blob: ceeb453287b72db8b3a3a5041d800eff0b7ddc49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package python
import (
// CommandLineFlag is a command-line flag and its associated argument, if one
// is provided.
type CommandLineFlag struct {
Flag string
Arg string
// String returns a string representation of this flag, which is a command-line
// suitable representation of its value.
func (f *CommandLineFlag) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("-%s%s", f.Flag, f.Arg)
// Target describes a Python invocation target.
// Targets are identified by parsing a Python command-line using
// ParseCommandLine.
// A Target is identified through type assertion, and will be one of:
// - NoTarget
// - ScriptTarget
// - CommandTarget
// - ModuleTarget
type Target interface {
// buildArgsForTarget returns the arguments to pass to the interpreter to
// invoke this target.
buildArgsForTarget() []string
// followsFlagSeparator returns true if this target follows the command-line
// flag separator (if present). This will be false for all flag arguments,
// since flags must precede the separator.
// - true: python <flags> -- <script> ...
// - false: python <flags> <script> -- ...
followsFlagSeparator() bool
// NoTarget is a Target implementation indicating no Python target (i.e.,
// interactive).
type NoTarget struct{}
func (NoTarget) buildArgsForTarget() []string { return nil }
func (NoTarget) followsFlagSeparator() bool { return false }
// ScriptTarget is a Python executable script target.
type ScriptTarget struct {
// Path is the path to the script that is being invoked.
// This may be "-", indicating that the script is being read from STDIN.
Path string
// FollowsSeparator is true if the script argument follows the flag separator.
FollowsSeparator bool
func (t ScriptTarget) buildArgsForTarget() []string { return []string{t.Path} }
func (t ScriptTarget) followsFlagSeparator() bool { return t.FollowsSeparator }
// CommandTarget is a Target implementation for a command-line string
// (-c ...).
type CommandTarget struct {
// Command is the command contents.
Command string
func (t CommandTarget) buildArgsForTarget() []string { return []string{"-c", t.Command} }
func (CommandTarget) followsFlagSeparator() bool { return false }
// ModuleTarget is a Target implementing indicating a Python module (-m ...).
type ModuleTarget struct {
// Module is the name of the target module.
Module string
func (t ModuleTarget) buildArgsForTarget() []string { return []string{"-m", t.Module} }
func (ModuleTarget) followsFlagSeparator() bool { return false }
// parsedFlagState is the current state of a parsed flag block. It is advanced
// in CommandLine's parseSingleFlag as flags are parsed.
type parsedFlagState struct {
// flag is the current flag block. It does not include the preceding "-".
// If a block is single, e.g., "-w", it will contain "w".
// If a block contains multiple flags, e.g, "-vvv", it will contain "vvv".
flag string
// args is the remainder of args following the flag block. It is used when
// a multi-argument flag does not include a conjoined data block.
// For example, "-Wall" has flag "W", value "all". ["-W", "all"], parses
// identically, but requires the argument after the "-W" to resolve.
args []string
// CommandLine is a parsed Python command-line.
// CommandLine can be parsed from arguments via ParseCommandLine.
type CommandLine struct {
// Target is the Python target type.
Target Target
// Flags are flags to the Python interpreter.
Flags []CommandLineFlag
// FlagSeparator, if true, means that a "--" flag separator, which separates
// the interpreter's flags from its positional arguments, was found.
FlagSeparator bool
// Args are arguments passed to the Python script.
Args []string
// BuildArgs returns an array of Python interpreter arguments for cl.
func (cl *CommandLine) BuildArgs() []string {
targetArgs := cl.Target.buildArgsForTarget()
args := make([]string, 0, len(cl.Flags)+1+len(targetArgs)+len(cl.Args))
for _, flag := range cl.Flags {
args = append(args, flag.String())
var flagSeparator []string
if cl.FlagSeparator {
flagSeparator = []string{"--"}
// If our target is specified as a flag, we need to emit it before the flag
// separator. If our target is specified as a positional argument (e.g.,
// CommandTarget), we can emit it on either side.
if !cl.Target.followsFlagSeparator() {
args = append(args, targetArgs...)
args = append(args, flagSeparator...)
} else {
args = append(args, flagSeparator...)
args = append(args, targetArgs...)
args = append(args, cl.Args...)
return args
// AddFlag adds an interpreter flag to cl if it's not already present.
func (cl *CommandLine) AddFlag(flag CommandLineFlag) {
if strings.HasPrefix(flag.Flag, "-") {
panic("flag must not begin with '-'")
for _, f := range cl.Flags {
if f == flag {
cl.Flags = append(cl.Flags, flag)
// AddSingleFlag adds a single no-argument interpreter flag to cl
// if it's not already specified.
func (cl *CommandLine) AddSingleFlag(flag string) {
cl.AddFlag(CommandLineFlag{Flag: flag})
// RemoveFlagMatch removes all instances of flags that match the selection
// function.
