blob: c736b3b6b4d132c49b55f395b808430dc97f6ca1 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
that can be found in the LICENSE file.
///<reference path="../luci-operation/operation.ts" />
///<reference path="../luci-sleep-promise/promise.ts" />
namespace luci {
* Describes the exposed functionality of a single Polymer RPC call, defined
* in "rpc-call.html".
interface PolymerClientCall {
/** Aborts the call, if it is currently ongoing. */
abort(): void;
* Completes performs the configured RPC, returning a Promise that
* resolves with the call's result on completion and an HTTP/gRPC error on
* failure.
completes: Promise<any>;
* PolymerClient describes the exposed functionality of the Polymer RPC
* client,
* defined in "rpc-client.html".
* TODO(dnj): Fully port the Polymer RPC client to TypeScript. For now, we'll
* let it continue to do the request/response logic and piggyback on top of
* its
* Promises to provide retries and advanced capabilities.
export interface PolymerClient {
/** Name of the RPC service to invoke. */
service: string;
/** Name of the RPC method to invoke. */
method: string;
/** Request contents. */
request: any;
* Constructs the RPC call, returning its result. Will return an HttpError
* instance (see "rpc-error.html") on HTTP error, and a GrpcError (see
* "rpc-call.html") on gRPC error.
* Call returns an object configured to execute an RPC against the specified
* service and method.
call(): PolymerClientCall;
* An RPC client implementation.
* This client implements exponential backoff retries on transient HTTP and
* gRPC errors.
export class Client {
/** Retry instance to use for retries. */
transientRetry: Retry = {retries: 10, delay: 500, maxDelay: 15000};
* Constructs a new Client.
* @param pc "rpc-client.html" client instance to use for calls.
constructor(private pc: PolymerClient) {}
* Call invokes the specified service's method, returning a Promise.
* @param service the RPC service name to call.
* @param method the RPC method name to call.
* @param request optional request body content.
* @returns A Promise that resolves to the RPC response, or errors with an
* error, including HttpError or GrpcError on HTTP/gRPC failure
* respectively.
async call<T>(service: string, method: string, request?: T) {
return this.callOp(undefined, service, method, request);
async callOp<T>(
op: luci.Operation|undefined, service: string, method: string,
request?: T) {
let transientRetry = new RetryIterator(this.transientRetry);
let currentCall: PolymerClientCall;
let resp = await
() => {
if (op && currentCall) {
// Unregister previous call instances' cancellation callbacks.
// Configure the client for this request.
this.pc.service = service;
this.pc.method = method;
this.pc.request = request;
// Execute the configured request.
// If we are supplied an operation, allow it to cancel the call
// directly.
currentCall =;
if (op) {
return currentCall.completes;
(err: Error, delay: number) => {
// Is this a transient error?
if (!isTransientError(err)) {
throw err;
`Transient error calling ` +
`${service}.${method} with params:`,
request, `:`, err, `; retrying after ${delay}ms.`);
return resp.response;
* gRPC Codes
* Copied from "rpc-code.html" and, more directly,
export enum Code {
OK = 0,
/** A gRPC error, which is an error paired with a gRPC Code. */
export class GrpcError extends Error {
constructor(readonly code: Code, readonly description?: string) {
super('code = ' + code + ', desc = ' + description);
* Converts the supplied Error into a GrpcError if its name is
* "GrpcError". This merges between the non-Typescript RPC code and this
* error type.
static convert(err: Error): GrpcError|null {
if ( === 'GrpcError') {
let aerr = err as any as {code: Code, description: string};
return new GrpcError(aerr.code, aerr.description);
return null;
/** Returns true if the error is considered transient. */
get transient(): boolean {
switch (this.code) {
case Code.INTERNAL:
return true;
return false;
/** An HTTP error, which is an error paired with an HTTP code. */
export class HttpError extends Error {
constructor(readonly code: number, readonly description?: string) {
super('code = ' + code + ', desc = ' + description);
* Converts the supplied Error into a HttpError if its name is
* "HttpError". This merges between the non-Typescript RPC code and this
* error type.
static convert(err: Error): HttpError|null {
if ( === 'HttpError') {
let aerr = err as any as {code: number, description: string};
return new HttpError(aerr.code, aerr.description);
return null;
/** Returns true if the error is considered transient. */
get transient(): boolean {
return (this.code >= 500);
* Generic error processing function to determine if an error is known to be
* transient.
export function isTransientError(err: Error): boolean {
let grpc = GrpcError.convert(err);
if (grpc) {
return grpc.transient;
// Is this an HTTP Error?
let http = HttpError.convert(err);
if (http) {
return http.transient;
// Unknown error.
return false;
* RetryIterator configuration class.
