blob: 12b11b27828c28077f18ca2e6d13f247c3a7901f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cache
import (
// Cache is a cache of objects holding content in disk.
// All implementations must be thread-safe.
type Cache struct {
// Immutable.
policies Policies
path string
h crypto.Hash
freeSpaceWarningOnce sync.Once
// Lock protected.
mu sync.Mutex // This protects modification of cached entries under |path| too.
lru lruDict // Implements LRU based eviction.
// TODO( remove after debug.
log bytes.Buffer
statsMu sync.Mutex // Protects the stats below
// TODO(tikuta): Add stats about: # removed.
// TODO(tikuta): stateFile
added []int64
used []int64
// Policies is the policies to use on a cache to limit it's footprint.
// It's a cache, not a leak.
type Policies struct {
// MaxSize trims if the cache gets larger than this value. If 0, the cache is
// effectively a leak.
MaxSize units.Size
// MaxItems is the maximum number of items to keep in the cache. If 0, do not
// enforce a limit.
MaxItems int
// MinFreeSpace trims if disk free space becomes lower than this value.
// Only makes sense when using disk based cache.
MinFreeSpace units.Size
// AddFlags adds flags for cache policy parameters.
func (p *Policies) AddFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.Var(&p.MaxSize, "cache-max-size", "Cache is trimmed if the cache gets larger than this value. If 0, the cache is effectively a leak.")
f.IntVar(&p.MaxItems, "cache-max-items", 0, "Maximum number of items to keep in the cache.")
f.Var(&p.MinFreeSpace, "cache-min-free-space", "Cache is trimmed if disk free space becomes lower than this value.")
// IsDefault returns whether some flags are set or not.
func (p *Policies) IsDefault() bool {
return p.MaxSize == 0 && p.MaxItems == 0 && p.MinFreeSpace == 0
func (p *Policies) fitsCacheSize(s units.Size) bool {
return p.MaxSize == 0 || s <= p.MaxSize
// ErrInvalidHash indicates invalid hash is specified.
var ErrInvalidHash = errors.New("invalid hash")
// New creates a disk based cache.
// It may return both a valid Cache and an error if it failed to load the
// previous cache metadata. It is safe to ignore this error. This creates
// cache directory if it doesn't exist.
func New(policies Policies, path string, h crypto.Hash) (*Cache, error) {
var err error
path, err = filepath.Abs(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call Abs(%s)", path).Err()
err = os.MkdirAll(path, 0700)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call MkdirAll(%s)", path).Err()
d := &Cache{
policies: policies,
path: path,
h: h,
lru: makeLRUDict(h),
p := d.statePath()
err = func() error {
f, err := os.Open(p)
if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
// The fact that the cache is new is not an error.
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
return json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&d.lru)
if err != nil {
// Do not use os.RemoveAll, due to strange 'Access Denied' error on windows
// in os.MkDir after os.RemoveAll.
files, err := os.ReadDir(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call os.ReadDir(%s)", path).Err()
for _, file := range files {
p := filepath.Join(path, file.Name())
if err := os.RemoveAll(p); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call os.RemoveAll(%s)", p).Err()
d.lru = makeLRUDict(h)
if json, err := d.lru.MarshalJSON(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&d.log, "initial json: %s\n", string(json))
return d, err
// Close closes the Cache, writes the cache status file to cache dir.
func (d *Cache) Close() error {
if !d.lru.IsDirty() {
return nil
f, err := os.Create(d.statePath())
if err == nil {
defer f.Close()
err = json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(&d.lru)
return err
// Keys returns the list of all cached digests in LRU order.
func (d *Cache) Keys() HexDigests {
return d.lru.keys()
// TotalSize returns the size of the contents maintained in the LRU cache.
func (d *Cache) TotalSize() units.Size {
return d.lru.sum
// Touch updates the LRU position of an item to ensure it is kept in the
// cache.
