blob: a97902b77c8e47f23ddc86eff4d074d359403acc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// adapted from
package datastore
import (
. ""
. ""
var (
errFail = errors.New("Individual element fail")
errFailAll = errors.New("Operation fail")
type fakeDatastore struct {
kctx KeyContext
keyForResult func(int32, KeyContext) *Key
entities int32
constraints Constraints
func (f *fakeDatastore) factory() RawFactory {
return func(ic context.Context) RawInterface {
fds := *f
fds.kctx = GetKeyContext(ic)
return &fds
func (f *fakeDatastore) AllocateIDs(keys []*Key, cb NewKeyCB) error {
if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
return errFailAll
for i, k := range keys {
if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
cb(nil, errFail)
} else {
cb(f.kctx.NewKey(k.Kind(), "", int64(i+1), k.Parent()), nil)
return nil
func (f *fakeDatastore) Run(fq *FinalizedQuery, cb RawRunCB) error {
cur := int32(0)
start, end := fq.Bounds()
if start != nil {
cur = int32(start.(fakeCursor))
remaining := int32(f.entities - cur)
if end != nil {
endV := int32(end.(fakeCursor))
if remaining > endV {
remaining = endV
lim, _ := fq.Limit()
if lim <= 0 || lim > remaining {
lim = remaining
cursCB := func() (Cursor, error) {
return fakeCursor(cur), nil
kfr := f.keyForResult
if kfr == nil {
kfr = func(i int32, kctx KeyContext) *Key { return kctx.MakeKey("Kind", (i + 1)) }
for i := int32(0); i < lim; i++ {
if v, ok := fq.eqFilts["$err_single"]; ok {
idx := fq.eqFilts["$err_single_idx"][0].Value().(int64)
if idx == int64(i) {
return errors.New(v[0].Value().(string))
k := kfr(cur, f.kctx)
pm := PropertyMap{"Value": MkProperty(cur)}
if err := cb(k, pm, cursCB); err != nil {
if err == Stop {
err = nil
return err
return nil
func (f *fakeDatastore) PutMulti(keys []*Key, vals []PropertyMap, cb NewKeyCB) error {
if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
return errFailAll
_, assertExtra := vals[0].GetMeta("assertExtra")
for i, k := range keys {
err := error(nil)
if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
err = errFail
} else {
So(vals[i].Slice("Value"), ShouldResemble, PropertySlice{MkProperty(i)})
if assertExtra {
So(vals[i].Slice("Extra"), ShouldResemble, PropertySlice{MkProperty("whoa")})
if k.IsIncomplete() {
k = k.KeyContext().NewKey(k.Kind(), "", int64(i+1), k.Parent())
cb(k, err)
return nil
const noSuchEntityID = 0xdead
func (f *fakeDatastore) GetMulti(keys []*Key, _meta MultiMetaGetter, cb GetMultiCB) error {
if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
return errFailAll
for i, k := range keys {
if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
cb(nil, errFail)
} else if k.Kind() == "DNE" || k.IntID() == noSuchEntityID {
cb(nil, ErrNoSuchEntity)
} else {
cb(PropertyMap{"Value": MkProperty(i + 1)}, nil)
return nil
func (f *fakeDatastore) DeleteMulti(keys []*Key, cb DeleteMultiCB) error {
if keys[0].Kind() == "FailAll" {
return errFailAll
for _, k := range keys {
if k.Kind() == "Fail" {
} else if k.Kind() == "DNE" || k.IntID() == noSuchEntityID {
} else {
return nil
func (f *fakeDatastore) Constraints() Constraints {
return f.constraints
type badStruct struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Compy complex64 // bad type
type CommonStruct struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Parent *Key `gae:"$parent"`
Value int64
type permaBad struct {
func (f *permaBad) Load(pm PropertyMap) error {
return errors.New("permaBad")
type SingletonStruct struct {
id int64 `gae:"$id,1"`
type FakePLS struct {
IntID int64
StringID string
Kind string
Value int64
gotLoaded bool
failGetMeta bool
failLoad bool
failProblem bool
failSave bool
failSetMeta bool
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = (*FakePLS)(nil)
func (f *FakePLS) Load(pm PropertyMap) error {
if f.failLoad {
return errors.New("FakePLS.Load")
f.gotLoaded = true
f.Value = pm.Slice("Value")[0].Value().(int64)
return nil
func (f *FakePLS) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
if f.failSave {
return nil, errors.New("FakePLS.Save")
ret := PropertyMap{
"Value": MkProperty(f.Value),
"Extra": MkProperty("whoa"),
if withMeta {
id, _ := f.GetMeta("id")
So(ret.SetMeta("id", id), ShouldBeTrue)
if f.Kind == "" {
So(ret.SetMeta("kind", "FakePLS"), ShouldBeTrue)
} else {
So(ret.SetMeta("kind", f.Kind), ShouldBeTrue)
So(ret.SetMeta("assertExtra", true), ShouldBeTrue)
return ret, nil
func (f *FakePLS) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
if f.failGetMeta {
return nil, false
switch key {
case "id":
if f.StringID != "" {
return f.StringID, true
return f.IntID, true
case "kind":
if f.Kind == "" {
return "FakePLS", true
return f.Kind, true
return nil, false
func (f *FakePLS) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
ret := PropertyMap{}
if id, ok := f.GetMeta("id"); !ok {
ret.SetMeta("id", id)
if kind, ok := f.GetMeta("kind"); !ok {
ret.SetMeta("kind", kind)
return ret
func (f *FakePLS) SetMeta(key string, val interface{}) bool {
if f.failSetMeta {
return false
if key == "id" {
switch x := val.(type) {
case int64:
f.IntID = x
case string:
f.StringID = x
return true
if key == "kind" {
f.Kind = val.(string)
return true
return false
func (f *FakePLS) Problem() error {
if f.failProblem {
return errors.New("FakePLS.Problem")
return nil
// plsChan to test channel PLS types.
