blob: 55722524ce91b866aff16e0f5a6639343dae9fac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package frontend
import (
buildbotapi ""
// handleBuildbotBuild renders a buildbot build.
// Requires emulationMiddleware.
func handleBuildbotBuild(c *router.Context) error {
buildNum, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Params.ByName("number"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "build number is not a number").
id := buildbotapi.BuildID{
Master: c.Params.ByName("master"),
Builder: c.Params.ByName("builder"),
Number: buildNum,
if err := id.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
// If this build is emulated, redirect to LUCI.
b, err := buildstore.EmulationOf(c.Context, id)
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case b != nil && b.Number != nil:
u := *c.Request.URL
u.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/p/%s/builders/%s/%s/%d", b.Project, b.Bucket, b.Builder, *b.Number)
http.Redirect(c.Writer, c.Request, u.String(), http.StatusFound)
return nil
build, err := buildbot.GetBuild(c.Context, id)
return renderBuildLegacy(c, build, false, err)
func handleSwarmingBuild(c *router.Context) error {
build, err := swarming.GetBuild(
return renderBuildLegacy(c, build, false, err)
func handleRawPresentationBuild(c *router.Context) error {
build, err := rawpresentation.GetBuild(
types.StreamPath(strings.Trim(c.Params.ByName("path"), "/")))
return renderBuildLegacy(c, build, false, err)
func getStepDisplayPrefCookie(c *router.Context) ui.StepDisplayPref {
switch cookie, err := c.Request.Cookie("stepDisplayPref"); err {
case nil:
return ui.StepDisplayPref(cookie.Value)
case http.ErrNoCookie:
return ui.StepDisplayDefault
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c.Context, "failed to read stepDisplayPref cookie")
return ui.StepDisplayDefault
// renderBuildLegacy is a shortcut for rendering build or returning err if it is not
// nil. Also calls build.Fix().
func renderBuildLegacy(c *router.Context, build *ui.MiloBuildLegacy, renderTimeline bool, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
build.StepDisplayPref = getStepDisplayPrefCookie(c)
timelineJSON := ""
if renderTimeline {
if timelineJSON, err = timelineData(build); err != nil {
return err
templates.MustRender(c.Context, c.Writer, "pages/build_legacy.html", templates.Args{
"Build": build,
"TimelineJSON": timelineJSON,
return nil
// timelineData returns the timelineJSON for a vis timeline timeline
// as a JSON.parse parseable string that will contain the necessary
// Groups and Items.
func timelineData(build *ui.MiloBuildLegacy) (string, error) {
// stepData is extra data to deliver with the groups and items (see below) for the
// Javascript vis Timeline component.
type stepData struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Text []string `json:"text"`
Duration string `json:"duration"`
MainLink ui.LinkSet `json:"mainLink"`
SubLink []ui.LinkSet `json:"subLink"`
StatusClassName string `json:"statusClassName"`
// group corresponds to, and matches the shape of, a Group for the Javascript
// vis Timeline component Data
// rides along as an extra property (unused by vis Timeline itself) used
// in client side rendering. Each Group is rendered as its own row in the
// timeline component on to which Items are rendered. Currently we only render
// one Item per Group, that is one thing per row.
type group struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Data stepData `json:"data"`
// item corresponds to, and matches the shape of, an Item for the Javascript
// vis Timeline component Data
// rides along as an extra property (unused by vis Timeline itself) used
// in client side rendering. Each Item is rendered to a Group which corresponds
// to a row. Currently we only render one Item per Group, that is one thing per
// row.
type item struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Group string `json:"group"`
Start int64 `json:"start"`
End int64 `json:"end"`
Type string `json:"type"`
ClassName string `json:"className"`
Data stepData `json:"data"`
groups := make([]group, len(build.Components))
items := make([]item, len(build.Components))
for index, comp := range build.Components {
groupID := strconv.Itoa(index)
statusClassName := fmt.Sprintf("status-%s", comp.Status)
data := stepData{
Label: html.EscapeString(comp.Label.Label),
Text: sanitize(comp.TextBR()),
Duration: humanDuration(comp.ExecutionTime.Duration),
MainLink: sanitizeLinkSet(comp.MainLink),
SubLink: sanitizeLinkSets(comp.SubLink),
StatusClassName: statusClassName,
groups[index] = group{groupID, data}
items[index] = item{
ID: groupID,
Group: groupID,
Start: milliseconds(comp.ExecutionTime.Started),
End: milliseconds(comp.ExecutionTime.Finished),
Type: "range",
ClassName: statusClassName,
Data: data,
timeline, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"groups": groups,
"items": items,
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(timeline), nil
func sanitize(values []string) []string {
result := make([]string, len(values))
for i, value := range values {
result[i] = html.EscapeString(value)
return result
func sanitizeLinkSet(linkSet ui.LinkSet) ui.LinkSet {
result := make(ui.LinkSet, len(linkSet))
for i, link := range linkSet {
result[i] = &ui.Link{
Link: model.Link{
Label: html.EscapeString(link.Label),
URL: html.EscapeString(link.URL),
AriaLabel: html.EscapeString(link.AriaLabel),
Img: html.EscapeString(link.Img),
Alt: html.EscapeString(link.Alt),
return result
func sanitizeLinkSets(linkSets []ui.LinkSet) []ui.LinkSet {
result := make([]ui.LinkSet, len(linkSets))
for i, linkSet := range linkSets {
result[i] = sanitizeLinkSet(linkSet)
return result
func milliseconds(time time.Time) int64 {
return time.UnixNano() / 1e6