blob: e3daaa90bf6df34bab41184adbfa6261909de286 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package tokenserver;
option go_package = ";tokenserver";
// The kinds of machine tokens the token server can mint.
// Passed to MintMachineToken and InspectMachineToken.
// Reserved: 1.
enum MachineTokenType {
UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0; // used if the field is not initialized
LUCI_MACHINE_TOKEN = 2; // matches serialized MachineTokenEnvelope
// MachineTokenBody describes internal structure of the machine token.
// The token will be put in HTTP headers and its body shouldn't be too large.
// For that reason we use unix timestamps instead of google.protobuf.Timestamp
// (no need for microsecond precision), and assume certificate serial numbers
// are smallish uint64 integers (not random blobs).
message MachineTokenBody {
reserved 6;
// Machine identity this token conveys (machine FQDN).
// It is extracted from a Common Name of a certificate used as a basis for
// the token.
string machine_fqdn = 1;
// Service account email that signed this token.
// When verifying the token backends will check that the issuer is in
// "auth-token-servers" group.
string issued_by = 2;
// Unix timestamp in seconds when this token was issued. Required.
uint64 issued_at = 3;
// Number of seconds the token is considered valid.
// Usually 3600. Set by the token server. Required.
uint64 lifetime = 4;
// Id of a CA that issued machine certificate used to make this token.
// These IDs are defined in token server config (via unique_id field).
int64 ca_id = 5;
// Serial number of the machine certificate used to make this token.
// ca_id and cert_sn together uniquely identify the certificate, and can be
// used to check for certificate revocation (by asking token server whether
// the given certificate is in CRL). Revocation checks are optional, most
// callers can rely on expiration checks only.
bytes cert_sn = 7;
// MachineTokenEnvelope is what is actually being serialized and represented
// as a machine token (after being encoded using base64 standard raw encoding).
// Resulting token (including base64 encoding) is usually ~500 bytes long.
message MachineTokenEnvelope {
bytes token_body = 1; // serialized MachineTokenBody
string key_id = 2; // id of a token server private key used for signing
bytes rsa_sha256 = 3; // signature of 'token_body'