blob: 39160de484512086bf3634041a9f226e81060833 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
var (
minTime = time.Unix(int64(math.MinInt64)/1e6, (int64(math.MinInt64)%1e6)*1e3)
maxTime = time.Unix(int64(math.MaxInt64)/1e6, (int64(math.MaxInt64)%1e6)*1e3)
utcTestTime = time.Unix(0, 0)
// ErrSkipProperty can be returned from ToProperty to instruct the default
// PropertyLoadSaver to silently skip storing the property.
var ErrSkipProperty = errors.New("the property should be skipped")
// IndexSetting indicates whether or not a Property should be indexed by the
// datastore.
type IndexSetting bool
// ShouldIndex is the default, which is why it must assume the zero value,
// even though it's weird :(.
const (
ShouldIndex IndexSetting = false
NoIndex IndexSetting = true
func (i IndexSetting) String() string {
if i {
return "NoIndex"
return "ShouldIndex"
// PropertyConverter may be implemented by the pointer-to a struct field which
// is serialized by the struct PropertyLoadSaver from GetPLS. Its ToProperty
// will be called on save, and it's FromProperty will be called on load (from
// datastore). The method may do arbitrary computation, and if it encounters an
// error, may return it. If ToProperty returns an error that is or wraps
// ErrSkipProperty, then the property will silently be omitted. Other errors
// will be treated as fatal struct conversion errors (as defined by
// PropertyLoadSaver).
// Example:
// type Complex complex
// func (c *Complex) ToProperty() (ret Property, err error) {
// // something like:
// err = ret.SetValue(fmt.Sprint(*c), true)
// return
// }
// func (c *Complex) FromProperty(p Property) (err error) {
// ... load *c from p ...
// }
// type MyStruct struct {
// Complexity []Complex // acts like []complex, but can be serialized to DS
// }
type PropertyConverter interface {
// TODO(riannucci): Allow a convertable to return multiple values. This is
// eminently doable (as long as the single-slice restriction is kept). It
// could also cut down on the amount of reflection necessary when resolving
// a path in a struct (in the struct loading routine in helper).
ToProperty() (Property, error)
FromProperty(Property) error
// PropertyType is a single-byte representation of the type of data contained
// in a Property. The specific values of this type information are chosen so
// that the types sort according to the order of types as sorted by the
// datastore.
// Note that indexes may only contain values of the following types:
// PTNull
// PTInt
// PTBool
// PTFloat
// PTString
// PTGeoPoint
// PTKey
// The biggest impact of this is that if you do a Projection query, you'll only
// get back Properties with the above types (e.g. if you store a PTTime value,
// then Project on it, you'll get back a PTInt value). For convenience, Property
// has a Project(PropertyType) method which will side-cast to your intended
// type. If you project into a structure with the high-level Interface
// implementation, or use StructPLS, this conversion will be done for you
// automatically, using the type of the destination field to cast.
type PropertyType byte
// Comparable is true if properties of this type can be compared to one another.
// Only comparable properties can be used in query filters. Non-comparable
// properties have no datastore indexes.
// Comparison operations include: Compare, Less, Equal. They must not be called
// with properties of non-comparable types.
// Additionally IndexTypeAndValue must not be called either, since
// non-comparable types have no index representation.
func (pt PropertyType) Comparable() bool {
return pt != PTPropertyMap
//go:generate stringer -type=PropertyType
// These constants are in the order described by
// with a slight divergence for the Int/Time split.
// NOTE: this enum can only occupy 7 bits, because we use the high bit to encode
// indexed/non-indexed, and we additionally require that all valid values and
// all INVERTED valid values must never equal 0xFF or 0x00. The reason for this
// constraint is that we must always be able to create a byte that sorts before
// and after it.
// See "./serialize".WriteProperty and "impl/memory".increment for more info.
const (
// PTNull represents the 'nil' value. This is only directly visible when
// reading/writing a PropertyMap. If a PTNull value is loaded into a struct
// field, the field will be initialized with its zero value. If a struct with
// a zero value is saved from a struct, it will still retain the field's type,
// not the 'nil' type. This is in contrast to other GAE languages such as
// python where 'None' is a distinct value than the 'zero' value (e.g. a
// StringProperty can have the value "" OR None).