type plsChan chan Property
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = plsChan(nil)
func (c plsChan) Load(pm PropertyMap) error { return nil }
func (c plsChan) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) { return nil, nil }
func (c plsChan) SetMeta(key string, val interface{}) bool { return false }
func (c plsChan) Problem() error { return nil }
func (c plsChan) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
switch key {
case "kind":
return "plsChan", true
case "id":
return "whyDoIExist", true
return nil, false
func (c plsChan) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
return PropertyMap{
"kind": MkProperty("plsChan"),
"id": MkProperty("whyDoIExist"),
type MGSWithNoKind struct {
S string
func (s *MGSWithNoKind) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
return nil, false
func (s *MGSWithNoKind) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
return PropertyMap{"$kind": MkProperty("ohai")}
func (s *MGSWithNoKind) SetMeta(key string, val interface{}) bool {
return false
var _ MetaGetterSetter = (*MGSWithNoKind)(nil)
func TestKeyForObj(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test interface.KeyForObj", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
k := MakeKey(c, "Hello", "world")
Convey("good", func() {
Convey("struct containing $key", func() {
type keyStruct struct {
Key *Key `gae:"$key"`
ks := &keyStruct{k}
So(KeyForObj(c, ks), ShouldEqual, k)
Convey("struct containing default $id and $kind", func() {
type idStruct struct {
id string `gae:"$id,wut"`
knd string `gae:"$kind,SuperKind"`
So(KeyForObj(c, &idStruct{}).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/SuperKind,"wut"`)
Convey("struct containing $id and $parent", func() {
So(KeyForObj(c, &CommonStruct{ID: 4}).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/CommonStruct,4`)
So(KeyForObj(c, &CommonStruct{ID: 4, Parent: k}).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/Hello,"world"/CommonStruct,4`)
Convey("a propmap with $key", func() {
pm := PropertyMap{}
So(pm.SetMeta("key", k), ShouldBeTrue)
So(KeyForObj(c, pm).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/Hello,"world"`)
Convey("a propmap with $id, $kind, $parent", func() {
pm := PropertyMap{}
So(pm.SetMeta("id", 100), ShouldBeTrue)
So(pm.SetMeta("kind", "Sup"), ShouldBeTrue)
So(KeyForObj(c, pm).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/Sup,100`)
So(pm.SetMeta("parent", k), ShouldBeTrue)
So(KeyForObj(c, pm).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/Hello,"world"/Sup,100`)
Convey("a pls with $id, $parent", func() {
pls := GetPLS(&CommonStruct{ID: 1})
So(KeyForObj(c, pls).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/CommonStruct,1`)
So(pls.SetMeta("parent", k), ShouldBeTrue)
So(KeyForObj(c, pls).String(), ShouldEqual, `s~aid:ns:/Hello,"world"/CommonStruct,1`)
Convey("bad", func() {
Convey("a propmap without $kind", func() {
pm := PropertyMap{}
So(pm.SetMeta("id", 100), ShouldBeTrue)
So(func() { KeyForObj(c, pm) }, ShouldPanic)
Convey("a bad object", func() {
type BadObj struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
NonSerializableField complex64
So(func() { KeyForObj(c, &BadObj{ID: 1}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
`field "NonSerializableField" has invalid type: complex64`)
func TestPopulateKey(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test PopulateKey", t, func() {
k := MkKeyContext("app", "namespace").NewKey("kind", "", 1337, nil)
Convey("Can set the key of a common struct.", func() {
var cs CommonStruct
So(PopulateKey(&cs, k), ShouldBeTrue)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, 1337)
Convey("Will not set the value of a singleton struct.", func() {
var ss SingletonStruct
So(PopulateKey(&ss, k), ShouldBeFalse)
So(, ShouldEqual, 0)
Convey("Will panic when setting the key of a bad struct.", func() {
var bs badStruct
So(func() { PopulateKey(&bs, k) }, ShouldPanic)
Convey("Will panic when setting the key of a broken PLS struct.", func() {
var broken permaBad
So(func() { PopulateKey(&broken, k) }, ShouldPanic)
func TestAllocateIDs(t *testing.T) {
Convey("A testing environment", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
Convey("Testing AllocateIDs", func() {
Convey("Will return nil if no entities are supplied.", func() {
So(AllocateIDs(c), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("single struct", func() {
cs := CommonStruct{Value: 1}
So(AllocateIDs(c, &cs), ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("struct slice", func() {
csSlice := []*CommonStruct{{Value: 1}, {Value: 2}}
So(AllocateIDs(c, csSlice), ShouldBeNil)
So(csSlice, ShouldResemble, []*CommonStruct{{ID: 1, Value: 1}, {ID: 2, Value: 2}})
Convey("single key will fail", func() {
singleKey := MakeKey(c, "FooParent", "BarParent", "Foo", "Bar")
So(func() { AllocateIDs(c, singleKey) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (*datastore.Key): not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
Convey("key slice", func() {
k0 := MakeKey(c, "Foo", "Bar")
k1 := MakeKey(c, "Baz", "Qux")
keySlice := []*Key{k0, k1}
So(AllocateIDs(c, keySlice), ShouldBeNil)
So(keySlice[0].Equal(MakeKey(c, "Foo", 1)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(keySlice[1].Equal(MakeKey(c, "Baz", 2)), ShouldBeTrue)
// The original keys should not have changed.
