blob: 0f1d98d0c99651a3c19408c107f2cae6169b9b17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package storetest is imported exclusively by tests for Store implementations.
package storetest
import (
pb ""
. ""
. ""
// Store is a store under test.
// It is a copy of store.Store interface to break module dependency cycle.
type Store interface {
DefaultTarget() types.Target
SetDefaultTarget(t types.Target)
Get(ctx context.Context, m types.Metric, resetTime time.Time, fieldVals []any) any
Set(ctx context.Context, m types.Metric, resetTime time.Time, fieldVals []any, value any)
Del(ctx context.Context, m types.Metric, fieldVals []any)
Incr(ctx context.Context, m types.Metric, resetTime time.Time, fieldVals []any, delta any)
GetAll(ctx context.Context) []types.Cell
Reset(ctx context.Context, m types.Metric)
// TestOptions contains options for RunStoreImplementationTests.
type TestOptions struct {
// Factory creates and returns a new Store implementation.
Factory func() Store
// RegistrationFinished is called after all metrics have been registered.
// Store implementations that need to do expensive initialization (that would
// otherwise be done in iface.go) can do that here.
RegistrationFinished func(Store)
// GetNumRegisteredMetrics returns the number of metrics registered in the
// store.
GetNumRegisteredMetrics func(Store) int
// RunStoreImplementationTests runs all the standard tests that all store
// implementations are expected to pass. When you write a new Store
// implementation you should ensure you run these tests against it.
func RunStoreImplementationTests(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, opts TestOptions) {
distOne := distribution.New(distribution.DefaultBucketer)
distTwo := distribution.New(distribution.DefaultBucketer)
tests := []struct {
typ types.ValueType
bucketer *distribution.Bucketer
values []any
wantSetValidator func(any, any)
deltas []any
wantIncrPanic bool
wantIncrValue any
wantIncrValidator func(any)
wantStartTimestamp bool
typ: types.CumulativeIntType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(int64(3), int64(4)),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(int64(3), int64(4)),
wantIncrValue: int64(7),
wantStartTimestamp: true,
typ: types.CumulativeFloatType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(4.3)),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(4.3)),
wantIncrValue: float64(7.5),
wantStartTimestamp: true,
typ: types.CumulativeDistributionType,
bucketer: distribution.DefaultBucketer,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(distOne, distTwo),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(5.3)),
wantIncrValidator: func(v any) {
d := v.(*distribution.Distribution)
So(d.Buckets(), ShouldResemble, []int64{0, 0, 0, 1, 1})
wantStartTimestamp: true,
typ: types.NonCumulativeIntType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(int64(3), int64(4)),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(int64(3), int64(4)),
wantIncrPanic: true,
typ: types.NonCumulativeFloatType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(4.3)),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(4.3)),
wantIncrPanic: true,
typ: types.NonCumulativeDistributionType,
bucketer: distribution.DefaultBucketer,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(distOne, distTwo),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(float64(3.2), float64(5.3)),
wantIncrPanic: true,
wantSetValidator: func(got, want any) {
// The distribution might be serialized/deserialized and lose sums and
// counts.
So(got.(*distribution.Distribution).Buckets(), ShouldResemble,
typ: types.StringType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice("hello", "world"),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice("hello", "world"),
wantIncrPanic: true,
typ: types.BoolType,
values: makeInterfaceSlice(true, false),
deltas: makeInterfaceSlice(true, false),
wantIncrPanic: true,
Convey("Set and get", t, func() {
Convey("With no fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Value should be nil initially.
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
// Set and get the value.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[0])
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[0])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
Convey("With fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Values should be nil initially.
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"))
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"))
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
// Set and get the values.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"), test.values[0])
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"), test.values[1])
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"))
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[0])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"))
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[1])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[1])
Convey("With a fixed reset time", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Do the set with a fixed time.
t := time.Date(1972, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, time.UTC)
s.Set(ctx, m, t, []any{}, test.values[0])
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[0])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
// Check the time in the Cell is the same.