// PTNull is a Projection-query type
PTNull PropertyType = iota
// PTInt is always an int64.
// This is a Projection-query type, and may be projected to PTTime.
// PTBool represents true or false
// This is a Projection-query type.
// PTBytes represents []byte
// PTString is used to represent all strings (text).
// PTString is a Projection-query type and may be projected to PTBytes or
// PTBlobKey.
// PTFloat is always a float64.
// This is a Projection-query type.
// PTGeoPoint is a Projection-query type.
// PTKey represents a *Key object.
// PTKey is a Projection-query type.
// PTBlobKey represents a blobstore.Key
// PTPropertyMap represents a PropertyMap object.
// This is typicaly used to represent GAE *datastore.Entity objects.
// PTUnknown is a placeholder value which should never show up in reality.
func init() {
if PTUnknown > 0x7e {
"PTUnknown (and therefore PropertyType) exceeds 0x7e. This conflicts " +
"with serialize.WriteProperty's use of the high bit to indicate " +
"NoIndex and/or \"impl/memory\".increment's ability to guarantee " +
// Property is a value plus an indicator of whether the value should be
// indexed. Name and Multiple are stored in the PropertyMap object.
type Property struct {
// value is the Property's value. It is stored in an internal, opaque type and
// should not be directly exported to consumers. Rather, it can be accessed
// in its original value via Value().
// Specifically:
// - []byte- and string-based values are stored in a bytesByteSequence and
// stringByteSequence respectively.
value any
indexSetting IndexSetting
propType PropertyType
// MkProperty makes a new indexed* Property and returns it. If val is an
// invalid value, this panics (so don't do it). If you want to handle the error
// normally, use SetValue(..., ShouldIndex) instead.
// *indexed if val is not an unindexable type like []byte.
func MkProperty(val any) Property {
ret := Property{}
if err := ret.SetValue(val, ShouldIndex); err != nil {
return ret
// MkPropertyNI makes a new Property (with noindex set to true), and returns
// it. If val is an invalid value, this panics (so don't do it). If you want to
// handle the error normally, use SetValue(..., NoIndex) instead.
func MkPropertyNI(val any) Property {
ret := Property{}
if err := ret.SetValue(val, NoIndex); err != nil {
return ret
// PropertyTypeOf returns the PT* type of the given Property-compatible
// value v. If checkValid is true, this method will also ensure that time.Time
// and GeoPoint have valid values.
func PropertyTypeOf(v any, checkValid bool) (PropertyType, error) {
switch x := v.(type) {
case nil:
return PTNull, nil
case int64:
return PTInt, nil
case float64:
return PTFloat, nil
case bool:
return PTBool, nil
case []byte:
return PTBytes, nil
case blobstore.Key:
return PTBlobKey, nil
case string:
return PTString, nil
case *Key:
// TODO(riannucci): Check key for validity in its own namespace?
return PTKey, nil
case time.Time:
err := error(nil)
if checkValid && (x.Before(minTime) || x.After(maxTime)) {
err = errors.New("time value out of range")
if checkValid && !timeLocationIsUTC(x.Location()) {
err = fmt.Errorf("time value has wrong Location: %v", x.Location())
return PTTime, err
case GeoPoint:
err := error(nil)
if checkValid && !x.Valid() {
err = errors.New("invalid GeoPoint value")
return PTGeoPoint, err
case PropertyMap:
return PTPropertyMap, nil
return PTUnknown, fmt.Errorf("gae: Property has bad type %T", v)
// RoundTime rounds a time.Time to microseconds, which is the (undocumented)
// way that the AppEngine SDK stores it.
func RoundTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
return t.Round(time.Microsecond)
// TimeToInt converts a time value to a datastore-appropriate integer value.
// This method truncates the time to microseconds and drops the timezone,
// because that's the (undocumented) way that the appengine SDK does it.
func TimeToInt(t time.Time) int64 {
if t.IsZero() {
return 0
t = RoundTime(t)
return t.Unix()*1e6 + int64(t.Nanosecond()/1e3)
// IntToTime converts a datastore time integer into its time.Time value.
func IntToTime(v int64) time.Time {
if v == 0 {
return time.Time{}
return RoundTime(time.Unix(int64(v/1e6), int64((v%1e6)*1e3))).UTC()
// timeLocationIsUTC tests if two time.Location are equal.