So(k0.Equal(MakeKey(c, "Foo", "Bar")), ShouldBeTrue)
So(k1.Equal(MakeKey(c, "Baz", "Qux")), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("fail all key slice", func() {
keySlice := []*Key{MakeKey(c, "FailAll", "oops"), MakeKey(c, "Baz", "Qux")}
So(AllocateIDs(c, keySlice), ShouldEqual, errFailAll)
So(keySlice[0].StringID(), ShouldEqual, "oops")
So(keySlice[1].StringID(), ShouldEqual, "Qux")
Convey("fail key slice", func() {
keySlice := []*Key{MakeKey(c, "Fail", "oops"), MakeKey(c, "Baz", "Qux")}
So(AllocateIDs(c, keySlice), ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{errFail, nil})
So(keySlice[0].StringID(), ShouldEqual, "oops")
So(keySlice[1].IntID(), ShouldEqual, 2)
Convey("vararg with errors", func() {
successSlice := []CommonStruct{{Value: 0}, {Value: 1}}
failSlice := []FakePLS{{Kind: "Fail"}, {Value: 3}}
emptySlice := []CommonStruct(nil)
cs0 := CommonStruct{Value: 4}
cs1 := FakePLS{Kind: "Fail", Value: 5}
keySlice := []*Key{MakeKey(c, "Foo", "Bar"), MakeKey(c, "Baz", "Qux")}
fpls := FakePLS{StringID: "ohai", Value: 6}
err := AllocateIDs(c, successSlice, failSlice, emptySlice, &cs0, &cs1, keySlice, &fpls)
So(err, ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{
nil, errors.MultiError{errFail, nil}, nil, nil, errFail, nil, nil})
So(successSlice[0].ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(successSlice[1].ID, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(failSlice[1].IntID, ShouldEqual, 4)
So(cs0.ID, ShouldEqual, 5)
So(keySlice[0].Equal(MakeKey(c, "Foo", 7)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(keySlice[1].Equal(MakeKey(c, "Baz", 8)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, 9)
func TestPut(t *testing.T) {
Convey("A testing environment", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
Convey("Testing Put", func() {
Convey("bad", func() {
Convey("static can't serialize", func() {
bss := []badStruct{{}, {}}
So(func() { Put(c, bss) }, ShouldPanicLike,
`field "Compy" has invalid type`)
Convey("static ptr can't serialize", func() {
bss := []*badStruct{{}, {}}
So(func() { Put(c, bss) }, ShouldPanicLike,
`field "Compy" has invalid type: complex64`)
Convey("static bad type", func() {
So(func() { Put(c, 100) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (int): not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
Convey("static bad type (slice of bad type)", func() {
So(func() { Put(c, []int{}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type ([]int): not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
Convey("dynamic can't serialize", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{failSave: true}, {}}
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldErrLike, "FakePLS.Save")
Convey("can't get keys", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{failGetMeta: true}, {}}
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldErrLike, "unable to extract $kind")
Convey("get single error for RPC failure", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{Kind: "FailAll"}, {}}
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldEqual, errFailAll)
Convey("get multi error for individual failures", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{}, {Kind: "Fail"}}
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{nil, errFail})
Convey("get with *Key is an error", func() {
So(func() { Get(c, &Key{}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (*datastore.Key): not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
Convey("struct with no $kind is an error", func() {
s := MGSWithNoKind{}
So(Put(c, &s), ShouldErrLike, "unable to extract $kind")
Convey("struct with invalid but non-nil key is an error", func() {
type BadParent struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Parent *Key `gae:"$parent"`
// having an Incomplete parent makes an invalid key
bp := &BadParent{ID: 1, Parent: MakeKey(c, "Something", 0)}
So(IsErrInvalidKey(Put(c, bp)), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("vararg with errors", func() {
successSlice := []CommonStruct{{Value: 0}, {Value: 1}}
failSlice := []FakePLS{{Kind: "Fail"}, {Value: 3}}
emptySlice := []CommonStruct(nil)
cs0 := CommonStruct{Value: 4}
failPLS := FakePLS{Kind: "Fail", Value: 5}
fpls := FakePLS{StringID: "ohai", Value: 6}
err := Put(c, successSlice, failSlice, emptySlice, &cs0, &failPLS, &fpls)
So(err, ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{
nil, errors.MultiError{errFail, nil}, nil, nil, errFail, nil})
So(successSlice[0].ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(successSlice[1].ID, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(cs0.ID, ShouldEqual, 5)
Convey("ok", func() {
Convey("[]S", func() {
css := make([]CommonStruct, 7)
for i := range css {
if i == 4 {
css[i].ID = 200
css[i].Value = int64(i)
So(Put(c, css), ShouldBeNil)
for i, cs := range css {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, expect)
Convey("[]*S", func() {
css := make([]*CommonStruct, 7)
for i := range css {
css[i] = &CommonStruct{Value: int64(i)}
if i == 4 {
css[i].ID = 200
So(Put(c, css), ShouldBeNil)
