed/feed_action.proto
@@ -51,5 +51,17 @@
     // The duration for the action in milliseconds. In case of view actions this
     // is the duration for which the content is considered "viewed".
     optional int64 duration_ms = 3;
+    enum ActionOrigin {
+      UNKNOWN_ORIGIN = 0;
+      // Action generated from the current session on the client.
+      CLIENT_SESSION = 1;
+      // Action was previously cached on the client.
+      CLIENT_CACHE = 2;
+    }
+    // Where the action came from on the client.
+    // Optional: This field is purely for diagnostics.
+    optional ActionOrigin action_origin = 4;