blob: a8933dcf15a3c16a22698180c1e7ae29b926ba72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package datastore
import (
func runParseCallback(cbIface interface{}) (isKey, hasErr, hasCursorCB bool, mat *multiArgType) {
badSig := func() {
"cb does not match the required callback signature: `%T` != `func(TYPE, [CursorCB]) [error]`",
if cbIface == nil {
// TODO(riannucci): Profile and determine if any of this is causing a real
// slowdown. Could potentially cache reflection stuff by cbTyp?
cbTyp := reflect.TypeOf(cbIface)
if cbTyp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
numIn := cbTyp.NumIn()
if numIn != 1 && numIn != 2 {
firstArg := cbTyp.In(0)
if firstArg == typeOfKey {
isKey = true
} else {
mat = mustParseArg(firstArg, false)
if mat.newElem == nil {
hasCursorCB = numIn == 2
if hasCursorCB && cbTyp.In(1) != typeOfCursorCB {
if cbTyp.NumOut() > 1 {
} else if cbTyp.NumOut() == 1 && cbTyp.Out(0) != typeOfError {
hasErr = cbTyp.NumOut() == 1
// AllocateIDs allows you to allocate IDs from the datastore without putting
// any data.
// A partial valid key will be constructed from each entity's kind and parent,
// if present. An allocation will then be performed against the datastore for
// each key, and the partial key will be populated with a unique integer ID.
// The resulting keys will be applied to their objects using PopulateKey. If
// successful, any existing ID will be destroyed.
// If the object is supplied that cannot accept an integer key, this method
// will panic.
// ent must be one of:
// - *S where S is a struct
// - *P where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []S or []*S where S is a struct
// - []P or []*P where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []I where i is some interface type. Each element of the slice must
// be non-nil, and its underlying type must be either *S or *P.
// - []*Key, to populate a slice of partial-valid keys.
// If an error is encountered, the returned error value will depend on the
// input arguments. If one argument is supplied, the result will be the
// encountered error type. If multiple arguments are supplied, the result will
// be a MultiError whose error index corresponds to the argument in which the
// error was encountered.
// If an ent argument is a slice, its error type will be a MultiError. Note
// that in the scenario where multiple slices are provided, this will return a
// MultiError containing a nested MultiError for each slice argument.
func AllocateIDs(c context.Context, ent ...interface{}) error {
if len(ent) == 0 {
return nil
mma, err := makeMetaMultiArg(ent, mmaWriteKeys)
if err != nil {
keys, _, err := mma.getKeysPMs(GetKeyContext(c), false)
if err != nil {
return maybeSingleError(err, ent)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
// Convert each key to be partial valid, assigning an integer ID of 0. Confirm
// that each object can be populated with such a key.
for i, key := range keys {
keys[i] = key.Incomplete()
var et errorTracker
it := mma.iterator(et.init(mma))
err = filterStop(Raw(c).AllocateIDs(keys, func(key *Key, err error) error { *multiArgType, v reflect.Value) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !mat.setKey(v, key) {
return MakeErrInvalidKey().Reason("failed to export key [%(key)s]").D("key", key).Err()
return nil
return nil
if err == nil {
err = et.error()
return maybeSingleError(err, ent)
// KeyForObj extracts a key from src.
// It is the same as KeyForObjErr, except that if KeyForObjErr would have
// returned an error, this method panics. It's safe to use if you know that
// src statically meets the metadata constraints described by KeyForObjErr.
func KeyForObj(c context.Context, src interface{}) *Key {
ret, err := KeyForObjErr(c, src)
if err != nil {
return ret
// KeyForObjErr extracts a key from src.
// src must be one of:
// - *S, where S is a struct
// - a PropertyLoadSaver
// It is expected that the struct exposes the following metadata (as retrieved
// by MetaGetter.GetMeta):
// - "key" (type: Key) - The full datastore key to use. Must not be nil.
// OR
// - "id" (type: int64 or string) - The id of the Key to create
// - "kind" (optional, type: string) - The kind of the Key to create. If
// blank or not present, KeyForObjErr will extract the name of the src
// object's type.
// - "parent" (optional, type: Key) - The parent key to use.
// By default, the metadata will be extracted from the struct and its tagged
// properties. However, if the struct implements MetaGetterSetter it is
// wholly responsible for exporting the required fields. A struct that
// implements GetMeta to make some minor tweaks can evoke the defualt behavior
// by using GetPLS(s).GetMeta.
// If a required metadata item is missing or of the wrong type, then this will
// return an error.
func KeyForObjErr(c context.Context, src interface{}) (*Key, error) {
return newKeyObjErr(GetKeyContext(c), getMGS(src))
// MakeKey is a convenience method for manufacturing a *Key. It should only be
// used when elems... is known statically (e.g. in the code) to be correct.