* A user will define the retry parameters using a Retry instance, then create
* a RetryIterator with them.
export type Retry = {
// The number of retries to perform before failing. If undefined, will retry
// indefinitely.
retries?: number;
// The amount of time to delay in between retry attempts, in milliseconds.
// If undefined or < 0, no delay will be imposed.
delay: number;
// The maximum delay to apply, in milliseconds. If > 0 and delay scales past
// "maxDelay", it will be capped at "maxDelay".
maxDelay?: number;
// delayScaling is the multiplier applied to "delay" in between retries. If
// undefined or <= 1, DEFAULT_DELAY_SCALING will be used.
delayScaling?: number;
/** RetryCallback is an optional callback type used in "do". */
export type RetryCallback = (err: Error, delay: number) => void;
* Stopped is a sentinel error thrown by RetryIterator when it runs out of
* retries.
export const STOPPED = new Error('retry stopped');
* Generic exponential backoff retry delay generator.
* A RetryIterator is a specific configured instance of a Retry. Each call to
* "next()" returns the next delay in the retry sequence.
export class RetryIterator {
// Default scaling if no delay is specified.
static readonly DEFAULT_DELAY_SCALING = 2;
private delay: number;
private retries: number|undefined;
private maxDelay: number;
private delayScaling: number;
constructor(config: Retry) {
this.retries = config.retries;
this.maxDelay = (config.maxDelay || 0);
this.delay = (config.delay || 0);
this.delayScaling = (config.delayScaling || 0);
if (this.delayScaling < 1) {
this.delayScaling = RetryIterator.DEFAULT_DELAY_SCALING;
* @returns the next delay, in milliseconds. If there are no more retries,
* returns undefined.
next(): number {
// Apply retries, if they have been enabled.
if (this.retries !== undefined) {
if (this.retries <= 0) {
// No more retries remaining.
throw STOPPED;
let delay = this.delay;
this.delay *= this.delayScaling;
if (this.maxDelay > 0 && delay > this.maxDelay) {
this.delay = delay = this.maxDelay;
return delay;
* Executes a Promise, retrying if the Promise raises an error.
* "do" iteratively tries to execute a Promise, generated by "gen". If that
* Promise raises an error, "do" will retry until it either runs out of
* retries, or the Promise does not return an error. Each retry, "do" will
* invoke "gen" again to generate a new Promise.
* An optional "onError" callback can be supplied. If it is, it will be
* invoked in between each retry. The callback may, itself, throw, in which
* case the retry loop will stop. This can be used for reporting and/or
* selective retries.
* @param gen Promise generator function for retries.
* @param onError optional callback to be invoked in between retries.
* @param op if supplied, this Operation will be used to cancel retries.
* @throws any the error generated by "gen"'s Promise, if out of retries,
* or the error raised by onError if it chooses to throw.
async do<T>(
gen: () => Promise<T>, onError?: RetryCallback, op?: luci.Operation) {
let base = this.doImpl(gen, onError);
if (op) {
base = op.wrap(base);
return base;
private async doImpl<T>(
gen: () => Promise<T>, onError?: RetryCallback, op?: luci.Operation) {
while (true) {
let genErr: Error;
try {
return await gen();
} catch (e) {
genErr = e;
let delay: number;
try {
delay =;
} catch (e) {
if (e !== STOPPED) {
console.warn('Unexpected error generating next delay:', e);
// If we could not generate another retry delay, raise the initial
// Promise's error.
throw genErr;
if (onError) {
// Note: this may throw.
onError(genErr, delay);
await luci.sleepPromise(delay, op);