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// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package mask provides utility functions for google protobuf field mask
// Supports advanced field mask semantics:
// - Refer to fields and map keys using . literals:
// - Supported map key types: string, integer, bool. (double, float, enum,
// and bytes keys are not supported by protobuf or this implementation)
// - Fields: "" means field "name" of field "publisher"
// - String map keys: "metadata.year" means string key 'year' of map field
// metadata
// - Integer map keys (e.g. int32): 'year_ratings.0' means integer key 0 of
// a map field year_ratings
// - Bool map keys: 'access_text.true' means boolean key true of a map field
// access_text
// - String map keys that cannot be represented as an unquoted string literal,
// must be quoted using backticks: metadata.`year.published`, metadata.`17`,
// metadata.“. Backtick can be escaped with “: a.`b“c` means map key "b`c"
// of map field a.
// - Refer to all map keys using a * literal: "topics.*.archived" means field
// "archived" of all map values of map field "topic".
// - Refer to all elements of a repeated field using a * literal: authors.*.name
// - Refer to all fields of a message using * literal: publisher.*.
// - Prohibit addressing a single element in repeated fields:
// FieldMask.paths string grammar:
// path = segment {'.' segment}
// segment = literal | star | quoted_string;
// literal = string | integer | boolean
// string = (letter | '_') {letter | '_' | digit}
// integer = ['-'] digit {digit};
// boolean = 'true' | 'false';
// quoted_string = '`' { utf8-no-backtick | '``' } '`'
// star = '*'
package mask
import (
protoV2 ""
// Mask is a tree representation of a field Mask. Serves as a tree node too.
// Each node represents a segment of a path, e.g. "bar" in "".
// A Field Mask with paths ["a","b.c"] is parsed as
// <root>
// / \
// "a" "b"
// /
// "c"
// Zero value is not valid. Use IsEmpty() to check if the mask is zero.
type Mask struct {
// descriptor is the proto descriptor of the message of the field this node
// represents. If the field kind is not a message, then descriptor is nil and
// the node must be a leaf unless isRepeated is true which denotes a repeated
// scalar field.
descriptor protoreflect.MessageDescriptor
// isRepeated indicates whether the segment represents a repeated field or
// not. Children of this node are the field elements.
isRepeated bool
// children maps segments to its node. e.g. children of the root in the
// example above has keys "a" and "b", and values are Mask objects and the
// Mask object "b" maps to will have a single child "c". All types of segment
// (i.e. int, bool, string, star) will be converted to string.
children map[string]*Mask
// FromFieldMask parses a field mask to a mask.
// Trailing stars will be removed, e.g. parses ['a.*'] as ['a'].
// Redundant paths will be removed, e.g. parses ['a', 'a.b'] as ['a'].
// If isFieldNameJSON is set to true, json name will be used instead of
// canonical name defined in proto during parsing (e.g. "fooBar" instead of
// "foo_bar"). However, the child field name in return mask will always be
// in canonical form.
// If isUpdateMask is set to true, a repeated field is allowed only as the last
// field in a path string.
func FromFieldMask(fieldMask *field_mask.FieldMask, targetMsg proto.Message, isFieldNameJSON bool, isUpdateMask bool) (*Mask, error) {
descriptor := proto.MessageReflect(targetMsg).Descriptor()
parsedPaths := make([]path, len(fieldMask.GetPaths()))
for i, p := range fieldMask.GetPaths() {
parsedPath, err := parsePath(p, descriptor, isFieldNameJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedPaths[i] = parsedPath
return fromParsedPaths(parsedPaths, descriptor, isUpdateMask)
// MustFromReadMask is a shortcut FromFieldMask with isFieldNameJSON and
// isUpdateMask as false, that accepts field mask a variadic paths and
// that panics if the mask is invalid.