for i, cs := range css {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, expect)
s := &CommonStruct{}
So(Put(c, s), ShouldBeNil)
So(s.ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("[]P", func() {
fplss := make([]FakePLS, 7)
for i := range fplss {
fplss[i].Value = int64(i)
if i == 4 {
fplss[i].IntID = int64(200)
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldBeNil)
for i, fpls := range fplss {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, expect)
pm := PropertyMap{"Value": MkProperty(0), "$kind": MkPropertyNI("Pmap")}
So(Put(c, pm), ShouldBeNil)
So(KeyForObj(c, pm).IntID(), ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("[]P (map)", func() {
pms := make([]PropertyMap, 7)
for i := range pms {
pms[i] = PropertyMap{
"$kind": MkProperty("Pmap"),
"Value": MkProperty(i),
if i == 4 {
So(pms[i].SetMeta("id", int64(200)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(Put(c, pms), ShouldBeNil)
for i, pm := range pms {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(KeyForObj(c, pm).String(), ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("s~aid:ns:/Pmap,%d", expect))
Convey("[]*P", func() {
fplss := make([]*FakePLS, 7)
for i := range fplss {
fplss[i] = &FakePLS{Value: int64(i)}
if i == 4 {
fplss[i].IntID = int64(200)
So(Put(c, fplss), ShouldBeNil)
for i, fpls := range fplss {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, expect)
Convey("[]*P (map)", func() {
pms := make([]*PropertyMap, 7)
for i := range pms {
pms[i] = &PropertyMap{
"$kind": MkProperty("Pmap"),
"Value": MkProperty(i),
if i == 4 {
So(pms[i].SetMeta("id", int64(200)), ShouldBeTrue)
So(Put(c, pms), ShouldBeNil)
for i, pm := range pms {
expect := int64(i + 1)
if i == 4 {
expect = 200
So(KeyForObj(c, *pm).String(), ShouldEqual, fmt.Sprintf("s~aid:ns:/Pmap,%d", expect))
Convey("[]I", func() {
ifs := []interface{}{
&CommonStruct{Value: 0},
&FakePLS{Value: 1},
PropertyMap{"Value": MkProperty(2), "$kind": MkPropertyNI("Pmap")},
&PropertyMap{"Value": MkProperty(3), "$kind": MkPropertyNI("Pmap")},
So(Put(c, ifs), ShouldBeNil)
for i := range ifs {
switch i {
case 0:
So(ifs[i].(*CommonStruct).ID, ShouldEqual, 1)
case 1:
fpls := ifs[i].(*FakePLS)
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, 2)
case 2:
So(KeyForObj(c, ifs[i].(PropertyMap)).String(), ShouldEqual, "s~aid:ns:/Pmap,3")
case 3:
So(KeyForObj(c, *ifs[i].(*PropertyMap)).String(), ShouldEqual, "s~aid:ns:/Pmap,4")
func TestExists(t *testing.T) {
Convey("A testing environment", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
k := MakeKey(c, "Hello", "world")
Convey("Exists", func() {
// Single key.
er, err := Exists(c, k)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.All(), ShouldBeTrue)
// Single key failure.
_, err = Exists(c, MakeKey(c, "Fail", "boom"))
So(err, ShouldEqual, errFail)
// Single slice of keys.
er, err = Exists(c, []*Key{k, MakeKey(c, "hello", "other")})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.All(), ShouldBeTrue)
// Single slice of keys failure.
er, err = Exists(c, []*Key{k, MakeKey(c, "Fail", "boom")})
So(err, ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{nil, errFail})
So(er.Get(0, 0), ShouldBeTrue)
// Single key missing.
er, err = Exists(c, MakeKey(c, "DNE", "nope"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.Any(), ShouldBeFalse)
// Multi-arg keys with one missing.
er, err = Exists(c, k, MakeKey(c, "DNE", "other"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.Get(0), ShouldBeTrue)
So(er.Get(1), ShouldBeFalse)
// Multi-arg keys with two missing.
er, err = Exists(c, MakeKey(c, "DNE", "nope"), MakeKey(c, "DNE", "other"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.Any(), ShouldBeFalse)
// Single struct pointer.
er, err = Exists(c, &CommonStruct{ID: 1})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.All(), ShouldBeTrue)
// Multi-arg mixed key/struct/slices.
er, err = Exists(c,
&CommonStruct{ID: 1},
[]*Key{MakeKey(c, "DNE", "nope"), MakeKey(c, "hello", "ohai")},
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(er.Get(0), ShouldBeTrue)
So(er.Get(1), ShouldBeTrue)
So(er.Get(2), ShouldBeFalse)
So(er.Get(2, 0), ShouldBeFalse)
So(er.Get(2, 1), ShouldBeTrue)
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
Convey("A testing environment", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
Convey("Testing Delete", func() {
Convey("bad", func() {
Convey("get single error for RPC failure", func() {
keys := []*Key{
MakeKey(c, "s~aid", "ns", "FailAll", 1),
MakeKey(c, "s~aid", "ns", "Ok", 1),
So(Delete(c, keys), ShouldEqual, errFailAll)
Convey("get multi error for individual failure", func() {
keys := []*Key{
MakeKey(c, "Ok", 1),
MakeKey(c, "Fail", 2),
So(Delete(c, keys), ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{nil, errFail})
Convey("put with non-modifyable type is an error", func() {
cs := CommonStruct{}
So(func() { Put(c, cs) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (datastore.CommonStruct): not a pointer")
Convey("get single error when deleting a single", func() {
k := MakeKey(c, "Fail", 1)
So(Delete(c, k), ShouldEqual, errFail)
Convey("good", func() {
// Single struct pointer.