// This is tricky using the standard time API, as time is implicitly normalized
// to UTC and all equality checks are performed relative to that normalized
// time. To compensate, we instantiate two new time.Time using the respective
// Locations.
func timeLocationIsUTC(l *time.Location) bool {
return time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, l).Equal(utcTestTime)
// UpconvertUnderlyingType takes an object o, and attempts to convert it to
// its native datastore-compatible type. e.g. int16 will convert to int64, and
// `type Foo string` will convert to `string`.
func UpconvertUnderlyingType(o any) any {
if o == nil {
return o
v := reflect.ValueOf(o)
t := v.Type()
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
o = v.Int()
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32:
o = int64(v.Uint())
case reflect.Bool:
o = v.Bool()
case reflect.String:
if t != typeOfBSKey {
o = v.String()
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
o = v.Float()
case reflect.Slice:
if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
o = v.Bytes()
case reflect.Struct:
if t == typeOfTime {
tim := v.Interface().(time.Time)
if !tim.IsZero() {
o = RoundTime(v.Interface().(time.Time))
switch t {
case typeOfKey:
if v.IsNil() {
return nil
return o
func (Property) isAPropertyData() {}
func (p Property) estimateSize() int64 { return p.EstimateSize() }
// Slice implements the PropertyData interface.
func (p Property) Slice() PropertySlice { return PropertySlice{p} }
// Clone implements the PropertyData interface.
func (p Property) Clone() PropertyData { return p }
// IsZero implements the PropertyData interface.
func (p Property) IsZero() bool {
return reflect.ValueOf(p.Value()).IsZero()
func (p Property) String() string {
switch p.propType {
case PTString, PTBlobKey:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%q)", p.propType, p.Value())
case PTBytes:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%#x)", p.propType, p.Value())
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%v)", p.propType, p.Value())
// Value returns the current value held by this property. It's guaranteed to
// be a valid value type (i.e. `p.SetValue(p.Value(), true)` will never return
// an error).
func (p *Property) Value() any {
switch p.propType {
case PTBytes:
return p.value.(byteSequence).bytes()
case PTString:
return p.value.(byteSequence).string()
case PTBlobKey:
return blobstore.Key(p.value.(byteSequence).string())
case PTPropertyMap:
return p.value.(PropertyMap)
return p.value
// IndexSetting says whether or not the datastore should create indicies for
// this value.
func (p *Property) IndexSetting() IndexSetting { return p.indexSetting }
// Type is the PT* type of the data contained in Value().
func (p *Property) Type() PropertyType { return p.propType }
// SetValue sets the Value field of a Property, and ensures that its value
// conforms to the permissible types. That way, you're guaranteed that if you
// have a Property, its value is valid.
// value is the property value. The valid types are:
// - int64
// - time.Time
// - bool
// - string
// (only the first 1500 bytes is indexable)
// - []byte
// (only the first 1500 bytes is indexable)
// - blobstore.Key
// (only the first 1500 bytes is indexable)
// - float64
// - *Key
// - GeoPoint
// - PropertyMap
// This set is smaller than the set of valid struct field types that the
// datastore can load and save. A Property Value cannot be a slice (apart
// from []byte); use multiple Properties instead. Also, a Value's type
// must be explicitly on the list above; it is not sufficient for the
// underlying type to be on that list. For example, a Value of "type
// myInt64 int64" is invalid. Smaller-width integers and floats are also
// invalid. Again, this is more restrictive than the set of valid struct
// field types.
// A value may also be the nil interface value; this is equivalent to
// Python's None but not directly representable by a Go struct. Loading
// a nil-valued property into a struct will set that field to the zero
// value.
// Values represented by references to mutable memory (such as []byte, *Key and
// PropertyMap) are stored as references: the referenced memory is *not* copied.
func (p *Property) SetValue(value any, is IndexSetting) (err error) {
pt := PTNull
if value != nil {
value = UpconvertUnderlyingType(value)
if pt, err = PropertyTypeOf(value, true); err != nil {
// Convert value to internal Property storage type.
switch t := value.(type) {
case string:
value = stringByteSequence(t)
case blobstore.Key:
value = stringByteSequence(t)
case []byte:
value = bytesByteSequence(t)
case time.Time:
value = RoundTime(t)
p.propType = pt
p.value = value
p.indexSetting = is
// IndexTypeAndValue returns the type and value of the Property as it would
// show up in a datastore index.
