blob: 4b630740e257e7eddd78209609b4ced24144531d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
// NameComponentIndex is an index of a statsd metric name components.
// E.g. in a metric "envoy.clusters.upstream.membership_healthy" the component
// "clusters" has index 1.
type NameComponentIndex int
// Config holds rules for converting statsd metrics into tsmon metrics.
// Each rule tells how to transform statsd metric name into a tsmon metric
// and its fields.
type Config struct {
metrics map[string]types.Metric // registered tsmon metrics
perSuffix map[string]*Rule // statsd metric suffix -> its conversion rule
// Rule describes how to send a tsmon metric given a matching statsd metric.
type Rule struct {
// Metric is some concrete tsmon metric.
// Its set of fields matches `Fields`.
Metric types.Metric
// Fields describes how to assemble metric fields.
// Each item either a string for a preset field value or a NameComponentIndex
// to grab field's value from parsed statsd metric name.
Fields []any
// Statsd metric name pattern, as taken from the config.
pattern *pattern
// pattern is a parsed conversion rule pattern.
// Parsed pattern "*.cluster.${upstream}.membership_healthy" results in
// pattern{
// str: "*.cluster.${upstream}.membership_healthy",
// len: 4,
// vars: {"upstream": 2},
// static: [{1, "cluster"}, {3, "membership_healthy"}]
// suffix: "membership_healthy",
// }
type pattern struct {
str string
len int
vars map[string]int
static []staticNameComponent
suffix string
// staticNameComponent is static component of a pattern.
type staticNameComponent struct {
index int
value string
// LoadConfig parses and interprets the configuration file.
// It should be a config.Config proto encoded using jsonpb.
func LoadConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
blob, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg, err := parseConfig(blob)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return loadConfig(msg)
// FindMatchingRule finds a conversion rule that matches the statsd metric name.
// The metric name is given as a list of its components, e.g. "a.b.c" is
// represented by [][]byte{{'a'}, {'b'}, {'c'}}.
func (cfg *Config) FindMatchingRule(name [][]byte) *Rule {
// Find the rule matching the suffix.
if len(name) == 0 {
return nil
rule := cfg.perSuffix[string(name[len(name)-1])]
if rule == nil {
return nil
// Skip if `name` doesn't match the rest of the pattern.
if len(name) != rule.pattern.len {
return nil
for _, s := range rule.pattern.static {
if string(name[s.index]) != s.value {
return nil
return rule
// parseConfig converts config jsonpb into a proto.
func parseConfig(blob []byte) (*config.Config, error) {
cfg := &config.Config{}
if err := proto.UnmarshalText(string(blob), cfg); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad config format").Err()
return cfg, nil
// loadConfig interprets the config proto.
func loadConfig(cfg *config.Config) (*Config, error) {
metrics, err := loadMetrics(cfg.Metrics)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
perSuffix := map[string]*Rule{}
for _, metricSpec := range cfg.Metrics {
metric := metrics[metricSpec.Metric]
for idx, ruleSpec := range metricSpec.Rules {
if ruleSpec.Pattern == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("metric %q: rule #%d: a pattern is required", metricSpec.Metric, idx+1).Err()
rule, err := loadRule(metric, ruleSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "metric %q: rule %q", metricSpec.Metric, ruleSpec.Pattern).Err()
if perSuffix[rule.pattern.suffix] != nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("metric %q: rule %q: there's already another rule with this suffix", metricSpec.Metric, ruleSpec.Pattern).Err()
perSuffix[rule.pattern.suffix] = rule
return &Config{
metrics: metrics,
perSuffix: perSuffix,
}, nil
// loadMetrics instantiates tsmon metrics based on the configuration.
func loadMetrics(cfg []*config.Metric) (map[string]types.Metric, error) {
metrics := make(map[string]types.Metric, len(cfg))
for idx, spec := range cfg {
name := spec.Metric
if name == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("metric #%d: a name is required", idx+1).Err()
if metrics[name] != nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("duplicate metric %q", name).Err()
if len(spec.Fields) != stringset.NewFromSlice(spec.Fields...).Len() {
return nil, errors.Reason("metric %q: has duplicate fields", name).Err()
tsmonFields := make([]field.Field, len(spec.Fields))
for idx, fieldName := range spec.Fields {
tsmonFields[idx] = field.String(fieldName)
var metadata types.MetricMetadata
switch spec.Units {
case config.Unit_MILLISECONDS:
metadata.Units = types.Milliseconds
case config.Unit_BYTES:
metadata.Units = types.Bytes
case config.Unit_UNIT_UNSPECIFIED:
// no units, this is fine
return nil, errors.Reason("metric %q: unrecognized units %s", name, spec.Units).Err()
var m types.Metric
switch spec.Kind {
case config.Kind_GAUGE:
m = metric.NewInt(name, spec.Desc, &metadata, tsmonFields...)