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 1)
msg := monitor.SerializeValue(all[0], testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)
ts := msg.GetStartTimestamp()
if test.wantStartTimestamp {
So(time.Unix(ts.GetSeconds(), int64(ts.GetNanos())).UTC().String(), ShouldEqual, t.String())
} else {
So(time.Unix(ts.GetSeconds(), int64(ts.GetNanos())).UTC().String(), ShouldEqual, testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC.String())
Convey("With a target set in the context", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Create a context with a different target.
foo := target.Task{ServiceName: "foo"}
ctxWithTarget := target.Set(ctx, &foo)
// Set the first value on the default target, second value on the
// different target.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[0])
s.Set(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[1])
// Get should return different values for different contexts.
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[0])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
v = s.Get(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[1])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[1])
// The targets should be set in the Cells.
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 2)
coll := monitor.SerializeCells(all, testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)
s0 := coll[0].RootLabels[3]
s1 := coll[1].RootLabels[3]
serviceName := &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels{
Key: proto.String("service_name"),
Value: &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels_StringValue{
StringValue: foo.ServiceName,
defaultServiceName := &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels{
Key: proto.String("service_name"),
Value: &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels_StringValue{
StringValue: s.DefaultTarget().(*target.Task).ServiceName,
if proto.Equal(s0, serviceName) {
So(s1, ShouldResembleProto, defaultServiceName)
} else if proto.Equal(s1, serviceName) {
So(s0, ShouldResembleProto, defaultServiceName)
} else {
Convey("With a decreasing value", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
if !test.typ.IsCumulative() || test.bucketer != nil {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
m := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Set the bigger value.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[1])
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}), ShouldResemble, test.values[1])
// Setting the smaller value should be ignored.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[0])
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}), ShouldResemble, test.values[1])
Convey("Increment and get", t, func() {
Convey("With no fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Value should be nil initially.
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
// Increment the metric.
for _, delta := range test.deltas {
call := func() { s.Incr(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, delta) }
if test.wantIncrPanic {
So(call, ShouldPanic)
} else {
// Get the final value.
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantIncrValue != nil {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.wantIncrValue)
} else if test.wantIncrValidator != nil {
Convey("With fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Values should be nil initially.
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"))
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"))
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
// Increment one cell.
for _, delta := range test.deltas {
call := func() { s.Incr(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"), delta) }
if test.wantIncrPanic {
So(call, ShouldPanic)
} else {
// Get the final value.
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"))
if test.wantIncrValue != nil {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.wantIncrValue)
} else if test.wantIncrValidator != nil {
// Another cell should still be nil.
v = s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"))
So(v, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("With a fixed reset time", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
if test.wantIncrPanic {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Do the incr with a fixed time.
t := time.Date(1972, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, time.UTC)
s.Incr(ctx, m, t, []any{}, test.deltas[0])
// Check the time in the Cell is the same.
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 1)
msg := monitor.SerializeValue(all[0], testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)
if test.wantStartTimestamp {
ts := msg.GetStartTimestamp()
So(time.Unix(ts.GetSeconds(), int64(ts.GetNanos())).UTC().String(), ShouldEqual, t.String())
} else {
So(msg.StartTimestamp, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("With a target set in the context", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
if test.wantIncrPanic {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{
FakeMetric{types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Create a context with a different target.
foo := target.Task{ServiceName: "foo"}
ctxWithTarget := target.Set(ctx, &foo)
// Incr the first delta on the default target, second delta on the
// different target.
s.Incr(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.deltas[0])
s.Incr(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.deltas[1])
// Get should return different values for different contexts.
v1 := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
v2 := s.Get(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(v1, ShouldNotEqual, v2)
// The targets should be set in the Cells.
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 2)
coll := monitor.SerializeCells(all, testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)
s0 := coll[0].RootLabels[3]
s1 := coll[1].RootLabels[3]
serviceName := &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels{
Key: proto.String("service_name"),
Value: &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels_StringValue{
StringValue: foo.ServiceName,
defaultServiceName := &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels{
Key: proto.String("service_name"),
Value: &pb.MetricsCollection_RootLabels_StringValue{
StringValue: s.DefaultTarget().(*target.Task).ServiceName,
if proto.Equal(s0, serviceName) {
So(s1, ShouldResembleProto, defaultServiceName)
} else if proto.Equal(s1, serviceName) {
So(s0, ShouldResembleProto, defaultServiceName)
} else {
Convey("GetAll", t, func() {
ctx, tc := testclock.UseTime(ctx, testclock.TestRecentTimeUTC)
s := opts.Factory()
foo := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{Name: "foo", Description: "", Fields: []field.Field{},
ValueType: types.NonCumulativeIntType, TargetType: target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Seconds}}
bar := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{Name: "bar", Description: "", Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.StringType, TargetType: target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Bytes}}
baz := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{Name: "baz", Description: "", Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.NonCumulativeFloatType, TargetType: target.NilType},
qux := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{Name: "qux", Description: "", Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.CumulativeDistributionType, TargetType: target.NilType},
// Add test records. We increment the test clock each time so that the added
// records sort deterministically using sortableCellSlice.