// Returns true if item is in cache.
func (d *Cache) Touch(digest HexDigest) bool {
if !digest.Validate(d.h) {
return false
return d.lru.touch(digest)
// Evict removes item from cache if it's there.
func (d *Cache) Evict(digest HexDigest) {
if !digest.Validate(d.h) {
_ = os.Remove(d.itemPath(digest))
// Read returns contents of the cached item.
func (d *Cache) Read(digest HexDigest) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if !digest.Validate(d.h) {
return nil, os.ErrInvalid
f, err := os.Open(d.itemPath(digest))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get stat for %s", digest).Err()
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
d.used = append(d.used, fi.Size())
return f, nil
// Add reads data from src and stores it in cache.
func (d *Cache) Add(ctx context.Context, digest HexDigest, src io.Reader) error {
return d.add(ctx, digest, src, nil)
// AddFileWithoutValidation adds src as cache entry with hardlink.
// But this doesn't do any content validation.
// TODO(tikuta): make one function and control the behavior by option?
func (d *Cache) AddFileWithoutValidation(ctx context.Context, digest HexDigest, src string) error {
ctx, task := trace.NewTask(ctx, "AddFileWithoutValidation")
defer task.End()
fi, err := os.Stat(src)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get stat: %s", src).Err()
start := time.Now()
dest := d.itemPath(digest)
if err := makeHardLinkOrClone(src, dest); err != nil && !errors.Contains(err, os.ErrExist) {
terr := func() error {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// TODO( Fallback to Copy in macOS, this is mitigation for strange `operation not permitted` error.
if cerr := filesystem.Copy(dest, src, fi.Mode()); cerr != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "fallback copy failed: %v", cerr).Err()
} else {
return nil
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to link %s to %s", src, digest).Err()
if terr != nil {
return terr
trace.Logf(ctx, "", "os.Link took %s", time.Since(start))
d.lru.pushFront(digest, units.Size(fi.Size()))
if err := d.respectPolicies(ctx); err != nil {
return err
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
d.added = append(d.added, fi.Size())
return nil
// AddWithHardlink reads data from src and stores it in cache and hardlink file.
// This is to avoid file removal by shrink in Add().
func (d *Cache) AddWithHardlink(ctx context.Context, digest HexDigest, src io.Reader, dest string, perm os.FileMode) error {
return d.add(ctx, digest, src, func() error {
if err := d.hardlinkUnlocked(digest, dest, perm); err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(d.itemPath(digest))
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call Hardlink(%s, %s)", digest, dest).Err()
return nil
// Hardlink ensures file at |dest| has the same content as cached |digest|.
// Note that the behavior when dest already exists is undefined. It will work
// on all POSIX and may or may not fail on Windows depending on the
// implementation used. Do not rely on this behavior.
func (d *Cache) Hardlink(digest HexDigest, dest string, perm os.FileMode) error {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// Accessing the path, which is being replaced, with os.Link
// seems to cause flaky 'operation not permitted' failure on
// macOS ( So prevent that by holding
// lock here.
return d.hardlinkUnlocked(digest, dest, perm)
// Added returns a list of file size added to cache.
func (d *Cache) Added() []int64 {
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
return append([]int64{}, d.added...)
// Used returns a list of file size used from cache.
func (d *Cache) Used() []int64 {
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
return append([]int64{}, d.used...)
// Private details.
func (d *Cache) add(ctx context.Context, digest HexDigest, src io.Reader, cb func() error) error {
if !digest.Validate(d.h) {
return os.ErrInvalid
tmp, err := ioutil.TempFile(d.path, string(digest)+".*.tmp")
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create tempfile for %s", digest).Err()
// TODO(maruel): Use a LimitedReader flavor that fails when reaching limit.
h := d.h.New()
size, err := io.Copy(tmp, io.TeeReader(src, h))
if err2 := tmp.Close(); err == nil {
err = err2
fname := tmp.Name()
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(fname)
return err
if d := Sum(h); d != digest {
_ = os.Remove(fname)
return errors.Annotate(ErrInvalidHash, "invalid hash, got=%s, want=%s", d, digest).Err()
if !d.policies.fitsCacheSize(units.Size(size)) {
_ = os.Remove(fname)
return errors.Reason("item too large, size=%d, limit=%d", size, d.policies.MaxSize).Err()
// If the cache already exists, do not try os.Rename().