// This is used to operate on the Property as it would be stored in a datastore
// index, specifically for serialization and comparison.
// Panics if the property has a non-Comparable() type. Check for this in
// advance.
// The returned type will be the PropertyType used in the index, in particular:
// - PTNull
// - PTInt
// - PTBool
// - PTFloat
// - PTGeoPoint
// - PTKey
// - PTString
// The returned value will be one of:
// - nil
// - bool
// - int64
// - float64
// - string
// - []byte
// - GeoPoint
// - *Key
func (p Property) IndexTypeAndValue() (PropertyType, any) {
if !p.propType.Comparable() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("uncomparable property type %s", p.propType))
switch t := p.propType; t {
case PTNull, PTInt, PTBool, PTFloat, PTGeoPoint, PTKey:
return t, p.Value()
case PTTime:
return PTInt, TimeToInt(p.value.(time.Time))
case PTString, PTBytes, PTBlobKey:
return PTString, p.value.(byteSequence).value()
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown PropertyType: %s", t))
// Project can be used to project a Property retrieved from a Projection query
// into a different datatype. For example, if you have a PTInt property, you
// could Project(PTTime) to convert it to a time.Time. The following conversions
// are supported:
// PTString <-> PTBlobKey
// PTString <-> PTBytes
// PTXXX <-> PTXXX (i.e. identity)
// PTInt <-> PTTime
// PTNull <-> Anything
func (p *Property) Project(to PropertyType) (any, error) {
if to == PTNull {
return nil, nil
pt, v := p.propType, p.value
switch pt {
case PTBytes, PTString, PTBlobKey:
v := v.(byteSequence)
switch to {
case PTBytes:
return v.bytes(), nil
case PTString:
return v.string(), nil
case PTBlobKey:
return blobstore.Key(v.string()), nil
case PTTime:
switch to {
case PTInt:
return TimeToInt(v.(time.Time)), nil
case PTTime:
return v, nil
case PTInt:
switch to {
case PTInt:
return v, nil
case PTTime:
return IntToTime(v.(int64)), nil
case to:
return v, nil
case PTNull:
switch to {
case PTInt:
return int64(0), nil
case PTTime:
return time.Time{}, nil
case PTBool:
return false, nil
case PTBytes:
return []byte(nil), nil
case PTString:
return "", nil
case PTFloat:
return float64(0), nil
case PTGeoPoint:
return GeoPoint{}, nil
case PTKey:
return nil, nil
case PTBlobKey:
return blobstore.Key(""), nil
case PTPropertyMap:
return PropertyMap{}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to project %s to %s", pt, to)
func cmpFloat(a, b float64) int {
if a == b {
return 0
if a > b {
return 1
return -1
// Less returns true iff p would sort before other.
// This uses datastore's index rules for sorting (see IndexTypeAndValue). Panics
// if either of property types is non-Comparable(). Check for this in advance.
func (p *Property) Less(other *Property) bool {
return p.Compare(other) < 0
// Equal returns true iff p and other have identical index representations.
// This uses datastore's index rules for sorting (see IndexTypeAndValue). Panics
// if either of property types is non-Comparable(). Check for this in advance.
func (p *Property) Equal(other *Property) bool {
return p.Compare(other) == 0
// Compare compares this Property to another, returning a trinary value
// indicating where it would sort relative to the other in datastore.
// It returns:
// <0 if the Property would sort before `other`.
// >0 if the Property would after before `other`.
// 0 if the Property equals `other`.
