blob: 89e425947e902129b82d2eb0b9b96653bd2ca537 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package testutil
import (
. ""
const (
// IntegrationTestEnvVar is the name of the environment variable which controls
// whether spanner tests are executed.
// The value must be "1" for integration tests to run.
IntegrationTestEnvVar = "INTEGRATION_TESTS"
// RedisTestEnvVar is the name of the environment variable which controls
// whether tests will attempt to connect to *local* Redis at port 6379.
// The value must be "1" to connect to Redis.
// Note that this mode does not support running multiple test binaries in
// parallel, e.g. `go test ./...`.
// This could be mitigated by using different Redis databases in different
// test binaries, but the default limit is only 16.
// EmulatorEnvVar is the name of the environment variable which controls
// whether to run spanner tests using Cloud Spanner Emulator.
// The value must be "1" to use emulator.
// runIntegrationTests returns true if integration tests should run.
func runIntegrationTests() bool {
return os.Getenv(IntegrationTestEnvVar) == "1"
func runIntegrationTestsWithEmulator() bool {
return runIntegrationTests() && os.Getenv(EmulatorEnvVar) == "1"
// ConnectToRedis returns true if tests should connect to Redis.
func ConnectToRedis() bool {
return os.Getenv(RedisTestEnvVar) == "1"
var spannerClient *spanner.Client
// SpannerTestContext returns a context for testing code that talks to Spanner.
// Skips the test if integration tests are not enabled.
// Tests that use Spanner must not call t.Parallel().
func SpannerTestContext(tb testing.TB) context.Context {
switch {
case !runIntegrationTests():
tb.Skipf("env var %s=1 is missing", IntegrationTestEnvVar)
case spannerClient == nil:
tb.Fatalf("spanner client is not initialized; forgot to call SpannerTestMain?")
// Do not mock clock in integration tests because we cannot mock Spanner's
// clock.
ctx := testingContext(false)
err := cleanupDatabase(ctx, spannerClient)
if err != nil {
ctx = span.UseClient(ctx, spannerClient)
if ConnectToRedis() {
ctx = redisconn.UsePool(ctx, redisconn.NewPool("localhost:6379", 0))
if err := cleanupRedis(ctx); err != nil {
return ctx
// findInitScript returns path //resultdb/internal/spanutil/init_db.sql.
func findInitScript() (string, error) {
ancestor, err := filepath.Abs(".")
if err != nil {
return "", err
for {
scriptPath := filepath.Join(ancestor, "internal", "spanutil", "init_db.sql")
_, err := os.Stat(scriptPath)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
parent := filepath.Dir(ancestor)
if parent == ancestor {
return "", errors.Reason("init_db.sql not found").Err()
ancestor = parent
return scriptPath, err
// SpannerTestMain is a test main function for packages that have tests that
// talk to spanner. It creates/destroys a temporary spanner database
// before/after running tests.
// This function never returns. Instead it calls os.Exit with the value returned
// by m.Run().
func SpannerTestMain(m *testing.M) {
exitCode, err := spannerTestMain(m)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
func spannerTestMain(m *testing.M) (exitCode int, err error) {
if runIntegrationTests() {
ctx := context.Background()
start := clock.Now(ctx)
var instanceName string
var emulator *spantest.Emulator
if runIntegrationTestsWithEmulator() {
var err error
// Start Cloud Spanner Emulator.
if emulator, err = spantest.StartEmulator(ctx); err != nil {
return 0, err
defer func() {
switch stopErr := emulator.Stop(); {
case stopErr == nil:
case err == nil:
err = stopErr
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to stop the emulator: %s\n", stopErr)
// Create a Spanner instance.
if instanceName, err = emulator.NewInstance(ctx, ""); err != nil {
return 0, err
fmt.Printf("started cloud emulatorlator in and created a temporary Spanner instance %s in %s\n", instanceName, time.Since(start))
start = clock.Now(ctx)
// Find init_db.sql
initScriptPath, err := findInitScript()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Create a Spanner database.
db, err := spantest.NewTempDB(ctx, spantest.TempDBConfig{InitScriptPath: initScriptPath, InstanceName: instanceName}, emulator)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create a temporary Spanner database").Err()
fmt.Printf("created a temporary Spanner database %s in %s\n", db.Name, time.Since(start))
defer func() {
switch dropErr := db.Drop(ctx); {
case dropErr == nil:
case err == nil:
err = dropErr
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to drop the database: %s\n", dropErr)
// Create a global Spanner client.
spannerClient, err = db.Client(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return m.Run(), nil
// cleanupDatabase deletes all data from all tables.
func cleanupDatabase(ctx context.Context, client *spanner.Client) error {
_, err := client.Apply(ctx, []*spanner.Mutation{
// Tables that are not interleaved in Invocations table.
spanner.Delete("TQReminders", spanner.AllKeys()),
spanner.Delete("TestMetadata", spanner.AllKeys()),
// All other tables are interleaved in Invocations table.
spanner.Delete("Invocations", spanner.AllKeys()),
spanner.Delete("Baselines", spanner.AllKeys()),
spanner.Delete("BaselineTestVariants", spanner.AllKeys()),
return err
// cleanupRedis deletes all data from the selected Redis database.
func cleanupRedis(ctx context.Context) error {
conn, err := redisconn.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = conn.Do("FLUSHDB")
return err
// MustApply applies the mutations to the spanner client in the context.
// Asserts that application succeeds.
// Returns the commit timestamp.
func MustApply(ctx context.Context, ms ...*spanner.Mutation) time.Time {
ct, err := span.Apply(ctx, ms)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return ct
// CombineMutations concatenates mutations
func CombineMutations(msSlice ...[]*spanner.Mutation) []*spanner.Mutation {
totalLen := 0
for _, ms := range msSlice {
totalLen += len(ms)
ret := make([]*spanner.Mutation, 0, totalLen)
for _, ms := range msSlice {
ret = append(ret, ms...)
return ret
// MustReadRow is a shortcut to do a single row read in a single transaction
// using the current client, and assert success.
func MustReadRow(ctx context.Context, table string, key spanner.Key, ptrMap map[string]any) {
err := spanutil.ReadRow(span.Single(span.WithoutTxn(ctx)), table, key, ptrMap)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// MustNotFindRow is a shortcut to do a single row read in a single transaction
// using the current client, and assert the row was not found.
func MustNotFindRow(ctx context.Context, table string, key spanner.Key, ptrMap map[string]any) {
err := spanutil.ReadRow(span.Single(span.WithoutTxn(ctx)), table, key, ptrMap)
So(spanner.ErrCode(err), ShouldEqual, codes.NotFound)