blob: 45a5dd8887e96bb2a4ddff433cd1f0223e7dc8b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package git
import (
gitilesapi ""
gitpb ""
// A structure to keep a list of commits for some ref.
type refCommits struct {
commits []*gitpb.Commit
// The pop method removes and returns first commit. Second return value is true
// if this was the last commit. Caller must ensure refCommits has commits when
// calling the method.
func (rc *refCommits) pop() (commit *gitpb.Commit, empty bool) {
commit, rc.commits = rc.commits[0], rc.commits[1:]
return commit, len(rc.commits) == 0
// We use commitHeap to merge slices of commits using max-heap algorithm below.
// Only first commit in each slice is used for comparisons.
type commitHeap []refCommits
func (h commitHeap) Len() int {
return len(h)
func (h commitHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
func (h commitHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
iTime := h[i].commits[0].Committer.Time.AsTime()
jTime := h[j].commits[0].Committer.Time.AsTime()
// Ensure consistent ordering based on commit hash when times are identical.
if iTime == jTime {
return h[i].commits[0].Id > h[j].commits[0].Id
// To make heap behave as max-heap, we consider later time to be smaller than
// earlier timer, i.e. latest commit will be the at the root of the heap.
return iTime.After(jTime)
func (h *commitHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
*h = append(*h, x.(refCommits))
func (h *commitHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *h
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
*h = old[0 : n-1]
return x
// logCache stores a cached list of commits (log) for a given ref at a given
// commit position return by Gerrit. The Key describes the query that was used
// to retrieve the log and follows the following format:
// host|project|ref|exclude_ref|limit
// When the ref moves, entity is updated with the new CommitID and updated Log.
// The Log field is an encoded list of commits, which is a created by encoding a
// varint for the number of commits in the list followed by the corresponding
// number of serialized gitpb.Commit messages.
type logCache struct {
Key string `gae:"$id"`
CommitID string `gae:"commit,noindex"`
Log []byte `gae:"log,noindex"`
ref string `gae:"-"`
func logCacheFor(host, project, ref, excludeRef string, limit int) logCache {
return logCache{
Key: fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s|%s|%d", host, project, ref, excludeRef, limit),
ref: ref,
func loadCacheFromDS(c context.Context, host, project, excludeRef string, limit int, refTips map[string]string) (cachedLogs map[string][]*gitpb.Commit) {
items := make([]logCache, 0, len(refTips))
for ref := range refTips {
items = append(items, logCacheFor(host, project, ref, excludeRef, limit))
cachedLogs = map[string][]*gitpb.Commit{}
var merr errors.MultiError
switch err := datastore.Get(c, items).(type) {
case errors.MultiError:
merr = err
case nil:
merr = nil
for i, item := range items {
if (merr != nil && merr[i] != nil) || item.CommitID != refTips[item.ref] {
buf := proto.NewBuffer(item.Log)
numCommits, err := buf.DecodeVarint()
if err != nil {
log := make([]*gitpb.Commit, 0, numCommits)
for j := uint64(0); j < numCommits; j++ {
var commit gitpb.Commit
if err = buf.DecodeMessage(&commit); err != nil {
log = append(log, &commit)
cachedLogs[item.ref] = log
func saveCacheToDS(c context.Context, host, project, excludeRef string, limit int, refLogs map[string][]*gitpb.Commit, refTips map[string]string) error {
items := make([]logCache, 0, len(refLogs))
totalBytes := 0
for ref, log := range refLogs {
buf := proto.NewBuffer([]byte{})
if err := buf.EncodeVarint(uint64(len(log))); err != nil {
return err
for _, commit := range log {
if err := buf.EncodeMessage(commit); err != nil {
return err
item := logCacheFor(host, project, ref, excludeRef, limit)
item.CommitID = refTips[ref]
item.Log = buf.Bytes()
items = append(items, item)
// This logic breaks storing caches into datastore into smaller requests to
// avoid exceeding 1MB limit on datastore requests set by AppEngine.