// This uses datastore's index rules for sorting (see IndexTypeAndValue). Panics
// if either of property types is non-Comparable(). Check for this in advance.
func (p *Property) Compare(other *Property) int {
if p.indexSetting && !other.indexSetting {
return 1
} else if !p.indexSetting && other.indexSetting {
return -1
at, av := p.IndexTypeAndValue()
bt, bv := other.IndexTypeAndValue()
if cmp := int(at) - int(bt); cmp != 0 {
return cmp
switch t := at; t {
case PTNull:
return 0
case PTBool:
a, b := av.(bool), bv.(bool)
if a == b {
return 0
if a && !b {
return 1
return -1
case PTInt:
a, b := av.(int64), bv.(int64)
if a == b {
return 0
if a > b {
return 1
return -1
case PTString:
return cmpByteSequence(p.value.(byteSequence), other.value.(byteSequence))
case PTFloat:
return cmpFloat(av.(float64), bv.(float64))
case PTGeoPoint:
a, b := av.(GeoPoint), bv.(GeoPoint)
cmp := cmpFloat(a.Lat, b.Lat)
if cmp != 0 {
return cmp
return cmpFloat(a.Lng, b.Lng)
case PTKey:
a, b := av.(*Key), bv.(*Key)
if a.Equal(b) {
return 0
if b.Less(a) {
return 1
return -1
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected type: %s", t))
// EstimateSize estimates the amount of space that this Property would consume
// if it were committed as part of an entity in the real production datastore.
// It uses
// as a guide for these values.
func (p *Property) EstimateSize() int64 {
switch p.Type() {
case PTNull:
return 1
case PTBool:
return 1 + 4
case PTInt, PTTime, PTFloat:
return 1 + 8
case PTGeoPoint:
return 1 + (8 * 2)
case PTString:
return 1 + int64(len(p.Value().(string)))
case PTBlobKey:
return 1 + int64(len(p.Value().(blobstore.Key)))
case PTBytes:
return 1 + int64(len(p.Value().([]byte)))
case PTKey:
return 1 + p.Value().(*Key).EstimateSize()
case PTPropertyMap:
// Nested property maps are stored together with their keys, if keys are
// complete. pm.EstimateSize() will not count meta fields, so we need to
// count the key explicitly here.
pm := p.Value().(PropertyMap)
sz := 1 + pm.EstimateSize()
if key, _ := (KeyContext{}).NewKeyFromMeta(pm); key != nil && !key.IsIncomplete() {
sz += key.EstimateSize()
return sz
panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown property type: %s", p.Type().String()))
// GQL returns a correctly formatted Cloud Datastore GQL literal which
// is valid for a comparison value in the `WHERE` clause.
// The flavor of GQL that this emits is defined here:
// NOTE: GeoPoint values are emitted with speculated future syntax. There is
// currently no syntax for literal GeoPoint values.
func (p *Property) GQL() string {
v := p.Value()
switch p.propType {
case PTNull:
return "NULL"
case PTInt, PTFloat, PTBool:
return fmt.Sprint(v)
case PTString:
return gqlQuoteString(v.(string))
case PTBytes:
return fmt.Sprintf("BLOB(%q)",
case PTBlobKey:
return fmt.Sprintf("BLOBKEY(%s)", gqlQuoteString(
case PTKey:
return v.(*Key).GQL()
case PTTime:
return fmt.Sprintf("DATETIME(%s)", v.(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
case PTGeoPoint:
// note that cloud SQL doesn't support this yet, but take a good guess at
// it.
v := v.(GeoPoint)
return fmt.Sprintf("GEOPOINT(%v, %v)", v.Lat, v.Lng)
case PTPropertyMap:
// This is a placeholder for tests. Nested properties are not expressible
// in GQL.
return "ENTITY(...)"
panic(fmt.Errorf("bad type: %s", p.propType))
// PropertySlice is a slice of Properties. It implements sort.Interface.
// PropertySlice holds multiple Properties. Writing a PropertySlice to datastore
// implicitly marks the property as "multiple", even if it only has one element.
type PropertySlice []Property
func (PropertySlice) isAPropertyData() {}
// Clone implements the PropertyData interface.
func (s PropertySlice) Clone() PropertyData { return s.Slice() }
// Slice implements the PropertyData interface.
func (s PropertySlice) Slice() PropertySlice {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
return append(make(PropertySlice, 0, len(s)), s...)