So(Delete(c, &CommonStruct{ID: 1}), ShouldBeNil)
// Single key.
So(Delete(c, MakeKey(c, "hello", "ohai")), ShouldBeNil)
// Single struct DNE.
So(Delete(c, &CommonStruct{ID: noSuchEntityID}), ShouldEqual, ErrNoSuchEntity)
// Single key DNE.
So(Delete(c, MakeKey(c, "DNE", "nope")), ShouldEqual, ErrNoSuchEntity)
// Mixed key/struct/slices.
err := Delete(c,
&CommonStruct{ID: 1},
[]*Key{MakeKey(c, "hello", "ohai"), MakeKey(c, "DNE", "nope")},
So(err, ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{nil, errors.MultiError{nil, ErrNoSuchEntity}})
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
Convey("A testing environment", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
Convey("Testing Get", func() {
Convey("bad", func() {
Convey("static can't serialize", func() {
toGet := []badStruct{{}, {}}
So(func() { Get(c, toGet) }, ShouldPanicLike,
`field "Compy" has invalid type: complex64`)
Convey("can't get keys", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{failGetMeta: true}, {}}
So(Get(c, fplss), ShouldErrLike, "unable to extract $kind")
Convey("get single error for RPC failure", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{
{IntID: 1, Kind: "FailAll"},
{IntID: 2},
So(Get(c, fplss), ShouldEqual, errFailAll)
Convey("get multi error for individual failures", func() {
fplss := []FakePLS{{IntID: 1}, {IntID: 2, Kind: "Fail"}}
So(Get(c, fplss), ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{nil, errFail})
Convey("get with non-modifiable type is an error", func() {
cs := CommonStruct{}
So(func() { Get(c, cs) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (datastore.CommonStruct): not a pointer")
Convey("get with nil is an error", func() {
So(func() { Get(c, nil) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"cannot use nil as single argument")
Convey("get with ptr-to-nonstruct is an error", func() {
val := 100
So(func() { Get(c, &val) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid input type (*int): not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
Convey("failure to save metadata is no problem though", func() {
// It just won't save the key
cs := &FakePLS{IntID: 10, failSetMeta: true}
So(Get(c, cs), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("vararg with errors", func() {
successSlice := []CommonStruct{{ID: 1}, {ID: 2}}
failSlice := []CommonStruct{{ID: noSuchEntityID}, {ID: 3}}
emptySlice := []CommonStruct(nil)
cs0 := CommonStruct{ID: 4}
failPLS := CommonStruct{ID: noSuchEntityID}
fpls := FakePLS{StringID: "ohai"}
err := Get(c, successSlice, failSlice, emptySlice, &cs0, &failPLS, &fpls)
So(err, ShouldResemble, errors.MultiError{
nil, errors.MultiError{ErrNoSuchEntity, nil}, nil, nil, ErrNoSuchEntity, nil})
So(successSlice[0].Value, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(successSlice[1].Value, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(cs0.Value, ShouldEqual, 5)
So(fpls.Value, ShouldEqual, 7)
Convey("ok", func() {
Convey("Get", func() {
cs := &CommonStruct{ID: 1}
So(Get(c, cs), ShouldBeNil)
So(cs.Value, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("Raw access too", func() {
rds := Raw(c)
keys := []*Key{MakeKey(c, "Kind", 1)}
So(rds.GetMulti(keys, nil, func(pm PropertyMap, err error) error {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pm.Slice("Value")[0].Value(), ShouldEqual, 1)
return nil
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("but general failure to save is fine on a Get", func() {
cs := &FakePLS{failSave: true, IntID: 7}
So(Get(c, cs), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("vararg", func() {
successSlice := []CommonStruct{{ID: 1}, {ID: 2}}
cs := CommonStruct{ID: 3}
err := Get(c, successSlice, &cs)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(successSlice[0].Value, ShouldEqual, 1)
So(successSlice[1].Value, ShouldEqual, 2)
So(cs.Value, ShouldEqual, 3)
func TestGetAll(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test GetAll", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
fds.entities = 5
q := NewQuery("")
Convey("bad", func() {
Convey("nil target", func() {
So(func() { GetAll(c, q, (*[]PropertyMap)(nil)) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid GetAll dst: <nil>")
Convey("bad type", func() {
output := 100
So(func() { GetAll(c, q, &output) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid argument type: expected slice, got int")
Convey("bad type (non pointer)", func() {
So(func() { GetAll(c, q, "moo") }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid GetAll dst: must have a ptr-to-slice")
Convey("bad type (underspecified)", func() {
output := []PropertyLoadSaver(nil)
So(func() { GetAll(c, q, &output) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid GetAll dst (non-concrete element type): *[]datastore.PropertyLoadSaver")
Convey("ok", func() {
Convey("*[]S", func() {
output := []CommonStruct(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, o := range output {
So(o.ID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]*S", func() {
output := []*CommonStruct(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, o := range output {
So(o.ID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]P", func() {
output := []FakePLS(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, o := range output {
So(o.gotLoaded, ShouldBeTrue)
So(o.IntID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]P (map)", func() {
output := []PropertyMap(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, o := range output {
k, ok := o.GetMeta("key")
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(k.(*Key).IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Slice("Value")[0].Value().(int64), ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]P (chan)", func() {
output := []plsChan(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(output, ShouldHaveLength, 5)
for _, o := range output {
So(KeyForObj(c, o).StringID(), ShouldEqual, "whyDoIExist")