totalBytes += len(item.Log)
if totalBytes > 512*1024 { // 0.5 MiB
if err := datastore.Put(c, items); err != nil {
return err
totalBytes = 0
items = items[:0]
return datastore.Put(c, items)
// maxGitilesLogRPCsPerRequest is the max number of Gitiles requests allowed per
// user request to avoid exceeding Gitiles quota.
const maxGitilesLogRPCsPerRequest = 50
func (impl *implementation) loadLogsForRefs(c context.Context, host, project, excludeRef string, limit int, refTips map[string]string) ([][]*gitpb.Commit, error) {
cachedLogs := loadCacheFromDS(c, host, project, excludeRef, limit, refTips)
logging.Infof(c, "Fetched %d logs from cache, will fetch remaining %d logs from Gitiles", len(cachedLogs), len(refTips)-len(cachedLogs))
// Load missing logs from Gitiles.
newLogs := make(map[string][]*gitpb.Commit)
lock := sync.Mutex{} // for concurrent writes to the map
err := parallel.WorkPool(8, func(ch chan<- func() error) {
numRequests := 0
for ref := range refTips {
if _, ok := cachedLogs[ref]; ok {
if numRequests++; numRequests > maxGitilesLogRPCsPerRequest {
ch <- func() error {
// TODO(sergiyb,tandrii): if you have genuine need for this many refs
// at once, implement a cron job that runs this very function
// continuously to avoid bursts of gitiles traffic that will make Milo
// not functional for the other projects.
return errors.Reason("too many refs are new or changed to be "+
"fetched at once, stopping after %d. Check your config and/or "+
"reload the page", maxGitilesLogRPCsPerRequest).Err()
ref := ref
ch <- func() error {
log, err := impl.log(c, host, project, refTips[ref], excludeRef, &LogOptions{Limit: limit})
if err != nil {
return err
defer lock.Unlock()
newLogs[ref] = log
return nil
// Try to cache what we've fetched even if some requests failed.
if derr := saveCacheToDS(c, host, project, excludeRef, limit, newLogs, refTips); derr != nil {
logging.WithError(derr).Warningf(c, "Failed to cache logs fetched from Gitiles")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to fetch %d logs from Gitiles", len(refTips)-len(cachedLogs)-len(newLogs)).Err()
// Drop ref names and create a list containing all logs.
logs := make([][]*gitpb.Commit, 0, len(cachedLogs)+len(newLogs))
for _, log := range cachedLogs {
logs = append(logs, log)
for _, log := range newLogs {
logs = append(logs, log)
return logs, nil
// CombinedLogs implements Client interface.
func (impl *implementation) CombinedLogs(c context.Context, host, project, excludeRef string, refs []string, limit int) (commits []*gitpb.Commit, err error) {
defer func() { err = errors.Annotate(common.TagGRPC(c, err), "gitiles.CombinedLogs").Err() }()
// Check if the user is allowed to access this project.
allowed, err := impl.acls.IsAllowed(c, host, project)
switch {
case err != nil:
case !allowed:
err = status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "not found")
// Prepare Gitiles client.
client, err := impl.gitilesClient(c, host)
if err != nil {
// Resolve all refs and commits they are pointing at.
refTips, missingRefs, err := gitilesapi.NewRefSet(refs).Resolve(c, client, project)
if err != nil {
if len(missingRefs) > 0 {
logging.Warningf(c, "configured refs %s weren't resolved to any ref; either incorrect ACLs or redudant refs", missingRefs)
var logs [][]*gitpb.Commit
if logs, err = impl.loadLogsForRefs(c, host, project, excludeRef, limit, refTips); err != nil {
// We merge commits from all refs sorted by time into a single list up to a
// limit. We use max-heap based merging algorithm below.
var h commitHeap
for _, log := range logs {
if len(log) > 0 {
h = append(h, refCommits{log})
// Keep adding commits to the merged list until we reach the limit or run out
// of commits on all refs.
commits = make([]*gitpb.Commit, 0, limit)
for len(commits) < limit && len(h) != 0 {
commit, empty := h[0].pop()
// Do not add duplicate commits that come from different refs.
if len(commits) == 0 || commits[len(commits)-1].Id != commit.Id {
commits = append(commits, commit)
if empty {
heap.Remove(&h, 0)
} else {
heap.Fix(&h, 0)