// IsZero implements the PropertyData interface.
func (s PropertySlice) IsZero() bool {
return len(s) == 0
func (s PropertySlice) estimateSize() (v int64) {
for _, prop := range s {
// Use the public one so we don't have to copy.
v += prop.estimateSize()
func (s PropertySlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s PropertySlice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s PropertySlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Less(&s[j]) }
// PropertyLoadSaver may be implemented by a user type, and Interface will
// use this interface to serialize the type instead of trying to automatically
// create a serialization codec for it with helper.GetPLS.
type PropertyLoadSaver interface {
// Load takes the values from the given map and attempts to save them into
// the underlying object (usually a struct or a PropertyMap). If a fatal
// error occurs, it's returned via error. If non-fatal conversion errors
// occur, error will be a MultiError containing one or more ErrFieldMismatch
// objects.
Load(PropertyMap) error
// Save returns the current property as a PropertyMap. if withMeta is true,
// then the PropertyMap contains all the metadata (e.g. '$meta' fields)
// which was held by this PropertyLoadSaver.
Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error)
// MetaGetterSetter is the sister interface of PropertyLoadSaver, which pertains to
// getting and saving metadata.
// Metadata are indicated on structs with the `gae:"$<keyname>[,default]"`. Typical
// examples include `$id`, `$kind`, `$parent` and `$key`, but some filters like
// dscache also use metadata to allow configurability for structs they interact with
// (such as `$dscache.enable` and `$dscache.expiration`).
// A *struct may implement MetaGetterSetter to provide metadata directly, e.g. via
// computation over the contents of the struct (for example, generating "id" as a
// hash of various fields in the struct).
// If you implement the MetaGetterSetter interface, your implementation must respond
// to ALL keys - there is no fallback to the default behavior. You can re-use the
// default behavior by doing the following. This example is for a struct whose ID is
// a pure function of the struct contents:
// type MyStruct { // $kind is derived from the public struct name
// // We want to optionally allow this struct to have a parent.
// OptionalParent *datastore.Key `gae:"$parent"`
// // other fields
// }
// func (s *MyStruct) GetMeta(key string) (any, bool) {
// // If the gae/datastore library is asking for the id, calculate it.
// if key == "id" {
// return s.calculateID(), true
// }
// // Otherwise use the datastore library default processing to read
// // tagged struct fields (e.g. $kind, $parent) using the normal
// // algorithm.
// return datastore.GetPLS(s).GetMeta(key)
// }
// func (s *MyStruct) GetAllMeta() datastore.PropertyMap {
// // Note that GetAllMeta, confusingly, only needs to return a map containing
// // the extra values returned by GetMeta.
// ret := datastore.PropertyMap{}
// ret.SetMeta("id", s.calculateID())
// return ret
// }
// func (s *MyStruct) SetMeta(key string, value any) bool {
// // We don't need to do any custom assignment, so just fallthrough to the
// // default.
// return datastore.GetPLS(s).SetMeta(key, value)
// }
// Note: Because of the nature of the underlying datastore library, `$id` can be SET
// even during Put operations. This will happen when gae calculates an incomplete key
// for an entity - when this happens, it means that the underlying datastore service
// will compute and attach a generated id (int64) to the entity it saves, and then
// return this back to the user.
type MetaGetterSetter interface {
// GetMeta will get information about the field which has the struct tag in
// the form of `gae:"$<key>[,<default>]?"`.
// It returns the value, if any, and true iff the value was retrieved.
// Supported metadata types are:
// int64 - may have default (ascii encoded base-10)
// string - may have default
// Toggle - MUST have default ("true" or "false")
// *Key - NO default allowed
// Struct fields of type Toggle (which is an Auto/On/Off) require you to
// specify a value of 'true' or 'false' for the default value of the struct
// tag, and GetMeta will return the combined value as a regular boolean true
// or false value.
// Example:
// type MyStruct struct {
// CoolField int64 `gae:"$id,1"`
// }
// val, err := helper.GetPLS(&MyStruct{}).GetMeta("id")
// // val == 1
// // err == nil
// val, err := helper.GetPLS(&MyStruct{10}).GetMeta("id")
// // val == 10
// // err == nil
// type MyStruct struct {
// TFlag Toggle `gae:"$flag1,true"` // defaults to true
// FFlag Toggle `gae:"$flag2,false"` // defaults to false
// // BadFlag Toggle `gae:"$flag3"` // ILLEGAL
// }
GetMeta(key string) (any, bool)
// GetAllMeta returns a PropertyMap with all of the metadata in this
// MetaGetterSetter. If a metadata field has an error during serialization,
// it is skipped.
