blob: 994ca06075babccadc4f4e7f4f021815db10a47f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package cron
import (
// State stores serializable state of the cron machine.
// Whoever hosts the cron machine is supposed to store this state in some
// persistent store between events. It's mutated by Machine. So the usage
// pattern is:
// - Deserialize State, construct Machine instance with it.
// - Invoke some Machine method (e.g. Enable()) to advance the state.
// - Acknowledge all actions emitted by the machine (see Machine.Actions).
// - Serialize the mutated state (available in Machine.State).
// If appropriate, all of the above should be done in a transaction.
// Machine assumes that whoever hosts it handles TickLaterAction with following
// semantics:
// - A scheduled tick can't be "unscheduled".
// - A scheduled tick may come more than one time.
// So the machine just ignores ticks it doesn't expect.
// It supports "absolute" and "relative" schedules, see 'schedule' package for
// definitions.
type State struct {
// Enabled is true if the cron machine is running.
// A disabled cron machine ignores all events except 'Enable'.
Enabled bool
// Generation is increased each time state mutates.
// Monotonic, never resets. Should not be assumed sequential: some calls
// mutate the state multiple times during one transition.
// Used to deduplicate StartInvocationAction in case of retries of cron state
// transitions.
Generation int64
// LastRewind is a time when the cron machine was restarted last time.
// For relative schedules, it's a time RewindIfNecessary() was called. For
// absolute schedules it is last time invocation happened (cron machines on
// absolute schedules auto-rewind themselves).
LastRewind time.Time
// LastTick is last emitted tick request (or empty struct).
// It may be scheduled for "distant future" for paused cron machines.
LastTick TickLaterAction
// Equal reports whether two structs are equal.
func (s *State) Equal(o *State) bool {
return s.Enabled == o.Enabled &&
s.Generation == o.Generation &&
s.LastRewind.Equal(o.LastRewind) &&
// IsSuspended returns true if the cron machine is not waiting for a tick.
// This happens for paused cron machines (they technically are scheduled for
// a tick in a distant future) and for cron machines on relative schedule that
// wait for 'RewindIfNecessary' to be called to start ticking again.
// A disabled cron machine is also considered suspended.
func (s *State) IsSuspended() bool {
return !s.Enabled || s.LastTick.When.IsZero() || s.LastTick.When == schedule.DistantFuture
// Action is a particular action to perform when switching the state.
// Can be type cast to some concrete *Action struct. Intended to be handled by
// whoever hosts the cron machine.
type Action interface {
IsAction() bool
// TickLaterAction schedules an OnTimerTick call at given moment in time.
// TickNonce is used by cron machine to skip canceled or repeated ticks.
type TickLaterAction struct {
When time.Time
TickNonce int64
// Equal reports whether two structs are equal.
func (a *TickLaterAction) Equal(o *TickLaterAction) bool {
return a.TickNonce == o.TickNonce && a.When.Equal(o.When)
// IsAction makes TickLaterAction implement Action interface.
func (a TickLaterAction) IsAction() bool { return true }
// StartInvocationAction is emitted when the scheduled moment comes.
// A handler is expected to call RewindIfNecessary() at some later time to
// restart the cron machine if it's running on a relative schedule (e.g. "with
// 10 sec interval"). Cron machines on relative schedules are "one shot". They
// need to be rewound to start counting time again.
// Cron machines on absolute schedules (regular crons, like "at 12 AM every
// day") don't need rewinding, they'll start counting time until next invocation
// automatically. Calling RewindIfNecessary() for them won't hurt though, it
// will be noop.
type StartInvocationAction struct {
Generation int64 // value of state.Generation when the action was emitted
// IsAction makes StartInvocationAction implement Action interface.
func (a StartInvocationAction) IsAction() bool { return true }
// Machine advances the state of the cron machine.
// It gracefully handles various kinds of external events (like pauses and
// schedule changes) and emits actions that's supposed to handled by whoever
// hosts it.
type Machine struct {
// Inputs.
Now time.Time // current time
Schedule *schedule.Schedule // knows when to emit invocation action
Nonce func() int64 // produces nonces on demand
// Mutated.
State State // state of the cron machine, mutated by its methods
Actions []Action // all emitted actions (if any)
// Enable makes the cron machine start counting time.
// Does nothing if already enabled.
func (m *Machine) Enable() {
if !m.State.Enabled {
m.State = State{
Enabled: true,
Generation: m.nextGen(),
LastRewind: m.Now,
// Disable stops any pending timer ticks, resets state.