// elems is pairs of (string, string|int|int32|int64) pairs, which correspond
// to Kind/id pairs. Example:
// dstore.MakeKey("Parent", 1, "Child", "id")
// Would create the key:
// <current appID>:<current Namespace>:/Parent,1/Child,id
// If elems is not parsable (e.g. wrong length, wrong types, etc.) this method
// will panic.
func MakeKey(c context.Context, elems ...interface{}) *Key {
kc := GetKeyContext(c)
return kc.MakeKey(elems...)
// NewKey constructs a new key in the current appID/Namespace, using the
// specified parameters.
func NewKey(c context.Context, kind, stringID string, intID int64, parent *Key) *Key {
kc := GetKeyContext(c)
return kc.NewKey(kind, stringID, intID, parent)
// NewIncompleteKeys allocates count incomplete keys sharing the same kind and
// parent. It is useful as input to AllocateIDs.
func NewIncompleteKeys(c context.Context, count int, kind string, parent *Key) (keys []*Key) {
kc := GetKeyContext(c)
if count > 0 {
keys = make([]*Key, count)
for i := range keys {
keys[i] = kc.NewKey(kind, "", 0, parent)
// NewKeyToks constructs a new key in the current appID/Namespace, using the
// specified key tokens.
func NewKeyToks(c context.Context, toks []KeyTok) *Key {
kc := GetKeyContext(c)
return kc.NewKeyToks(toks)
// PopulateKey loads key into obj.
// obj is any object that Interface.Get is able to accept.
// Upon successful application, this method will return true. If the key could
// not be applied to the object, this method will return false. It will panic if
// obj is an invalid datastore model.
// This method will panic if obj is an invalid datastore model. If the key could
// not be applied to the object, nothing will happen.
func PopulateKey(obj interface{}, key *Key) bool {
return populateKeyMGS(getMGS(obj), key)
func populateKeyMGS(mgs MetaGetterSetter, key *Key) bool {
if mgs.SetMeta("key", key) {
return true
lst := key.LastTok()
if lst.StringID != "" {
if !mgs.SetMeta("id", lst.StringID) {
return false
} else {
if !mgs.SetMeta("id", lst.IntID) {
return false
mgs.SetMeta("kind", lst.Kind)
mgs.SetMeta("parent", key.Parent())
return true
// RunInTransaction runs f inside of a transaction. See the appengine SDK's
// documentation for full details on the behavior of transactions in the
// datastore.
// Note that the behavior of transactions may change depending on what filters
// have been installed. It's possible that we'll end up implementing things
// like nested/buffered transactions as filters.
func RunInTransaction(c context.Context, f func(c context.Context) error, opts *TransactionOptions) error {
return Raw(c).RunInTransaction(f, opts)
// Run executes the given query, and calls `cb` for each successfully
// retrieved item.
// cb is a callback function whose signature is
// func(obj TYPE[, getCursor CursorCB]) [error]
// Where TYPE is one of:
// - S or *S, where S is a struct
// - P or *P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - *Key (implies a keys-only query)
// If the error is omitted from the signature, this will run until the query
// returns all its results, or has an error/times out.
// If error is in the signature, the query will continue as long as the
// callback returns nil. If it returns `Stop`, the query will stop and Run
// will return nil. Otherwise, the query will stop and Run will return the
// user's error.
// Run may also stop on the first datastore error encountered, which can occur
// due to flakiness, timeout, etc. If it encounters such an error, it will
// be returned.
func Run(c context.Context, q *Query, cb interface{}) error {
return runRaw(rawWithFilters(c), q, cb)
func runRaw(raw RawInterface, q *Query, cb interface{}) error {
isKey, hasErr, hasCursorCB, mat := runParseCallback(cb)
if isKey {
q = q.KeysOnly(true)
fq, err := q.Finalize()
if err != nil {
return err
cbVal := reflect.ValueOf(cb)
var cbFunc func(reflect.Value, CursorCB) error
switch {
case hasErr && hasCursorCB:
cbFunc = func(v reflect.Value, cb CursorCB) error {
err := cbVal.Call([]reflect.Value{v, reflect.ValueOf(cb)})[0].Interface()
if err != nil {
return err.(error)
return nil
case hasErr && !hasCursorCB:
cbFunc = func(v reflect.Value, _ CursorCB) error {
err := cbVal.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0].Interface()
if err != nil {
return err.(error)
return nil
case !hasErr && hasCursorCB:
cbFunc = func(v reflect.Value, cb CursorCB) error {
cbVal.Call([]reflect.Value{v, reflect.ValueOf(cb)})
return nil
case !hasErr && !hasCursorCB:
cbFunc = func(v reflect.Value, _ CursorCB) error {
return nil
if isKey {
err = raw.Run(fq, func(k *Key, _ PropertyMap, gc CursorCB) error {
return cbFunc(reflect.ValueOf(k), gc)
} else {
err = raw.Run(fq, func(k *Key, pm PropertyMap, gc CursorCB) error {
itm := mat.newElem()
if err := mat.setPM(itm, pm); err != nil {
return err
mat.setKey(itm, k)
return cbFunc(itm, gc)
return filterStop(err)
// Count executes the given query and returns the number of entries which
// match it.