// If a *struct is implementing this, then it only needs to return the
// metadata fields which would be returned by its GetMeta implementation, and
// the `GetPLS` implementation will add any statically-defined metadata
// fields. So if GetMeta provides $id, but there's a simple tagged field for
// $kind, this method is only expected to return a PropertyMap with "$id".
GetAllMeta() PropertyMap
// SetMeta allows you to set the current value of the meta-keyed field.
// It returns true iff the field was set.
SetMeta(key string, val any) bool
// PropertyData is an interface implemented by Property and PropertySlice to
// identify themselves as valid PropertyMap values.
type PropertyData interface {
// isAPropertyData is a tag that forces PropertyData implementations to only
// be supplied by this package.
// Slice returns a PropertySlice representation of this PropertyData.
// The returned PropertySlice is a clone of the original data. Consequently,
// Property-modifying methods such as SetValue should NOT be
// called on the results.
Slice() PropertySlice
// estimateSize estimates the aggregate size of the property data.
estimateSize() int64
// Clone creates a duplicate copy of this PropertyData.
Clone() PropertyData
// IsZero returns true if the property has the zero value or is an empty PropertySlice.
IsZero() bool
// PropertyMap represents the contents of a datastore entity in a generic way.
// It maps from property name to a list of property values which correspond to
// that property name. It is the spiritual successor to PropertyList from the
// original SDK.
// PropertyMap may contain "meta" values, which are keyed with a '$' prefix.
// Technically the datastore allows arbitrary property names, but all of the
// SDKs go out of their way to try to make all property names valid programming
// language tokens. Special values must correspond to a single Property...
// corresponding to 0 is equivalent to unset, and corresponding to >1 is an
// error. So:
// {
// "$id": {MkProperty(1)}, // GetProperty("id") -> 1, nil
// "$foo": {}, // GetProperty("foo") -> nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
// // GetProperty("bar") -> nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
// "$meep": {
// MkProperty("hi"),
// MkProperty("there")}, // GetProperty("meep") -> nil, error!
// }
// Additionally, Save returns a copy of the map with the meta keys omitted (e.g.
// these keys are not going to be serialized to the datastore).
type PropertyMap map[string]PropertyData
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = PropertyMap(nil)
// Load implements PropertyLoadSaver.Load
func (pm PropertyMap) Load(props PropertyMap) error {
for k, v := range props {
pm[k] = v.Clone()
return nil
// Save implements PropertyLoadSaver.Save by returning a copy of the
// current map data.
func (pm PropertyMap) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
if len(pm) == 0 {
return PropertyMap{}, nil
ret := make(PropertyMap, len(pm))
for k, v := range pm {
if withMeta || !isMetaKey(k) {
ret[k] = v.Clone()
return ret, nil
// Clone returns a deep copy of this PropertyMap.
// If `pm` is nil, returns nil as well.
func (pm PropertyMap) Clone() PropertyMap {
if pm == nil {
return nil
ret := make(PropertyMap, len(pm))
for k, v := range pm {
ret[k] = v.Clone()
return ret
// GetMeta implements PropertyLoadSaver.GetMeta, and returns the current value
// associated with the metadata key.
func (pm PropertyMap) GetMeta(key string) (any, bool) {
pslice := pm.Slice("$" + key)
if len(pslice) > 0 {
return pslice[0].Value(), true
return nil, false
// GetAllMeta implements PropertyLoadSaver.GetAllMeta.
func (pm PropertyMap) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
ret := make(PropertyMap, 8)
for k, v := range pm {
if isMetaKey(k) {
ret[k] = v.Clone()
return ret
// SetMeta implements PropertyLoadSaver.SetMeta. It will only return an error
// if `val` has an invalid type (e.g. not one supported by Property).
func (pm PropertyMap) SetMeta(key string, val any) bool {
prop := Property{}
if err := prop.SetValue(val, NoIndex); err != nil {
return false
pm["$"+key] = prop
return true
// Problem implements PropertyLoadSaver.Problem. It ALWAYS returns nil.
func (pm PropertyMap) Problem() error {
return nil
// Slice returns a PropertySlice for the given key
// If the value associated with that key is nil, an empty slice will be
// returned. If the value is single Property, a slice of size 1 with that
// Property in it will be returned.
func (pm PropertyMap) Slice(key string) PropertySlice {
if pdata := pm[key]; pdata != nil {
return pdata.Slice()
return nil
// EstimateSize estimates the size that it would take to encode this PropertyMap
// in the production Appengine datastore. The calculation excludes metadata
// fields in the map.