// The cron machine will ignore any events until Enable is called to turn it on.
func (m *Machine) Disable() {
m.State = State{Enabled: false, Generation: m.nextGen()}
// RewindIfNecessary is called to restart the cron after it has fired the
// invocation action.
// Does nothing if the cron is disabled or already ticking.
func (m *Machine) RewindIfNecessary() {
// OnScheduleChange happens when cron's schedule changes.
// In particular, it handles switches between absolute and relative schedules.
func (m *Machine) OnScheduleChange() {
// Do not touch timers on disabled cron machines.
if !m.State.Enabled {
// The following condition is true for cron machines on a relative schedule
// that have already "fired", and currently wait for manual RewindIfNecessary
// call to start ticking again. When such cron machines switch to an absolute
// schedule, we need to rewind them right away (since machines on absolute
// schedules always tick!). If the new schedule is also relative, do nothing:
// RewindIfNecessary() should be called manually by the host at some later
// time (as usual for relative schedules).
if m.State.LastTick.When.IsZero() {
if m.Schedule.IsAbsolute() {
} else {
// In this branch, the cron machine has a timer tick scheduled. It means it
// is either in a relative or absolute schedule, and this schedule may have
// changed, so we may need to move the tick to reflect the change. Note that
// we are not resetting LastRewind here, since we want the new schedule to
// take into account real last RewindIfNecessary call. For example, if the
// last rewind happened at moment X, current time is Now, and the new
// schedule is "with 10s interval", we want the tick to happen at "X+10",
// not "Now+10".
// OnTimerTick happens when a scheduled timer tick (added with TickLaterAction)
// occurs.
// Returns an error if the tick happened too soon.
func (m *Machine) OnTimerTick(tickNonce int64) error {
// Silently skip unexpected, late or canceled ticks. This is fine.
switch {
case m.State.IsSuspended():
return nil
case m.State.LastTick.TickNonce != tickNonce:
return nil
// For ticks in the future more than Task Queue limit, OnTimerTick will be
// called much earlier than the actual tick, so emit a new TickLaterAction
// with a new Nonce.
// Report error (to trigger a retry) if the tick happened unexpectedly soon.
// Allow up to 50ms clock drift, but correct it to be 0. This is important for
// getting the correct next tick time from an absolute schedule. If we pass
// m.Now to the cron schedule uncorrected, we'll just get the time of the
// already scheduled tick (the one we are handling now, since uncorrected
// m.Now is before it).
// Note that m.Now is part of inputs and must not be mutated. We propagate
// the corrected time via the call stack.
now := m.Now
switch remaining := m.State.LastTick.When.Sub(now); {
case remaining > time.Second:
m.State.Generation = m.nextGen()
m.State.LastTick.TickNonce = m.Nonce()
m.Actions = append(m.Actions, m.State.LastTick)
return nil
case remaining > 50*time.Millisecond:
return fmt.Errorf("tick happened %s before it was expected", remaining)
case remaining > 0:
now = m.State.LastTick.When
// The scheduled time has come!
m.State.Generation = m.nextGen()
m.Actions = append(m.Actions, StartInvocationAction{
Generation: m.State.Generation,
m.State.LastTick = TickLaterAction{}
// Start waiting for a new tick right away if on an absolute schedule or just
// keep the tick state clear for relative schedules: new tick will be set when
// RewindIfNecessary() is manually called by whoever handles the cron.
if m.Schedule.IsAbsolute() {
return nil
// scheduleTick emits TickLaterAction action according to the schedule, current
// time, and last time RewindIfNecessary was called.
// Does nothing if such tick has already been scheduled.
func (m *Machine) scheduleTick(now time.Time) {
nextTickTime := m.Schedule.Next(now, m.State.LastRewind)
if nextTickTime != m.State.LastTick.When {
m.State.Generation = m.nextGen()
m.State.LastTick = TickLaterAction{
When: nextTickTime,
TickNonce: m.Nonce(),
if nextTickTime != schedule.DistantFuture {
m.Actions = append(m.Actions, m.State.LastTick)
// nextGen returns the next generation number.
// It does NOT update Generation in-place, just produces the next number.
func (m *Machine) nextGen() int64 {
return m.State.Generation + 1
// rewindIfNecessary implements RewindIfNecessary, accepting corrected 'now'.
// This is important for OnTimerTick. Note that m.Now is part of inputs and must
// not be mutated.
func (m *Machine) rewindIfNecessary(now time.Time) {
if m.State.Enabled && m.State.LastTick.When.IsZero() {
m.State.LastRewind = now
m.State.Generation = m.nextGen()