// It is useful when the mask is hardcoded.
func MustFromReadMask(targetMsg proto.Message, paths ...string) *Mask {
ret, err := FromFieldMask(&field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: paths}, targetMsg, false, false)
if err != nil {
return ret
// All returns a field mask that selects all fields.
func All(targetMsg proto.Message) *Mask {
return MustFromReadMask(targetMsg, "*")
// fromParsedPaths constructs a mask tree from a slice of parsed paths.
func fromParsedPaths(parsedPaths []path, desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, isUpdateMask bool) (*Mask, error) {
root := &Mask{
descriptor: desc,
children: make(map[string]*Mask),
for _, p := range normalizePaths(parsedPaths) {
curNode := root
curNodeName := ""
for _, seg := range p {
if err := validateMask(curNode, curNodeName, seg, isUpdateMask); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := curNode.children[seg]; !ok {
child := &Mask{
children: make(map[string]*Mask),
switch curDesc := curNode.descriptor; {
case curDesc.IsMapEntry():
child.descriptor = curDesc.Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name("value")).Message()
case curNode.isRepeated:
child.descriptor = curDesc
field := curDesc.Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name(seg))
child.descriptor = field.Message()
child.isRepeated = field.Cardinality() == protoreflect.Repeated
curNode.children[seg] = child
curNode = curNode.children[seg]
curNodeName = seg
return root, nil
// normalizePaths normalizes parsed paths. Returns a new slice of paths.
// Removes trailing stars for all paths, e.g. converts ["a", "*"] to ["a"].
// Removes paths that have a segment prefix already present in paths,
// e.g. removes ["a", "b"] from [["a", "b"], ["a",]].
// The result slice is stable and ordered by the number of segments of each
// path. If two paths have same number of segments, break the tie by comparing
// the segments at each index lexicographically.
func normalizePaths(paths []path) []path {
paths = removeTrailingStars(paths)
sort.SliceStable(paths, func(i, j int) bool {
lenI, lenJ := len(paths[i]), len(paths[j])
if lenI == lenJ {
for index, segI := range paths[i] {
if segI == paths[j][index] {
return segI < paths[j][index]
return true
return lenI < lenJ
present := stringset.New(len(paths))
delimiter := string(pathDelimiter)
ret := make([]path, 0, len(paths))
for _, p := range paths {
for i := range p {
if present.Has(strings.Join(p[:i+1], delimiter)) {
continue PATH_LOOP
ret = append(ret, p)
present.Add(strings.Join(p, delimiter))
return ret
func removeTrailingStars(paths []path) []path {
ret := make([]path, 0, len(paths))
for _, p := range paths {
if n := len(p); n > 0 && p[n-1] == "*" {
p = p[:n-1]
ret = append(ret, p)
return ret
func validateMask(node *Mask, nodeName string, childName string, isUpdateMask bool) error {
if node.isRepeated && isUpdateMask {
nodeDesc := node.descriptor
// For a map, states that field masks may permit
// the specification of specific fields in a map, e.g. "my_map.some_key",
// if and only if the map's keys are either strings or integers.
// This can be used when a request tries to update a specific key in a map.
// Note that the requirement for the key type is already guaranteed by
// protobuf spec:,
if nodeDesc.IsMapEntry() && childName != "*" {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("update mask allows a repeated field only at the last position; field: %s is not last", nodeName)
return nil
// Children returns the children of the current Mask node.
func (m *Mask) Children() map[string]*Mask {
return m.children
// Trim clears protobuf message fields that are not in the mask.
// If mask is empty, this is a noop. It returns error when the supplied
// message is nil or has a different message descriptor from that of mask.
// It uses Includes to decide what to trim, see its doc.
func (m *Mask) Trim(msg proto.Message) error {
if m.IsEmpty() {
return nil
reflectMsg := proto.MessageReflect(msg)
if err := checkMsgHaveDesc(reflectMsg, m.descriptor); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *Mask) trimImpl(reflectMsg protoreflect.Message) {
reflectMsg.Range(func(fieldDesc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, fieldVal protoreflect.Value) bool {
fieldName := string(fieldDesc.Name())
switch incl, _ := m.includesImpl(path{fieldName}); incl {
case Exclude:
case IncludePartially:
// child for this field must exist because the path is included partially
switch child := m.children[fieldName]; {
case fieldDesc.IsMap():
child.trimMap(fieldVal.Map(), fieldDesc.MapValue().Kind())
case fieldDesc.Kind() != protoreflect.MessageKind:
// The field is scalar but the mask does not specify to include
// it entirely. Skip it because scalars do not have subfields.
// Note that FromFieldMask would fail on such a mask because a
// scalar field cannot be followed by other fields.
case fieldDesc.IsList():
// star child is the only possible child for list field
if starChild, ok := child.children["*"]; ok {
for i, list := 0, fieldVal.List(); i < list.Len(); i++ {
return true
func (m *Mask) trimMap(protoMap protoreflect.Map, valueKind protoreflect.Kind) {
protoMap.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
keyString := k.String()
switch incl, _ := m.includesImpl(path{keyString}); {
case incl == Exclude:
case incl == IncludePartially && valueKind != protoreflect.MessageKind:
// same reason as comment above that value is scalar
case incl == IncludePartially:
// Mask might not have a child of keyName but it can still partially
// include the key because of star child. So, check both key child
// and star child.
for _, seg := range []string{keyString, "*"} {
if child, ok := m.children[seg]; ok {
return true
// Inclusiveness tells if a field value at the given path is included.
type Inclusiveness int8
const (
// Exclude indicates the field value is excluded.
Exclude Inclusiveness = iota
// IncludePartially indicates some subfields of the field value are included.
// IncludeEntirely indicates the entire field value is included.
// Includes tells the Inclusiveness of a field value at the given path.
// The path must have canonical field names, i.e. not JSON names.
// Returns error if path parsing fails.
func (m *Mask) Includes(path string) (Inclusiveness, error) {
parsedPath, err := parsePath(path, m.descriptor, false)
if err != nil {
return Exclude, err
incl, _ := m.includesImpl(parsedPath)
return incl, nil
// MustIncludes tells the Inclusiveness of a field value at the given path.
// This is essentially the same as Includes, but panics if the given path is invalid.
func (m *Mask) MustIncludes(path string) Inclusiveness {
incl, err := m.Includes(path)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("MustIncludes(%q): %s", path, err))
return incl
// includesImpl implements Includes(). It returns the computed inclusiveness
// and the leaf mask that includes the path if IncludeEntirely, or the
// intermediate mask that the last segment of path represents if
// IncludePartially or an empty mask if Exclude.
func (m *Mask) includesImpl(p path) (Inclusiveness, *Mask) {
if len(m.children) == 0 {
return IncludeEntirely, m
if len(p) == 0 {
// This node is intermediate and we've exhausted the path. Some of the
// value's subfields are included, so includes this value partially.
return IncludePartially, m
var incl Inclusiveness
var inclMask *Mask
// star child should also be examined.
// e.g. children are {"a": {"b": {}}, "*": {"c": {}}}
// If seg is 'x', we should check the star child.
for _, seg := range []string{p[0], "*"} {
if child, ok := m.children[seg]; ok {
if cIncl, cInclMask := child.includesImpl(p[1:]); cIncl > incl {
incl, inclMask = cIncl, cInclMask
return incl, inclMask
// Merge merges masked fields from src to dest.
// If mask is empty, this is a noop. It returns error when one of src or dest
// message is nil or has different message descriptor from that of mask.
// Empty field will be merged as long as they are present in the mask. Repeated
// fields or map fields will be overwritten entirely. Partial updates are not
// supported for such field.
func (m *Mask) Merge(src, dest proto.Message) error {
if m.IsEmpty() {
return nil
srcReflectMsg := proto.MessageReflect(src)
if err := checkMsgHaveDesc(srcReflectMsg, m.descriptor); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("src message: %s", err.Error())
destReflectMsg := proto.MessageReflect(dest)
if err := checkMsgHaveDesc(destReflectMsg, m.descriptor); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dest message: %s", err.Error())
m.mergeImpl(srcReflectMsg, destReflectMsg)
return nil
func (m *Mask) mergeImpl(src, dest protoreflect.Message) {
for seg, submask := range m.children {
// star field is not supported for update mask so this won't be nil
fieldDesc := m.descriptor.Fields().ByName(protoreflect.Name(seg))
switch srcVal, kind := src.Get(fieldDesc), fieldDesc.Kind(); {
case fieldDesc.IsList():
newField := dest.NewField(fieldDesc)
srcList, destList := srcVal.List(), newField.List()
for i := 0; i < srcList.Len(); i++ {
destList.Append(cloneValue(srcList.Get(i), kind))
dest.Set(fieldDesc, newField)
case fieldDesc.IsMap():
newField := dest.NewField(fieldDesc)
destMap := newField.Map()
mapValKind := fieldDesc.MapValue().Kind()
srcVal.Map().Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
destMap.Set(k, cloneValue(v, mapValKind))
return true
dest.Set(fieldDesc, newField)
case fieldDesc.Kind() == protoreflect.MessageKind:
switch srcNil := !srcVal.Message().IsValid(); {
case srcNil && !dest.Get(fieldDesc).Message().IsValid():
// dest is also nil message. No need to proceed merging.
case srcNil && len(submask.children) == 0:
case len(submask.children) == 0:
dest.Set(fieldDesc, cloneValue(srcVal, fieldDesc.Kind()))
// only singular message field can be merged partially
submask.mergeImpl(srcVal.Message(), dest.Mutable(fieldDesc).Message())
dest.Set(fieldDesc, srcVal) // scalar value
// cloneValue returns a cloned value for message kind or the same instance of
// input value for all the other kinds (i.e. scalar). List and map value are not
// expected as they have been explicitly handled in mergeImpl.
func cloneValue(v protoreflect.Value, kind protoreflect.Kind) protoreflect.Value {
if kind == protoreflect.MessageKind {
clonedMsg := protoV2.Clone(v.Message().Interface()).ProtoReflect()
return protoreflect.ValueOf(clonedMsg)
return v
// Submask returns a sub-mask given a path from the received mask to it.
// For example, for a mask ["a.b.c"], m.submask("a.b") will return a mask ["c"].
// If the received mask includes the path entirely, returns a Mask that includes
// everything. For example, for mask ["a"], m.submask("a.b") returns a mask
// without children.
// Returns error if path parsing fails or path is excluded from the received
// mask.
func (m *Mask) Submask(path string) (*Mask, error) {
ctx := &parseCtx{
curDescriptor: m.descriptor,
isList: m.isRepeated && !(m.descriptor != nil && m.descriptor.IsMapEntry()),
parsedPath, err := parsePathWithContext(path, ctx, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch incl, inclMask := m.includesImpl(parsedPath); incl {
case IncludeEntirely:
return &Mask{
descriptor: ctx.curDescriptor,
isRepeated: ctx.isList || (ctx.curDescriptor != nil && ctx.curDescriptor.IsMapEntry()),
}, nil
case Exclude:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the given path %q is excluded from mask", path)
case IncludePartially:
return inclMask, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown Inclusiveness: %d", incl)
// MustSubmask returns a sub-mask given a path from the received mask to it.
// This is essentially the same as Submask, but panics if the given path is invalid or
// exlcuded from the received mask.
func (m *Mask) MustSubmask(path string) *Mask {
sm, err := m.Submask(path)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("MustSubmask(%q): %s", path, err))
return sm
// IsEmpty reports whether a mask is of empty value. Such mask implies keeping
// everything when calling Trim, merging nothing when calling Merge and always
// returning IncludeEntirely when calling Includes
func (m *Mask) IsEmpty() bool {
return m == nil || (m.descriptor == nil && !m.isRepeated && len(m.children) == 0)
// checkMsgHaveDesc validates that the descriptor of given proto reflect message
// matches the expected message descriptor. It returns error when the given
// message is nil or descriptor of which doesn't match the expectation.
func checkMsgHaveDesc(msg protoreflect.Message, expectedDesc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) error {
if msg == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil message")
if msgDesc := msg.Descriptor(); msgDesc != expectedDesc {
return fmt.Errorf("expected message have descriptor: %s; got descriptor: %s", expectedDesc.FullName(), msgDesc.FullName())
return nil