Convey("*[]*P", func() {
output := []*FakePLS(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, o := range output {
So(o.gotLoaded, ShouldBeTrue)
So(o.IntID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]*P (map)", func() {
output := []*PropertyMap(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, op := range output {
o := *op
k, ok := o.GetMeta("key")
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(k.(*Key).IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(o.Slice("Value")[0].Value().(int64), ShouldEqual, i)
Convey("*[]*P (chan)", func() {
output := []*plsChan(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(output, ShouldHaveLength, 5)
for _, o := range output {
So(KeyForObj(c, o).StringID(), ShouldEqual, "whyDoIExist")
Convey("*[]*Key", func() {
output := []*Key(nil)
So(GetAll(c, q, &output), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(output), ShouldEqual, 5)
for i, k := range output {
So(k.IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test Run", t, func() {
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
fds := fakeDatastore{}
c = SetRawFactory(c, fds.factory())
fds.entities = 5
q := NewQuery("kind")
Convey("bad", func() {
assertBadTypePanics := func(cb interface{}) {
So(func() { Run(c, q, cb) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"cb does not match the required callback signature")
Convey("not a function", func() {
assertBadTypePanics("I am a potato")
Convey("nil", func() {
Convey("interface", func() {
assertBadTypePanics(func(pls PropertyLoadSaver) {})
Convey("bad proto type", func() {
cb := func(v int) {
panic("never here!")
So(func() { Run(c, q, cb) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"invalid argument type: int is not a PLS or pointer-to-struct")
Convey("wrong # args", func() {
assertBadTypePanics(func(v CommonStruct, _ CursorCB, _ int) {
panic("never here!")
Convey("wrong ret type", func() {
assertBadTypePanics(func(v CommonStruct) bool {
panic("never here!")
Convey("wrong # rets", func() {
assertBadTypePanics(func(v CommonStruct) (int, error) {
panic("never here!")
Convey("bad 2nd arg", func() {
assertBadTypePanics(func(v CommonStruct, _ Cursor) error {
panic("never here!")
Convey("early abort on error", func() {
q = q.Eq("$err_single", "Query fail").Eq("$err_single_idx", 3)
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(c CommonStruct) {
}), ShouldErrLike, "Query fail")
So(i, ShouldEqual, 3)
Convey("return error on serialization failure", func() {
So(Run(c, q, func(_ permaBad) {
panic("never here")
}).Error(), ShouldEqual, "permaBad")
Convey("ok", func() {
Convey("can return error to stop", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(c CommonStruct) error {
return Stop
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(i, ShouldEqual, 1)
i = 0
So(Run(c, q, func(c CommonStruct, _ CursorCB) error {
return fmt.Errorf("my error")
}), ShouldErrLike, "my error")
So(i, ShouldEqual, 1)
Convey("Can optionally get cursor function", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(c CommonStruct, ccb CursorCB) {
curs, err := ccb()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(curs.String(), ShouldEqual, fakeCursor(i).String())
}), ShouldBeNil)
So(i, ShouldEqual, 5)
Convey("*S", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(cs *CommonStruct) {
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(cs.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("*P", func() {
fds.keyForResult = func(i int32, kctx KeyContext) *Key {
if i == 10 {
return kctx.MakeKey("Kind", "eleven")
return kctx.MakeKey("Kind", i+1)
i := 0
So(Run(c, q.Limit(12), func(fpls *FakePLS) {
So(fpls.gotLoaded, ShouldBeTrue)
if i == 10 {
So(fpls.StringID, ShouldEqual, "eleven")
} else {
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(fpls.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("*P (map)", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(pm *PropertyMap) {
k, ok := pm.GetMeta("key")
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(k.(*Key).IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
So((*pm).Slice("Value")[0].Value(), ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("*P (chan)", func() {
So(Run(c, q, func(ch *plsChan) {
So(KeyForObj(c, ch).StringID(), ShouldEqual, "whyDoIExist")
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("S", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(cs CommonStruct) {
So(cs.ID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(cs.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("P", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(fpls FakePLS) {
So(fpls.gotLoaded, ShouldBeTrue)
So(fpls.IntID, ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(fpls.Value, ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("P (map)", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(pm PropertyMap) {
k, ok := pm.GetMeta("key")
So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)
So(k.(*Key).IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
So(pm.Slice("Value")[0].Value(), ShouldEqual, i)
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("P (chan)", func() {
So(Run(c, q, func(ch plsChan) {
So(KeyForObj(c, ch).StringID(), ShouldEqual, "whyDoIExist")
}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Key", func() {
i := 0
So(Run(c, q, func(k *Key) {
So(k.IntID(), ShouldEqual, i+1)
}), ShouldBeNil)
type fixedDataDatastore struct {
data map[string]PropertyMap
func (d *fixedDataDatastore) GetMulti(keys []*Key, _ MultiMetaGetter, cb GetMultiCB) error {
for _, k := range keys {
data, ok :=[k.String()]
if ok {
cb(data, nil)
} else {
cb(nil, ErrNoSuchEntity)
return nil
func (d *fixedDataDatastore) PutMulti(keys []*Key, vals []PropertyMap, cb NewKeyCB) error {
if == nil { = make(map[string]PropertyMap, len(keys))
for i, k := range keys {
if k.IsIncomplete() {
panic("key is incomplete, don't do that.")