for _, m := range []struct {
metric types.Metric
fieldvals []any
value any
{foo, []any{}, int64(42)},
{bar, makeInterfaceSlice("one"), "hello"},
{bar, makeInterfaceSlice("two"), "world"},
{baz, makeInterfaceSlice("three"), 1.23},
{baz, makeInterfaceSlice("four"), 4.56},
{qux, makeInterfaceSlice("five"), distribution.New(nil)},
} {
s.Set(ctx, m.metric, time.Time{}, m.fieldvals, m.value)
got := s.GetAll(ctx)
// Store operations made after GetAll should not be visible in the snapshot.
s.Set(ctx, baz, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("four"), 3.14)
s.Incr(ctx, qux, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("five"), float64(10.0))
want := []types.Cell{
Name: "foo",
Fields: []field.Field{},
ValueType: types.NonCumulativeIntType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Seconds},
FieldVals: []any{},
Value: int64(42),
Name: "bar",
Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.StringType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Bytes},
FieldVals: makeInterfaceSlice("one"),
Value: "hello",
Name: "bar",
Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.StringType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Bytes},
FieldVals: makeInterfaceSlice("two"),
Value: "world",
Name: "baz",
Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.NonCumulativeFloatType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
FieldVals: makeInterfaceSlice("three"),
Value: 1.23,
Name: "baz",
Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.NonCumulativeFloatType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
FieldVals: makeInterfaceSlice("four"),
Value: 4.56,
Name: "qux",
Fields: []field.Field{field.String("f")},
ValueType: types.CumulativeDistributionType,
TargetType: target.NilType,
FieldVals: makeInterfaceSlice("five"),
Value: distribution.New(nil),
So(len(got), ShouldEqual, len(want))
for i, g := range got {
w := want[i]
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), func() {
So(g.Name, ShouldEqual, w.Name)
So(len(g.Fields), ShouldEqual, len(w.Fields))
So(g.ValueType, ShouldEqual, w.ValueType)
So(g.FieldVals, ShouldResemble, w.FieldVals)
So(g.Value, ShouldResemble, w.Value)
So(g.Units, ShouldEqual, w.Units)
Convey("Set and del", t, func() {
Convey("With no fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Value should be nil initially.
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}), ShouldBeNil)
// Set and get the value.
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, test.values[0])
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[0])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
// Delete the cell. Then, get should return nil.
s.Del(ctx, m, []any{})
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("With fields", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Values should be nil initially.
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one")), ShouldBeNil)
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two")), ShouldBeNil)
// Set both and then delete "one".
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one"), test.values[0])
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"), test.values[1])
s.Del(ctx, m, makeInterfaceSlice("one"))
// Get should return nil for "one", but the value for "two".
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("one")), ShouldBeNil)
v := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, makeInterfaceSlice("two"))
if test.wantSetValidator != nil {
test.wantSetValidator(v, test.values[1])
} else {
So(v, ShouldEqual, test.values[1])
Convey("With a target set in the context", func() {
for i, test := range tests {
if test.wantIncrPanic {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("%d. %s", i, test.typ), func() {
var m types.Metric
if test.bucketer != nil {
m = &fakeDistributionMetric{FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
types.MetricMetadata{}}, test.bucketer}
} else {
m = &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{field.String("f")}, test.typ, target.NilType},
s := opts.Factory()
// Create a context with a different target.
foo := target.Task{ServiceName: "foo"}
ctxWithTarget := target.Set(ctx, &foo)
// Set the first value on the default target, second value on the
// different target. Note that both are set with the same field value,
// "one".