func Count(c context.Context, q *Query) (int64, error) {
fq, err := q.Finalize()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
v, err := Raw(c).Count(fq)
return v, filterStop(err)
// DecodeCursor converts a string returned by a Cursor into a Cursor instance.
// It will return an error if the supplied string is not valid, or could not
// be decoded by the implementation.
func DecodeCursor(c context.Context, s string) (Cursor, error) {
return Raw(c).DecodeCursor(s)
// GetAll retrieves all of the Query results into dst.
// dst must be one of:
// - *[]S or *[]*S, where S is a struct
// - *[]P or *[]*P, where *P is a concrete type implementing
// PropertyLoadSaver
// - *[]*Key implies a keys-only query.
func GetAll(c context.Context, q *Query, dst interface{}) error {
return getAllRaw(Raw(c), q, dst)
func getAllRaw(raw RawInterface, q *Query, dst interface{}) error {
v := reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll dst: must have a ptr-to-slice: %T", dst))
if !v.IsValid() || v.IsNil() {
panic(errors.New("invalid GetAll dst: <nil>"))
if keys, ok := dst.(*[]*Key); ok {
fq, err := q.KeysOnly(true).Finalize()
if err != nil {
return err
return raw.Run(fq, func(k *Key, _ PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) error {
*keys = append(*keys, k)
return nil
fq, err := q.Finalize()
if err != nil {
return err
slice := v.Elem()
mat := mustParseMultiArg(slice.Type())
if mat.newElem == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid GetAll dst (non-concrete element type): %T", dst))
errs := map[int]error{}
i := 0
err = filterStop(raw.Run(fq, func(k *Key, pm PropertyMap, _ CursorCB) error {
slice.Set(reflect.Append(slice, mat.newElem()))
itm := slice.Index(i)
mat.setKey(itm, k)
err := mat.setPM(itm, pm)
if err != nil {
errs[i] = err
return nil
if err == nil {
if len(errs) > 0 {
me := make(errors.MultiError, slice.Len())
for i, e := range errs {
me[i] = e
err = me
return err
// Exists tests if the supplied objects are present in the datastore.
// ent must be one of:
// - *S, where S is a struct
// - *P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []S or []*S, where S is a struct
// - []P or []*P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []I, where I is some interface type. Each element of the slice must
// be non-nil, and its underlying type must be either *S or *P.
// - *Key, to check a specific key from the datastore.
// - []*Key, to check a slice of keys from the datastore.
// If an error is encountered, the returned error value will depend on the
// input arguments. If one argument is supplied, the result will be the
// encountered error type. If multiple arguments are supplied, the result will
// be a MultiError whose error index corresponds to the argument in which the
// error was encountered.
// If an ent argument is a slice, its error type will be a MultiError. Note
// that in the scenario, where multiple slices are provided, this will return a
// MultiError containing a nested MultiError for each slice argument.
func Exists(c context.Context, ent ...interface{}) (*ExistsResult, error) {
if len(ent) == 0 {
return nil, nil
mma, err := makeMetaMultiArg(ent, mmaKeysOnly)
if err != nil {
keys, _, err := mma.getKeysPMs(GetKeyContext(c), false)
if err != nil {
return nil, maybeSingleError(err, ent)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var bt boolTracker
it := mma.iterator(bt.init(mma))
err = filterStop(Raw(c).GetMulti(keys, nil, func(_ PropertyMap, err error) error {*multiArgType, reflect.Value) error {
return err
return nil
if err == nil {
err = bt.error()
return bt.result(), maybeSingleError(err, ent)
// Get retrieves objects from the datastore.
// Each element in dst must be one of:
// - *S, where S is a struct
// - *P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []S or []*S, where S is a struct
// - []P or []*P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []I, where I is some interface type. Each element of the slice must
// be non-nil, and its underlying type must be either *S or *P.
// If an error is encountered, the returned error value will depend on the
// input arguments. If one argument is supplied, the result will be the
// encountered error type. If multiple arguments are supplied, the result will
// be a MultiError whose error index corresponds to the argument in which the
// error was encountered.
