blob: a948300d6e07aa6e949dd0695d12f40e03f66a98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package tumble
import (
ds ""
mc ""
const (
// minNoWorkDelay is the minimum amount of time to sleep in between rounds if
// there was no work done in that round.
minNoWorkDelay = time.Second
var metricCompleted = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of mutations completed by tumble, but not necessarily deleted.",
var metricFailed = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of mutations attempted in tumble, but failed to complete.",
var metricDeleted = metric.NewCounter(
"The number of mutations deleted by tumble.",
// expandedShardBounds returns the boundary of the expandedShard order that
// currently corresponds to this shard number. If Shard is < 0 or > NumShards
// (the currently configured number of shards), this will return a low > high.
// Otherwise low < high.
func expandedShardBounds(c context.Context, cfg *Config, shard uint64) (low, high int64) {
totalShards := cfg.TotalShardCount(info.GetNamespace(c))
if shard < 0 || uint64(shard) >= totalShards {
logging.Warningf(c, "Invalid shard: %d", shard)
// return inverted bounds
return 0, -1
expandedShardsPerShard := int64(math.MaxUint64 / totalShards)
low = math.MinInt64 + (int64(shard) * expandedShardsPerShard)
if uint64(shard) == totalShards-1 {
high = math.MaxInt64
} else {
high = low + expandedShardsPerShard
func processShardQuery(c context.Context, cfg *Config, shard uint64) *ds.Query {
low, high := expandedShardBounds(c, cfg, shard)
if low > high {
return nil
q := ds.NewQuery("tumble.Mutation").
Gte("ExpandedShard", low).Lte("ExpandedShard", high).
return q
// processShard is the tumble backend endpoint. This accepts a shard number
// which is expected to be < GlobalConfig.NumShards.
func processShard(c context.Context, cfg *Config, timestamp time.Time, shard uint64, loop bool) error {
"shard": shard,
}.Infof(c, "Processing tumble shard.")
q := processShardQuery(c, cfg, shard)
if q == nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "dead shard, quitting")
return nil
// Calculate our end itme. If we're not looping or we have a <= 0 duration,
// we will perform a single loop.
var endTime time.Time
if cfg.ProcessLoopDuration > 0 {
endTime = clock.Now(c).Add(time.Duration(cfg.ProcessLoopDuration))
logging.Debugf(c, "Process loop is configured to exit after [%s] at %s",
cfg.ProcessLoopDuration.String(), endTime)
// Lock around the shard that we are trying to modify.
// Since memcache is namespaced, we don't need to include the namespace in our
// lock name.
task := makeProcessTask(timestamp, endTime, shard, loop)
lockKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.lock", baseName, shard)
clientID := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d_%s", timestamp.Unix(), shard, info.RequestID(c))
err := memlock.TryWithLock(c, lockKey, clientID, func(c context.Context) error {
return task.process(c, cfg, q)
if err == memlock.ErrFailedToLock {
logging.Infof(c, "Couldn't obtain lock (giving up): %s", err)
return nil
return err
// processTask is a stateful processing task.
type processTask struct {
timestamp time.Time
endTime time.Time
lastKey string
banSets map[string]stringset.Set
loop bool
func makeProcessTask(timestamp, endTime time.Time, shard uint64, loop bool) *processTask {
return &processTask{
timestamp: timestamp,
endTime: endTime,
lastKey: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.last", baseName, shard),
banSets: make(map[string]stringset.Set),
loop: loop,
func (t *processTask) process(c context.Context, cfg *Config, q *ds.Query) error {
// this last key allows buffered tasks to early exit if some other shard
// processor has already processed past this task's target timestamp.
lastItm, err := mc.GetKey(c, t.lastKey)
if err != nil {
if err != mc.ErrCacheMiss {
logging.Warningf(c, "couldn't obtain last timestamp: %s", err)
} else {
val := lastItm.Value()
last, err := serialize.ReadTime(bytes.NewBuffer(val))
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "could not decode timestamp %v: %s", val, err)
} else {
last = last.Add(time.Duration(cfg.TemporalRoundFactor))
if last.After(t.timestamp) {
logging.Infof(c, "early exit, %s > %s", last, t.timestamp)
return nil
err = nil
// Loop until our shard processing session expires.
prd := processRoundDelay{
cfg: cfg,
for {
var numProcessed, errCount, transientErrCount counter
// Run our query against a work pool.
// NO work pool methods will return errors, so there is no need to collect
// the result. Rather, any error that is encountered will atomically update
// the "errCount" counter (for non-transient errors) or "transientErrCount"
// counter (for transient errors).
