[milo] support viewing more /ui/... routes without the /ui/ prefix.

1. implement createInterpolator to support more flexible redirect path
2. Support redirecting /inv/... to /ui/inv/...
3. Support redirecting /artifact/... to /ui/artifact/...
4. Add unit tests for createInterpolator.

R=chanli, nodir

Change-Id: I4e8b4b930fcee5b4c414e8f1d7b396ad8713755c
Bug: 1189310
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/luci/luci-go/+/2812659
Commit-Queue: Weiwei Lin <weiweilin@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Nodir Turakulov <nodir@chromium.org>
diff --git a/milo/frontend/resultui/assets/redirect-sw.js b/milo/frontend/resultui/assets/redirect-sw.js
index 8ff7be4..8e43cad 100644
--- a/milo/frontend/resultui/assets/redirect-sw.js
+++ b/milo/frontend/resultui/assets/redirect-sw.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
  * @fileoverview
- * This service worker redirects old build page links to the new build page.
+ * This service worker redirects milo links to ResultUI links.
  * This is 200-400ms faster than redirecting on the server side.
@@ -25,12 +25,18 @@
 self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
   const url = new URL(event.request.url);
-  const isOldBuildPage =
+  const isResultUI =
     // Short build link.
     url.pathname.match(/^\/b\//) ||
     // Long build link.
-    url.pathname.match(/^\/p\/[^/]+\/builders\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\//);
-  if (isOldBuildPage) {
+    url.pathname.match(/^\/p\/[^/]+\/builders\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\//) ||
+    // Invocation link.
+    url.pathname.match(/^\/inv\//) ||
+    // Artifact link.
+    url.pathname.match(/^\/artifact\//);
+  if (isResultUI) {
     url.pathname = '/ui' + url.pathname;
diff --git a/milo/frontend/routes.go b/milo/frontend/routes.go
index ba1cfe8..b2837a2 100644
--- a/milo/frontend/routes.go
+++ b/milo/frontend/routes.go
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
+	"net/url"
+	"github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter"
@@ -79,6 +81,12 @@
 	r.GET("/internal/cron/update-config", cronMW, UpdateConfigHandler)
 	r.GET("/internal/cron/update-pools", cronMW, cronHandler(buildbucket.UpdatePools))
+	// Artifacts.
+	r.GET("/artifact/:view_type/*_artifact_name", baseMW, redirect("/ui/artifact/:view_type/*_artifact_name", http.StatusFound))
+	// Invocations.
+	r.GET("/inv/*path", baseMW, redirect("/ui/inv/*path", http.StatusFound))
 	// Builds.
 	r.GET("/b/:id", htmlMW, handleError(redirectLUCIBuild))
 	r.GET("/p/:project/builds/b:id", baseMW, movedPermanently("/b/:id"))
@@ -189,16 +197,63 @@
 		panic("pathTemplate must start with /")
+	interpolator := createInterpolator(pathTemplate)
 	return func(c *router.Context) {
-		parts := strings.Split(pathTemplate, "/")
-		for i, p := range parts {
+		path := interpolator(c.Params)
+		http.Redirect(c.Writer, c.Request, path, status)
+	}
+// createInterpolator returns a function that can replace the variables in the
+// pathTemplate with the provided params.
+func createInterpolator(pathTemplate string) func(params httprouter.Params) string {
+	templateParts := strings.Split(pathTemplate, "/")
+	return func(params httprouter.Params) string {
+		components := make([]string, 0, len(templateParts))
+		for _, p := range templateParts {
 			if strings.HasPrefix(p, ":") {
-				parts[i] = c.Params.ByName(p[1:])
+				components = append(components, params.ByName(p[1:]))
+			} else if strings.HasPrefix(p, "*_") {
+				// httprouter uses the decoded URL path to perform routing
+				// (which defeats the whole purpose of encoding), so we have to
+				// use '*' to capture a path component containing %2F.
+				// "*_" is a special syntax to signal that although we are
+				// capturing all characters till the end of the path, the
+				// captured value should be treated as a single path component,
+				// therefore '/' should also be encoded.
+				//
+				// Caveat: because '*' is used, this hack only works for the
+				// last path component.
+				//
+				// https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter/issues/284
+				component := params.ByName(p[1:])
+				component = strings.TrimPrefix(component, "/")
+				components = append(components, component)
+			} else if strings.HasPrefix(p, "*") {
+				path := params.ByName(p[1:])
+				path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
+				// Split the path into components before passing them to
+				// url.PathEscape. Otherwise url.PathEscape will encode "/" into
+				// "%2F" because it escapes all non-safe characters in a path
+				// component (it should be renamed to url.PathComponentEscape).
+				components = append(components, strings.Split(path, "/")...)
+			} else {
+				components = append(components, p)
-		u := *c.Request.URL
-		u.Path = strings.Join(parts, "/")
-		http.Redirect(c.Writer, c.Request, u.String(), status)
+		// Escape the path components ourselves.
+		// url.URL.String() should not be used because it escapes everything
+		// automatically except '/' making it impossible to have %2F (encoded
+		// '/') in a path component ('%2F' will be double encoded to '%252F'
+		// while '/' won't be encoded at all).
+		for i, p := range components {
+			components[i] = url.PathEscape(p)
+		}
+		return strings.Join(components, "/")
diff --git a/milo/frontend/routes_test.go b/milo/frontend/routes_test.go
index 11e55ad..cc53334 100644
--- a/milo/frontend/routes_test.go
+++ b/milo/frontend/routes_test.go
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+	"github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter"
 	buildbucketpb "go.chromium.org/luci/buildbucket/proto"
@@ -495,3 +496,31 @@
 	result := &buildbucketpb.Build{}
 	return result, jsonpb.Unmarshal(f, result)
+func TestCreateInterpolator(t *testing.T) {
+	Convey("Test createInterpolator", t, func() {
+		Convey("Should encode params", func() {
+			params := httprouter.Params{httprouter.Param{Key: "component2", Value: ":? +"}}
+			interpolator := createInterpolator("/component1/:component2")
+			path := interpolator(params)
+			So(path, ShouldEqual, "/component1/"+url.PathEscape(":? +"))
+		})
+		Convey("Should support catching path segments with *", func() {
+			params := httprouter.Params{httprouter.Param{Key: "component2", Value: "/:?/ +"}}
+			interpolator := createInterpolator("/component1/*component2")
+			path := interpolator(params)
+			So(path, ShouldEqual, "/component1/"+url.PathEscape(":?")+"/"+url.PathEscape(" +"))
+		})
+		Convey("Should support encoding / with *_", func() {
+			params := httprouter.Params{httprouter.Param{Key: "_component2", Value: "/:?/ +"}}
+			interpolator := createInterpolator("/component1/*_component2")
+			path := interpolator(params)
+			So(path, ShouldEqual, "/component1/"+url.PathEscape(":?/ +"))
+		})
+	})