case config.Kind_COUNTER:
m = metric.NewCounter(name, spec.Desc, &metadata, tsmonFields...)
// Distributions are used for StatsdMetricTimer metrics, they are always
// in milliseconds per statsd protocol.
m = metric.NewCumulativeDistribution(
&types.MetricMetadata{Units: types.Milliseconds},
return nil, errors.Reason("metric %q: unrecognized type %s", name, spec.Kind).Err()
metrics[name] = m
return metrics, nil
// loadRule interprets single rule{...} config stanza.
func loadRule(metric types.Metric, spec *config.Rule) (*Rule, error) {
pat, err := parsePattern(spec.Pattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "bad pattern").Err()
// Make sure the rule specifies all required fields and only them.
tsmonFields := metric.Info().Fields
fields := make([]any, len(tsmonFields))
for idx, f := range tsmonFields {
val, ok := spec.Fields[f.Name]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Reason("value of field %q is not provided", f.Name).Err()
// Here `val` may be a variable (e.g. "${var}"), referring to a position
// in the parsed pattern, or just some static string.
vr, err := parseVar(val)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "field %q has bad value %q", f.Name, val).Err()
switch {
case vr != "":
componentIdx, ok := pat.vars[vr]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Reason("field %q references undefined var %q", f.Name, vr).Err()
fields[idx] = NameComponentIndex(componentIdx)
case val != "":
fields[idx] = val // just a static string
return nil, errors.Reason("field %q has empty value, this is not allowed", f.Name).Err()
// We checked metricsDesc.fields is a subset of spec.Fields. Now check there
// are in fact equal.
if len(spec.Fields) != len(tsmonFields) {
return nil, errors.Reason("has too many fields").Err()
return &Rule{
Metric: metric,
Fields: fields,
pattern: pat,
}, nil
// parsePattern parses a string like "*.cluster.${upstream}.membership_healthy"
// into its components.
// Each var appearance must be unique and the pattern should end with a static
// suffix (i.e. not ".*" and not ".${var}").
func parsePattern(pat string) (*pattern, error) {
chunks := strings.Split(pat, ".")
p := &pattern{
str: pat,
len: len(chunks),
for idx, chunk := range chunks {
if chunk == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("empty name component").Err()
if chunk == "*" {
continue // an index not otherwise mentioned in *pattern is a wildcard
switch vr, err := parseVar(chunk); {
case err != nil:
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "in name component %q", chunk).Err()
case vr != "":
if _, hasIt := p.vars[vr]; hasIt {
return nil, errors.Reason("duplicate var %q", vr).Err()
if p.vars == nil {
p.vars = make(map[string]int, 1)
p.vars[vr] = idx
p.static = append(p.static, staticNameComponent{
index: idx,
value: chunk,
// We require suffixes to be static to simplify FindMatchingRule.
if len(p.static) != 0 {
if last := p.static[len(p.static)-1]; last.index == p.len-1 {
p.suffix = last.value
if p.suffix == "" {
return nil, errors.Reason("must end with a static suffix").Err()
return p, nil
// parseVar takes "${<something>}" and returns "<something>".
// If the input doesn't look like "${...}" and doesn't have "${" in it at all,
// returns an empty string and no error.
// If the input doesn't look like "${...}" but has "${" somewhere in it, returns
// an error: var usage such as "foo-${bar}" is not supported.
func parseVar(p string) (string, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "${") && strings.HasSuffix(p, "}") {
if len(p) == 3 {
return "", errors.Reason("var name is required").Err()
return p[2 : len(p)-1], nil
if strings.Contains(p, "${") {
return "", errors.Reason("var usage such as `foo-${bar}` is not allowed").Err()
return "", nil