_ = parallel.WorkPool(int(cfg.NumGoroutines), func(ch chan<- func() error) {
err := ds.Run(c, q, func(pm ds.PropertyMap) error {
root := pm.Slice("TargetRoot")[0].Value().(*ds.Key)
encRoot := root.Encode()
// TODO(riannucci): make banSets remove keys from the banSet which
// weren't hit. Once they stop showing up, they'll never show up
// again.
bs := t.banSets[encRoot]
if bs == nil {
bs = stringset.New(0)
t.banSets[encRoot] = bs
ch <- func() error {
switch err := processRoot(c, cfg, root, bs, &numProcessed); err {
case nil:
return nil
case ds.ErrConcurrentTransaction:
logging.ErrorKey: err,
"root": root,
}.Warningf(c, "Transient error encountered processing root.")
return nil
logging.ErrorKey: err,
"root": root,
}.Errorf(c, "Failed to process root.")
return nil
if err := c.Err(); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "Context canceled (lost lock?).")
return ds.Stop
return nil
if err != nil {
var qstr string
if fq, err := q.Finalize(); err == nil {
qstr = fq.String()
logging.ErrorKey: err,
"query": qstr,
}.Errorf(c, "Failure to run shard query.")
logging.Infof(c, "cumulatively processed %d items with %d errors(s) and %d transient error(s)",
numProcessed, errCount, transientErrCount)
switch {
case transientErrCount > 0:
return errors.New("transient error during shard processing", transient.Tag)
case errCount > 0:
return errors.New("encountered non-transient error during shard processing")
now := clock.Now(c)
didWork := numProcessed > 0
if didWork {
// Set our last key value for next round.
err = mc.Set(c, mc.NewItem(c, t.lastKey).SetValue(serialize.ToBytes(now.UTC())))
if err != nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "could not update last process memcache key %s: %s", t.lastKey, err)
} else if t.endTime.IsZero() || !t.loop {
// We didn't do any work this round, and we're configured for a single
// loop, so we're done.
logging.Debugf(c, "Configured for single loop.")
return nil
// If we're past our end time, then we're done.
if !t.endTime.IsZero() && now.After(t.endTime) {
logging.Debugf(c, "Exceeded our process loop time by [%s]; terminating loop.", now.Sub(t.endTime))
return nil
// Either we are looping, we did work last round, or both. Sleep in between
// processing rounds for a duration based on whether or not we did work.
delay :=
if delay > 0 {
// If we have an end time, and this delay would exceed that end time, then
// don't bother sleeping; we're done.
if !t.endTime.IsZero() && now.Add(delay).After(t.endTime) {
logging.Debugf(c, "Delay (%s) exceeds process loop time (%s); terminating loop.",
delay, t.endTime)
return nil
logging.Debugf(c, "Sleeping %s in between rounds...", delay)
if err := clock.Sleep(c, delay).Err; err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Warningf(c, "Sleep interrupted, terminating loop.")
return nil
func getBatchByRoot(c context.Context, cfg *Config, root *ds.Key, banSet stringset.Set) ([]*realMutation, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("tumble.Mutation").Eq("TargetRoot", root)
if cfg.DelayedMutations {
q = q.Lte("ProcessAfter", clock.Now(c).UTC())
fetchAllocSize := cfg.ProcessMaxBatchSize
if fetchAllocSize < 0 {
fetchAllocSize = 0
toFetch := make([]*realMutation, 0, fetchAllocSize)
err := ds.Run(c, q, func(k *ds.Key) error {
if !banSet.Has(k.Encode()) {
toFetch = append(toFetch, &realMutation{
ID: k.StringID(),
Parent: k.Parent(),
if len(toFetch) < cap(toFetch) {
return nil
return ds.Stop
return toFetch, err
func loadFilteredMutations(c context.Context, rms []*realMutation) ([]*ds.Key, []Mutation, error) {
mutKeys := make([]*ds.Key, 0, len(rms))
muts := make([]Mutation, 0, len(rms))
err := ds.Get(c, rms)
me, ok := err.(errors.MultiError)
if !ok && err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
for i, rm := range rms {
err = nil
if me != nil {
err = me[i]
if err == nil {
if rm.Version != getAppVersion(c) {
"mut_version": rm.Version,
"cur_version": getAppVersion(c),
}.Warningf(c, "loading mutation with different code version")
m, err := rm.GetMutation()
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "couldn't load mutation: %s", err)
muts = append(muts, m)
mutKeys = append(mutKeys, ds.KeyForObj(c, rm))
} else if err != ds.ErrNoSuchEntity {
return nil, nil, me