}[k.String()], _ = vals[i].Save(false)
cb(k, nil)
return nil
func TestSchemaChange(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test changing schemas", t, func() {
fds := fixedDataDatastore{}
c := info.Set(context.Background(), fakeInfo{})
c = SetRaw(c, &fds)
Convey("Can add fields", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "Val", 10)),
"Val": mp(100),
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type Val struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
TwoVal int64 // whoa, TWO vals! amazing
tv := &Val{ID: 10, TwoVal: 2}
So(Get(c, tv), ShouldBeNil)
So(tv, ShouldResemble, &Val{ID: 10, Val: 100, TwoVal: 2})
Convey("Removing fields", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "Val", 10)),
"Val": mp(100),
"TwoVal": mp(200),
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("is normally an error", func() {
type Val struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
tv := &Val{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, tv), ShouldErrLike,
`gae: cannot load field "TwoVal" into a "datastore.Val`)
So(tv, ShouldResemble, &Val{ID: 10, Val: 100})
Convey("Unless you have an ,extra field!", func() {
type Val struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
Extra PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
tv := &Val{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, tv), ShouldBeNil)
So(tv, ShouldResemble, &Val{
ID: 10,
Val: 100,
Extra: PropertyMap{
"TwoVal": PropertySlice{mp(200)},
Convey("Can round-trip extra fields", func() {
type Expando struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Something int
Extra PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
ex := &Expando{10, 17, PropertyMap{
"Hello": mp("Hello"),
"World": mp(true),
So(Put(c, ex), ShouldBeNil)
ex = &Expando{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, ex), ShouldBeNil)
So(ex, ShouldResemble, &Expando{
ID: 10,
Something: 17,
Extra: PropertyMap{
"Hello": PropertySlice{mp("Hello")},
"World": PropertySlice{mp(true)},
Convey("Can read-but-not-write", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "Convert", 10)),
"Val": mp(100),
"TwoVal": mp(200),
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type Convert struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
NewVal int64
Extra PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
cnv := &Convert{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, cnv), ShouldBeNil)
So(cnv, ShouldResemble, &Convert{
ID: 10, Val: 100, NewVal: 0, Extra: PropertyMap{"TwoVal": PropertySlice{mp(200)}},
cnv.NewVal = cnv.Extra.Slice("TwoVal")[0].Value().(int64)
So(Put(c, cnv), ShouldBeNil)
cnv = &Convert{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, cnv), ShouldBeNil)
So(cnv, ShouldResemble, &Convert{
ID: 10, Val: 100, NewVal: 200, Extra: nil,
Convey("Can black hole", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "BlackHole", 10)),
"Val": mp(100),
"TwoVal": mp(200),
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type BlackHole struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
NewStuff string
blackHole PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
b := &BlackHole{ID: 10, NewStuff: "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"}
So(Get(c, b), ShouldBeNil)
So(b, ShouldResemble, &BlackHole{ID: 10, NewStuff: "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"})
Convey("Can change field types", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "IntChange", 10)),
"Val": mp(100),
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type IntChange struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val string
Extra PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
i := &IntChange{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, i), ShouldBeNil)
So(i, ShouldResemble, &IntChange{ID: 10, Extra: PropertyMap{"Val": PropertySlice{mp(100)}}})
i.Val = fmt.Sprint(i.Extra.Slice("Val")[0].Value())
So(Put(c, i), ShouldBeNil)
i = &IntChange{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, i), ShouldBeNil)
So(i, ShouldResemble, &IntChange{ID: 10, Val: "100"})
Convey("Native fields have priority over Extra fields", func() {
type Dup struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
Extra PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
d := &Dup{ID: 10, Val: 100, Extra: PropertyMap{
"Val": PropertySlice{mp(200)},
"Other": PropertySlice{mp("other")},
So(Put(c, d), ShouldBeNil)
d = &Dup{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, d), ShouldBeNil)
So(d, ShouldResemble, &Dup{
ID: 10, Val: 100, Extra: PropertyMap{"Other": PropertySlice{mp("other")}},
Convey("Can change repeated field to non-repeating field", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "NonRepeating", 10)),
"Val": PropertySlice{mp(100), mp(200), mp(400)},
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type NonRepeating struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
Val int64
Extra PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
n := &NonRepeating{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, n), ShouldBeNil)
So(n, ShouldResemble, &NonRepeating{
ID: 10, Val: 0, Extra: PropertyMap{
"Val": PropertySlice{mp(100), mp(200), mp(400)},
Convey("Deals correctly with recursive types", func() {
initial := PropertyMap{
