blob: b74d755d7dd10e8c71e3006378405e5eb98a01b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package projectidentity
import (
. ""
func TestScopedServiceAccountStorage(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test successful creation of several identities", t, func() {
ctx := gaetesting.TestingContext()
var err error
var actual *ProjectIdentity
var expected *ProjectIdentity
storage := &persistentStorage{}
expected = &ProjectIdentity{
Email: "",
Project: "project1",
actual, err = storage.Create(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
expected = &ProjectIdentity{
Email: "",
Project: "project2",
actual, err = storage.Create(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
expected = &ProjectIdentity{
Email: "",
Project: "project3",
actual, err = storage.Create(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Test error raised upon duplicate", func() {
actual, err = storage.Create(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Test reading by identities by project and email", func() {
actual, err = storage.lookup(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
actual, err = storage.LookupByProject(ctx, expected.Project)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
Convey("Test deleting identity", func() {
actual, err = storage.lookup(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
err = storage.Delete(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
_, err = storage.lookup(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Test update identity", func() {
// Make sure we successfully read the expected entry
actual, err := storage.LookupByProject(ctx, expected.Project)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)
// Create an updated entry
updated := &ProjectIdentity{
Project: expected.Project,
Email: "",
So(updated, ShouldNotResemble, expected)
// Update the entry in the datastore
actual, err = storage.Update(ctx, updated)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, updated)
// Read from datastore, verify its changed
actual, err = storage.lookup(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(updated, ShouldNotResemble, expected)
So(actual, ShouldNotResemble, expected)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, updated)
// Create a new entry via update
expected = &ProjectIdentity{
Project: "project4",
Email: "",
actual, err = storage.Update(ctx, expected)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(actual, ShouldResemble, expected)