return mutKeys, muts, nil
type overrideRoot struct {
root *ds.Key
func (o overrideRoot) Root(context.Context) *ds.Key {
return o.root
func processRoot(c context.Context, cfg *Config, root *ds.Key, banSet stringset.Set, cnt *counter) error {
l := logging.Get(c)
toFetch, err := getBatchByRoot(c, cfg, root, banSet)
switch {
case err != nil:
l.Errorf("Failed to get batch for root [%s]: %s", root, err)
return err
case len(toFetch) == 0:
return nil
mutKeys, muts, err := loadFilteredMutations(c, toFetch)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.Err() != nil {
l.Warningf("Lost lock during processRoot")
return nil
allShards := map[taskShard]struct{}{}
toDel := make([]*ds.Key, 0, len(muts))
var numMuts, deletedMuts, processedMuts int
err = ds.RunInTransaction(txnBuf.FilterRDS(c), func(c context.Context) error {
toDel = toDel[:0]
numMuts = 0
deletedMuts = 0
processedMuts = 0
iterMuts := muts
iterMutKeys := mutKeys
for i := 0; i < len(iterMuts); i++ {
m := iterMuts[i]
s := clock.Now(c)
logging.Fields{"m": m}.Infof(c, "running RollForward")
shards, newMuts, newMutKeys, err := enterTransactionMutation(c, cfg, overrideRoot{m, root}, uint64(i))
logging.Fields{"m": m}.Infof(c, "done RollForward, took %s", clock.Now(c).Sub(s))
if err != nil {
l.Errorf("Executing decoded gob(%T) failed: %q: %+v", m, err, m)
for j, nm := range newMuts {
if nm.Root(c).HasAncestor(root) {
runNow := !cfg.DelayedMutations
if !runNow {
dm, isDelayedMutation := nm.(DelayedMutation)
runNow = !isDelayedMutation || clock.Now(c).UTC().After(dm.ProcessAfter())
if runNow {
iterMuts = append(iterMuts, nm)
iterMutKeys = append(iterMutKeys, newMutKeys[j])
// Finished processing this Mutation.
key := iterMutKeys[i]
switch {
case key.HasAncestor(root):
// try to delete it as part of the same transaction.
if err := ds.Delete(c, key); err == nil {
fallthrough // Failed to delete, try again outside of the transaction.
toDel = append(toDel, key)
numMuts += len(newMuts)
for shard := range shards {
allShards[shard] = struct{}{}
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
l.Errorf("failed running transaction: %s", err)
metricFailed.Add(c, int64(numMuts), root.Namespace())
return err
fireTasks(c, cfg, allShards, true)
l.Debugf("successfully processed %d mutations (%d tail-call), delta %d",
processedMuts, deletedMuts, (numMuts - deletedMuts))
metricCompleted.Add(c, int64(processedMuts), root.Namespace())
// This is for the mutations deleted in a transaction.
metricDeleted.Add(c, int64(deletedMuts), root.Namespace())
if len(toDel) > 0 {
for _, k := range toDel {
if err := ds.Delete(c, toDel); err != nil {
// This is categorized as failed because it's going to get retried again.
metricFailed.Add(c, int64(len(toDel)), root.Namespace())
l.Warningf("error deleting finished mutations: %s", err)
} else {
// This is for mutations deleted outside of the transaction,
// because they failed to delete the first time we tried to do it
// inside the transaction.
metricDeleted.Add(c, int64(len(toDel)), root.Namespace())
return nil
// counter is an atomic integer counter.
// When concurrent access is possible, a counter must only be manipulated with
// its "inc" and "add" methods, and must not be read.
// We use an int32 because that is atomically safe across all architectures.
type counter int32
func (c *counter) inc() int { return c.add(1) }
func (c *counter) add(n int) int { return int(atomic.AddInt32((*int32)(c), int32(n))) }
// processRoundDelay calculates the delay to impose in between processing
// rounds.
type processRoundDelay struct {
cfg *Config
nextDelay time.Duration
func (prd *processRoundDelay) reset() {
// Reset our delay to DustSettleTimeout.
prd.nextDelay = time.Duration(prd.cfg.DustSettleTimeout)
func (prd *processRoundDelay) next(didWork bool) time.Duration {
if didWork {
// Reset our delay to DustSettleTimeout.
return prd.nextDelay
delay := prd.nextDelay
if growth := prd.cfg.NoWorkDelayGrowth; growth > 1 {
prd.nextDelay *= time.Duration(growth)
if max := time.Duration(prd.cfg.MaxNoWorkDelay); max > 0 && delay > max {
delay = max
// Cap our "next delay" so it doesn't grow unbounded in the background.
prd.nextDelay = delay
// Enforce a no work lower bound.
if delay < minNoWorkDelay {
delay = minNoWorkDelay
return delay