if d.lru.touch(digest) {
logging.Debugf(ctx, "cache already exists. path: %s, digest %s\n", d.path, digest)
if err := os.Remove(fname); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to remove tmp file: %s", fname).Err()
if cb != nil {
if err := cb(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := os.Rename(fname, d.itemPath(digest)); err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(fname)
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to rename %s -> %s", fname, d.itemPath(digest)).Err()
if cb != nil {
if err := cb(); err != nil {
return err
d.lru.pushFront(digest, units.Size(size))
if err := d.respectPolicies(ctx); err != nil {
return err
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
d.added = append(d.added, size)
return nil
func (d *Cache) hardlinkUnlocked(digest HexDigest, dest string, perm os.FileMode) error {
if !digest.Validate(d.h) {
return os.ErrInvalid
src := d.itemPath(digest)
// - Windows, if dest exists, the call fails. In particular, trying to
// os.Remove() will fail if the file's ReadOnly bit is set. What's worse is
// that the ReadOnly bit is set on the file inode, shared on all hardlinks
// to this inode. This means that in the case of a file with the ReadOnly
// bit set, it would have to do:
// - If dest exists:
// - If dest has ReadOnly bit:
// - If file has any other inode:
// - Remove the ReadOnly bit.
// - Remove dest.
// - Set the ReadOnly bit on one of the inode found.
// - Call os.Link()
// In short, nobody ain't got time for that.
// - On any other (sane) OS, if dest exists, it is silently overwritten.
if err := makeHardLinkOrClone(src, dest); err != nil {
if _, serr := os.Stat(src); errors.Contains(serr, os.ErrNotExist) {
// In Windows, os.Link may fail with access denied error even if |src| isn't there.
// And this is to normalize returned error in such case.
err = errors.Annotate(serr, "%s doesn't exist and os.Link failed: %v\nlogs:\n%s", src, err, d.log.String()).Err()
debugInfo := fmt.Sprintf("Stats:\n* src: %s\n* dest: %s\n* destDir: %s\nUID=%d GID=%d", statsStr(src), statsStr(dest), statsStr(filepath.Dir(dest)), os.Getuid(), os.Getgid())
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call makeHardLinkOrClone(%s, %s)\n%s", src, dest, debugInfo).Err()
if err := os.Chmod(dest, perm); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call os.Chmod(%s, %#o)", dest, perm).Err()
fi, err := os.Stat(dest)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to call os.Stat(%s)", dest).Err()
size := fi.Size()
defer d.statsMu.Unlock()
// If this succeeds directly, it means the file is already cached on the
// disk, so we put it into LRU.
d.used = append(d.used, size)
return nil
func (d *Cache) itemPath(digest HexDigest) string {
return filepath.Join(d.path, string(digest))
func (d *Cache) statePath() string {
return filepath.Join(d.path, "state.json")
func (d *Cache) respectPolicies(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, task := trace.NewTask(ctx, "respectPolicies")
defer task.End()
minFreeSpaceWanted := uint64(d.policies.MinFreeSpace)
for {
freeSpace, err := filesystem.GetFreeSpace(d.path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "couldn't estimate the free space at %s", d.path).Err()
if (d.policies.MaxItems == 0 || d.lru.length() <= d.policies.MaxItems) && d.policies.fitsCacheSize(d.lru.sum) && freeSpace >= minFreeSpaceWanted {
if d.lru.length() == 0 {
d.freeSpaceWarningOnce.Do(func() {
// TODO( make this error again.
logging.Warningf(ctx, "no more space to free in %s: current free space=%d policies.MinFreeSpace=%d", d.path, freeSpace, minFreeSpaceWanted)
k, _ := d.lru.popOldest()
_ = os.Remove(d.itemPath(k))
return nil
func statsStr(path string) string {
fi, err := os.Stat(path)
return fmt.Sprintf("path=%s FileInfo=%+v err=%v", path, fi, err)