// matchFn is a function that accepts a candidate flag and returns true if it
// should be removed, false if it should not.
func (cl *CommandLine) RemoveFlagMatch(matchFn func(CommandLineFlag) bool) (found bool) {
newFlags := cl.Flags[:0]
for _, f := range cl.Flags {
if !matchFn(f) {
newFlags = append(newFlags, f)
} else {
found = true
cl.Flags = newFlags
// RemoveFlag removes all instances of the specified flag from the interpreter
// command line.
func (cl *CommandLine) RemoveFlag(flag CommandLineFlag) (found bool) {
return cl.RemoveFlagMatch(func(f CommandLineFlag) bool { return f == flag })
// RemoveAllFlag removes all instances of the specified flag from the interpreter
// command line.
func (cl *CommandLine) RemoveAllFlag(flag string) (found bool) {
return cl.RemoveFlagMatch(func(f CommandLineFlag) bool { return f.Flag == flag })
// Clone returns an independent deep copy of cl.
func (cl *CommandLine) Clone() *CommandLine {
return &CommandLine{
Target: cl.Target,
Flags: append([]CommandLineFlag(nil), cl.Flags...),
Args: append([]string(nil), cl.Args...),
// parseSingleFlag parses a single flag from a state.
func (cl *CommandLine) parseSingleFlag(fs *parsedFlagState) error {
// Consume the first character from flag into "r". "flag" is the remainder.
r, l := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(fs.flag)
if r == utf8.RuneError {
return errors.Reason("invalid rune in flag").Err()
fs.flag = fs.flag[l:]
// Retrieve the value for a non-binary flag. This mutates the flag state to
// consume that value.
getFlagValue := func() (val string, err error) {
switch {
case len(fs.flag) > 0:
// Combined flag/value (e.g., -c'paoskdpo')
val, fs.flag = fs.flag, ""
case len(fs.args) == 0:
err = errors.New("two-value flag missing second value")
// Flag value is in subsequent argument (e.g., "-c 'paoskdpo'").
// Consume the argument.
val, fs.args = fs.args[0], fs.args[1:]
// Some cases will set this to true if `r` is determined to just be a no-value
// single-character flag
isSingleCharFlag := false
switch r {
case 'c':
// Inline command target.
val, err := getFlagValue()
if err != nil {
return err
cl.Target = CommandTarget{val}
case 'm':
// Python module target.
val, err := getFlagValue()
if err != nil {
return err
cl.Target = ModuleTarget{val}
case 'Q', 'W', 'X':
// Two-argument Python flags.
val, err := getFlagValue()
if err != nil {
return err
cl.Flags = append(cl.Flags, CommandLineFlag{string(r), val})
case 'O':
// Handle the case of the odd flag "-OO", which parses as a single flag.
var has bool
if fs.flag, has = trimPrefix(fs.flag, "O"); has {
cl.Flags = append(cl.Flags, CommandLineFlag{"OO", ""})
// Single "O", do normal single-flag parsing.
isSingleCharFlag = true
case '-':
// handle the case of "--version", which is an atypical many-character flag.
if fs.flag == "version" {
fs.flag = ""
cl.Flags = append(cl.Flags, CommandLineFlag{"-version", ""})
// Not sure what this could be, but fall through none the less.
isSingleCharFlag = true
isSingleCharFlag = true
if isSingleCharFlag {
// One-argument Python flags. If there are more characters in "flag",
// don't consume the entire flag; instead, replace it with the remainder
// for subsequent parses. This handles cases like "-vvc <script>".
cl.Flags = append(cl.Flags, CommandLineFlag{string(r), ""})
return nil
// ParseCommandLine parses Python command-line arguments and returns a
// structured representation.
func ParseCommandLine(args []string) (*CommandLine, error) {
noTarget := NoTarget{}
cl := CommandLine{
Target: noTarget,
i := 0
for len(args) > 0 {
// Stop parsing after we have a target, as Python does.
if cl.Target != noTarget {
// Consume the next argument.
arg := args[0]
args = args[1:]
if arg == "-" {
// "-" instructs Python to load the script from STDIN.
cl.Target = ScriptTarget{
Path: "-",
isFlag := false
if !cl.FlagSeparator {
arg, isFlag = trimPrefix(arg, "-")
if !isFlag {
// The first positional argument is the path to the script, and all
// subsequent arguments are script arguments.
cl.Target = ScriptTarget{
Path: arg,
FollowsSeparator: cl.FlagSeparator,
// Note that at this point we've trimmed the preceding "-" from arg, so
// this is really "--". If we encounter "--" that marks the end of
// interpreter flag parsing; everything hereafter is considered positional
// to the interpreter.
if arg == "-" {
cl.FlagSeparator = true
// Parse this flag and any remainder.
fs := parsedFlagState{
flag: arg,
args: args,
for len(fs.flag) > 0 {
if err := cl.parseSingleFlag(&fs); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to parse Python flag #%d: %q", i, arg).Err()
args = fs.args
// The remainder of arguments are for the script.
cl.Args = append([]string(nil), args...)
return &cl, nil
func trimPrefix(v, pfx string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, pfx) {
return v[len(pfx):], true
return v, false