fvs := func() []any { return makeInterfaceSlice("one") }
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, fvs(), test.values[0])
s.Set(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, fvs(), test.values[1])
// Get should return different values for different contexts.
v1 := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, fvs())
v2 := s.Get(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, fvs())
So(v1, ShouldNotEqual, v2)
// Delete the cell with the custom target. Then, get should return
// the value for the default target, and nil for the custom target.
s.Del(ctxWithTarget, m, fvs())
So(s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, fvs()), ShouldEqual, test.values[0])
So(s.Get(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, fvs()), ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Concurrency", t, func() {
const numIterations = 100
const numGoroutines = 32
Convey("Incr", func(c C) {
s := opts.Factory()
m := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, types.CumulativeIntType, target.NilType},
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
f := func(n int) {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < numIterations; i++ {
s.Incr(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, int64(1))
for n := 0; n < numGoroutines; n++ {
go f(n)
val := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(val, ShouldEqual, numIterations*numGoroutines)
Convey("Multiple targets with the same TargetType", t, func() {
Convey("Gets from context", func() {
s := opts.Factory()
m := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, types.NonCumulativeIntType, target.NilType},
t := target.Task{ServiceName: "foo"}
ctxWithTarget := target.Set(ctx, &t)
s.Set(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, int64(42))
s.Set(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{}, int64(43))
val := s.Get(ctx, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(val, ShouldEqual, 42)
val = s.Get(ctxWithTarget, m, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(val, ShouldEqual, 43)
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 2)
// The order is undefined.
if all[0].Value.(int64) == 42 {
So(all[0].Target, ShouldResemble, s.DefaultTarget())
So(all[1].Target, ShouldResemble, &t)
} else {
So(all[0].Target, ShouldResemble, &t)
So(all[1].Target, ShouldResemble, s.DefaultTarget())
Convey("Multiple targets with multiple TargetTypes", t, func() {
Convey("Gets from context", func() {
s := opts.Factory()
// Two metrics with the same metric name, but different types.
mTask := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, types.NonCumulativeIntType, target.TaskType},
mDevice := &FakeMetric{
types.MetricInfo{"m", "", []field.Field{}, types.NonCumulativeIntType, target.DeviceType},
taskTarget := target.Task{ServiceName: "foo"}
deviceTarget := target.NetworkDevice{Hostname: "bar"}
ctxWithTarget := target.Set(target.Set(ctx, &taskTarget), &deviceTarget)
s.Set(ctxWithTarget, mTask, time.Time{}, []any{}, int64(42))
s.Set(ctxWithTarget, mDevice, time.Time{}, []any{}, int64(43))
val := s.Get(ctxWithTarget, mTask, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(val, ShouldEqual, 42)
val = s.Get(ctxWithTarget, mDevice, time.Time{}, []any{})
So(val, ShouldEqual, 43)
all := s.GetAll(ctx)
So(len(all), ShouldEqual, 2)
// The order is undefined.
if all[0].Value.(int64) == 42 {
So(all[0].Target, ShouldResemble, &taskTarget)
So(all[1].Target, ShouldResemble, &deviceTarget)
} else {
So(all[0].Target, ShouldResemble, &deviceTarget)
So(all[1].Target, ShouldResemble, &taskTarget)
func makeInterfaceSlice(v ...any) []any {
return v
// FakeMetric is a fake Metric implementation.
type FakeMetric struct {
// Info implements Metric.Info
func (m *FakeMetric) Info() types.MetricInfo { return m.MetricInfo }
// Metadata implements Metric.Metadata
func (m *FakeMetric) Metadata() types.MetricMetadata { return m.MetricMetadata }
// SetFixedResetTime implements Metric.SetFixedResetTime.
func (m *FakeMetric) SetFixedResetTime(t time.Time) {}
type fakeDistributionMetric struct {
bucketer *distribution.Bucketer
func (m *fakeDistributionMetric) Bucketer() *distribution.Bucketer { return m.bucketer }
type sortableCellSlice []types.Cell
func (s sortableCellSlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s sortableCellSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].ResetTime.UnixNano() < s[j].ResetTime.UnixNano()
func (s sortableCellSlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }