blob: d618f4cdb94448b90503da12ee9b582fb76a6f00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package featureBreaker
import (
// FeatureBreaker is the state-access interface for all Filter* functions in
// this package. A feature is the Name of some method on the filtered service.
// So if you had:
// c, fb := FilterMC(...)
// mc := gae.GetMC(c)
// you could do:
// fb.BreakFeatures(memcache.ErrServerError, "Add", "Set")
// and then
// mc.Add(...) and mc.Set(...)
// would return the error.
// You may also pass nil as the error for BreakFeatures, and the fake will
// provide the DefaultError which you passed to the Filter function.
// This interface can only break features which return errors.
type FeatureBreaker interface {
BreakFeatures(err error, feature ...string)
UnbreakFeatures(feature ...string)
// ErrBrokenFeaturesBroken is returned from RunIfNotBroken when BrokenFeatures
// itself isn't working correctly.
var ErrBrokenFeaturesBroken = errors.New("featureBreaker: Unable to retrieve caller information")
type state struct {
broken map[string]error
// defaultError is the default error to return when you call
// BreakFeatures(nil, ...). If this is unset and the user calls BreakFeatures
// with nil, BrokenFeatures will return a generic error.
defaultError error
func newState(dflt error) *state {
return &state{
broken: map[string]error{},
defaultError: dflt,
// BreakFeatures allows you to specify an MCSingleReadWriter function name
// to cause it to return memcache.ErrServerError. e.g.
// m.SetBrokenFeatures("Add")
// would return memcache.ErrServerError. You can reverse this by calling
// UnbreakFeatures("Add").
func (s *state) BreakFeatures(err error, feature ...string) {
defer s.Unlock()
for _, f := range feature {
s.broken[f] = err
// UnbreakFeatures is the inverse of BreakFeatures, and will return the named
// features back to their original functionality.
func (s *state) UnbreakFeatures(feature ...string) {
defer s.Unlock()
for _, f := range feature {
delete(s.broken, f)
func (s *state) run(f func() error) error {
if s.noBrokenFeatures() {
return f()
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
fullName := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name()
fullNameParts := strings.Split(fullName, ".")
name := fullNameParts[len(fullNameParts)-1]
err, ok := s.broken[name]
dflt := s.defaultError
if ok {
if err != nil {
return err
if dflt != nil {
return dflt
return fmt.Errorf("feature %q is broken", name)
return f()
func (s *state) noBrokenFeatures() bool {
defer s.Unlock()
return len(s.broken) == 0