"$key": mpNI(MakeKey(c, "Outer", 10)),
"I.A": PropertySlice{mp(1), mp(2), mp(4)},
"I.B": PropertySlice{mp(10), mp(20), mp(40)},
"I.C": PropertySlice{mp(100), mp(200), mp(400)},
So(Put(c, initial), ShouldBeNil)
type Inner struct {
A int64
B int64
type Outer struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
I []Inner
Extra PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
o := &Outer{ID: 10}
So(Get(c, o), ShouldBeNil)
So(o, ShouldResemble, &Outer{
ID: 10,
I: []Inner{
{1, 10},
{2, 20},
{4, 40},
Extra: PropertyMap{
"I.C": PropertySlice{mp(100), mp(200), mp(400)},
Convey("Problems", func() {
Convey("multiple extra fields", func() {
type Bad struct {
A PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
B PropertyMap `gae:",extra"`
So(func() { GetPLS(&Bad{}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"multiple fields tagged as 'extra'")
Convey("extra field with name", func() {
type Bad struct {
A PropertyMap `gae:"wut,extra"`
So(func() { GetPLS(&Bad{}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"struct 'extra' field has invalid name wut")
Convey("extra field with bad type", func() {
type Bad struct {
A int64 `gae:",extra"`
So(func() { GetPLS(&Bad{}) }, ShouldPanicLike,
"struct 'extra' field has invalid type int64")
func TestParseIndexYAML(t *testing.T) {
Convey("parses properly formatted YAML", t, func() {
yaml := `
- kind: Cat
ancestor: no
- name: name
- name: age
direction: desc
- kind: Cat
- name: name
direction: asc
- name: whiskers
direction: desc
- kind: Store
ancestor: yes
- name: business
direction: asc
- name: owner
direction: asc
ids, err := ParseIndexYAML(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(yaml)))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
expected := []*IndexDefinition{
Kind: "Cat",
Ancestor: false,
SortBy: []IndexColumn{
Property: "name",
Descending: false,
Property: "age",
Descending: true,
Kind: "Cat",
Ancestor: false,
SortBy: []IndexColumn{
Property: "name",
Descending: false,
Property: "whiskers",
Descending: true,
Kind: "Store",
Ancestor: true,
SortBy: []IndexColumn{
Property: "business",
Descending: false,
Property: "owner",
Descending: false,
So(ids, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("returns non-nil error for incorrectly formatted YAML", t, func() {
Convey("missing top level `indexes` key", func() {
yaml := `
- kind: Cat
- name: name
- name: age
direction: desc
_, err := ParseIndexYAML(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(yaml)))
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("missing `name` key in property", func() {
yaml := `
- kind: Cat
ancestor: no
- name: name
- direction: desc
_, err := ParseIndexYAML(bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(yaml)))
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestFindAndParseIndexYAML(t *testing.T) {
Convey("returns parsed index definitions for existing index YAML files", t, func() {
// YAML content to write temporarily to disk
yaml1 := `
- kind: Test Same Level
- name: name
- name: age
direction: desc
yaml2 := `
- kind: Test Higher Level
- name: name
- name: age
direction: desc
- kind: Test Foo
- name: height
- name: weight
direction: asc
// determine the directory of this test file
_, path, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to determine test file path"))
sameLevelDir := filepath.Dir(path)
Convey("picks YAML file at same level as test file instead of higher level YAML file", func() {
writePath1 := filepath.Join(sameLevelDir, "index.yml")
writePath2 := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(sameLevelDir), "index.yaml")
setup := func() {
ioutil.WriteFile(writePath1, []byte(yaml1), 0600)
ioutil.WriteFile(writePath2, []byte(yaml2), 0600)
cleanup := func() {
defer cleanup()
ids, err := FindAndParseIndexYAML(".")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ids[0].Kind, ShouldEqual, "Test Same Level")
Convey("finds YAML file two levels up given an empty relative path", func() {
writePath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(sameLevelDir)), "index.yaml")
setup := func() {
ioutil.WriteFile(writePath, []byte(yaml2), 0600)
cleanup := func() {
defer cleanup()
ids, err := FindAndParseIndexYAML("")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ids[1].Kind, ShouldEqual, "Test Foo")
Convey("finds YAML file given a relative path", func() {
writeDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(filepath.Dir(sameLevelDir), "temp-test-datastore-")
if err != nil {
writePath := filepath.Join(writeDir, "index.yml")
setup := func() {
ioutil.WriteFile(writePath, []byte(yaml2), 0600)
cleanup := func() {
defer cleanup()
ids, err := FindAndParseIndexYAML(filepath.Join("..", filepath.Base(writeDir)))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ids[1].Kind, ShouldEqual, "Test Foo")
Convey("finds YAML file given an absolute path", func() {
writePath := filepath.Join(sameLevelDir, "index.yaml")
setup := func() {
ioutil.WriteFile(writePath, []byte(yaml2), 0600)
cleanup := func() {
defer cleanup()
abs, err := filepath.Abs(sameLevelDir)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to find absolute path for `%s`", sameLevelDir))
ids, err := FindAndParseIndexYAML(abs)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(ids[1].Kind, ShouldEqual, "Test Foo")