// It uses
// as a guide for sizes.
func (pm PropertyMap) EstimateSize() int64 {
ret := int64(0)
for k, vals := range pm {
if !isMetaKey(k) {
ret += int64(len(k))
ret += vals.estimateSize()
return ret
// TurnOffIdx sets NoIndex for all properties in the map.
// This method modifies the map in-place.
func (pm PropertyMap) TurnOffIdx() {
for key, val := range pm {
switch d := val.(type) {
case Property:
pm[key] = MkPropertyNI(d.Value())
case PropertySlice:
for i := range d {
d[i].indexSetting = NoIndex
panic("unexpected property type")
func isMetaKey(k string) bool {
// empty counts as a metakey since it's not a valid data key, but it's
// not really a valid metakey either.
return k == "" || k[0] == '$'
// GetMetaDefault is a helper for GetMeta, allowing a default value.
// If the metadata key is not available, or its type doesn't equal the
// homogenized type of dflt, then dflt will be returned.
// Type homogenization:
// signed integer types -> int64
// bool -> Toggle fields (bool)
// Example:
// pls.GetMetaDefault("foo", 100).(int64)
func GetMetaDefault(getter MetaGetterSetter, key string, dflt any) any {
dflt = UpconvertUnderlyingType(dflt)
cur, ok := getter.GetMeta(key)
if !ok || (dflt != nil && reflect.TypeOf(cur) != reflect.TypeOf(dflt)) {
return dflt
return cur
// byteSequence is a generic interface for an object that can be represented as
// a sequence of bytes. Its implementations are used internally by Property to
// enable zero-copy conversion and comparisons between byte sequence types.
type byteSequence interface {
// len returns the number of bytes in the sequence.
len() int
// get returns the byte at the specified index.
get(int) byte
// value returns the sequence's primitive type.
value() any
// string returns the sequence as a string (may cause a copy if not native).
string() string
// bytes returns the sequence as a []byte (may cause a copy if not native).
bytes() []byte
// fastCmp is an implementation-specific comparison method. If it returns
// true in its second return value, the comparison was performed and its
// result is in the first return value. Otherwise, the fast comparison could
// not be performed.
fastCmp(o byteSequence) (int, bool)
func cmpByteSequence(a, b byteSequence) int {
if v, ok := a.fastCmp(b); ok {
return v
// Byte-by-byte "slow" comparison.
ln := a.len()
if bln := b.len(); bln < ln {
ln = bln
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
av, bv := a.get(i), b.get(i)
switch {
case av < bv:
return -1
case av > bv:
return 1
return a.len() - b.len()
// bytesByteSequence is a byteSequence implementation for a byte slice.
type bytesByteSequence []byte
func (s bytesByteSequence) len() int { return len(s) }
func (s bytesByteSequence) get(i int) byte { return s[i] }
func (s bytesByteSequence) value() any { return []byte(s) }
func (s bytesByteSequence) string() string { return string(s) }
func (s bytesByteSequence) bytes() []byte { return []byte(s) }
func (s bytesByteSequence) fastCmp(o byteSequence) (int, bool) {
if t, ok := o.(bytesByteSequence); ok {
return bytes.Compare([]byte(s), []byte(t)), true
return 0, false
// stringByteSequence is a byteSequence implementation for a string.
type stringByteSequence string
func (s stringByteSequence) len() int { return len(s) }
func (s stringByteSequence) get(i int) byte { return s[i] }
func (s stringByteSequence) value() any { return string(s) }
func (s stringByteSequence) string() string { return string(s) }
func (s stringByteSequence) bytes() []byte { return []byte(s) }
func (s stringByteSequence) fastCmp(o byteSequence) (int, bool) {
if t, ok := o.(stringByteSequence); ok {
// This pattern is used for string comparison in strings.Compare.
if string(s) == string(t) {
return 0, true
if string(s) < string(t) {
return -1, true
return 1, true
return 0, false