// If a dst argument is a slice, its error type will be a MultiError. Note
// that in the scenario where multiple slices are provided, this will return a
// MultiError containing a nested MultiError for each slice argument.
func Get(c context.Context, dst ...interface{}) error {
if len(dst) == 0 {
return nil
mma, err := makeMetaMultiArg(dst, mmaReadWrite)
if err != nil {
keys, pms, err := mma.getKeysPMs(GetKeyContext(c), true)
if err != nil {
return maybeSingleError(err, dst)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
var et errorTracker
it := mma.iterator(et.init(mma))
meta := NewMultiMetaGetter(pms)
err = filterStop(Raw(c).GetMulti(keys, meta, func(pm PropertyMap, err error) error { *multiArgType, slot reflect.Value) error {
if err != nil {
return err
return mat.setPM(slot, pm)
return nil
if err == nil {
err = et.error()
return maybeSingleError(err, dst)
// Put writes objects into the datastore.
// src must be one of:
// - *S, where S is a struct
// - *P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []S or []*S, where S is a struct
// - []P or []*P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []I, where I is some interface type. Each element of the slice must
// be non-nil, and its underlying type must be either *S or *P.
// A *Key will be extracted from src via KeyForObj. If
// extractedKey.Incomplete() is true, then Put will write the resolved (i.e.
// automatic datastore-populated) *Key back to src.
// If an error is encountered, the returned error value will depend on the
// input arguments. If one argument is supplied, the result will be the
// encountered error type. If multiple arguments are supplied, the result will
// be a MultiError whose error index corresponds to the argument in which the
// error was encountered.
// If a src argument is a slice, its error type will be a MultiError. Note
// that in the scenario where multiple slices are provided, this will return a
// MultiError containing a nested MultiError for each slice argument.
func Put(c context.Context, src ...interface{}) error {
return putRaw(Raw(c), GetKeyContext(c), src)
func putRaw(raw RawInterface, kctx KeyContext, src []interface{}) error {
if len(src) == 0 {
return nil
mma, err := makeMetaMultiArg(src, mmaReadWrite)
if err != nil {
keys, vals, err := mma.getKeysPMs(kctx, false)
if err != nil {
return maybeSingleError(err, src)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
i := 0
var et errorTracker
it := mma.iterator(et.init(mma))
err = filterStop(raw.PutMulti(keys, vals, func(key *Key, err error) error { *multiArgType, slot reflect.Value) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if key != keys[i] {
mat.setKey(slot, key)
return nil
return nil
if err == nil {
err = et.error()
return maybeSingleError(err, src)
// Delete removes the supplied entities from the datastore.
// ent must be one of:
// - *S, where S is a struct
// - *P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []S or []*S, where S is a struct
// - []P or []*P, where *P is a concrete type implementing PropertyLoadSaver
// - []I, where I is some interface type. Each element of the slice must
// be non-nil, and its underlying type must be either *S or *P.
// - *Key, to remove a specific key from the datastore.
// - []*Key, to remove a slice of keys from the datastore.
// If an error is encountered, the returned error value will depend on the
// input arguments. If one argument is supplied, the result will be the
// encountered error type. If multiple arguments are supplied, the result will
// be a MultiError whose error index corresponds to the argument in which the
// error was encountered.
// If an ent argument is a slice, its error type will be a MultiError. Note
// that in the scenario where multiple slices are provided, this will return a
// MultiError containing a nested MultiError for each slice argument.
func Delete(c context.Context, ent ...interface{}) error {
if len(ent) == 0 {
return nil
mma, err := makeMetaMultiArg(ent, mmaKeysOnly)
if err != nil {
keys, _, err := mma.getKeysPMs(GetKeyContext(c), false)
if err != nil {
return maybeSingleError(err, ent)
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil
var et errorTracker
it := mma.iterator(et.init(mma))
err = filterStop(Raw(c).DeleteMulti(keys, func(err error) error {*multiArgType, reflect.Value) error {
return err
return nil
if err == nil {
err = et.error()
return maybeSingleError(err, ent)
// GetTestable returns the Testable interface for the implementation, or nil if
// there is none.
func GetTestable(c context.Context) Testable {
return Raw(c).GetTestable()
// maybeSingleError normalizes the error experience between single- and
// multi-element API calls.
// Single-element API calls will return a single error for that element, while
// multi-element API calls will return a MultiError, one for each element. This
// accepts the slice of elements that is being operated on and determines what
// sort of error to return.
func maybeSingleError(err error, elems []interface{}) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
if len(elems) == 1 {
return errors.SingleError(err)
return err
func filterStop(err error) error {
if err == Stop {
err = nil
return err