blob: 0120007ee5816aa6137ae6ac5b33b496b4c1cec3 [file] [log] [blame]
THIS_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
read -p "Cloud Project name to push BQ schema to: " PROJECT_ID
bqschemaupdater \
-table "$" \
-friendly-name "CIPD event log." \
-message-dir "$THIS_DIR/../api/cipd/v1" \
-message "cipd.Event" \
-partitioning-field "when"
bqschemaupdater \
-table "$PROJECT_ID.cipd.access" \
-friendly-name "CIPD access log." \
-message-dir "$THIS_DIR/../api/cipd/v1" \
-message "cipd.AccessLogEntry" \
-partitioning-field "timestamp" \
-partitioning-expiration "8760h" # 1y
# Note: this table is used as a template table to create 'exported_tags_<jobid>'
# tables that contain tags exported by a single specific mapper job. Each such
# individual table is an approximate "snapshot" of the state of tags at the time
# the job ran.
bqschemaupdater \
-table "$PROJECT_ID.cipd.exported_tags" \
-friendly-name "Tags exported via EXPORT_TAGS_TO_BQ mapper job." \
-message-dir "$THIS_DIR/../api/cipd/v1" \
-message "cipd.ExportedTag" \
-disable-partitioning # doesn't work with template tables