blob: 7c62d490a746619a0b2a25c66e5356ea412d61f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package pbutil
import (
dpb ""
tspb ""
pb ""
const (
resultIDPattern = `[a-z0-9\-_.]{1,32}`
maxLenSummaryHTML = 4 * 1024
// clockSkew is the maxmium amount of time that clocks could have been out of sync for.
clockSkew = 10 * time.Minute
var (
resultIDRe = regexpf("^%s$", resultIDPattern)
testIDRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^[[:print:]]{1,512}$`)
testResultNameRe = regexpf(
"^invocations/(%s)/tests/([^/]+)/results/(%s)$", invocationIDPattern,
type checker struct {
lastCheckedErr *error
// isErr returns true if err is nil. False, otherwise.
// It also stores err into lastCheckedErr. If err was not nil, it wraps err with
// errors.Annotate before storing it in lastErr.
func (c *checker) isErr(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
*c.lastCheckedErr = errors.Annotate(err, format, args...).Err()
return true
// ValidateTestID returns a non-nil error if testID is invalid.
func ValidateTestID(testID string) error {
return validateWithRe(testIDRe, testID)
// ValidateTestResultID returns a non-nil error if resultID is invalid.
func ValidateResultID(resultID string) error {
return validateWithRe(resultIDRe, resultID)
// ValidateTestResultName returns a non-nil error if name is invalid.
func ValidateTestResultName(name string) error {
_, _, _, err := ParseTestResultName(name)
return err
// ValidateSummaryHTML returns a non-nil error if summary is invalid.
func ValidateSummaryHTML(summary string) error {
if len(summary) > maxLenSummaryHTML {
return errors.Reason("exceeds the maximum size of %d bytes", maxLenSummaryHTML).Err()
return nil
// ValidateStartTimeWithDuration returns a non-nil error if startTime and duration are invalid.
func ValidateStartTimeWithDuration(now time.Time, startTime *tspb.Timestamp, duration *dpb.Duration) error {
t, err := ptypes.Timestamp(startTime)
if startTime != nil && err != nil {
return err
d, err := ptypes.Duration(duration)
if duration != nil && err != nil {
return err
switch {
case startTime != nil && now.Add(clockSkew).Before(t):
return errors.Reason("start_time: cannot be > (now + %s), but was +%s", clockSkew, t.Sub(now)).Err()
case duration != nil && d < 0:
return errors.Reason("duration: is < 0").Err()
case startTime != nil && duration != nil && now.Add(clockSkew).Before(t.Add(d)):
return errors.Reason("start_time + duration: cannot be > (now + %s), but was +%s", clockSkew, t.Add(d).Sub(now)).Err()
return nil
// ValidateTestResult returns a non-nil error if msg is invalid.
func ValidateTestResult(now time.Time, msg *pb.TestResult) (err error) {
ec := checker{&err}
switch {
case msg == nil:
return unspecified()
// skip `Name`
case ec.isErr(ValidateTestID(msg.TestId), "test_id"):
case ec.isErr(ValidateResultID(msg.ResultId), "result_id"):
case ec.isErr(ValidateVariant(msg.Variant), "variant"):
// skip `Expected`
case ec.isErr(ValidateTestResultStatus(msg.Status), "status"):
case ec.isErr(ValidateSummaryHTML(msg.SummaryHtml), "summary_html"):
case ec.isErr(ValidateStartTimeWithDuration(now, msg.StartTime, msg.Duration), ""):
case ec.isErr(ValidateStringPairs(msg.Tags), "tags"):
case msg.TestMetadata != nil && ec.isErr(ValidateTestMetadata(msg.TestMetadata), "test_metadata"):
return err
// ValidateTestResultStatus returns a non-nil error if s is invalid for a test result.
func ValidateTestResultStatus(s pb.TestStatus) error {
if err := ValidateEnum(int32(s), pb.TestStatus_name); err != nil {
return err
if s == pb.TestStatus_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED {
return errors.Reason("cannot be %s", pb.TestStatus_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED).Err()
return nil
// ValidateTestMetadata returns a non-nil error if tmd is invalid.
func ValidateTestMetadata(tmd *pb.TestMetadata) error {
if tmd.Location == nil {
return nil
if err := ValidateTestLocation(tmd.Location); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "location").Err()
return nil
// ValidateTestLocation returns a non-nil error if loc is invalid.
func ValidateTestLocation(loc *pb.TestLocation) error {
switch {
case loc.GetRepo() == "":
return errors.Reason("repo: required").Err()
case strings.HasSuffix(loc.Repo, ".git"):
return errors.Reason("repo: must not end with .git").Err()
case loc.FileName == "":
return errors.Reason("file_name: unspecified").Err()
case loc.Line < 0:
return errors.Reason("line: must not be negative").Err()
if err := validateFileName(loc.FileName); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "file_name").Err()
return nil
// ValidateFilePath returns a non-nil error if path is invalid.
func ValidateFilePath(path string) error {
switch {
case !strings.HasPrefix(path, "//"):
return errors.Reason("doesn't start with //").Err()
case strings.Contains(path, "\\"):
return errors.Reason("has \\").Err()
case len(path) > 512:
return errors.Reason("length exceeds 512").Err()
return nil
func validateFileName(name string) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "/") {
return errors.Reason("ends with /").Err()
return ValidateFilePath(name)
// ParseTestResultName extracts the invocation ID, unescaped test id, and
// result ID.
func ParseTestResultName(name string) (invID, testID, resultID string, err error) {
if name == "" {
err = unspecified()
m := testResultNameRe.FindStringSubmatch(name)
if m == nil {
err = doesNotMatch(testResultNameRe)
unescapedTestID, err := url.PathUnescape(m[2])
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "test id %q", m[2]).Err()
if ve := validateWithRe(testIDRe, unescapedTestID); ve != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(ve, "test id %q", unescapedTestID).Err()
return m[1], unescapedTestID, m[3], nil
// TestResultName synthesizes a test result name from its parts.
// Does not validate parts; use ValidateTestResultName.
func TestResultName(invID, testID, resultID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"invocations/%s/tests/%s/results/%s", invID, url.PathEscape(testID), resultID)
// NormalizeTestResult converts inv to the canonical form.
func NormalizeTestResult(tr *pb.TestResult) {
// NormalizeTestResultSlice converts trs to the canonical form.
func NormalizeTestResultSlice(trs []*pb.TestResult) {
for _, tr := range trs {
sort.Slice(trs, func(i, j int) bool {
a := trs[i]
b := trs[j]
if a.TestId != b.TestId {
return a.TestId < b.TestId
return a.Name < b.Name